Source code for honeybee_plus.radiance.resultcollection.database

"""Database to save grid-based daylight simulation recipes."""
from __future__ import division
from import get_id as get_recipe_id
from import get_name as get_recipe_name
from import is_point_in_time as is_recipe_pit
import contextlib
from datetime import timedelta
import os
import sqlite3 as lite
import time
import sys
if (sys.version_info >= (3, 0)):
    xrange = range
    from itertools import izip as zip

[docs]class Database(object): """Sqlite3 database for honeybee grid_based daylight simulation. The database currently only supports grid-based simulations. """ BASESOURCEID = 1000000 def __init__(self, filepath='radout.db', remove_if_exist=False): """Initate database. Args: folder: Path to folder to create database. filename: Optional database filename (default:radout) clean_if_exist: Clean the data in database file if the file exist (default: False). """ self._filepath = filepath if os.path.isfile(filepath) and remove_if_exist: os.remove(filepath) project_table_schema = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Project ( name TEXT NOT NULL, recipe TEXT NOT NULL, city TEXT, latitude REAL, longitude REAL, time_zone REAL, elevation REAL, results_loaded_at TIMESTAMP );""" # sensors and analysis grids. sensor_table_schema = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Sensor ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, grid_id INTEGER NOT NULL, loc_x REAL NOT NULL, loc_y REAL NOT NULL, loc_z REAL NOT NULL, dir_x REAL NOT NULL, dir_y REAL NOT NULL, dir_z REAL NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (grid_id) REFERENCES Grid(id), CONSTRAINT sensor_grid_id PRIMARY KEY (id, grid_id) );""" grid_table_schema = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Grid ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, name TEXT, count INTEGER );""" # light sources including sky which keeps the is of 0 source_table_schema = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Source ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE, source TEXT, state TEXT );""" # light sources and analysis grids relationship source_grid_table_schema = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SourceGrid ( source_id INTEGER NOT NULL, grid_id INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (source_id) REFERENCES Source(id), FOREIGN KEY (grid_id) REFERENCES Grid(id) );""" print('connecting to database at: {}'.format(filepath)) conn = lite.connect(filepath) conn.execute('PRAGMA synchronous=OFF') c = conn.cursor() # create table for sensors c.execute(project_table_schema) c.execute(sensor_table_schema) c.execute(grid_table_schema) # create table for sources and place holder for results c.execute(source_table_schema) c.execute(source_grid_table_schema) # add sky as the first light source if it doesn't exsit c.execute( """INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Source (id, source, state) VALUES (0, 'sky', 'default');""" ) conn.commit() conn.close()
[docs] @classmethod def from_analysis_recipe(cls, analysis_recipe, filepath='radout.db'): """Initiate a database for a daylighting recipe.""" cls_ = cls(filepath) cls_.add_analysis_grids(analysis_recipe.analysis_grids) cls_.add_result_tables( return cls_
@property def isDatabase(self): """Return True for database object.""" return True @property def db_filepath(self): """Get path to database.""" return self._filepath @property def tables(self): """Get list of tables.""" conn = lite.connect(self.db_filepath) tables = conn.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';") tables = tuple(table[0] for table in tables) conn.close() return tables
[docs] def execute(self, command, values=None): """Run sql command.""" with contextlib.closing(lite.connect(self.db_filepath)) as conn: with conn: with contextlib.closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: if values: cursor.execute(command, values) else: cursor.execute(command) return cursor.fetchall()
[docs] def executemany(self, command, values=None): """Run sql command.""" with contextlib.closing(lite.connect(self.db_filepath)) as conn: with conn: with contextlib.closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: if values: cursor.executemany(command, values) else: cursor.executemany(command) return cursor.fetchall()
