Source code for honeybee_plus.radiance.recipe.fivephase.gridbased

from ..recipeutil import write_extra_files
from ..recipexphaseutil import write_rad_files_multi_phase, matrix_calculation_five_phase
from ..recipedcutil import get_commands_scene_daylight_coeff, get_commands_sky
from ..recipexphaseutil import get_commands_view_daylight_matrices
from ..recipexphaseutil import get_commands_direct_view_daylight_matrices

from ..threephase.gridbased import ThreePhaseGridBased
from ....futil import write_to_file

from import SkyMatrix
from ...analysisgrid import AnalysisGrid
from ...parameters.rfluxmtx import RfluxmtxParameters
from ....hbsurface import HBSurface

import os

[docs]class FivePhaseGridBased(ThreePhaseGridBased): """Grid based five phase analysis recipe. Attributes: sky_mtx: A radiance SkyMatrix or SkyVector. For an SkyMatrix the analysis will be ran for the analysis period. analysis_grids: A list of Honeybee analysis grids. Daylight metrics will be calculated for each analysisGrid separately. simulation_type: 0: Illuminance(lux), 1: Radiation (kWh), 2: Luminance (Candela) (Default: 0) radiance_parameters: Radiance parameters for this analysis. Parameters should be an instance of RfluxmtxParameters. hb_objects: An optional list of Honeybee surfaces or zones (Default: None). sub_folder: Analysis subfolder for this recipe. (Default: "daylightcoeff"). Usage: # initiate analysis_recipe analysis_recipe = ThreePhaseGridBased( sky_mtx, analysis_grids, rad_parameters ) # add honeybee object analysis_recipe.hb_objects = HBObjs # write analysis files to local drive commandsFile = analysis_recipe.write(_folder_, _name_) # run the analysis # get the results print(analysis_recipe.results()) """ def __init__(self, sky_mtx, analysis_grids, simulation_type=0, view_mtx_parameters=None, daylight_mtx_parameters=None, reuse_view_mtx=True, reuse_daylight_mtx=True, hb_objects=None, sub_folder="gridbased_fivephase"): """Create an annual recipe.""" ThreePhaseGridBased.__init__( self, sky_mtx, analysis_grids, simulation_type, view_mtx_parameters, daylight_mtx_parameters, reuse_view_mtx, reuse_daylight_mtx, hb_objects, sub_folder)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, rec_json): """Create five phase recipe from JSON file { "id": "five_phase", "type": "gridbased", "sky_mtx": {}, // sky matrix json file "analysis_grids": [], // list of analysis grids "surfaces": [], // list of honeybee surfaces "simulation_type": int // value between 0-2 "view_mtx_parameters": {} // radiance gridbased parameters json file "daylight_mtx_parameters": {} //radiance gridbased parameters json file } """ sky_mtx = SkyMatrix.from_json(rec_json["sky_mtx"]) analysis_grids = \ tuple(AnalysisGrid.from_json(ag) for ag in rec_json["analysis_grids"]) hb_objects = tuple(HBSurface.from_json(srf) for srf in rec_json["surfaces"]) simulation_type = rec_json["simulation_type"] view_mtx_parameters = \ RfluxmtxParameters.from_json(rec_json["view_mtx_parameters"]) daylight_mtx_parameters = \ RfluxmtxParameters.from_json(rec_json["daylight_mtx_parameters"]) return cls(sky_mtx=sky_mtx, analysis_grids=analysis_grids, view_mtx_parameters=view_mtx_parameters, daylight_mtx_parameters=daylight_mtx_parameters, hb_objects=hb_objects, simulation_type=simulation_type)
[docs] def to_json(self): """Create five phase recipe JSON file { "id": "five_phase", "type": "gridbased", "sky_mtx": {}, // sky matrix json file "analysis_grids": [], // list of analysis grids "surfaces": [], // list of honeybee surfaces "simulation_type": int // value between 0-2 "view_mtx_parameters": {} // radiance gridbased parameters json file "daylight_mtx_parameters": {} //radiance gridbased parameters json file } """ return { "id": "five_phase", "type": "gridbased", "sky_mtx": self.sky_matrix.to_json(), "analysis_grids": [ag.to_json() for ag in self.analysis_grids], "surfaces": [srf.to_json() for srf in self.hb_objects], "simulation_type": self.simulation_type, "view_mtx_parameters": self.view_mtx_parameters.to_json(), "daylight_mtx_parameters": self.daylight_mtx_parameters.to_json() }
