dragonfly_doe2.doe.hvac module

class dragonfly_doe2.doe.hvac.HVACSystem(name: str, zones: List[dragonfly_doe2.doe.hvac.Zone])[source]

Bases: object

Placeholder HVAC system class, returns each floor as a doe2, HVAC system, with rooms as zones. :param name: story display name :param zones: list of doe2.hvac.Zone objects serviced by the system

Init method(s):
  1. from_story(story: DFStory) -> doe2_system:

classmethod from_story(story: dragonfly.story.Story)[source]
name: str
zones: List[dragonfly_doe2.doe.hvac.Zone]
class dragonfly_doe2.doe.hvac.Zone(name: str, heating_setpoint: float, cooling_setpoint: float)[source]

Bases: object

A doe2 ‘Zone’ object from dragonfly Room2D. :param name: room display name :param heating_setpoint: heating setpoint temperature (*F) eQuest default of 72*F if no :param setpoint found in DF room2D program: :param cooling_setpoint: cooling setpoint temperature (*F) eQuest default of 75*F if no :param setpoint found in DF room2D program:

Init method(s):
  1. from_room(room: DFRoom)-> doe_zone:

classmethod from_room(room: dragonfly.room2d.Room2D)[source]
cooling_setpoint: float
heating_setpoint: float
name: str