Source code for

from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import unique
from typing import List

from import OpaqueConstruction as OpConstr

from .material import Material
from . import blocks as fb
from .utils import short_name

[docs]@dataclass class Construction: name: str materials: List[Material] absorptance: float roughness: int
[docs] @classmethod def from_hb_construction(cls, construction: OpConstr): """Create inp construction from HB construction.""" roughdict = {'VeryRough': 1, 'Rough': 2, 'MediumRough': 3, 'MediumSmooth': 4, 'Smooth': 5, 'VerySmooth': 6} if not isinstance(construction, OpConstr): # this should raise an error but for now I leave it to print until we # support a handful number of types print( f'Unsupported Construction type: {type(construction)}.\n' 'Please be patient as more features and capabilities are implemented.' ) return cls(construction.display_name, [], 0, 0) materials = [ Material.from_hb_material(material) for material in construction.materials ] absorptance = construction.materials[0].solar_absorptance roughness = roughdict[construction.materials[0].roughness] cons_name = short_name(construction.display_name, 30) return cls(cons_name, materials, absorptance, roughness)
[docs] def to_inp(self, include_materials=True): # temporary solution not return values for unsupported construction types if not self.materials: return '' if include_materials: block = ['\n'.join(material.to_inp() for material in self.materials)] else: block = [] materials = '\n '.join(f'"{}",' for material in self.materials) layers_name = f'"{}_l"' construction = f'{layers_name} = LAYERS\n' \ f' MATERIAL = (\n {materials[:-1]}\n )\n' \ ' ..\n\n' \ f'"{}_c" = CONSTRUCTION\n' \ ' TYPE = LAYERS\n' \ f' ABSORPTANCE = {self.absorptance}\n' \ f' ROUGHNESS = {self.roughness}\n' \ f' LAYERS = {layers_name}\n' \ ' ..\n' block.append(construction) return '\n\n'.join(block)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.to_inp()
[docs]@dataclass class ConstructionCollection: """Construction object. Contains, materials and layers for *.inp file. Returns: $ Materials / Layers / Constructions *.inp block """ constructions: List[Construction]
[docs] @classmethod def from_hb_constructions(cls, constructions: List[OpConstr]): unique_constructions = { construction.display_name: construction for construction in constructions }.values() constructions = [ Construction.from_hb_construction(construction) for construction in unique_constructions ] return cls(constructions)
[docs] def to_inp(self): block = [fb.mats_layers] # collect all the materials and ensure to only include the unique ones materials = set( mat.to_inp() for construction in self.constructions for mat in construction.materials ) block.append('\n\n'.join(materials)) # add constructions - layers are created as part of each construction definition for construction in self.constructions: block.append(construction.to_inp(include_materials=False)) return '\n'.join(block)
def __repr__(self): return self.to_inp()