dragonfly_doe2.doe.shades module

class dragonfly_doe2.doe.shades.Doe2Shade(name: str, shade_type: str, height: float, width: float, x_ref: float, y_ref: float, z_ref: float, azimuth: float, tilt: float, transmittance: float = 0.0)[source]

Bases: object

DOE2 shade object. Can be either: - ‘FIXED-SHADE’: azimuth is independent from the building, i.e context shade such as

buildings and terrain. Objects that are independent from the orientation of the building during ASHRAE 90.1 baseline orientation averages.

  • ‘BUILDING-SHADE’: azimuth is connected to the buildign azimuth,

    will rotate withh the building on change of azimuth, i.e fin shades, awnings, and other types of “on building” shading devices.

classmethod from_face3d(face: ladybug_geometry.geometry3d.face.Face3D, indx_identifier, shade_type=None)[source]

Create DOE2 shade object from Face3D object


Returns *.inp shade object string

azimuth: float
height: float
name: str
shade_type: str
tilt: float
transmittance: float = 0.0
width: float
x_ref: float
y_ref: float
z_ref: float
class dragonfly_doe2.doe.shades.Doe2ShadeCollection(doe_shades: List[dragonfly_doe2.doe.shades.Doe2Shade])[source]

Bases: object

classmethod from_df_context_shades(df_shades: [<class 'dragonfly.context.ContextShade'>])[source]

Generate doe2 fixed shades from dragonfly context shades

doe_shades: List[dragonfly_doe2.doe.shades.Doe2Shade]