Source code for honeybee_plus.radiance.recipe.daylightcoeff.imagebased

"""Radiance Daylight Coefficient Image-Based Analysis Recipe."""
from ..recipeutil import write_extra_files, glz_srf_to_window_group
from ..recipedcutil import write_rad_files_daylight_coeff, create_reference_map_command
from ..recipedcutil import image_based_view_sampling_commands, \
    image_based_view_coeff_matrix_commands, imaged_based_sun_coeff_matrix_commands
from ...command.oconv import Oconv
from ...command.pcomb import Pcomb, PcombImage
from ...parameters.pcomb import PcombParameters
from ..parameters import get_radiance_parameters_image_based
from ..recipedcutil import image_based_view_matrix_calculation
from ..recipedcutil import sky_receiver, get_commands_sky
from .._imagebasedbase import GenericImageBased
from ...parameters.vwrays import VwraysParameters
from ...resultcollection.imagecollection import ImageCollection
from ....futil import write_to_file

import os

    from itertools import izip as zip
    # python 3

[docs]class DaylightCoeffImageBased(GenericImageBased): """Daylight Coefficient Image-Based. Attributes: sky_mtx: A honeybee sky for the analysis views: List of views. simulation_type: 0: Illuminance(lux), 1: Radiation (kWh), 2: Luminance (Candela) (Default: 2) rad_parameters: Radiance parameters for grid based analysis (rtrace). (Default: imagebased.LowQualityImage) hb_objects: An optional list of Honeybee surfaces or zones (Default: None). sub_folder: Analysis subfolder for this recipe. (Default: "gridbased") Usage: """ # TODO: implemnt isChanged at AnalysisRecipe level to reload the results # if there has been no changes in inputs. def __init__(self, sky_mtx, views, simulation_type=2, daylight_mtx_parameters=None, vwrays_parameters=None, reuse_daylight_mtx=True, hb_objects=None, sub_folder="imagebased_daylightcoeff"): """Create grid-based recipe.""" GenericImageBased.__init__( self, views, hb_objects, sub_folder) self.sky_matrix = sky_mtx """A honeybee sky for the analysis.""" self.simulation_type = simulation_type """Simulation type: 0: Illuminance(lux), 1: Radiation (kWh), 2: Luminance (Candela) (Default: 2) """ self.daylight_mtx_parameters = daylight_mtx_parameters """Radiance parameters for image based analysis (rfluxmtx). (Default: imagebased.LowQualityImage)""" self.vwrays_parameters = vwrays_parameters """Radiance parameters for vwrays. (Default: imagebased.LowQualityImage)""" self.reuse_daylight_mtx = reuse_daylight_mtx @property def simulation_type(self): """Get/set simulation Type. 0: Illuminance(lux), 1: Radiation (kWh), 2: Luminance (Candela) (Default: 0) """ return self._simType @simulation_type.setter def simulation_type(self, value): try: value = int(value) except TypeError: value = 0 assert 0 <= value <= 2, \ "Simulation type should be between 0-2. Current value: {}".format(value) # If this is a radiation analysis make sure the sky is climate-based if value == 1: assert self.sky_matrix.is_climate_based, \ "The sky for radition analysis should be climate-based." self._simType = value self.sky_matrix.sky_type = value @property def sky_matrix(self): """Get and set sky definition.""" return self._sky_matrix @sky_matrix.setter def sky_matrix(self, new_sky): assert hasattr(new_sky, 'isRadianceSky'), \ '%s is not a valid Honeybee sky.' % type(new_sky) assert not new_sky.is_point_in_time, \ TypeError('Sky for daylight coefficient recipe must be a sky matrix.') self._sky_matrix = new_sky.duplicate() @property def sky_density(self): """Radiance sky type e.g. r1, r2, r4.""" return "r{}".format(self.sky_matrix.sky_density) @property def daylight_mtx_parameters(self): """Get and set Radiance parameters.""" return self._daylight_mtx_parameters @daylight_mtx_parameters.setter def daylight_mtx_parameters(self, par): if not par: # set RfluxmtxParameters as default radiance parameter for annual analysis par = get_radiance_parameters_image_based(0, 1).dmtx else: assert hasattr(par, 'isRfluxmtxParameters'), \ TypeError('Expected RfluxmtxParameters not {}'.format(type(par))) self._daylight_mtx_parameters = par @property def vwrays_parameters(self): """Get and set Radiance parameters.""" return self._vwrays_parameters @vwrays_parameters.setter def vwrays_parameters(self, par): if not par: # set VwraysParameters as default radiance parameter for annual analysis par = VwraysParameters() par.sampling_rays_count = self.daylight_mtx_parameters.sampling_rays_count else: assert hasattr(par, 'isVwraysParameters'), \ TypeError('Expected VwraysParameters not {}'.format(type(par))) assert par.sampling_rays_count == \ self.daylight_mtx_parameters.sampling_rays_count, \ ValueError( 'Number of sampling_rays_count should be equal between ' 'daylight_mtx_parameters [{}] and vwrays_parameters [{}].' .format(self.daylight_mtx_parameters.sampling_rays_count, par.sampling_rays_count)) self._vwrays_parameters = par
