"""A collection of useful methods for daylight-coeff recipes."""
from ...futil import preparedir, copy_files_to_folder
from ..command.rfluxmtx import Rfluxmtx
from ..command.dctimestep import Dctimestep
from ..command.rmtxop import Rmtxop, RmtxopMatrix
from ..command.gendaymtx import Gendaymtx
from ..sky.sunmatrix import SunMatrix
from ..sky.analemma import AnalemmaReversed as Analemma
from ..command.oconv import Oconv
from ..command.rpict import Rpict
from ..command.rcontrib import Rcontrib
from ..command.vwrays import Vwrays
from ..parameters.rpict import RpictParameters
from .recipeutil import glz_srf_to_window_group
from .parameters import get_radiance_parameters_grid_based, \
import os
from collections import namedtuple
[docs]def write_rad_files_daylight_coeff(working_dir, project_name, opq, glz, wgs):
"""Write files to a target directory for daylight coefficeint method.
The files will be written under
working_dir: Path to working directory.
opq: A RadFile for opaque surfaces.
glz: A RadFile for glazing surfaces.
wgs: A collection of RadFiles for window-groups.
A named tuple for each RadFile as (fp, fpblk)
fp returns the file path to the list of radiance files.
fpblk returns the file path to the list of blacked radiance files.
Files = namedtuple('Files', ['fp', 'fpblk'])
folder = os.path.join(working_dir, 'opaque')
of = opq.write_geometries(folder, '%s..opq.rad' % project_name, 0, mkdir=True)
om = opq.write_materials(folder, '%s..opq.mat' % project_name, 0, blacked=False)
bm = opq.write_materials(folder, '%s..blk.mat' % project_name, 0, blacked=True)
opqf = Files((om, of), (bm, of))
folder = os.path.join(working_dir, 'glazing')
ogf = glz.write_geometries(folder, '%s..glz.rad' % project_name, 0, mkdir=True)
ogm = glz.write_materials(folder, '%s..glz.mat' % project_name, 0, blacked=False)
bgm = glz.write_materials(folder, '%s..blk.mat' % project_name, 0, blacked=True)
glzf = Files((ogm, ogf), (bgm, ogf))
wgfs = []
folder = os.path.join(working_dir, 'wgroup')
bsdfs = []
bsdffolder = os.path.join(working_dir, 'bsdf')
preparedir(bsdffolder, remove_content=False)
# write black material to folder
for count, wgf in enumerate(wgs):
# write it as a black geometry
wg = wgf.hb_surfaces[0]
name = wg.name
if count == 0:
wgbm = wgf.write_black_material(folder, 'black.mat', mkdir=True)
wgbf = wgf.write_geometries_blacked(folder, '%s..blk.rad' % name, 0)
# write files for each state
wgfstate = []
for scount, state in enumerate(wg.states):
wg.state = scount
if hasattr(wg.radiance_material, 'xmlfile'):
wgfst = wgf.write(folder, '%s..%s.rad' % (name, state.name), 0)
wg.state = 0 # set the state back to 0
wgfs.append(Files(wgfstate, (wgbm, wgbf)))
copy_files_to_folder(bsdfs, bsdffolder)
return opqf, glzf, wgfs
[docs]def get_commands_sky(project_folder, sky_matrix, reuse=True):
"""Get list of commands to generate the skies.
1. total sky matrix
2. direct only sky matrix
3. sun matrix (aka analemma)
This methdo genrates sun matrix under project_folder/sky and return the commands
to generate skies number 1 and 2.
Returns a namedtuple for (output_files, commands)
output_files in a namedtuple itself (sky_mtx_total, sky_mtx_direct, analemma,
sunlist, analemmaMtx).
