honeybee_plus.radiance.recipe.id module

Recipe ids.

This file is reference for recipe ids. Every id must be unique to that recipe.

The first two digits identifies if the recipe is for point_in_time [10] or multiple hours [20]. The follwing next digits identifies if recipe is grid-based [0] or view-based [1]. The following 3 digits is a counter starting from 000.

honeybee_plus.radiance.recipe.id.COMBINEDRECIPEIDS = (200002, 200005)

Recipes with values for direct sunlight.

honeybee_plus.radiance.recipe.id.DIRECTRECIPEIDS = (200001, 200002, 200005)

Recipes which the result should be saved as float and not integer.

honeybee_plus.radiance.recipe.id.NAMES = {100000: 'daylight_factor', 100001: 'point_in_time', 100002: 'cumulative_radiation', 100003: 'vertical_sky_component', 200000: 'solar_access', 200001: 'direct_sun', 200002: 'two_phase', 200003: 'three_phase', 200004: 'annual_radiation', 200005: 'five_phase', 200006: 'direct_reflection'}

Combined recipes are recipes that combine direct sunlight and sky calculations.

These ids are used by honeybee_plus.radiance.resultcollection.database.Database class to add extra tables for results.

honeybee_plus.radiance.recipe.id.get_id(name, recipe_type=0)[source]

Get Honeybee ID from recipe name.

  • name – Recipe name (e.g. daylight_factor).

  • recipe_type – 0 for grid-based and 1 for view-based recipes.


A 6 digits number. The first two digits identifies if the recipe is for point_in_time [10] or multiple hours [20]. The follwing next digits identifies if recipe is grid-based [0] or view-based [1]. The following 3 digits is a counter starting from 000.


Get recipe name from ID.


Check if a recipe id is point in time.