[docs] def is_column(self, table_name, column_name): """Check if a column is available in a table in this database.""" cmd = "PRAGMA table_info(%s)" % table_name return column_name in tuple(i[1] for i in self.execute(cmd))
[docs] def clean(self): """Clean the current data from the table.""" tables = self.tables conn = lite.connect(self.db_filepath) c = conn.cursor() # clean data in each db for table in tables: c.execute("DELETE FROM %s" % table) c.execute("VACUUM") conn.commit() conn.close()
[docs] def clean_table(self, table_name, vaccum=True): """Clean the current data from the table.""" conn = lite.connect(self.db_filepath) c = conn.cursor() # clean data in each db c.execute("DELETE FROM %s" % table_name) if vaccum: c.execute("VACUUM") conn.commit() conn.close()
[docs] def last_sensor_id(self, grid_id): """Get the ID for last sensor.""" command = """SELECT seq FROM sqlite_sequence WHERE name='Sensor';""" sensor_id = self.execute(command) if not sensor_id: return 0 return int(sensor_id[0][0])
@property def last_source_id(self): """Get id for last source. Id is an intger indicates global id for this source. The gid is a 7 digit number. int(gid / 10^6) is the id of the source and gid % 10^6 is the id for the state. """ command = """SELECT id FROM Source ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;""" source_id = self.execute(command) if not source_id: return 0 return int(source_id[0][0]) @property def last_grid_id(self): """Get id for the last grid.""" command = """SELECT seq FROM sqlite_sequence WHERE name='Grid';""" grid_id = self.execute(command) if not grid_id: return 0 return int(grid_id[0][0]) @property def sources(self): """Get light sources as a dictionary. source_name..state is the key and id is the value. """ sources = self.execute("""SELECT source, state, id FROM Source;""") return {'..'.join((source[0], source[1])): source[2] for source in sources} @property def sources_distinct(self): """Get unique name of light sources as a tuple. Names are sorted based on id. """ command = """SELECT DISTINCT source FROM Source ORDER BY id;""" sources = self.execute(command) return tuple(src[0] for src in sources) @property def source_ids(self): """Get list of source ids.""" command = """SELECT id FROM Source ORDER BY id;""" ids = self.execute(command) return tuple(i[0] for i in ids) @staticmethod def _load_sources_from_files(result_files): sources = {} for fi in result_files: try: _, source, state = fi[:-4].split('..') except ValueError: source, state = fi[:-4].split('..') if source == 'scene': source = 'sky' if source not in sources: # add source sources[source] = [state] else: if state == 'default': sources[source].insert(0, state) else: sources[source].append(state) return sources def _add_new_sources(self, sources): """Add new sources from sources dictionary.""" # add new sources if any current_sources = self.sources for source, states in sources.items(): for state in states: key = '..'.join((source, state)) if key in current_sources: continue # get state id based on state name, etc. self.add_source(source, state)
[docs] def last_state_id(self, source): """Get last global id for this source.""" command = """SELECT id FROM Source WHERE source=? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;""" sid = self.execute(command, (source,)) if not sid: raise ValueError('Failed to find source "{}"'.format(source)) return sid[0][0]
[docs] def source_id(self, name, state): """Get id for a light sources at a specific state.""" if name == 'scene': name = 'sky' sid = self.execute( """SELECT id FROM Source WHERE source=? AND state=?;""", (name, state)) if not sid: raise ValueError( 'Failed to find source "{}" with state "{}"'.format(name, state) ) return sid[0][0]
@property def source_mapper(self): """Returna dictionary that maps src_id and state_id to global id. {src_id: {state_id: id}, ...} """ sources = {} values = self.execute("""SELECT id, src_id, state_id FROM Source;""") for (i, srid, stid) in values: if srid not in sources: sources[srid] = {} sources[srid][stid] = i return sources