OutputFiles = namedtuple('OutputFiles',
'sky_mtx_total sky_mtx_direct analemma sunlist analemmaMtx')
SkyCommands = namedtuple('SkyCommands', 'output_files commands')
commands = []
# # 2.1.Create sky matrix.
sky_matrix.mode = 0
sky_mtx_total = 'sky/{}.smx'.format(sky_matrix.name)
sky_matrix.mode = 1
sky_mtx_direct = 'sky/{}.smx'.format(sky_matrix.name)
sky_matrix.mode = 0
# add commands for total and direct sky matrix.
if hasattr(sky_matrix, 'isSkyMatrix'):
for m in range(2):
sky_matrix.mode = m
gdm = skymtx_to_gendaymtx(sky_matrix, project_folder)
if gdm:
note = ':: {} sky matrix'.format('direct' if m else 'total')
commands.extend((note, gdm))
sky_matrix.mode = 0
# sky vector
raise TypeError('You must use a SkyMatrix to generate the sky.')
# # 2.2. Create sun matrix
sm = SunMatrix.from_wea(sky_matrix.wea, sky_matrix.north, sky_matrix.hoys,
analemma_mtx = sm.execute(os.path.join(project_folder, 'sky'))
ann = Analemma.from_wea(sky_matrix.wea, sky_matrix.hoys, sky_matrix.north)
ann.execute(os.path.join(project_folder, 'sky'))
sunlist = os.path.join('.', 'sky', ann.sunlist_file)
analemma = os.path.join(project_folder + '/sky', ann.analemma_file)
of = OutputFiles(sky_mtx_total, sky_mtx_direct, analemma, sunlist, analemma_mtx)
return SkyCommands(commands, of)
[docs]def get_commands_radiation_sky(project_folder, sky_matrix, reuse=True, simplified=False):
"""Get list of commands to generate the skies.
1. sky matrix diffuse
3. sun matrix (aka analemma)
This methdo genrates sun matrix under project_folder/sky and return the commands
to generate sky number 1.
Returns a namedtuple for (output_files, commands)
output_files in a namedtuple itself (sky_mtx_total, sky_mtx_direct, analemma,
sunlist, analemmaMtx).
Simplified method will only calculate radiation under patched sky.
if not simplified:
OutputFiles = namedtuple('OutputFiles',
'sky_mtxDiff analemma sunlist analemmaMtx')
OutputFiles = namedtuple('OutputFiles', 'sky_mtxDiff')
SkyCommands = namedtuple('SkyCommands', 'output_files commands')
commands = []
if not hasattr(sky_matrix, 'isSkyMatrix'):
# sky vector
raise TypeError('You must use a SkyMatrix to generate the sky.')
# # 2.1.Create sky matrix.
sky_matrix.mode = 2 if not simplified else 0
sky_mtx_diff = 'sky/{}.smx'.format(sky_matrix.name)
gdm = skymtx_to_gendaymtx(sky_matrix, project_folder)
if gdm:
note = ':: diffuse sky matrix' if not simplified else ':: total sky matrix'
commands.extend((note, gdm))
sky_matrix.mode = 0
if not simplified:
# # 2.2. Create sun matrix
sm = SunMatrix.from_wea(sky_matrix.wea, sky_matrix.north, sky_matrix.hoys,
analemma_mtx = sm.execute(os.path.join(project_folder, 'sky'))
ann = Analemma.from_wea(sky_matrix.wea, sky_matrix.hoys, sky_matrix.north)
ann.execute(os.path.join(project_folder, 'sky'))
sunlist = os.path.join('.', 'sky', ann.sunlist_file)
analemma = os.path.join(project_folder + '/sky', ann.analemma_file)
of = OutputFiles(sky_mtx_diff, analemma, sunlist, analemma_mtx)
of = OutputFiles(sky_mtx_diff)
return SkyCommands(commands, of)
# TODO(mostapha): restructure inputs to make the method useful for a normal user.
# It's currently structured to satisfy what we need for the recipes.
[docs]def get_commands_scene_daylight_coeff(
project_name, sky_density, project_folder, skyfiles, inputfiles,
points_file, total_point_count, rfluxmtx_parameters, reuse_daylight_mtx=False,
total_count=1, radiation_only=False, transpose=False, simplified=False):
"""Get commands for the static windows in the scene.
