Source code for dragonfly_doe2.doe.utils
import re
from ladybug.datatype import UNITS as lbt_units, TYPESDICT as lbt_td
[docs]def short_name(name, max_length=32):
if len(name) <= max_length:
return name
shortened_name = ''.join(re.split("[aeiouy\\-\\_/]", name))
if len(shortened_name) <= max_length:
return shortened_name
shortened_name = ''.join(shortened_name.split())
if len(shortened_name) > max_length:
shortened_name = ''.join(shortened_name.split())
if len(shortened_name) > max_length:
raise ValueError(
f'{name} cannot be shorten to fit the eQuest limitation of 32 characters. ',
f'Shortens to {shortened_name}\n '
'You need to change the name manually to be shorter than 32 characters.')
return shortened_name
[docs]def lower_left_properties(room_2d):
"""Get the vertices, boundary conditions and windows starting from lower left.
v2 WIP
simple_w_con =
w_const_name = short_name(simple_w_con.identifier, 32)
floor_geo = room_2d.floor_geometry
start_pt = floor_geo.boundary[0]
min_y, min_x, pt_i = start_pt.y, start_pt.x, 0
for i, pt in enumerate(floor_geo.boundary):
if pt.y < min_y:
min_y, min_x = pt.y, pt.x
pt_i = i
elif pt.y == min_y:
if pt.x < min_x:
min_y, min_x = pt.y, pt.x
pt_i = i
verts = floor_geo.boundary[pt_i:] + floor_geo.boundary[:pt_i]
if floor_geo.has_holes:
bcs = room_2d.boundary_conditions[:len(floor_geo.boundary)]
w_par = room_2d.window_parameters[:len(floor_geo.boundary)]
bcs = room_2d.boundary_conditions
w_par = room_2d.window_parameters
bcs = bcs[pt_i:] + bcs[:pt_i]
w_par = w_par[pt_i:] + w_par[:pt_i]
return (verts, bcs, w_par, w_const_name)
[docs]def unit_convertor(value, to_, from_):
"""Helper function to convert values from one unit to another."""
for key in lbt_units:
if from_ in lbt_units[key]:
base_type = lbt_td[key]()
raise ValueError(f'Invalid type: {from_}')
value = base_type.to_unit(value, to_, from_)
return round(value[0], 3)