[docs] def grid_id(self, name): """Get id for an analysis grid.""" gid = self.execute( """SELECT id FROM Grid WHERE name=?;""", (name,)) if not gid: raise ValueError( 'Failed to find analysis grid with name: "{}".'.format(name) ) return gid[0][0]
@property def point_count(self): """Returns a tuple of number of points for Analysis Grids. Values are sorted by grid_id. """ command = """SELECT count FROM Grid ORDER BY id;""" return tuple(c[0] for c in self.execute(command))
[docs] def add_result_tables(self, recipe_id): """Add result tables to database. Args: recipe_id: Recipe id as indicated in Returns: returns list of table names that are added to database. """ # daylight analysis results timeseries_result_table_schema = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s ( sensor_id INTEGER NOT NULL, grid_id INTEGER NOT NULL, source_id INTEGER NOT NULL, moy INTEGER NOT NULL, value INT, FOREIGN KEY (sensor_id) REFERENCES Sensor(id), FOREIGN KEY (grid_id) REFERENCES Grid(id), FOREIGN KEY (source_id) REFERENCES Source(id), CONSTRAINT result_id PRIMARY KEY (sensor_id, grid_id, source_id, moy) );""" timeseries_combined_result_table_schema = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s ( sensor_id INTEGER NOT NULL, grid_id INTEGER NOT NULL, source_id INTEGER NOT NULL, moy INTEGER NOT NULL, %s INT, FOREIGN KEY (sensor_id) REFERENCES Sensor(id), FOREIGN KEY (grid_id) REFERENCES Grid(id), FOREIGN KEY (source_id) REFERENCES Source(id), CONSTRAINT result_id PRIMARY KEY (sensor_id, grid_id, source_id, moy) );""" point_in_time_result_table_schema_float = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s ( sensor_id INTEGER NOT NULL, grid_id INTEGER NOT NULL, source_id INTEGER NOT NULL, value REAL, FOREIGN KEY (sensor_id) REFERENCES Sensor(id), FOREIGN KEY (grid_id) REFERENCES Grid(id), FOREIGN KEY (source_id) REFERENCES Source(id), CONSTRAINT result_id PRIMARY KEY (sensor_id, grid_id, source_id) );""" point_in_time_result_table_schema_int = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s ( sensor_id INTEGER NOT NULL, grid_id INTEGER NOT NULL, source_id INTEGER NOT NULL, value INT, FOREIGN KEY (sensor_id) REFERENCES Sensor(id), FOREIGN KEY (grid_id) REFERENCES Grid(id), FOREIGN KEY (source_id) REFERENCES Source(id), CONSTRAINT result_id PRIMARY KEY (sensor_id, grid_id, source_id) );""" # get information to add result table(s) name = get_recipe_name(recipe_id) point_in_time = is_recipe_pit(recipe_id) if point_in_time: # add a single table with the same name as the recipe if recipe_id in FLOATRECIPEIDS: self.execute(point_in_time_result_table_schema_float % name) else: self.execute(point_in_time_result_table_schema_int % name) return (name,) elif recipe_id not in COMBINEDRECIPEIDS: # add a single table with the same name as the recipe self.execute(timeseries_result_table_schema % name) return (name,) else: # add 4 tables for sun, sky_total, sky_direct and final results. table_names = \ (name + '_sky_total', name + '_sky_direct', name + '_sun', name) column_names = ('sky_total', 'sky_direct', 'value', 'value') for cn, tn in zip(column_names, table_names): self.execute(timeseries_combined_result_table_schema % (tn, cn)) return table_names
[docs] def add_analysis_grids(self, analysis_grids): """Add an analysis grids to database.""" sensor_command = """ INSERT INTO Sensor (id, grid_id, loc_x, loc_y, loc_z, dir_x, dir_y, dir_z) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);""" grid_command = """INSERT INTO Grid (id, name, count) VALUES (?, ?, ?);""" # find the id for the last analysis grid start_grid_id = self.last_grid_id if start_grid_id != 0: start_grid_id += 1 for grid_id, analysis_grid in enumerate(analysis_grids): # add analysis grid to db self.execute( grid_command, (start_grid_id + grid_id,, len(analysis_grid)) ) values = ( (count, grid_id, pt.location.x, pt.location.y, pt.location.z, pt.direction.x, pt.direction.y, pt.direction.z) for count, pt in enumerate(analysis_grid) ) self.executemany(sensor_command, values)
