Source code for honeybee_plus.radiance.command.falsecolor

# coding=utf-8
"""falsecolor - make a falsecolor Radiance picture"""

from ._commandbase import RadianceCommand
from ..datatype import RadiancePath
from ..parameters.falsecolor import FalsecolorParameters

import os

[docs]class Falsecolor(RadianceCommand): """ falsecolor - make a falsecolor Radiance picture """ input_image_file = RadiancePath('i', 'input file', check_exists=True) output_file = RadiancePath('output_file', 'output file') def __init__(self, input_image_file=None, output_file=None, falsecolor_parameters=None): RadianceCommand.__init__(self, executable_name='') self.input_image_file = input_image_file """The file path for which the falsecolor image is to be created.""" self.output_file = output_file """The name of the output file.""" self.falsecolor_parameters = falsecolor_parameters """Paramters for the falsecolor command.""" @property def falsecolor_parameters(self): """Get and set falsecolor_parameters.""" return self.__falsecolor_parameters @falsecolor_parameters.setter def falsecolor_parameters(self, falsecolor_param): self.__falsecolor_parameters = falsecolor_param if falsecolor_param is not None \ else FalsecolorParameters() assert hasattr(self.falsecolor_parameters, "isRadianceParameters"), \ "input falsecolor_parameters is not a valid parameters type."
[docs] def to_rad_string(self, relative_path=False): """"Return full command as string""" perl_path = self.normspace(self.perl_exe_path) if == 'nt' else '' if == 'nt' and not perl_path: raise IOError('Failed to find perl installation.\n' ' needs perl to run successfully.') exe_name = '' if == 'nt' else 'falsecolor' cmd_path = self.normspace(os.path.join(self.radbin_path, exe_name)) input_params = self.falsecolor_parameters.to_rad_string() input_file = self.input_image_file.to_rad_string() input_file = "-i %s" % input_file if input_file else '' output_file = self.output_file.to_rad_string().replace("output_file", '') rad_string = "%s %s %s > %s" % (cmd_path, input_params, input_file, output_file) return rad_string
@property def input_files(self): return self.input_image_file,
[docs] def execute(self): self.check_input_files(self.to_rad_string()) RadianceCommand.execute(self)