honeybee_plus.radiance.recipe.directreflection.gridbased module

class honeybee_plus.radiance.recipe.directreflection.gridbased.DirectReflectionGridBased(sun_vectors, hoys, analysis_grids, timestep=1, reflective_surfaces=None, context_surfaces=None, sub_folder='directreflection')[source]

Bases: honeybee_plus.radiance.recipe.solaraccess.gridbased.SolarAccessGridBased

Direct reflection recipe.

This recipe calculates the direct and first reflection from reflective surfaces.

classmethod from_json(rec_json)[source]

Create the solar access recipe from json. {

“id”: “solar_access”, “type”: “gridbased”, “location”: null, // a honeybee location - see below “hoys”: [], // list of hours of the year “surfaces”: [], // list of honeybee surfaces “analysis_grids”: [] // list of analysis grids “sun_vectors”: [] // list of sun vectors if location is not provided


classmethod from_location_and_analysis_period(location, analysis_period, point_groups, vector_groups=None, reflective_surfaces=None, context_surfaces=None, sub_folder='directreflection')[source]

Create direct reflection recipe from Location and analysis period.

classmethod from_location_and_hoys(location, hoys, point_groups, vector_groups=[], timestep=1, reflective_surfaces=None, context_surfaces=None, sub_folder='directreflection')[source]

Create direct reflection recipe from Location and hours of year.

classmethod from_suns(suns, point_groups, vector_groups=[], timestep=1, reflective_surfaces=None, context_surfaces=None, sub_folder='directreflection')[source]

Create direct reflection recipe from LB sun objects.


A list of ladybug suns.


A list of (x, y, z) test points or lists of (x, y, z) test points. Each list of test points will be converted to a TestPointGroup. If testPts is a single flattened list only one TestPointGroup will be created.


An optional list of (x, y, z) vectors. Each vector represents direction of corresponding point in testPts. If the vector is not provided (0, 0, 1) will be assigned.


The number of timesteps per hour for sun vectors. This number should be smaller than 60 and divisible by 60. The default is set to 1 such that one sun vector is generated for each hour (Default: 1).


A list of Honeybee surfaces to be modeled as reflective materials (Default: None).


A list of non-reflective Honeybee surfaces (default: None).


Analysis subfolder for this recipe. (Default: “directreflection”)


Return results for this analysis.


Create the solar access recipe from json. {

“id”: “solar_access”, “type”: “gridbased”, “location”: null, // a honeybee location - see below “hoys”: [], // list of hours of the year “surfaces”: [], // list of honeybee surfaces “analysis_grids”: [], // list of analysis grids “sun_vectors”: []


static update_reflective_surfaces(surfaces)[source]

Update surface materials to reflective mirror.

write(target_folder, project_name='untitled', header=True, transpose=False)[source]

Write analysis files to target folder.

Files for sunlight hours analysis are:

test points <project_name.pts>: List of analysis points. suns file <.sun>: list of sun sources . suns material file <*_suns.mat>: Radiance materials for sun sources. suns geometry file <*_suns.rad>: Radiance geometries for sun sources. material file <.mat>: Radiance materials. Will be empty if hb_objects is


geometry file <*.rad>: Radiance geometries. Will be empty if hb_objects is


batch file <*.bat>: An executable batch file which has the list of commands.
oconv [material file] [geometry file] [sun materials file] [sun

geometries file] > [octree file]

rcontrib -ab 0 -ad 10000 -I -M [sunlist.txt] -dc 1 [octree file]< [pts

file] > [rcontrib results file]

  • target_folder – Path to parent folder. Files will be created under target_folder/gridbased. use self.sub_folder to change subfolder name.

  • project_name – Name of this project as a string.

  • transpose – Set to True to transpose the results matrix. By defalut each row include the results for each point and each column is the results for a different timestep (default: False).


True in case of success.