[docs] def is_daylight_mtx_created(self, study_folder, view, wg, state): """Check if hdr images for daylight matrix are already created.""" for i in range(1 + 144 * (self.sky_matrix.sky_density ** 2)): for t in ('total', 'direct'): fp = os.path.join( study_folder, 'result/dc/%s/%03d_%s..%s..%s.hdr' % ( t, i,,, ) if not os.path.isfile(fp) or os.path.getsize(fp) < 265: # file doesn't exist or is smaller than 265 bytes return False return True
[docs] def is_sun_mtx_created(self, study_folder, view, wg, state): """Check if hdr images for daylight matrix are already created.""" for count, h in enumerate(self.sky_matrix.hoys): fp = os.path.join( study_folder, 'result/dc/{}/{}_{}..{}..{}.hdr'.format( 'isun', '%04d' % count,,, if not os.path.isfile(fp) or os.path.getsize(fp) < 265: # file doesn't exist or is smaller than 265 bytes return False return True
[docs] def is_hdr_mtx_created(self, study_folder, view, wg, state, stype): """Check if hourly hdr images for daylight matrix are already created.""" for count, h in enumerate(self.sky_matrix.hoys): fp = os.path.join( study_folder, 'result/hdr/{}/{}_{}..{}..{}.hdr'.format( stype, '%04d' % (count + 1),,, if not os.path.isfile(fp) or os.path.getsize(fp) < 265: # file doesn't exist or is smaller than 265 bytes return False return True
[docs] def write(self, target_folder, project_name='untitled', header=True): """Write analysis files to target folder. Args: target_folder: Path to parent folder. Files will be created under target_folder/gridbased. use self.sub_folder to change subfolder name. project_name: Name of this project as a string. Returns: Full path to command.bat """ # 0.prepare target folder self._commands = [] # create main folder target_folder/project_name project_folder = \ super(GenericImageBased, self).write_content( target_folder, project_name, False, subfolders=['view', 'result/dc', 'result/hdr', 'result/dc/total', 'result/dc/direct', 'result/dc/isun', 'result/dc/refmap', 'result/hdr/total', 'result/hdr/direct', 'result/hdr/sun', 'result/hdr/combined', 'result/hdr/isun'] ) # write geometry and material files opqfiles, glzfiles, wgsfiles = write_rad_files_daylight_coeff( project_folder + '/scene', project_name, self.opaque_rad_file, self.glazing_rad_file, self.window_groups_rad_files ) # additional radiance files added to the recipe as scene extrafiles = write_extra_files(self.scene, project_folder + '/scene', True) # reset self.result_files self._result_files = [[] for v in xrange(self.view_count)] # 1.write views view_files = self.write_views(project_folder + '/view') if header: self.commands.append(self.header(project_folder)) # # 2.1.Create sky matrix. # # 2.2. Create sun matrix skycommands, skyfiles = get_commands_sky(project_folder, self.sky_matrix, reuse=True) sky_mtx_total, sky_mtx_direct, analemma, sunlist, analemmaMtx = skyfiles self._commands.extend(skycommands) # for each window group - calculate total, direct and direct-analemma results # I can just add fenestration rad files here and that will work! # calculate the contribution of glazing if any with all window groups blacked # this is a hack. A better solution is to create a HBDynamicSurface from glazing # surfaces. The current limitation is that HBDynamicSurface can't have several # surfaces with different materials. all_window_groups = [glz_srf_to_window_group()] all_window_groups.extend(self.window_groups) all_wgs_files = [glzfiles] + list(wgsfiles) # create the base octree for the scene # TODO(mostapha): this should be fine for most of the cases but # if one of the window groups has major material change in a step # that won't be included in this step. # add material file try: blkmaterial = [wgsfiles[0].fpblk[0]] except IndexError: # no window groups blkmaterial = [] # add all the blacked window groups but the one in use # and finally add non-window group glazing as black wgsblacked = [f.fpblk[1] for f in wgsfiles] + list(glzfiles.fpblk) scene_files = [f for filegroups in (opqfiles.fp, glzfiles.fp, extrafiles.fp) for f in filegroups] oct_scene_files = scene_files + blkmaterial + wgsblacked oc = Oconv(project_name) oc.scene_files = tuple(self.relpath(f, project_folder) for f in oct_scene_files) self._commands.append(oc.to_rad_string()) # # 4.2.prepare vwray for viewCount, (view, view_file) in enumerate(zip(self.views, view_files)): # create the reference map file self.commands.append(':: calculation for view: {}'.format( self.commands.append(':: 0 reference map') refmapfilename = '{}_map.hdr'.format( refmapfilepath = os.path.join('result/dc/refmap', refmapfilename) if not self.reuse_daylight_mtx or not os.path.isfile( os.path.join(project_name, 'result/dc/refmap', refmapfilename)): rfm = create_reference_map_command( view, self.relpath(view_file, project_folder), 'result/dc/refmap', oc.output_file) self._commands.append(rfm.to_rad_string()) # Step1: Create the view matrix. self.commands.append(':: 1 view sampling') view_info_file, vwr_samp = image_based_view_sampling_commands( project_folder, view, view_file, self.vwrays_parameters) self.commands.append(vwr_samp.to_rad_string()) # set up the geometries for count, wg in enumerate(all_window_groups): if count == 0: if len(wgsfiles) > 0: blkmaterial = [wgsfiles[0].fpblk[0]] wgsblacked = [f.fpblk[1] for c, f in enumerate(wgsfiles)] else: blkmaterial = [] wgsblacked = [] else: # add material file blkmaterial = [all_wgs_files[count].fpblk[0]] # add all the blacked window groups but the one in use # and finally add non-window group glazing as black wgsblacked = \ [f.fpblk[1] for c, f in enumerate(wgsfiles) if c != count - 1] + list(glzfiles.fpblk) for scount, state in enumerate(wg.states): # 2.3.Generate daylight coefficients using rfluxmtx # collect list of radiance files in the scene for both total # and direct self._commands.append( '\n:: calculation for {} window group {}'.format(, if count == 0: # normal glazing non_blacked_wgfiles = all_wgs_files[count].fp else: non_blacked_wgfiles = (all_wgs_files[count].fp[scount],) rflux_scene = ( f for fl in (non_blacked_wgfiles, opqfiles.fp, extrafiles.fp, blkmaterial, wgsblacked) for f in fl) rflux_scene_blacked = ( f for fl in (non_blacked_wgfiles, opqfiles.fpblk, extrafiles.fpblk, blkmaterial, wgsblacked) for f in fl) sender = '-' ground_file_format = 'result/dc/total/%03d_%s..%s..%s.hdr' % ( 1 + 144 * (self.sky_matrix.sky_density ** 2),,, ) sky_file_format = 'result/dc/total/%03d_{}..{}..{}.hdr'.format(,, receiver = sky_receiver( os.path.join( project_folder, 'sky/rfluxSkyTotal..{}..{}.rad'.format(,, self.sky_matrix.sky_density, ground_file_format, sky_file_format ) ground_file_format = 'result/dc/direct/%03d_%s..%s..%s.hdr' % ( 1 + 144 * (self.sky_matrix.sky_density ** 2),,, ) sky_file_format = 'result/dc/direct/%03d_{}..{}..{}.hdr'.format(,, receiver_dir = sky_receiver( os.path.join(project_folder, 'sky/rfluxSkyDirect..{}..{}.rad'.format(,, self.sky_matrix.sky_density, ground_file_format, sky_file_format ) rad_files_blacked = tuple(self.relpath(f, project_folder) for f in rflux_scene_blacked) # Daylight matrix if not self.reuse_daylight_mtx or not \ self.is_daylight_mtx_created(project_folder, view, wg, state): self.reuse_daylight_mtx = False rad_files = tuple(self.relpath(f, project_folder) for f in rflux_scene) self._commands.append( ':: :: 1. daylight matrix {}, {} > state {}'.format(,, ) self._commands.append(':: :: 1.1 scene daylight matrix') # output pattern is set in receiver rflux = image_based_view_coeff_matrix_commands( self.relpath(receiver, project_folder), rad_files, sender, view_info_file, view_file, str(vwr_samp.output_file), self.daylight_mtx_parameters) self.commands.append(rflux.to_rad_string()) else: print( 'reusing the dalight matrix for {}:{} from ' 'the previous study.'.format(, if not self.reuse_daylight_mtx or not \ self.is_sun_mtx_created(project_folder, view, wg, state): self._commands.append(':: :: 1.2 blacked scene daylight matrix') ab = int(self.daylight_mtx_parameters.ambient_bounces) self.daylight_mtx_parameters.ambient_bounces = 1 # output pattern is set in receiver rflux_direct = image_based_view_coeff_matrix_commands( self.relpath(receiver_dir, project_folder), rad_files_blacked, sender, view_info_file, view_file, str(vwr_samp.output_file), self.daylight_mtx_parameters) self._commands.append(rflux_direct.to_rad_string()) self._commands.append(':: :: 1.3 blacked scene analemma matrix') if == 'nt': output_filename_format = \ ' result/dc/isun/%%04d_{}..