Use get_commands_w_groups_daylight_coeff to get the commands for the rest of the
project_name: A string to generate uniqe file names for this project.
sky_density: Sky density for this study.
project_folder: Path to project_folder.
skyfiles: Collection of path to sky files. The order must be (sky_mtx_total,
sky_mtx_direct, analemma, sunlist, analemmaMtx). You can use get_commands_sky
function to generate this list.
inputfiles: Input files for this study. The order must be (opqfiles, glzfiles,
wgsfiles, extrafiles). Each files object is a namedtuple which includes
filepath to radiance files under fp and filepath to backed out files under
points_file: Path to points_file.
total_point_count: Number of total points inside points_file.
rfluxmtx_parameters: An instance of rfluxmtx_parameters for daylight matrix.
reuse_daylight_mtx: A boolean not to include the commands for daylight matrix
calculation if they already exist inside the folder.
# unpack inputs
opqfiles, glzfiles, wgsfiles, extrafiles = inputfiles
if len(wgsfiles) > 0:
# material is the first file
blkmaterial = [wgsfiles[0].fpblk[0]]
# collect files for blacked geometries for all window groups
wgsblacked = [f.fpblk[1] for c, f in enumerate(wgsfiles)]
# there is no window group, return an empty tuple
blkmaterial = ()
wgsblacked = ()
window_group = glz_srf_to_window_group()
window_groupfiles = glzfiles.fp
commands, results = _get_commands_daylight_coeff(
project_name, sky_density, project_folder, window_group, skyfiles,
inputfiles, points_file, total_point_count, blkmaterial, wgsblacked,
rfluxmtx_parameters, 0, window_groupfiles, reuse_daylight_mtx, (1, total_count),
radiation_only=radiation_only, transpose=transpose, simplified=simplified)
return commands, results
[docs]def get_commands_w_groups_daylight_coeff(
project_name, sky_density, project_folder, window_groups, skyfiles, inputfiles,
points_file, total_point_count, rfluxmtx_parameters, reuse_daylight_mtx=False,
total_count=1, radiation_only=False, transpose=False):
"""Get commands for the static windows in the scene.
Use get_commands_w_groups_daylight_coeff to get the commands for the rest of the
project_name: A string to generate uniqe file names for this project.
sky_density: Sky density for this study.
project_folder: Path to project_folder.
window_groups: List of window_groups.
skyfiles: Collection of path to sky files. The order must be (sky_mtx_total,
sky_mtx_direct, analemma, sunlist, analemmaMtx). You can use get_commands_sky
function to generate this list.
inputfiles: Input files for this study. The order must be (opqfiles, glzfiles,
wgsfiles, extrafiles). Each files object is a namedtuple which includes
filepath to radiance files under fp and filepath to backed out files under
points_file: Path to points_file.
total_point_count: Number of total points inside points_file.
rfluxmtx_parameters: An instance of rfluxmtx_parameters for daylight matrix.
reuse_daylight_mtx: A boolean not to include the commands for daylight matrix
calculation if they already exist inside the folder.
# unpack inputs
opqfiles, glzfiles, wgsfiles, extrafiles = inputfiles
commands = []
results = []
for count, window_group in enumerate(window_groups):
# get black material file
blkmaterial = [wgsfiles[count].fpblk[0]]
# add all the blacked window groups but the one in use
# and finally add non-window group glazing as black
wgsblacked = \
[f.fpblk[1] for c, f in enumerate(wgsfiles) if c != count] + \
counter = 2 + sum(wg.state_count for wg in window_groups[:count])
cmds, res = _get_commands_daylight_coeff(
project_name, sky_density, project_folder, window_group, skyfiles,
inputfiles, points_file, total_point_count, blkmaterial, wgsblacked,
rfluxmtx_parameters, count, window_groupfiles=None,
reuse_daylight_mtx=reuse_daylight_mtx, counter=(counter, total_count),
radiation_only=radiation_only, transpose=transpose)
return commands, results
# TODO(): use logging instead of print
def _get_commands_daylight_coeff(
project_name, sky_density, project_folder, window_group, skyfiles, inputfiles,
points_file, total_point_count, blkmaterial, wgsblacked, rfluxmtx_parameters,
window_group_count=0, window_groupfiles=None, reuse_daylight_mtx=False,
counter=None, radiation_only=False, transpose=False, simplified=False):
"""Get commands for the daylight coefficient recipe.
