# coding=utf-8
from ._commandbase import RadianceCommand
from ..datatype import RadiancePath, RadianceValue, RadianceNumber
from ..datatype import RadianceBoolFlag
from ..parameters.rfluxmtx import RfluxmtxParameters
import os
# TODO (sarith and mostapha): move parameters such as output_data_format to command
# parameters. They are not command inputs.
[docs]class Rfluxmtx(RadianceCommand):
"""Radiance Rfluxmtx matrix."""
ground_string = """
void glow ground_glow
4 1 1 1 0
ground_glow source ground
4 0 0 -1 180
sky_string = """
void glow sky_glow
4 1 1 1 0
sky_glow source sky
4 0 0 1 180
[docs] @staticmethod
def control_parameters(hemi_type='u', hemi_up_direction='Y', output_file=''):
"""Rfluxmtx ControlParameters."""
return RfluxmtxControlParameters(hemi_type, hemi_up_direction, output_file)
[docs] @staticmethod
def default_sky_ground(file_name, sky_type=None, sky_file_format=None,
file_name:This should be the name of the file to which the sky defintion
should be written to.
sky_type:The acceptable inputs for hemisphere type are:
u for uniform.(Usually applicable for ground).\n
kf for klems full.\n
kh for klems half.\n
kq for klems quarter.\n
rN for Reinhart - Tregenza type skies. N stands for
subdivisions and defaults to 1.\n
scN for shirley-chiu subdivisions.
file_name: Passes back the same file_name that was provided as input.
sky_param = Rfluxmtx.control_parameters(hemi_type=sky_type or 'r',
ground_param = Rfluxmtx.control_parameters(hemi_type='u',
ground_string = Rfluxmtx.add_control_parameters(Rfluxmtx.ground_string,
{'ground_glow': ground_param})
sky_string = Rfluxmtx.add_control_parameters(Rfluxmtx.sky_string,
{'sky_glow': sky_param})
with open(file_name, 'w')as skyFile:
skyFile.write(ground_string + '\n' + sky_string)
return file_name
[docs] @staticmethod
def add_control_parameters(input_string, modifier_dict):
if os.path.exists(input_string):
with open(input_string)as fileString:
file_data = fileString.read()
file_data = input_string
output_string = ''
check_dict = dict.fromkeys(modifier_dict.keys(), None)
for lines in file_data.split('\n'):
for key, value in modifier_dict.items():
if key in lines and not check_dict[key] and \
not lines.strip().startswith('#'):
output_string += str(value) + '\n'
check_dict[key] = True
output_string += lines.strip() + '\n'
for key, value in check_dict.items():
assert value, "The modifier %s was not found in the string specified" % key
if os.path.exists(input_string):
new_output_file = input_string[:-4] + '_cp_added' + input_string[-4:]
with open(new_output_file, 'w') as newoutput:
output_string = new_output_file
return output_string
[docs] @staticmethod
def check_for_rflux_parameters(file_val):
with open(file_val)as rfluxFile:
rflux_string = rfluxFile.read()
assert '#@rfluxmtx' in rflux_string, \
"The file %s does not have any rfluxmtx control parameters."
return True
# sender = RadiancePath('sender','sender file')
receiver_file = RadiancePath('receiver', 'receiver file')
octree_file = RadiancePath('octree', 'octree file', extension='.oct')
output_matrix = RadiancePath('output_matrix', 'output Matrix File')
view_rays_file = RadiancePath('view_rays_file',
'file containing ray samples generated by vwrays')
output_data_format = RadianceValue('f', 'output data format', is_joined=True)
verbose = RadianceBoolFlag('v', 'verbose commands in stdout')
num_processors = RadianceNumber('n', 'number of processors', num_type=int)
# TODO: This method misses RfluxmtxParameters as an input.
def __init__(self, sender=None, receiver_file=None, octree_file=None,
rad_files=None, points_file=None, output_matrix=None,
view_rays_file=None, view_info_file=None, output_filename_format=None,
self.sender = sender
"""Sender file will be either a rad file containing rfluxmtx variables
or just a - """
self.receiver_file = receiver_file
"""Receiver file will usually be the sky file containing rfluxmtx
self.octree_file = octree_file
"""Octree file containing the other rad file in the scene."""