{}..{}.hdr'.format(,, else: output_filename_format = \ ' result/dc/isun/%04d_{}..{}..{}.hdr'.format(,, sun_commands = imaged_based_sun_coeff_matrix_commands( output_filename_format, view, str(vwr_samp.output_file), rad_files_blacked, self.relpath(analemma, project_folder), sunlist) # delete the files if they are already created # rcontrib won't overwrite the files if they already exist for hourcount in xrange(len(self.sky_matrix.hoys)): sf = 'result/dc/isun/{:04d}_{}..{}..{}.hdr'.format( hourcount,,, ) try: fp = os.path.join(project_folder, sf) os.remove(fp) except Exception as e: # failed to delete the file if os.path.isfile(fp): print('Failed to remove {}:\n{}'.format(sf, e)) self._commands.extend(cmd.to_rad_string() for cmd in sun_commands) self.daylight_mtx_parameters.ambient_bounces = ab else: print( 'reusing the sun matrix for {}:{} from ' 'the previous study.'.format(, # generate hourly images if skycommands or not self.reuse_daylight_mtx or not \ self.is_hdr_mtx_created(project_folder, view, wg, state, 'total'): # Generate resultsFile self._commands.append( ':: :: 2.1.0 total daylight matrix calculations') dct = image_based_view_matrix_calculation( view, wg, state, sky_mtx_total, 'total') self.commands.append(dct.to_rad_string()) else: print( 'reusing the total dalight matrix for {}:{} from ' 'the previous study.'.format(, if skycommands or not self.reuse_daylight_mtx or not \ self.is_hdr_mtx_created(project_folder, view, wg, state, 'direct'): self._commands.append(':: :: 2.2.0 direct matrix calculations') dct_direct = image_based_view_matrix_calculation( view, wg, state, sky_mtx_direct, 'direct') self._commands.append(dct_direct.to_rad_string()) else: print( 'reusing the direct dalight matrix for {}:{} from ' 'the previous study.'.format(, if skycommands or not self.reuse_daylight_mtx or not \ self.is_hdr_mtx_created(project_folder, view, wg, state, 'sun'): self._commands.append( ':: :: 2.3.0 enhanced direct matrix calculations') dct_sun = image_based_view_matrix_calculation( view, wg, state, self.relpath(analemmaMtx, project_folder), 'isun', 4) self._commands.append(dct_sun.to_rad_string()) # multiply the sun matrix with the reference map # TODO: move this to a separate function # TODO: write the loop as a for loop in bat/bash file par = PcombParameters() refmap_image = PcombImage(input_image_file=refmapfilepath) if == 'nt': par.expression = '"lo=li(1)*li(2)"' else: par.expression = "'lo=li(1)*li(2)'" for hourcount in xrange(len(self.sky_matrix.hoys)): inp = 'result/hdr/isun/{:04d}_{}..{}..{}.hdr'.format( hourcount + 1,,, ) out = 'result/hdr/sun/{:04d}_{}..{}..{}.hdr'.format( hourcount + 1,,, ) images = PcombImage(input_image_file=inp), refmap_image pcb = Pcomb(images, out, par) self._commands.append(pcb.to_rad_string()) else: print( 'reusing the enhanced direct dalight matrix for ' '{}:{} from the previous study.' .format(, result_files = tuple(os.path.join( project_folder, 'result/hdr/%s/{}_{}..{}..{}.hdr'.format( '%04d' % (count + 1),,, for count, h in enumerate(self.sky_matrix.hoys) ) self._result_files[viewCount].append( (,, result_files)) # # 4.3 write batch file batch_file = os.path.join(project_folder, "commands.bat") write_to_file(batch_file, "\n".join(self.commands)) print("Files are written to: %s" % project_folder) return batch_file
[docs] def results(self): """Return results for this analysis.""" assert self._isCalculated, \ "You haven't run the Recipe yet. Use " + \ "to run the analysis before loading the results." hoys = self.sky_matrix.hoys for viewCount, viewResults in enumerate(self._result_files): imgc = ImageCollection(self.views[viewCount].name) for source, state, files in viewResults: source_files = [] for i in files: fpt = i % 'total' fpd = i % 'direct' fps = i % 'sun' source_files.append((fpt, fpd, fps)) imgc.add_coupled_image_files(source_files, hoys, source, state) # TODO(mostapha): Add properties to the class for output file addresses imgc.output_folder = fpt.split('result/hdr')[0] + 'result/hdr/combined' yield imgc
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite .NET ToString method.""" return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self): """Represent grid based recipe.""" _analysisType = { 0: "Illuminance", 1: "Radiation", 2: "Luminance" } return "%s: %s\n#Views: %d" % \ (self.__class__.__name__, _analysisType[self.simulation_type], self.view_count)