honeybee_plus.radiance.primitive module

Base class for Radiance Primitives.

Unless you are a developer you most likely want to use one of the subclasses of Primitive instead of using this class directly. Look under honeybee_plus.radiance.material and honeybee_plus.radiance.geometry


class honeybee_plus.radiance.primitive.Primitive(name, type, modifier=None, values=None, is_opaque=None)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for Radiance Primitives.


Primitive name as a string. Do not use white space and special character.


One of Radiance standard Primitive types (e.g. glass, plastic, etc)


Modifier. It can be primitive, mixture, texture or pattern. (Default: “void”).


A dictionary of primitive data. key is line number and item is the list of values {0: [], 1: [], 2: [‘0.500’, ‘0.500’, ‘0.500’, ‘0.000’, ‘0.050’]}

GEOMETRYTYPES = {'bubble', 'cone', 'cup', 'cylinder', 'instance', 'mesh', 'polygon', 'ring', 'source', 'sphere', 'tube'}
MATERIALTYPES = {'BRTDfunc', 'BSDF', 'antimatter', 'ashik2', 'dielectric', 'glass', 'glow', 'illum', 'interface', 'light', 'metal', 'metal2', 'metdata', 'metfunc', 'mirror', 'mist', 'mixedfunc', 'plasdata', 'plasfunc', 'plastic', 'plastic2', 'prism1', 'prism2', 'spotlight', 'trans', 'trans2', 'transdata', 'transfunc', 'void'}
MIXTURETYPES = {'mixdata', 'mixfunc', 'mixpict', 'mixtext'}
MODIFIERTYPES = {'BRTDfunc', 'BSDF', 'antimatter', 'ashik2', 'brightdata', 'brightfunc', 'brighttext', 'colordata', 'colorfunc', 'colorpict', 'colortext', 'dielectric', 'glass', 'glow', 'illum', 'interface', 'light', 'metal', 'metal2', 'metdata', 'metfunc', 'mirror', 'mist', 'mixdata', 'mixedfunc', 'mixfunc', 'mixpict', 'mixtext', 'plasdata', 'plasfunc', 'plastic', 'plastic2', 'prism1', 'prism2', 'spotlight', 'texdata', 'texfunc', 'trans', 'trans2', 'transdata', 'transfunc', 'void'}
NONEOPAQUETYPES = {'BRTDfunc', 'BSDF', 'dielectric', 'glass', 'mist', 'mixfunc', 'prism1', 'prism2', 'trans', 'trans2', 'transdata', 'transfunc'}
PATTERNTYPES = {'brightdata', 'brightfunc', 'brighttext', 'colordata', 'colorfunc', 'colorpict', 'colortext'}
TEXTURETYPES = {'texdata', 'texfunc'}
TYPES = {'BRTDfunc', 'BSDF', 'antimatter', 'ashik2', 'brightdata', 'brightfunc', 'brighttext', 'bubble', 'colordata', 'colorfunc', 'colorpict', 'colortext', 'cone', 'cup', 'cylinder', 'dielectric', 'glass', 'glow', 'illum', 'instance', 'interface', 'light', 'mesh', 'metal', 'metal2', 'metdata', 'metfunc', 'mirror', 'mist', 'mixdata', 'mixedfunc', 'mixfunc', 'mixpict', 'mixtext', 'plasdata', 'plasfunc', 'plastic', 'plastic2', 'polygon', 'prism1', 'prism2', 'ring', 'source', 'sphere', 'spotlight', 'texdata', 'texfunc', 'trans', 'trans2', 'transdata', 'transfunc', 'tube', 'void'}

Overwrite .NET ToString.

property can_be_modifier

Indicate if this object can be a modifier.

Materials, mixtures, textures or patterns can be modifiers.

classmethod from_json(mat_json)[source]

Make radiance primitive from json {

“modifier”: “”, // primitive modifier (Default: “void”) “type”: “custom”, // primitive type “base_type”: “type”, // primitive type “name”: “”, // primitive Name “values”: {} // values


classmethod from_string(primitive_string, modifier=None)[source]

Create a Radiance primitive from a string.

If the primitive has a modifier the modifier primitive should also be part of the string or should be provided using modifier argument.

head_line(minimal=False, include_modifier=True)[source]

Return first line of primitive definition.

If primitive has a modifier it returns the modifier definition as well.

property isRadianceGeometry

Indicate if this object is a Radiance geometry.

property isRadianceMaterial

Indicate if this object is a Radiance material.

property isRadianceMixture

Indicate if this object is a Radiance geometry.

property isRadiancePattern

Indicate if this object is a Radiance geometry.

property isRadiancePrimitive

Indicate that this object is a Radiance primitive.

property isRadianceTexture

Indicate if this object is a Radiance geometry.

property is_opaque

Indicate if the primitive is opaque.

This property is used to separate opaque and non-opaque surfaces.

property modifier

Get/set primitive modifier.

property name

Get/set primitive name.


Translate radiance primitive to json {

“modifier”: “”, // primitive modifier (Default: “void”) “type”: “custom”, // primitive type “base_type”: “type”, // primitive type “name”: “”, // primitive Name “values”: {} // values


to_rad_string(minimal=False, include_modifier=True)[source]

Return full radiance definition.

property type

Get/set primitive type.

property values
class honeybee_plus.radiance.primitive.Void[source]

Bases: object

Void modifier.


Overwrite .NET ToString.

property can_be_modifier


property is_opaque

False for a void.

property name



Return void.


Return full radiance definition.