[docs] def add_source(self, name, state): """Add a light source to database. In + 3-phase studies light sources are window groups. In rest of studies sky is considered the light source and id 0 is reserved for sky. Args: name: Name of source. state: Name of state. Returns: gid: An intger indicates global id for this source. The gid is a 7 digit number. int(gid / 10^6) is the id of the source and gid % 10^6 is the id for the state. """ # see if it already exist try: gid = self.source_id(name, state) print('{}..{} already exist!').format(name, state) return gid except ValueError: # it doesn't exist so let's calculate the id and add it to database pass # see if the source already exist and get the highest gid for this source # and add it up by 1 otherwise get the highest id number and generate a new # id for this new source try: # check if the source is in database but not the state lid = self.last_state_id(name) gid = lid + 1 except ValueError: # this is a new source lid = self.last_source_id gid = (int(lid / self.BASESOURCEID) + 1) * self.BASESOURCEID except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) # add source to database command = """INSERT INTO Source (id, source, state) VALUES (?, ?, ?);""" self.execute(command, (gid, name, state))
[docs] def load_daylight_factor_results(self, filepath, divide_by=1000, source_mapping=None): """Load daylight factor results.""" assert os.path.isfile(filepath), \ 'Cannot find {}'.format(filepath) table_name = self.add_result_tables(get_recipe_id('daylight_factor'))[0] self.load_point_in_time_results(filepath, table_name, divide_by, source_mapping, integer=False)
[docs] def load_point_in_time_illuminance_results(self, filepath, source_mapping=None): """Load daylight factor results.""" assert os.path.isfile(filepath), \ 'Cannot find {}'.format(filepath) divide_by = 1 table_name = self.add_result_tables(get_recipe_id('point_in_time'))[0] self.load_point_in_time_results(filepath, table_name, divide_by, source_mapping)
[docs] def load_point_in_time_results(self, filepath, table_name, divide_by, source_mapping=None, integer=True): """Generic method to load results from a result file.""" command = \ """INSERT INTO %s (sensor_id, grid_id, source_id, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)""" % table_name num_type = int if integer else float ptc = self.point_count # for now there will be only sky source source_id = 0 db = lite.connect(self.db_filepath, isolation_level=None) # Set journal mode to WAL. db.execute('PRAGMA page_size = 4096;') db.execute('PRAGMA cache_size=10000;') db.execute('PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE;') db.execute('PRAGMA synchronous=OFF;') db.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("PRAGMA busy_timeout = 60000") # insert results from files into database try: values = [] cursor.execute('BEGIN') with open(filepath) as inf: for grid_id, pt_count in enumerate(ptc): for sensor_id in range(pt_count): value = float(next(inf)) / divide_by values.append((sensor_id, grid_id, source_id, num_type(value))) if len(values) % 250 == 0: cursor.executemany(command, values) values = [] # the remainder of the list cursor.executemany(command, values) except Exception as e: raise e finally: cursor.execute('COMMIT') db.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=DELETE;') db.commit() db.close()
[docs] def load_solaraccess_results(self, filepath, moys, source_mapping=None): assert os.path.isfile(filepath), \ 'Cannot find {}'.format(filepath) table_name = self.add_result_tables(get_recipe_id('solar_access'))[0] command = \ """INSERT INTO %s (sensor_id, grid_id, source_id, moy, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""" % table_name ptc = self.point_count # for now there will be only sky source source_id = 0 db = lite.connect(self.db_filepath, isolation_level=None) # Set journal mode to WAL. db.execute('PRAGMA page_size = 4096;') db.execute('PRAGMA cache_size=10000;') db.execute('PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE;') db.execute('PRAGMA synchronous=OFF;') db.