This function is used by get_commands_scene_daylight_coeff and
get_commands_w_groups_daylight_coeff. You usually don't want to use this function
commands = []
result_files = []
# unpack inputs
opqfiles, glzfiles, wgsfiles, extrafiles = inputfiles
if radiation_only:
if simplified:
sky_mtxDiff = skyfiles[0]
sky_mtxDiff, analemma, sunlist, analemmaMtx = skyfiles
sky_mtx_total, sky_mtx_direct, analemma, sunlist, analemmaMtx = skyfiles
for scount, state in enumerate(window_group.states):
# 2.3.Generate daylight coefficients using rfluxmtx
# collect list of radiance files in the scene for both total and direct
if counter:
p = ((counter[0] + scount - 1.0) / counter[1]) * 100
c = int(p / 10)
':: Done with {} of {} ^|{}{}^| ({:.2f}%%)'.format(
counter[0] + scount - 1, counter[1], '#' * c,
'-' * (10 - c), float(p)
':: start of the calculation for {}, {}. State {} of {}'.format(
window_group.name, state.name, scount + 1, window_group.state_count
if scount != 0 or not window_groupfiles:
# in case window group is not already provided
window_groupfiles = (wgsfiles[window_group_count].fp[scount],)
rflux_scene = (
f for fl in
(window_groupfiles, opqfiles.fp, extrafiles.fp,
blkmaterial, wgsblacked)
for f in fl)
rflux_scene_blacked = (
f for fl in
(window_groupfiles, opqfiles.fpblk, extrafiles.fpblk,
blkmaterial, wgsblacked)
for f in fl)
d_matrix = 'result/matrix/normal_{}..{}..{}.dc'.format(
project_name, window_group.name, state.name)
d_matrix_direct = 'result/matrix/black_{}..{}..{}.dc'.format(
project_name, window_group.name, state.name)
sun_matrix = 'result/matrix/sun_{}..{}..{}.dc'.format(
project_name, window_group.name, state.name)
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(project_folder, d_matrix)) \
or not reuse_daylight_mtx:
rad_files = tuple(os.path.relpath(f, project_folder) for f in rflux_scene)
sender = '-'
receiver = sky_receiver(
os.path.join(project_folder, 'sky/rfluxSky.rad'), sky_density
commands.append(':: :: 1. calculating daylight matrices')
commands.append(':: :: [1/3] scene daylight matrix')
':: :: rfluxmtx - [sky] [points] [wgroup] [blacked wgroups] [scene]'
' ^> [dc.mtx]'
# sampling_rays_count = 1 based on @sariths studies
rflux = coeff_matrix_commands(
d_matrix, os.path.relpath(receiver, project_folder), rad_files, sender,
os.path.relpath(points_file, project_folder), total_point_count,
if not simplified:
rad_files_blacked = tuple(os.path.relpath(f, project_folder)
for f in rflux_scene_blacked)
commands.append(':: :: [2/3] black scene daylight matrix')
':: :: rfluxmtx - [sky] [points] [wgroup] [blacked wgroups] '
'[blacked scene] ^> [black dc.mtx]'
original_value = int(rfluxmtx_parameters.ambient_bounces)
rfluxmtx_parameters.ambient_bounces = 1
rflux_direct = coeff_matrix_commands(
d_matrix_direct, os.path.relpath(receiver, project_folder),
rad_files_blacked, sender,
os.path.relpath(points_file, project_folder),
total_point_count, rfluxmtx_parameters
rfluxmtx_parameters.ambient_bounces = original_value
commands.append(':: :: [3/3] black scene analemma daylight matrix')
':: :: rcontrib - [sun_matrix] [points] [wgroup] [blacked wgroups] '
'[blacked scene] ^> [analemma dc.mtx]'
sun_commands = sun_coeff_matrix_commands(
sun_matrix, os.path.relpath(points_file, project_folder),
rad_files_blacked, os.path.relpath(analemma, project_folder),
sunlist, rfluxmtx_parameters.irradiance_calc
commands.extend(cmd.to_rad_string() for cmd in sun_commands)