self.rad_files = rad_files
"""Rad files other than the sender and receiver that are a part of the
self.points_file = points_file
"""The points file or input vwrays for which the illuminance/luminance
value are to be calculated."""
self.number_of_points = 0
"""Number of test points. Initially set to 0."""
self.output_matrix = output_matrix
"""The flux matrix file that will be created by rfluxmtx."""
self.view_rays_file = view_rays_file
"""File containing ray samples generated from vwrays"""
self.view_info_file = view_info_file
"""File containing view dimensions calculated from vwrays."""
self.output_filename_format = output_filename_format
"""Filename format"""
self.num_processors = num_processors
"""Number of processors"""
def output_filename_format(self):
return self._output_filename_format
def output_filename_format(self, value):
# TODO: Add testing logic for this !
self._output_filename_format = value or None
def view_info_file(self):
return self._view_info_file
def view_info_file(self, file_name):
The input for this setter is a file containing the view dimensions
calculated through the -d option in rfluxmtx.
if file_name:
assert os.path.exists(file_name),\
"The file %s specified as view_info_file does not exist." % file_name
self._view_info_file = file_name
with open(file_name) as view_fileName:
self._view_fileDimensions = view_fileName.read().strip()
self._view_info_file = ''
self._view_fileDimensions = ''
def points_file(self):
return self._points_file
def points_file(self, value):
if value:
if os.path.exists(value):
with open(value, 'rb') as pfile:
self.number_of_points = sum(1 for line in pfile if line.strip())
elif self.number_of_points == 0:
print('Warning: Failed to find the points_file at "{}".'
' Use number_of_points method to set the number_of_points'
self._points_file = value
self._points_file = ''
def rad_files(self):
"""Get and set scene files."""
return self.__rad_files
def rad_files(self, files):
if files:
self.__rad_files = [os.path.normpath(f) for f in files]
self.__rad_files = []
def rfluxmtx_parameters(self):
return self.__rfluxmtx_parameters
def rfluxmtx_parameters(self, parameters):
self.__rfluxmtx_parameters = parameters or RfluxmtxParameters()
assert hasattr(self.rfluxmtx_parameters, "isRfluxmtxParameters"), \
"input rfluxmtx_parameters is not a valid parameters type."
[docs] def to_rad_string(self, relative_path=False):
octree = self.octree_file.to_rad_string()
octree = '-i %s' % self.normspace(octree) if octree else ''
output_data_format = self.output_data_format.to_rad_string()
verbose = self.verbose.to_rad_string()
number_of_processors = self.num_processors.to_rad_string()
number_of_points = '-y %s' % self.number_of_points \
if self.number_of_points > 0 else ''
points_file = self.normspace(self.points_file)
points_file = '< %s' % points_file if points_file else ''
view_file_samples = self.normspace(self.view_rays_file.to_rad_string())
view_file_samples = '< %s' % view_file_samples if view_file_samples else ''
assert not (points_file and view_file_samples),\
'View file and points file cannot be specified at the same time!'
input_rays = points_file or view_file_samples
output_matrix = self.normspace(self.output_matrix.to_rad_string())
output_matrix = "> %s" % output_matrix if output_matrix else ''
output_filename_format = self.output_filename_format
output_filename_format = "-o %s" % output_filename_format if \
output_filename_format else ''
# method for adding an input or nothing to the command
def add_to_str(val):
return "%s " % val if val else ''
# Creating the string this way because it might change again in the
# future.
rad_string = ["%s " % self.normspace(os.path.join(self.radbin_path, 'rfluxmtx'))]
if str(self.sender).strip() == '-':
# -I and -i options are only valid for pass-through cases
rflux_par = add_to_str(
'-I', '')
rad_string.append(add_to_str(" ".join(self.rad_files)))
return ''.join(rad_string)
def input_files(self):
return [self.receiver_file] + self.rad_files
[docs]class RfluxmtxControlParameters(object):
"""Rfluxmtx ControlParameters.
