Source code for dragonfly_doe2.doe.polygon

""" Templates for 'Block Inputs' that are of relative
    Redundance between rooms and story objects
from dragonfly.room2d import Room2D
from dragonfly.story import Story
from .utils import short_name, lower_left_properties

[docs]class Polygon(object): "A Doe2 Polygon." def __init__(self, name, vertices): = name self.vertice = vertices
[docs] @classmethod def from_room(cls, room: Room2D, tolerace=0.01): """ Note: Shouldn't we ensure the points are in 2D. I'm not sure how it works. #TF: ooohhhhhhhhhh good catch!! Though is there not already built into DF something of the sort for room.floor_geom? was operating off the *assumption* that obj.prop would be good to go as is? or am I misunderstanding the specifics in which should do check: raise exception if issue? """ room.remove_duplicate_vertices() # TODO: on refactor, need to minimize the disconnect between the poly and 'space' room vertices = lower_left_properties(room)[0] return cls(room.display_name, vertices)
[docs] @classmethod def from_story(cls, story: Story, tolerance=0.01): """ Note: I'm not sure if this is correct - shouldn't we create a polygon per face? This is based on the initial code by Trevor so I didn't change it. """ geo = story.footprint(tolerance=tolerance)[0] # b_pts = geo.boundary # remove duplicate vertices if any new_bound = [] b_pts = b_pts[1:] + (b_pts[0],) for i, vert in enumerate(b_pts): if not vert.is_equivalent(b_pts[i - 1], tolerance): new_bound.append(b_pts[i - 1]) return cls(story.display_name, new_bound)
[docs] def to_inp(self) -> str: """Return Room Polygons block input""" vertices_template = ' V%d\t\t= ( %f, %f )'.replace('\t', ' ') vertices = '\n'.join([ vertices_template % (i + 1, ver.x, ver.y) for i, ver in enumerate(self.vertice) ]) return f'"{} Plg" = POLYGON\n' \ f'{vertices}\n' + \ ' ..'
def __repr__(self): return self.to_inp()