commands.append(':: :: 1. reusing daylight matrices')
commands.append(':: :: 2. matrix multiplication')
if simplified:
rsky_type = 'total'
rsky_type = 'diffuse'
if radiation_only:
commands.append(':: :: [1/2] calculating daylight mtx * %s sky' % rsky_type)
':: :: dctimestep [dc.mtx] [%s sky] ^> [%s results.rgb]' % (rsky_type,
dct_total = matrix_calculation(
'tmp/{}..{}..{}.rgb'.format(rsky_type, window_group.name, state.name),
d_matrix=d_matrix, sky_matrix=sky_mtxDiff
commands.append(':: :: [1/3] calculating daylight mtx * total sky')
':: :: dctimestep [dc.mtx] [total sky] ^> [total results.rgb]')
dct_total = matrix_calculation(
'tmp/total..{}..{}.rgb'.format(window_group.name, state.name),
d_matrix=d_matrix, sky_matrix=sky_mtx_total
if radiation_only:
':: :: rmtxop -c 47.4 119.9 11.6 [results.rgb] ^> [%s results.ill]' %
finalmtx = rgb_matrix_file_to_ill(
'result/{}..{}..{}.ill'.format(rsky_type, window_group.name, state.name),
':: :: rmtxop -c 47.4 119.9 11.6 [results.rgb] ^> [total results.ill]'
finalmtx = rgb_matrix_file_to_ill(
'result/total..{}..{}.ill'.format(window_group.name, state.name),
if not radiation_only:
':: :: [2/3] calculating black daylight mtx * direct only sky')
':: :: dctimestep [black dc.mtx] [direct only sky] ^> '
'[direct results.rgb]')
dct_direct = matrix_calculation(
'tmp/direct..{}..{}.rgb'.format(window_group.name, state.name),
d_matrix=d_matrix_direct, sky_matrix=sky_mtx_direct
':: :: rmtxop -c 47.4 119.9 11.6 [direct results.rgb] ^> '
'[direct results.ill]'
finalmtx = rgb_matrix_file_to_ill(
'result/direct..{}..{}.ill'.format(window_group.name, state.name),
if not simplified:
if not radiation_only:
commands.append(':: :: [3/3] calculating black daylight mtx * analemma')
commands.append(':: :: [2/2] calculating black daylight mtx * analemma')
':: :: dctimestep [black dc.mtx] [analemma only sky] ^> '
'[sun results.rgb]')
dct_sun = sun_matrix_calculation(
'tmp/sun..{}..{}.rgb'.format(window_group.name, state.name),
sky_matrix=os.path.relpath(analemmaMtx, project_folder)
':: :: rmtxop -c 47.4 119.9 11.6 [sun results.rgb] ^> '
'[sun results.ill]'
finalmtx = rgb_matrix_file_to_ill(
'result/sun..{}..{}.ill'.format(window_group.name, state.name),
commands.append(':: :: 3. calculating final results')
if radiation_only:
':: :: rmtxop [diff results.ill] '
'+ [sun results.ill] ^> [final results.ill]'
fmtx = final_matrix_addition_radiation(
'result/diffuse..{}..{}.ill'.format(window_group.name, state.name),
'result/sun..{}..{}.ill'.format(window_group.name, state.name),
'result/{}..{}.ill'.format(window_group.name, state.name)
':: :: rmtxop [total results.ill] - [direct results.ill] '
'+ [sun results.ill] ^> [final results.ill]'
fmtx = final_matrix_addition(
'result/total..{}..{}.ill'.format(window_group.name, state.name),
'result/direct..{}..{}.ill'.format(window_group.name, state.name),
'result/sun..{}..{}.ill'.format(window_group.name, state.name),
'result/{}..{}.ill'.format(window_group.name, state.name)
':: end of calculation for {}, {}'.format(window_group.name, state.name))
if not simplified:
os.path.join(project_folder, str(fmtx.output_file))
os.path.join(project_folder, str(finalmtx.output_file))
return commands, result_files
[docs]def image_based_view_sampling_commands(
project_folder, view, view_file, vwrays_parameters):
"""Return VWrays command for calculating view coefficient matrix."""
