honeybee_plus.radiance.recipe.recipeutil module

A collection of useful methods for recipes.


Create a named tuple that looks like window groups for glazing surfaces.

This is neccessary to work with normal glazing just like window groups.


separate input honeybee surfaces to RadFiles based on type.

This function analyzes a collection of input honeybee surfaces and returns 3 rad_file like objecs for opaque, glazing and tuple(window groups).

honeybee_plus.radiance.recipe.recipeutil.write_extra_files(rad_scene, target_dir, add_blacked=False)[source]

Copy additionl files from rad_scenes to working_dir.

  • rad_scene – A RadScene object.

  • target_dir – Target study folder. The files will be copied under extra.

  • add_blacked – Set to True to add the blacked radiance file to the same folder. The file will be named *_blacked.rad.

  • named tuple for each RadFile as (A) –

  • returns the file path to the list of original radiance files. (fp) –

  • returns the file path to the list of blacked radiance files. (fpblk) –

honeybee_plus.radiance.recipe.recipeutil.write_rad_files(scene_folder, project_name, opq, glz, wgs)[source]

Write files to a target directory.

This method should only be used for daylight coefficeint and multi-phase daylight simulations. The files will be written under

scene_folder/opaque scene_folder/glazing scene_folder/wgroup

If any of the surfaces has BSDF material the xml file will be copied under scene_folder/*/bsdf and the path to the material will be modified to the new path.

  • scene_folder – Path to working directory.

  • opq – A RadFile for opaque surfaces.

  • glz – A RadFile for glazing surfaces.

  • wgs – A collection of RadFiles for window-groups.


Return 3 list for radiance files for opaque, glz and window groups. The list for windowgroups will be a list of lists for each window group and its states.