[docs] def write(self, target_folder, project_name='untitled', header=True, transpose=False): """Write analysis files to target folder. Args: target_folder: Path to parent folder. Files will be created under target_folder/gridbased. use self.sub_folder to change subfolder name. project_name: Name of this project as a string. header: A boolean to include path to radiance folder in commands file. Returns: Path yo commands file. """ # 0.prepare target folder self._commands = [] self._result_files = [] # create main folder target_folder/project_name project_folder = \ super(ThreePhaseGridBased, self).write_content( target_folder, project_name, False, subfolders=['tmp', 'result/matrix'] ) # write geometry and material files opqfiles, glzfiles, wgsfiles = write_rad_files_multi_phase( project_folder + '/scene', project_name, self.opaque_rad_file, self.glazing_rad_file, self.window_groups_rad_files ) assert len(self.window_groups) > 0, \ ValueError( 'Found no window groups! If you do not have a window group' ' in the scene use daylight coefficient ') # additional radiance files added to the recipe as scene extrafiles = write_extra_files(self.scene, project_folder + '/scene', True) # 0.write points points_file = self.write_analysis_grids(project_folder, project_name) number_of_points = sum(len(ag) for ag in self.analysis_grids) # 2.write batch file if header: self.commands.append(self.header(project_folder)) # # 2.1.Create sky matrix. # # 2.2. Create sun matrix skycommands, skyfiles = get_commands_sky(project_folder, self.sky_matrix, reuse=True) self._commands.extend(skycommands) # for each window group - calculate total, direct and direct-analemma results # calculate the contribution of glazing if any with all window groups blacked inputfiles = opqfiles, glzfiles, wgsfiles, extrafiles commands, results = get_commands_scene_daylight_coeff( project_name, self.sky_matrix.sky_density, project_folder, skyfiles, inputfiles, points_file, self.total_point_count, self.radiance_parameters, self.reuse_daylight_mtx, self.total_runs_count, transpose=transpose) self._commands.extend(commands) self._result_files.extend( os.path.join(project_folder, str(result)) for result in results ) for count, wg in enumerate(self.window_groups): # v_matrix and d_matrix commands, v_matrix, d_matrix = get_commands_view_daylight_matrices( project_folder, wg, count, inputfiles, points_file, number_of_points, self.sky_matrix.sky_density, self.view_mtx_parameters, self.daylight_mtx_parameters, self.reuse_view_mtx, self.reuse_daylight_mtx, phases_count=5) self._commands.extend(commands) # direct v_matrix and d_matrix commands, dv_matrix, dd_matrix = get_commands_direct_view_daylight_matrices( project_folder, wg, count, inputfiles, points_file, number_of_points, self.sky_matrix.sky_density, self.view_mtx_parameters, self.daylight_mtx_parameters, self.reuse_view_mtx, self.reuse_daylight_mtx) self._commands.extend(commands) counter = 2 + sum(wg.state_count for wg in self.window_groups[:count]) # t_matrix - direct + analemma # TODO(mostapha): send the enalysis grid and not the points file # otherwise we won't be able to support multiple grids. cmd, results = matrix_calculation_five_phase( project_name, self.sky_matrix.sky_density, project_folder, wg, skyfiles, inputfiles, points_file, self.total_point_count, self.daylight_mtx_parameters, v_matrix, d_matrix, dv_matrix, dd_matrix, count, self.reuse_view_mtx, self.reuse_daylight_mtx, (counter, self.total_runs_count), transpose=transpose) self._commands.extend(cmd) self._result_files.extend(results) # # 5. write batch file batch_file = os.path.join(project_folder, "commands.bat") write_to_file(batch_file, '\n'.join(self.preproc_commands())) return batch_file