Source code for honeybee_plus.radiance.radfile

"""Radiance file.

Create, modify and generate radiance files from a collection of hbobjects.
from ..futil import write_to_file_by_name, copy_files_to_folder, preparedir
from .geometry.polygon import Polygon
from .material.plastic import BlackMaterial
from .material.glow import WhiteGlow
from .radparser import parse_from_file

import datetime
import os

[docs]class RadFile(object): """Radiance file. Create, modify and generate radiance files from a collection of hbobjects. You can also use this class for a single HBSurface or HBZone to get to_rad_string. Attributes: hb_surfaces: A collection of honeybee surfaces. additional_materials: Additional radiance material objects that will be added on top of the file. """ __slots__ = ('hb_surfaces', 'additional_materials') # TODO(Mostapha) add property for inputs to check the input values def __init__(self, hb_surfaces, additional_materials=None): """Initiate a radiance file.""" self.hb_surfaces = hb_surfaces if additional_materials: raise NotImplementedError('additional_materials is not implemented!')
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, file_paths): """create a RadFile from Radiance files.""" # parse the file and get the materials and geometries geometries = [] materials = [] for file_path in file_paths: for obj in parse_from_file(file_path): if obj.startswith('#'): continue return cls(geometries, materials)
[docs] def find_bsdf_materials(self, mode=1): """Return a list fo BSDF materials if any.""" mode = 1 if mode is None else mode if mode == 0: # do not include children surface mt = set(srf.radiance_material for srf in self.hb_surfaces if hasattr(srf.radiance_material, 'xmlfile')) elif mode == 1: # do not include children surface mt_base = [srf.radiance_material for srf in self.hb_surfaces if hasattr(srf.radiance_material, 'xmlfile')] mt_child = [childSrf.radiance_material for srf in self.hb_surfaces for childSrf in srf.children_surfaces if srf.has_child_surfaces and hasattr(childSrf.radiance_material, 'xmlfile')] mt = set(mt_base + mt_child) elif mode == 2: # only child surfaces mt = set(childSrf.radiance_material for srf in self.hb_surfaces for childSrf in srf.children_surfaces if srf.has_child_surfaces and hasattr(childSrf.radiance_material, 'xmlfile')) return tuple(mt)
[docs] def radiance_material_names(self, mode=1): """Get list of material names. Args: mode: An integer 0-2 (Default: 1) 0 - Do not include children surfaces. 1 - Include children surfaces. 2 - Only children surfaces. """ mode = 1 if mode is None else mode if mode == 0: # do not include children surface mt = set( for srf in self.hb_surfaces) elif mode == 1: # do not include children surface mt_base = [ for srf in self.hb_surfaces] mt_child = [ for srf in self.hb_surfaces for childSrf in srf.children_surfaces if srf.has_child_surfaces] mt = set(mt_base + mt_child) elif mode == 2: # only child surfaces mt = set( for srf in self.hb_surfaces for childSrf in srf.children_surfaces if srf.has_child_surfaces) return tuple(mt)
[docs] @staticmethod def copy_and_replace_xml_files(material_string, bsdf_materials, target_folder): """Find and replace xml files full path and copy XML files under bsdf folder. The root folder in Radiance is the place that commands are executed which in honeybee is the root so the relative path is scene/bsdf this will make this mathod fairly inflexible. Args: material_string: A joined string of radiance materials. bsdf_materials: A collection of BSDF materials. target_folder: The study folder where the materials will be written. """ bsdf_files = tuple(mat.xmlfile for mat in bsdf_materials) basefolder = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(target_folder))[0] target_folder = os.path.join(basefolder, 'bsdf') is_created = preparedir(target_folder, False) assert is_created, 'Failed to create {}'.format(target_folder) # copy the xml file locally copy_files_to_folder(bsdf_files, target_folder) # replace the full path with relative path # The root folder in Radiance is the place that commands are executed # which in honeybee is the root so the relative path is scene/glazing/bsdf # this will make this mathod fairly inflexible. for mat in bsdf_materials: path, name = os.path.split(mat.xmlfile) material_string = material_string.replace( os.path.normpath(mat.xmlfile), 'scene/bsdf/%s' % name ) return material_string
