honeybee_plus.radiance.command.gensky module

class honeybee_plus.radiance.command.gensky.Gensky(output_name='untitled', month_day_hour=None, rotation=0, gensky_parameters=None)[source]

Bases: honeybee_plus.radiance.command._commandbase.RadianceCommand

gensky - Generate an annual Perez sky matrix from a weather tape.

The attributes for this class and their data descriptors are given below. Please note that the first two inputs for each descriptor are for internal naming purposes only.


An optional name for output file name (Default: ‘untitled’).


A tuple containing inputs for month, day and hour.


Radiance parameters for gensky. If None Default parameters will be set. You can use self.gensky_parameters to view, add or remove the parameters before executing the command.


from honeybee_plus.radiance.parameters.gensky import GenSkyParameters from honeybee_plus.radiance.command.gensky import GenSky

# create and modify gensky_parameters. In this case a sunny with no sun # will be generated. gnsky_param = GenSkyParameters() gnskyParam.sunny_skyNoSun = True

# create the gensky Command. gnsky = GenSky(month_day_hour=(1,1,11), gensky_parameters=gnskyParam, output_name = r’d:/sunnyWSun_010111.sky’ )

# run gensky gnsky.execute()


classmethod from_sky_type(output_name='untitled', month_day_hour=(9, 21, 12), sky_type=0, latitude=None, longitude=None, meridian=None, rotation=0)[source]

Create a sky by sky type.

  • output_name – An optional name for output file name (Default: ‘untitled’).

  • month_day_hour – A tuple containing inputs for month, day and hour.

  • sky_type – An intger between 0-5 for CIE sky type. 0: [+s] Sunny with sun, 1: [-s] Sunny without sun, 2: [+i] Intermediate with sun, 3: [-i] Intermediate with no sun, 4: [-c] Cloudy overcast sky, 5: [-u] Uniform cloudy sky

  • latitude – [-a] A float number to indicate site altitude. Negative angle indicates south latitude.

  • longitude – [-o] A float number to indicate site latitude. Negative angle indicates east longitude.

  • meridian – [-m] A float number to indicate site meridian west of Greenwich.

property gensky_parameters

Get and set gensky_parameters.

property input_files

Input files for this command.

month_day_hour = None
output_file = None



results file for sky (Default


Return full command as a string.

classmethod uniform_skyfrom_illuminance_value(output_name='untitled', illuminance_value=10000, sky_type=4)[source]

Uniform CIE sky based on illuminance value.


An optional name for output file name (Default: ‘untitled’).


Desired illuminance value in lux