Source code for honeybee_plus.radiance.command.rtrace

import os
from ._commandbase import RadianceCommand
from ..parameters.rtrace import LowQuality
from ..datatype import RadiancePath

[docs]class Rtrace(RadianceCommand): u"""Create a grid-based Radiance ray-tracer. Read more at: Attributes: output_name: Name of output file (Default: untitled). octree_file: Full path to input oct files (Default: None) points_file: Full path to input pt files (Default: None) simulation_type: An integer to define type of analysis. 0: Illuminance (lux), 1: Radiation (kWh), 2: Luminance (Candela) (Default: 0) radiance_parameters: Radiance parameters for this analysis. (Default: girdbased.LowQuality) """ output_file = RadiancePath("res", "results file", extension=".res") octree_file = RadiancePath("oct", "octree file", extension=".oct") points_file = RadiancePath("points", "test point file", extension=".pts") def __init__(self, output_name='untitled', octree_file=None, points_file=None, simulation_type=0, radiance_parameters=None): """Initialize the class.""" # Initialize base class to make sure path to radiance is set correctly RadianceCommand.__init__(self) self.output_file = output_name if output_name.lower().endswith(".res") \ else output_name + ".res" """oct file name which is usually the same as the project name (Default: untitled)""" self.octree_file = octree_file """Full path to input oct file.""" self.points_file = points_file """Full path to input points file.""" self.radiance_parameters = radiance_parameters """Radiance parameters for this analysis (Default: RadianceParameters.LowQuality).""" # add -h to parameters to get no header, True is no header self.radiance_parameters.add_radiance_bool_flag("h", "output header switch") self.radiance_parameters.h = True # add error file as an extra parameter for rtrace. # this can be added under default radiance parameters later. self.radiance_parameters.add_radiance_value("e", "error output file") self.radiance_parameters.e = "error.txt" """Error log file.""" self.simulation_type = simulation_type """Simulation type: 0: Illuminance(lux), 1: Radiation (kWh), 2: Luminance (Candela) (Default: 0) """ @property def simulation_type(self): """Get/set simulation Type. 0: Illuminance(lux), 1: Radiation (kWh), 2: Luminance (Candela) (Default: 0) """ return self._simType @simulation_type.setter def simulation_type(self, value): try: value = int(value) except Exception: value = 0 assert 0 <= value <= 2, \ "Simulation type should be between 0-2. Current value: {}".format(value) self._simType = value # trun on/off I paramter # -I > Boolean switch to compute irradiance rather than radiance, with # the input origin and direction interpreted instead as measurement point # and orientation. if self._simType in (0, 1): self.radiance_parameters.irradiance_calc = True else: # luminance self.radiance_parameters.irradiance_calc = False @property def radiance_parameters(self): """Get and set Radiance parameters.""" return self._rad_parameters @radiance_parameters.setter def radiance_parameters(self, rad_parameters): if not rad_parameters: rad_parameters = LowQuality() assert hasattr(rad_parameters, 'isGridBasedRadianceParameters'), \ "%s is not a radiance parameters." % type(rad_parameters) self._rad_parameters = rad_parameters # TODO: Implement relative path
[docs] def to_rad_string(self, relative_path=False): """Return full command as a string.""" rad_string = "%s %s %s < %s > %s" % ( self.normspace(os.path.join(self.radbin_path, "rtrace")), self.radiance_parameters.to_rad_string(), self.normspace(self.octree_file.to_rad_string()), self.normspace(self.points_file.to_rad_string()), self.normspace(self.output_file.to_rad_string()) ) # make sure input files are set by user self.check_input_files(rad_string) return rad_string
@property def input_files(self): """Input files for this command.""" return self.octree_file, self.points_file