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("PRAGMA busy_timeout = 60000") # insert results from files into database try: cursor.execute('BEGIN') with open(filepath) as inf: # remove header for line in inf: if line.startswith('FORMAT='): next(inf) # empty line break elif line.startswith('NCOLS='): ncols = int(line.split('=')[-1]) # ensure number of columns matches number of hours assert len(moys) == ncols, \ 'Number of columns (%d) is different from number of moys (%d).' % \ (ncols, len(moys)) values = [] for grid_id, pt_count in enumerate(ptc): for sensor_id in range(pt_count): tl = next(inf) for count, tv in enumerate(tl.split('\t')): if count == ncols: # this is last tab in resulst. continue moy = moys[count] value = 1 if float(tv) else 0 values.append((sensor_id, grid_id, source_id, moy, value)) if len(values) % 250 == 0: cursor.executemany(command, values) values = [] # the remainder of the list cursor.executemany(command, values) except Exception as e: raise e finally: cursor.execute('COMMIT') db.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=DELETE;') db.commit() db.close()
[docs] def load_two_phase_results_from_folder(self, folder, moys=None, source_mapping=None): """Load all the results from daylight coefficient studies. This method loads all the results including sun, direct, total an final results. For uploading only the final results use load_final_dc_results_from_folder method. This method looks for files with .ill extensions. The file should be named as <data-type>..<window-group-name>..<state-name>.ill for instance total..north_facing..default.ill includes the 'total' values from 'north_facing' window group at 'default' state. Args: folder: Path to result folder. moys: List of minutes of the year. Default is an hourly annual study. source_mapping: A dictionary that includes sources and their states. Keys are source names and values are list of states. If source_mapping is not provided this method will sort the states based on name. """ # assume it's an annual study moys = moys or [60 * h for h in xrange(8760)] # collect files result_files = {'sun': [], 'direct': [], 'total': [], 'final': []} for fi in os.listdir(folder): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, fi)): continue if not fi.endswith('.ill'): continue if fi.startswith('direct..'): result_files['direct'].append(fi) elif fi.startswith('sun..'): result_files['sun'].append(fi) elif fi.startswith('total..'): result_files['total'].append(fi) elif fi.startswith('diffuse..'): assert NotImplementedError( 'This method currently does not support radiation studies.' ) else: result_files['final'].append(fi) if len(result_files['total']) + len(result_files['sun']) + \ len(result_files['final']) == 0: raise ValueError('No result file was found in {}'.format(folder)) # find window groups and number of states for each if source_mapping: sources = source_mapping else: sources = self._load_sources_from_files(result_files['total']) self._add_new_sources(sources) total_sky_table_name, direct_sky_table_name, sun_table_name, table_name = \ self.add_result_tables(get_recipe_id('two_phase')) total_sky_column_name, direct_sky_column_name, sun_column_name = \ ('sky_total', 'sky_direct', 'value') # for each source and state upload the results for tf in result_files['total']: _, source, state = tf[:-4].split('..') print('Loading results from {}..{}'.format(source, state)) df = tf.replace('total..', 'direct..') sf = tf.replace('total..', 'sun..') # load total sky values print('\tLoading results for sky total') self.load_dc_result_from_file( os.path.join(folder, tf), total_sky_table_name, total_sky_column_name, source, state, moys ) print('\tLoading results for sky direct') # load direct sky self.load_dc_result_from_file( os.path.join(folder, df), direct_sky_table_name, direct_sky_column_name, source, state, moys ) print('\tLoading results for sun') # load sun self.load_dc_result_from_file( os.path.join(folder, sf), sun_table_name, sun_column_name, source, state, moys ) # calculate final value self._calculate_final_dc_result('two_phase')