# calculate view dimensions
vwr_dim_file = os.path.join(
project_folder, r'view/{}.dim'.format(view.name))
x, y = view.get_view_dimension()
with open(vwr_dim_file, 'wb') as vdfile:
vdfile.write('-x %d -y %d -ld-\n' % (x, y))
# calculate sampling for each view
# the value will be different for each view
vwrays_parameters.x_resolution = view.x_resolution
vwrays_parameters.y_resolution = view.y_resolution
vwr_samp = Vwrays()
vwr_samp.vwrays_parameters = vwrays_parameters
vwr_samp.view_file = os.path.relpath(view_file, project_folder)
vwr_samp.output_file = r'view/{}.rays'.format(view.name)
vwr_samp.output_data_format = 'f'
return vwr_dim_file, vwr_samp
[docs]def create_reference_map_command(view, view_file, outputfolder, octree_file):
"""Create a reference map to conver illuminance to luminance."""
# set the parameters / options
img_par = RpictParameters()
img_par.ambient_accuracy = 0
img_par.ambient_value = [0.31831] * 3
img_par.pixel_sampling = 1
img_par.pixel_jitter = 1
x, y = view.get_view_dimension()
img_par.x_resolution = x
img_par.y_resolution = y
rp = Rpict()
rp.rpict_parameters = img_par
rp.octree_file = octree_file
rp.view_file = view_file
rp.output_file = os.path.join(outputfolder, '{}_map.hdr'.format(view.name))
return rp
[docs]def imaged_based_sun_coeff_matrix_commands(
output_filename_format, view, view_rays_file, scene_files, analemma, sunlist):
# output, point_file, scene_files, analemma, sunlist, irradiance_calc
octree = Oconv()
octree.scene_files = list(scene_files) + [analemma]
octree.output_file = 'analemma.oct'
# Creating sun coefficients
# -ab 0 -i -ffc -dj 0 -dc 1 -dt 0
rctb_param = get_radiance_parameters_image_based(0, 1).smtx
rctb_param.x_dimension, rctb_param.y_dimension = view.get_view_dimension()
rctb_param.mod_file = sunlist
rctb_param.output_data_format = 'fc'
rctb_param.irradiance_calc = None # -I
rctb_param.i_irradiance_calc = True # -i
rctb_param.output_filename_format = output_filename_format
rctb = Rcontrib()
rctb.octree_file = octree.output_file
rctb.points_file = view_rays_file
rctb.rcontrib_parameters = rctb_param
return (octree, rctb)
[docs]def image_based_view_coeff_matrix_commands(
receiver, rad_files, sender, view_info_file, view_file, view_rays_file,
"""Returns radiance commands to create coefficient matrix.
receiver: A radiance file to indicate the receiver. In view matrix it will be the
window group and in daylight matrix it will be the sky.
rad_files: A collection of Radiance files that should be included in the scene.
sender: A collection of files for senders if senders are radiance geometries
such as window groups (Default: '-').
points_file: Path to point file which will be used instead of sender.
number_of_points: Number of points in points_file as an integer.
sampling_rays_count: Number of sampling rays (Default: 1000).
rfluxmtx_parameters: Radiance parameters for Rfluxmtx command using a
RfluxmtxParameters instance (Default: None).
rflux = Rfluxmtx()
rflux.rfluxmtx_parameters = rfluxmtx_parameters
rflux.rad_files = rad_files
rflux.sender = sender or '-'
rflux.receiver_file = receiver
rflux.output_data_format = 'fc'
rflux.verbose = True
rflux.view_info_file = view_info_file
rflux.view_rays_file = view_rays_file
return rflux
[docs]def coeff_matrix_commands(output_name, receiver, rad_files, sender, points_file=None,
number_of_points=None, rfluxmtx_parameters=None):
"""Returns radiance commands to create coefficient matrix.
output_name: Output file name.
receiver: A radiance file to indicate the receiver. In view matrix it will be the
window group and in daylight matrix it will be the sky.
rad_files: A collection of Radiance files that should be included in the scene.
sender: A collection of files for senders if senders are radiance geometries
such as window groups (Default: '-').
points_file: Path to point file which will be used instead of sender.
number_of_points: Number of points in points_file as an integer.
rfluxmtx_parameters: Radiance parameters for Rfluxmtx command using a
RfluxmtxParameters instance (Default: None).
sender = sender or '-'
rad_files = rad_files or ()
number_of_points = number_of_points or 0
rfluxmtx = Rfluxmtx()
if sender == '-':
assert points_file, \
ValueError('You have to set the points_file when sender is not defined.')
