dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space module

class dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.Floor(name: str, floor_z: float, floor_height: float, spaces: List[dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.Space])[source]

Bases: object

The *.inp ‘Floor’ object, contains spaces and space meta-data.
Init method(s):
  1. from_story(story: Story).


name: Story display_name. floor_z: the height of the floor poly centroid from ground level. floor_height: the floor-to-floor height of the rooms within the story.

This is a single input for eQuest, all rooms in story share this value.


"simple_example_dfb_Floor1" = FLOOR
    Z                = 0.0
    POLYGON          = "simple_example_dfb_Floor1 Floor Plg"
    SHAPE            = POLYGON
    FLOOR-HEIGHT     = 10.0
    C-DIAGRAM-DATA   = *simple_example_dfb_Floor1 UI DiagData*
"simple_example_dfb_Floor1_Room1" = SPACE
    SHAPE            = POLYGON
    POLYGON          = "simple_example_dfb_Floor1_Room1 Plg"
    C-ACTIVITY-DESC  = *Generic Office Program*
"simple_example_dfb_Floor1_Room1 Wall_1" = EXTERIOR-WALL
    CONSTRUCTION    = "EWall Construction"
    LOCATION        = SPACE-V1
classmethod from_story(story: dragonfly.story.Story)[source]
floor_height: float
floor_z: float
name: str
spaces: List[dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.Space]
class dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.RoofCeiling(name: str, construction: str, next_to: str = None)[source]

Bases: object

Object for roof/ceiling inputs.

Init method(s):
  1. from_room(name, construction, type_adjacency, next_to=None)


name: space name. (is joind with _roof_{n}). construction: display_name of roof_ceiling’s constr. next_to: optional WIP for interior ceilings adjacent space ID#!WIP


"Roof (G.2.E9)" = EXTERIOR-WALL
    CONSTRUCTION     = "Roof Construction"
    LOCATION         = TOP
"Ceiling (G.1.I1)" = INTERIOR-WALL
    NEXT-TO          = "Plnm (G.2)"
    CONSTRUCTION     = "Ceilg Construction"
    LOCATION         = TOP
classmethod from_room(room: dragonfly.room2d.Room2D)[source]
construction: str
name: str
next_to: str = None
class dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.Slab(name: str, construction: str, type_adjacency: str = 'BOTTOM')[source]

Bases: object

Object for ‘floor’ surface.

Init method(s):

1. from_room(name, construction, type_adjacency). note: temp naming conv: intent is for at space class level to check if is_ground_contact == True; do SpaceFloor init.


name: space name. (is joined with _floor_{n}). construction: display_name of the floor’s construction type_adjacency: for now ‘BOTTOM’ only.


    CONSTRUCTION     = "UFCons (G.1.U2)"
    LOCATION         = BOTTOM
classmethod from_room(name: str, construction: str, type_adjacency: str = 'BOTTOM')[source]
construction: str
name: str
type_adjacency: str = 'BOTTOM'
class dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.Space(name: str, activity: str, walls: List[dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.Wall], slab: dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.Slab = None, roof: dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.RoofCeiling = None)[source]

Bases: object

The Space Object. Each Room2D has a Space obj. This obj contains windows, walls, doors data.

Init method(s):
  1. from_room(room: Room2D)


name: room.display_name. activity: room program.display_name. walls: List[of Wall(objects)]


"simple_example_dfb_Floor1_Room1" = SPACE
    SHAPE            = POLYGON
    POLYGON          = "simple_example_dfb_Floor1_Room1 Plg"
    C-ACTIVITY-DESC  = *Generic Office Program*
"simple_example_dfb_Floor1_Room1 Wall_1" = EXTERIOR-WALL
    CONSTRUCTION    = "EWall Construction"
    LOCATION        = SPACE-V1
"simple_example_dfb_Floor1_Room1 Wall_2" = EXTERIOR-WALL
    CONSTRUCTION    = "EWall Construction"
    LOCATION        = SPACE-V2
classmethod from_room(room: dragonfly.room2d.Room2D)[source]
activity: str
name: str
roof: dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.RoofCeiling = None
slab: dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.Slab = None
walls: List[dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.Wall]
class dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.Wall(name: str, location: int, construction: str, windows: dragonfly.windowparameter.RectangularWindows = None, window_constr: honeybee_energy.construction.window.WindowConstruction = None)[source]

Bases: object

*.inp Wall object.

Init method(s):
  1. from_room_seg(name, location, construction)


name: space name. (is joined with _wall_{n}). location: vertice of space poly anchoring the wall. construction: display_name of construction wall is comprised of.


"simple_example_dfb_Floor1_Room1 Wall_1" = EXTERIOR-WALL
   CONSTRUCTION    = "EWall Construction"
   LOCATION        = SPACE-V1
classmethod from_room_seg(name: str, location: int, construction: str, windows: None, window_constr: None)[source]
construction: str
location: int
name: str
window_constr: honeybee_energy.construction.window.WindowConstruction = None
windows: dragonfly.windowparameter.RectangularWindows = None
class dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.Window(name: str, location: int, x: float, y: float, width: float, height: float, glass_type: str)[source]

Bases: object

*.inp Window object.


name: display name of the room2d, to be added to, creating a unique displayname. location: the index/n of the window in the set of windows hosted by the wall segment. x: window origin pt.x coord. y: window origin pt.y coord. width: window width. height: window height.


rmOne_wndw_0_wall1 = WINDOW
    X           = 0.6830601092896195
    Y           = 2.6229508196721314
    WIDTH       = 9.562841530054643
    HEIGHT      = 6.557377049180327
glass_type: str
height: float
location: int
name: str
width: float
x: float
y: float
class dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.WindowSet(name: str, location: int, windows: List[dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.Window], glass_type: None)[source]

Bases: object

An internal object comprising all of the windows hosted by a wall segment.

Init methods(s):

from_params(name, location, rectangular_window_params).

  • name – the display name of the room2d hosting the wall the windowset belongs to.

  • location – the index of the room2D’s wall segment hosting the window set. for use on

  • unique identifier name for each window. (creating) –

  • windows – list of Window objects comprising the window set.

classmethod from_params(name: str, location: int, rectangular_window_params: list, glass_type)[source]
glass_type: None
location: int
name: str
windows: List[dragonfly_doe2.doe.floor_space.Window]