[docs] def load_two_phase_results_final_sun_from_folder(self, folder, moys=None, source_mapping=None): """Load final and sun results from folder. Args: folder: Path to result folder. moys: List of minutes of the year. Default is an hourly annual study. source_mapping: A dictionary that includes sources and their states. Keys are source names and values are list of states. If source_mapping is not provided this method will sort the states based on name. """ # assume it's an annual study moys = moys or [60 * h for h in xrange(8760)] # collect files result_files = {'sun': [], 'final': []} for fi in os.listdir(folder): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, fi)): continue if not fi.endswith('.ill'): continue if fi.startswith('direct..'): continue elif fi.startswith('sun..'): result_files['sun'].append(fi) elif fi.startswith('total..'): continue elif fi.startswith('diffuse..'): continue elif '..' in fi: result_files['final'].append(fi) if len(result_files['sun']) + len(result_files['final']) == 0: raise ValueError('No result file was found in {}'.format(folder)) # find window groups and number of states for each if source_mapping: sources = source_mapping else: sources = self._load_sources_from_files(result_files['final']) self._add_new_sources(sources) total_sky_table_name, direct_sky_table_name, sun_table_name, table_name = \ self.add_result_tables(get_recipe_id('two_phase')) column_name = 'value' # for each source and state upload the results for tf in result_files['final']: try: _, source, state = tf[:-4].split('..') except ValueError: source, state = tf[:-4].split('..') print('Loading results from {}..{}'.format(source, state)) sf = 'sun..' + tf # load total sky values start_time = time.time() print('\tLoading total results') self.load_dc_result_from_file( os.path.join(folder, tf), table_name, column_name, source, state, moys ) took = time.time() - start_time print('Finished in %s' % (str(timedelta(seconds=took)))) start_time = time.time() print('\tLoading direct sun results') # load sun self.load_dc_result_from_file( os.path.join(folder, sf), sun_table_name, column_name, source, state, moys ) took = time.time() - start_time print('Finished in %s' % (str(timedelta(seconds=took))))
[docs] def load_two_phase_results_final_from_folder(self, folder, moys=None, source_mapping=None, header=True): """Load only final results from daylight coefficient studies. Args: folder: Path to result folder. moys: List of minutes of the year. Default is an hourly annual study. source_mapping: A dictionary that includes sources and their states. Keys are source names and values are list of states. If source_mapping is not provided this method will sort the states based on name. """ # assume it's an annual study moys = moys or [60 * h for h in xrange(8760)] # collect files result_files = [] for fi in os.listdir(folder): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, fi)): continue if not fi.endswith('.ill'): continue if fi.startswith('direct..'): continue elif fi.startswith('sun..'): continue elif fi.startswith('total..'): continue elif fi.startswith('diffuse..'): assert NotImplementedError( 'This method currently does not support radiation studies.' ) elif '..' in fi: result_files.append(fi) if len(result_files) == 0: raise ValueError('No result file was found in {}'.format(folder)) # find window groups and number of states for each if source_mapping: sources = source_mapping else: sources = self._load_sources_from_files(result_files) self._add_new_sources(sources) self.add_result_tables(get_recipe_id('two_phase')) table_name = 'two_phase' column_name = 'value' # for each source and state upload the results for tf in result_files: source, state = tf[:-4].split('..') print('Loading results from {}..{}'.format(source, state)) self.load_dc_result_from_file( os.path.join(folder, tf), table_name, column_name, source, state, moys, header )
[docs] def load_dc_result_from_file(self, filepath, table_name, column_name='value', source='sky', state='default', moys=None, header=True): """Load Radiance results file to database. The script assumes that each row represents an analysis point and number of coulmns is the number of timesteps. Args: res_type: 0 > sky_total, 1 > sky_direct, 2 > sun, 3 > final result mode: 0 for "Insert" and 1 is for "Update". Use 0 only the first time after creating the table. """ assert os.path.isfile(filepath), \ 'Cannot find {}'.format(filepath) command = \ """INSERT INTO %s (sensor_id, grid_id, source_id, moy, %s) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""" % (table_name, column_name) ptc = self.point_count moys = moys or [60 * h for h in xrange(8760)] total_rows = ptc[0] * len(moys) # for now there will be only sky source source_id = self.source_id(source, state) db = lite.connect(self.db_filepath, isolation_level=None) # Set journal mode to WAL. db.execute('PRAGMA page_size = 4096;') db.execute('PRAGMA cache_size=10000;') db.execute('PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE;') db.execute('PRAGMA synchronous=OFF;') db.