honeybee_plus.radiance.pattern.brighttext module

Radiance Brighttext Pattern.


class honeybee_plus.radiance.pattern.brighttext.Brighttext(name, modifier=None, values=None, is_opaque=None)[source]

Bases: honeybee_plus.radiance.pattern.patternbase.RadiancePattern

Radiance Brighttext Pattern.

Brighttext is like colortext, but the writing is monochromatic.

mod brighttext id 2 fontfile textfile 0 11+

Ox Oy Oz Rx Ry Rz Dx Dy Dz foreground background [spacing]


mod brighttext id 2+N fontfile . This is a line with N words … 0 11+

Ox Oy Oz Rx Ry Rz Dx Dy Dz foreground background [spacing]

By default, a uniform spacing algorithm is used that guarantees every character will appear in a precisely determined position. Unfortunately, such a scheme results in rather unattractive and difficult to read text with most fonts. The optional spacing value defines the distance between characters for proportional spacing. A positive value selects a spacing algorithm that preserves right margins and indentation, but does not provide the ultimate in proportionally spaced text. A negative value insures that characters are properly spaced, but the placement of words then varies unpredictably. The choice depends on the relative importance of spacing versus formatting. When presenting a section of formatted text, a positive spacing value is usually preferred. A single line of text will often be accompanied by a negative spacing value. A section of text meant to depict a picture, perhaps using a special purpose font such as hexbit4x1.fnt, calls for uniform spacing. Reasonable magnitudes for proportional spacing are between 0.1 (for tightly spaced characters) and 0.3 (for wide spacing).