Set the values for hemispheretype, hemisphere up direction and output file
location (optional).
def __init__(self, hemi_type='u', hemi_up_direction='Y', output_file=''):
"""Init class."""
self.hemisphere_type = hemi_type
The acceptable inputs for hemisphere type are:
u for uniform.(Usually applicable for ground).
kf for klems full.
kh for klems half.
kq for klems quarter.
rN for Reinhart - Tregenza type skies. N stands for subdivisions
and defaults to 1.
scN for shirley-chiu subdivisions."""
self.hemisphere_up_direction = hemi_up_direction
"""The acceptable inputs for hemisphere direction are %s""" % \
(",".join(('X', 'Y', 'Z', 'x', 'y', 'z', '-X', '-Y',
'-Z', '-x', '-y', '-z')))
self.output_file = output_file
def hemisphere_type(self):
return self._hemisphereType
def hemisphere_type(self, value):
"""Hemisphere type.
The acceptable inputs for hemisphere type are:
u for uniform.(Usually applicable for ground).
kf for klems full.
kh for klems half.
kq for klems quarter.
rN for Reinhart - Tregenza type skies. N stands for subdivisions and
defaults to 1.
scN for shirley-chiu subdivisions.
if value:
if value in ('u', 'kf', 'kh', 'kq'):
self._hemisphereType = value
elif value.startswith('r'):
if len(value) > 1:
num = int(value[1:])
except ValueError:
raise Exception(
"The format reinhart tregenza type skies is rN ."
"The value entered was %s" % value)
num = ''
self._hemisphereType = 'r' + str(num)
elif value.startswith('sc'):
if len(value) > 2:
num = int(value[2:])
except ValueError:
raise Exception(
"The format for ShirleyChiu type values is scN."
"The value entered was %s" % value)
raise Exception(
"The format for ShirleyChiu type values is scN."
"The value entered was %s" % value)
self._hemisphereType = 'sc' + str(num)
except_str = """
The acceptable inputs for hemisphere type are:
u for uniform.(Usually applicable for ground).
kf for klems full.
kh for klems half.
kq for klems quarter.
rN for Reinhart - Tregenza type skies. N stands for
subdivisions and defaults to 1.
scN for shirley-chiu subdivisions.
The value entered was %s
""" % (value)
raise Exception(except_str)
def hemisphere_up_direction(self):
return self._hemisphere_upDirection
def hemisphere_up_direction(self, value):
"""hemisphere direction.
The acceptable inputs for hemisphere direction are a tuple with 3 values
or 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'x', 'y', 'z', '-X', '-Y','-Z', '-x', '-y','-z'.
allowed_values = ('X', 'Y', 'Z', 'x', 'y', 'z', '-X', '-Y',
'-Z', '-x', '-y', '-z', "+X", "+Y", "+Z",
'+x', "+y", "+z")
if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
assert len(value) == 3, \
'Length of emisphereUpDirection vector should be 3.'
self._hemisphere_upDirection = ','.join((str(v) for v in value))
elif value:
assert value in allowed_values, "The value for hemisphere_upDirection" \
"should be one of the following: %s" \
% (','.join(allowed_values))
self._hemisphere_upDirection = value
self._hemisphere_upDirection = '+Z'
def __str__(self):
output_file_spec = "o=%s" % self.output_file if self.output_file else ''
return "#@rfluxmtx h=%s u=%s %s" % (self.hemisphere_type,