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("PRAGMA busy_timeout = 60000") # insert results from files into database try: cursor.execute('BEGIN') with open(filepath) as inf: if header: # remove header for line in inf: if line.startswith('FORMAT='): next(inf) # empty line break elif line.startswith('NCOLS='): ncols = int(line.split('=')[-1]) # ensure number of columns matches number of hours assert len(moys) == ncols, \ 'Number of columns (%d) is different from number of moys (%d).' \ % (ncols, len(moys)) values = [] n = 0 pr_count = 1000000 for grid_id, pt_count in enumerate(ptc): for sensor_id in range(pt_count): tl = next(inf) for count, tv in enumerate(tl.split('\t')): try: moy = moys[count] except IndexError: # extra tab at the end of the file. continue value = int(float(tv)) values.append((sensor_id, grid_id, source_id, moy, value)) if len(values) % pr_count == 0: print( 'writing {}-{} of {} (%{:.2f}).'.format( n * pr_count, (n + 1) * pr_count, total_rows, (n + 1) * pr_count * 100 / total_rows )) n += 1 cursor.executemany(command, values) print('...') values = [] # the remainder of the list cursor.executemany(command, values) except Exception as e: raise e finally: cursor.execute('COMMIT') db.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=DELETE;') db.commit() db.close()
def _calculate_final_dc_result(self, recipe_name): """SkyTotalValue - SkyDirectValue + Sun > Total""" print('Calculating final result: total - direct + sun') db = lite.connect(self.db_filepath, isolation_level=None) # Set journal mode to WAL. db.execute('PRAGMA page_size = 4096;') db.execute('PRAGMA cache_size=10000;') db.execute('PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE;') db.execute('PRAGMA synchronous=OFF;') db.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("PRAGMA busy_timeout = 60000") command = """INSERT INTO {0} SELECT sensor_id, grid_id, source_id, moy, {0}_sky_total.sky_total - {0}_sky_direct.sky_direct + {0}_sun.value as value FROM {0}_sky_direct Natural JOIN {0}_sky_total Natural JOIN {0}_sun;""".format(recipe_name) # insert results from files into database try: cursor.execute('BEGIN') cursor.execute(command) except Exception as e: raise e finally: cursor.execute('COMMIT') db.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=DELETE;') db.commit() db.close()
[docs] def load_matrix_form_file(self, mtx_file, table_name): """Load Radiance matrix file to database. The script assumes that each row represents an analysis point and number of coulmns is the number of sky patches. """ dc_command = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s ( point_id INT, patch_id INT, value Number, PRIMARY KEY(point_id, patch_id) );""" % table_name mtx_insert_command = \ """INSERT INTO %s (point_id, patch_id, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?);""" \ % table_name db = lite.connect(self.db_filepath, isolation_level=None) # Set journal mode to WAL. db.execute('PRAGMA page_size = 4096;') db.execute('PRAGMA cache_size=10000;') db.execute('PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE;') db.execute('PRAGMA synchronous=OFF;') db.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("PRAGMA busy_timeout = 60000") cursor.execute(dc_command) # insert results from files into database cursor.execute('BEGIN') with open(mtx_file) as inf: for line in inf: if line.startswith('FORMAT='): next(inf) # empty line break elif line.startswith('NCOMP='): ncomp = int(line.split('=')[-1]) elif line.startswith('NCOLS='): ncols = int(line.split('=')[-1]) for row_num, row in enumerate(inf): for count, value in enumerate(row.split('\t')): if count % ncomp == 0: col_num = count / ncomp if col_num == ncols: # this is last tab in resulst. continue cursor.execute(mtx_insert_command, (row_num, col_num, value)) cursor.execute('COMMIT') db.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=DELETE;') db.commit() db.close()