# -------------- set the parameters ----------------- #
rfluxmtx.rfluxmtx_parameters = rfluxmtx_parameters
# -------------- set up the sender objects ---------- #
# '-' in case of view matrix, window group in case of
# daylight matrix. This is normally the receiver file
# in view matrix
rfluxmtx.sender = sender
# points file are the senders in view matrix
rfluxmtx.number_of_points = number_of_points
rfluxmtx.points_file = points_file
# --------------- set up the receiver --------------- #
# This will be the window for view matrix and the sky for
# daylight matrix. It makes sense to make a method for each
# of thme as they are pretty repetitive
# Klems full basis sampling
rfluxmtx.receiver_file = receiver
# ------------- add radiance geometry files ----------------
# For view matrix it's usually the room itself and the materials
# in case of each view analysis rest of the windows should be
# blacked! In case of daylight matrix it will be the context
# outside the window.
rfluxmtx.rad_files = rad_files
# output file address\name
rfluxmtx.output_matrix = output_name
return rfluxmtx
[docs]def window_group_to_receiver(filepath, upnormal, material_name='vmtx_glow',
angle_basis='Kelms Full'):
"""Take a filepath to a window group and create a receiver."""
hemi_type_mapper = {
'klemsfull': 'kf', 'klemshalf': 'kh', 'klemsquarter': 'kq'
assert ''.join(angle_basis.split()).lower() != 'tensortree', \
'Tensor Tree BSDF ({}) can only be used for in-scene caluclation.' \
hemi_type = hemi_type_mapper[''.join(angle_basis.split()).lower()]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('{} is not a valid angle basis.'.format(angle_basis))
rec_ctrl_par = Rfluxmtx.control_parameters(
hemi_type=hemi_type, hemi_up_direction=upnormal)
wg_m = Rfluxmtx.add_control_parameters(filepath, {material_name: rec_ctrl_par})
return wg_m
[docs]def sky_receiver(filepath, density, ground_file_format=None, sky_file_format=None):
"""Create a receiver sky for daylight coefficient studies."""
if not (ground_file_format and sky_file_format):
return Rfluxmtx.default_sky_ground(filepath, sky_type='r{}'.format(density))
return Rfluxmtx.default_sky_ground(
filepath, sky_type='r{}'.format(density),
[docs]def matrix_calculation(output, v_matrix=None, t_matrix=None,
d_matrix=None, sky_matrix=None):
"""Get commands for matrix calculation.
This method sets up a matrix calculations using Dctimestep.
dct = Dctimestep()
dct.tmatrix_file = t_matrix
dct.vmatrix_spec = v_matrix
dct.dmatrix_file = d_matrix
dct.sky_vector_file = sky_matrix
dct.output_file = output
return dct
[docs]def image_based_view_matrix_calculation(view, wg, state, sky_matrix, extention='',
dct = Dctimestep()
if os.name == 'nt':
dct.daylight_coeff_spec = \
extention, digits, view.name, wg.name, state.name)
dct.daylight_coeff_spec = \
extention, digits, view.name, wg.name, state.name)
dct.sky_vector_file = sky_matrix
# sky matrix is annual
if os.name == 'nt':
dct.dctimestep_parameters.output_data_format = \
' result/hdr/{}/%%04d_{}..{}..{}.hdr'.format(
extention, view.name, wg.name, state.name)
dct.dctimestep_parameters.output_data_format = \
' result/hdr/{}/%04d_{}..{}..{}.hdr'.format(
extention, view.name, wg.name, state.name)
return dct
[docs]def sun_matrix_calculation(output, dc_matrix=None, sky_matrix=None):
"""Get commands for sun matrix calculation.