[docs] def materials(self, mode=1, join=False, blacked=False, glowed=False): """Get materials as a list of radiance strings. Args: mode: An integer 0-2 (Default: 1) 0 - Do not include children surfaces. 1 - Include children surfaces. 2 - Only children surfaces. join: Set to True to join the output strings (Default: False). blacked: If True materials will all be set to plastic 0 0 0 0 0. """ assert not (blacked and glowed), \ ValueError('You can either use blacked or glowed option.') mode = 1 if mode is None else mode if mode == 0: # do not include children surface if blacked: mt = set(BlackMaterial( for srf in self.hb_surfaces) elif glowed: mt = set(WhiteGlow( for srf in self.hb_surfaces) else: mt = set(srf.radiance_material.to_rad_string() for srf in self.hb_surfaces) elif mode == 1: # do not include children surface if blacked: mt_base = [BlackMaterial( for srf in self.hb_surfaces] mt_child = [BlackMaterial( .to_rad_string() for srf in self.hb_surfaces for childSrf in srf.children_surfaces if srf.has_child_surfaces] elif glowed: mt_base = [ WhiteGlow( for srf in self.hb_surfaces] mt_child = [ WhiteGlow( for srf in self.hb_surfaces for childSrf in srf.children_surfaces if srf.has_child_surfaces] else: mt_base = [srf.radiance_material.to_rad_string() for srf in self.hb_surfaces] mt_child = [childSrf.radiance_material.to_rad_string() for srf in self.hb_surfaces for childSrf in srf.children_surfaces if srf.has_child_surfaces] mt = set(mt_base + mt_child) elif mode == 2: # only child surfaces if blacked: mt = set(BlackMaterial( for srf in self.hb_surfaces for childSrf in srf.children_surfaces if srf.has_child_surfaces) elif glowed: mt = set(WhiteGlow( .to_rad_string() for srf in self.hb_surfaces for childSrf in srf.children_surfaces if srf.has_child_surfaces) else: mt = set(childSrf.radiance_material.to_rad_string() for srf in self.hb_surfaces for childSrf in srf.children_surfaces if srf.has_child_surfaces) return '\n'.join(mt) if join else tuple(mt)
[docs] def geometries(self, mode=1, join=False, flipped=False): """Get geometry as a list of radiance strings. Args: mode: An integer 0-2 (Default: 1) 0 - Do not include children surfaces. 1 - Include children surfaces. 2 - Only children surfaces. join: Set to True to join the output strings (Default: False). flipped: Flip the surface geometry. """ mode = 1 if mode is None else mode get_polygon = self.get_surface_rad_string if mode == 0: # do not include children surface geo = (get_polygon(srf, flipped) for srf in self.hb_surfaces) elif mode == 1: # do not include children surface geo_base = [get_polygon(srf, flipped) for srf in self.hb_surfaces] geo_child = [get_polygon(childSrf, flipped) for srf in self.hb_surfaces for childSrf in srf.children_surfaces if srf.has_child_surfaces] geo = geo_base + geo_child elif mode == 2: # only child surfaces geo = (get_polygon(childSrf, flipped) for srf in self.hb_surfaces for childSrf in srf.children_surfaces if srf.has_child_surfaces) return '\n'.join(geo) if join else tuple(geo)
[docs] def to_rad_string(self, mode=1, include_materials=True, flipped=False, blacked=False, glowed=False): """Get full radiance file as a string. Args: mode: An integer 0-2 (Default: 1) 0 - Do not include children surfaces. 1 - Include children surfaces. 2 - Only children surfaces. include_materials: Set to False if you only want the geometry definition (default:True). flipped: Flip the surface geometry. blacked: If True materials will all be set to plastic 0 0 0 0 0. """ mode = 1 if mode is None else mode if include_materials: return '\n'.join((self.materials(mode, True, blacked, glowed), self.geometries(mode, True, flipped))) + '\n' else: return self.geometries(mode, True, flipped) + '\n'
[docs] def write(self, folder, filename, mode=1, include_materials=True, flipped=False, blacked=False, glowed=False, mkdir=False): """write materials and geometries to a file. Args: folder: Target folder. filename: File name and extension as a string. mode: An integer 0-2 (Default: 1) 0 - Do not include children surfaces. 1 - Include children surfaces. 2 - Only children surfaces. include_materials: Set to False if you only want the geometry definition (default:True). flipped: Flip the surface geometry. blacked: If True materials will all be set to plastic 0 0 0 0 0. mkdir: Create the folder if does not exist already. """ data = str(self.to_rad_string(mode, include_materials, flipped, blacked, glowed)) if not (glowed or blacked): data = self.copy_and_replace_xml_files( data, self.find_bsdf_materials(mode), folder ) text = self.header() + '\n\n' + data return write_to_file_by_name(folder, filename, text, mkdir)
