honeybee_plus.radiance.resultcollection.database module

Database to save grid-based daylight simulation recipes.

class honeybee_plus.radiance.resultcollection.database.Database(filepath='radout.db', remove_if_exist=False)[source]

Bases: object

Sqlite3 database for honeybee grid_based daylight simulation.

The database currently only supports grid-based simulations.


Add an analysis grids to database.


Add result tables to database.


recipe_id – Recipe id as indicated in honeybee_plus.radiance.recipe.id


returns list of table names that are added to database.

add_source(name, state)[source]

Add a light source to database.

In + 3-phase studies light sources are window groups. In rest of studies sky is considered the light source and id 0 is reserved for sky.

  • name – Name of source.

  • state – Name of state.


An intger indicates global id for this source. The gid is a 7 digit

number. int(gid / 10^6) is the id of the source and gid % 10^6 is the id for the state.

Return type



Clean the current data from the table.

clean_table(table_name, vaccum=True)[source]

Clean the current data from the table.

property db_filepath

Get path to database.

execute(command, values=None)[source]

Run sql command.

executemany(command, values=None)[source]

Run sql command.

classmethod from_analysis_recipe(analysis_recipe, filepath='radout.db')[source]

Initiate a database for a daylighting recipe.


Get id for an analysis grid.

property isDatabase

Return True for database object.

is_column(table_name, column_name)[source]

Check if a column is available in a table in this database.

property last_grid_id

Get id for the last grid.


Get the ID for last sensor.

property last_source_id

Get id for last source.

Id is an intger indicates global id for this source. The gid is a 7 digit number. int(gid / 10^6) is the id of the source and gid % 10^6 is the id for the state.


Get last global id for this source.

load_daylight_factor_results(filepath, divide_by=1000, source_mapping=None)[source]

Load daylight factor results.

load_dc_result_from_file(filepath, table_name, column_name='value', source='sky', state='default', moys=None, header=True)[source]

Load Radiance results file to database.

The script assumes that each row represents an analysis point and number of coulmns is the number of timesteps.

  • res_type – 0 > sky_total, 1 > sky_direct, 2 > sun, 3 > final result

  • mode – 0 for “Insert” and 1 is for “Update”. Use 0 only the first time after creating the table.

load_matrix_form_file(mtx_file, table_name)[source]

Load Radiance matrix file to database.

The script assumes that each row represents an analysis point and number of coulmns is the number of sky patches.

load_point_in_time_illuminance_results(filepath, source_mapping=None)[source]

Load daylight factor results.

load_point_in_time_results(filepath, table_name, divide_by, source_mapping=None, integer=True)[source]

Generic method to load results from a result file.

load_solaraccess_results(filepath, moys, source_mapping=None)[source]
load_two_phase_results_final_from_folder(folder, moys=None, source_mapping=None, header=True)[source]

Load only final results from daylight coefficient studies.

  • folder – Path to result folder.

  • moys – List of minutes of the year. Default is an hourly annual study.

  • source_mapping – A dictionary that includes sources and their states. Keys are source names and values are list of states. If source_mapping is not provided this method will sort the states based on name.

load_two_phase_results_final_sun_from_folder(folder, moys=None, source_mapping=None)[source]

Load final and sun results from folder.

  • folder – Path to result folder.

  • moys – List of minutes of the year. Default is an hourly annual study.

  • source_mapping – A dictionary that includes sources and their states. Keys are source names and values are list of states. If source_mapping is not provided this method will sort the states based on name.

load_two_phase_results_from_folder(folder, moys=None, source_mapping=None)[source]

Load all the results from daylight coefficient studies.

This method loads all the results including sun, direct, total an final results. For uploading only the final results use load_final_dc_results_from_folder method.

This method looks for files with .ill extensions. The file should be named as <data-type>..<window-group-name>..<state-name>.ill for instance total..north_facing..default.ill includes the ‘total’ values from ‘north_facing’ window group at ‘default’ state.

  • folder – Path to result folder.

  • moys – List of minutes of the year. Default is an hourly annual study.

  • source_mapping – A dictionary that includes sources and their states. Keys are source names and values are list of states. If source_mapping is not provided this method will sort the states based on name.

property point_count

Returns a tuple of number of points for Analysis Grids.

Values are sorted by grid_id.

source_id(name, state)[source]

Get id for a light sources at a specific state.

property source_ids

Get list of source ids.

property source_mapper

Returna dictionary that maps src_id and state_id to global id.

{src_id: {state_id: id}, …}

property sources

Get light sources as a dictionary.

source_name..state is the key and id is the value.

property sources_distinct

Get unique name of light sources as a tuple.

Names are sorted based on id.

property tables

Get list of tables.