This method sets up a matrix calculations using Dctimestep.
dct = Dctimestep()
dct.daylight_coeff_spec = dc_matrix
dct.sky_vector_file = sky_matrix
dct.output_file = output
return dct
[docs]def sun_coeff_matrix_commands(output, point_file, scene_files, analemma, sunlist,
"""Return commands for calculating analemma coefficient.
output: Output daylight coefficient file (e.g. suncoeff.dc).
point_file: Path to point / analysis grid file. In case of multiple grid
put them together in a single file.
scene_files: A list fo scene files. Usually black scene.
analemma: Path to analemma file. You can generate analemma file using
sun_matrix class. Analemma has list of sun positions with their respective
sunlist: Path to sunlist. Use sun_matrix to generate sunlist.
octree and rcontrib commands ready to be executed.
octree = Oconv()
octree.scene_files = list(scene_files) + [analemma]
octree.output_file = 'analemma.oct'
# Creating sun coefficients
rctb_param = get_radiance_parameters_grid_based(0, 1).smtx
rctb_param.mod_file = sunlist
rctb_param.irradiance_calc = irradiance_calc
rctb = Rcontrib()
rctb.octree_file = octree.output_file
rctb.output_file = output
rctb.points_file = point_file
rctb.rcontrib_parameters = rctb_param
return (octree, rctb)
[docs]def final_matrix_addition(skymtx, skydirmtx, sunmtx, output):
"""Add final sky, direct sky and sun matrix."""
# Instantiate matrices for subtraction and addition.
final_matrix = Rmtxop()
# std. dc matrix.
dc_matrix = RmtxopMatrix()
dc_matrix.matrix_file = skymtx
# direct dc matrix. -1 indicates that this one is being subtracted from dc matrix.
dc_direct_matrix = RmtxopMatrix()
dc_direct_matrix.matrix_file = skydirmtx
dc_direct_matrix.scalar_factors = [-1]
# Sun coefficient matrix.
sun_coeff_matrix = RmtxopMatrix()
sun_coeff_matrix.matrix_file = sunmtx
# combine the matrices together. Sequence is extremely important
final_matrix.rmtxop_matrices = [dc_matrix, dc_direct_matrix, sun_coeff_matrix]
final_matrix.output_file = output
return final_matrix
[docs]def final_matrix_addition_radiation(skydifmtx, sunmtx, output):
"""Add final diffuse sky and sun matrix."""
# Instantiate matrices for subtraction and addition.
final_matrix = Rmtxop()
# std. dc matrix.
dc_matrix = RmtxopMatrix()
dc_matrix.matrix_file = skydifmtx
# Sun coefficient matrix.
sun_coeff_matrix = RmtxopMatrix()
sun_coeff_matrix.matrix_file = sunmtx
# combine the matrices together. Sequence is extremely important
final_matrix.rmtxop_matrices = [dc_matrix, sun_coeff_matrix]
final_matrix.output_file = output
return final_matrix
[docs]def rgb_matrix_file_to_ill(input, output, transpose=False):
"""Convert rgb values in matrix to illuminance values."""
finalmtx = Rmtxop(matrix_files=input, output_file=output)
finalmtx.rmtxop_parameters.output_format = 'a'
finalmtx.rmtxop_parameters.combine_values = (47.4, 119.9, 11.6)
finalmtx.rmtxop_parameters.transpose_matrix = transpose
return finalmtx
[docs]def skymtx_to_gendaymtx(sky_matrix, target_folder):
"""Return gendaymtx command based on input sky_matrix."""
wea_filepath = 'sky/{}.wea'.format(sky_matrix.name)
sky_mtx = 'sky/{}.smx'.format(sky_matrix.name)
hours_file = os.path.join(target_folder, 'sky/{}.hrs'.format(sky_matrix.name))
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(target_folder, sky_mtx)) \
or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(target_folder, wea_filepath)) \
or not sky_matrix.hours_match(hours_file):
# write wea file to folder
sky_matrix.write_wea(os.path.join(target_folder, 'sky'), write_hours=True)
gdm = Gendaymtx(output_name=sky_mtx, wea_file=wea_filepath)
gdm.gendaymtx_parameters = sky_matrix.sky_matrix_parameters
return gdm.to_rad_string()