[docs] def write_materials(self, folder, filename, mode=1, blacked=False, glowed=False, mkdir=False): """Write materials to a file. Args: folder: Target folder. filename: File name and extension as a string. mode: An integer 0-2 (Default: 1) 0 - Do not include children surfaces. 1 - Include children surfaces. 2 - Only children surfaces. include_materials: Set to False if you only want the geometry definition (default:True). flipped: Flip the surface geometry. blacked: If True materials will all be set to plastic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. glowed: If True materials will all be set to glow 0 0 1 1 1 0. You can either use blacked or glowed. mkdir: Create the folder if does not exist already. """ data = self.materials(mode, True, blacked, glowed) if not (glowed or blacked): data = self.copy_and_replace_xml_files( data, self.find_bsdf_materials(mode), folder ) text = self.header() + '\n\n' + data return write_to_file_by_name(folder, filename, text, mkdir)
[docs] def write_geometries(self, folder, filename, mode=1, flipped=False, mkdir=False): """write geometries to a file. Args: folder: Target folder. filename: File name and extension as a string. mode: An integer 0-2 (Default: 1) 0 - Do not include children surfaces. 1 - Include children surfaces. 2 - Only children surfaces. flipped: Flip the surface geometry. mkdir: Create the folder if does not exist already. """ data = self.to_rad_string(mode, False, flipped, False) text = self.header() + '\n\n' + data return write_to_file_by_name(folder, filename, text, mkdir)
[docs] def write_black_material(self, folder, filename, mkdir=False): """Write black material to a file.""" text = self.header() + '\n\n' + BlackMaterial().to_rad_string() return write_to_file_by_name(folder, filename, text, mkdir)
# TODO(): fix the bug for multiple surfaces. The material only changes for # the first one.
[docs] def write_geometries_blacked(self, folder, filename, mode=0, flipped=False, mkdir=False): """Write all the surfaces to a file with BlackMaterial. Use this method to write objects like window-groups. """ geo = self.geometries(mode, join=True, flipped=flipped) mat_name = BlackMaterial().name # replace the material in string with names = self.radiance_material_names(mode) for name in names: geo = geo.replace(name, mat_name) text = self.header() + '\n\n' + geo return write_to_file_by_name(folder, filename, text, mkdir)
[docs] def write_glow_material(self, folder, filename, mkdir=False): """Write white glow material to a file.""" text = self.header() + '\n\n' + WhiteGlow().to_rad_string() return write_to_file_by_name(folder, filename, text, mkdir)
[docs] def write_geometries_glowed(self, folder, filename, mode=0, flipped=False, mkdir=False): """Write all the surfaces to a file with WhiteGlow. Use this method to write objects like window-groups. """ geo = self.geometries(mode, flipped=flipped) mat_name = WhiteGlow().name # replace the material in string with names = self.radiance_material_names(mode) for name in names: geo = geo.replace(name, mat_name) text = self.header() + '\n\n' + geo return write_to_file_by_name(folder, filename, text, mkdir)
[docs] @staticmethod def header(): fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' now = header = '# Created by Honeybee[+] at %s' % now.strftime(fmt) note = '#' return '%s\n%s' % (header, note)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_surface_rad_string(surface, flipped=False): """Get the polygon definition for a honeybee surface. This is a static method. For the full string try geometries method. """ points = surface.duplicate_vertices(flipped) name = sub_srf_count = len(points) # create a place holder for each point group (face) # for a planar surface sub_srf_count is one place_holder = list(range(sub_srf_count)) for ptCount, pts in enumerate(points): # modify name for each sub_surface _name = name if sub_srf_count == 1 else '{}_{}'.format(name, ptCount) # collect definition for each subsurface pl = Polygon(_name, pts, modifier=surface.radiance_material) place_holder[ptCount] = pl.to_rad_string(include_modifier=False) return '\n'.join(place_holder)
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite .NET's ToString.""" return self.__repr__()
def __str__(self): """Get the full string of the file.""" return self.to_rad_string() def __repr__(self): """rad file.""" return 'RadFile::#{}'.format(len(self.hb_surfaces))