Source code for honeybee_vtk.scene

"""A VTK scene."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import vtk

from ._helper import _validate_input
from .actor import Actor
from .assistant import Assistant
from .camera import Camera
from .headless import try_headless
from .legend_parameter import LegendParameter
from .types import ImageTypes
from .text_actor import TextActor

[docs]class Scene: """Initialize a Scene object. Vtk derives inspiration from a movie set in naming its objects. Imagine a scene being prepared at a movie set. The scene has a background. It has a few actors, there are assistants running around making sure everything is ready, and there are a few cameras setup to capture the scene from different angles. A scene in vtk is defined in the similar fashion. It has a background color, some actors i.e. geometry objects from model, a few cameras around the scene, and assistants equal the number of cameras setup in the scene. Args: background_color: A tuple of three integers that represent RGB values of the color that you'd like to set as the background color. Defaults to white. actors: A list of Actor objects to be added to the scene. Defaults to None. cameras: A list of Camera objects to be added to the scene. Defaults to None. text_actor: A TextActor object to be added to the scene. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, background_color: Tuple[int, int, int] = None, actors: List[Actor] = None, cameras: List[Camera] = None, text_actor: TextActor = None) -> None: self.background_color = background_color self.actors = actors or [] self.cameras = cameras or [] self.legend_parameters = {} self.text_actor = text_actor self._assistants = [] @property def background_color(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: """background_color for the scene.""" return self._background_color @background_color.setter def background_color(self, val: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> None: if not val: colors = vtk.vtkNamedColors() self._background_color = colors.GetColor3d("White") elif _validate_input(val, [int]): self._background_color = val else: raise ValueError( 'Background color is a tuple with three integers' ' representing R, G, and B values.' ) @property def actors(self) -> List[Actor]: """Actors in the scene.""" return self._actors @actors.setter def actors(self, val: List[Actor]) -> None: """Set actors for the scene.""" if not val: self._actors = [] elif _validate_input(val, [Actor]): self._actors = val else: raise ValueError( 'A list of Actor objects is expected.' f' Instead got {val}.' ) @property def cameras(self) -> List[Camera]: """A list of honeybee-vtk cameras setup in the scene.""" return self._cameras @cameras.setter def cameras(self, val: List[Camera]) -> None: """Set cameras for the scene.""" if not val: self._cameras = [] elif _validate_input(val, [Camera]): self._cameras = val else: raise ValueError( 'A list of Camera objects is expected.' f' Instead got {val}.' ) @property def text_actor(self) -> TextActor: """TextActor object in the scene.""" return self._text_actor @text_actor.setter def text_actor(self, val: TextActor) -> None: """Set the TextActor object in the scene.""" if not val: self._text_actor = None elif not isinstance(val, TextActor): raise ValueError('TextActor object is expected.') else: self._text_actor = val @property def assistants(self) -> List[Assistant]: """A list of honeybee-vtk assistants working in the scene.""" return self._assistants @property def legend_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, LegendParameter]: """Legends in the scene that can be added to the images.""" for actor in self._actors: self._legend_parameters[] = actor.legend_parameter return self._legend_parameters @legend_parameters.setter def legend_parameters(self, val: Dict[str, LegendParameter]) -> None: """Set legend parameters for the scene.""" self._legend_parameters = val
[docs] def legend_parameter(self, name: str) -> LegendParameter: """Get a legend parameter object by name. Args: name: A string for the name of the legend parameters you are looking for. Returns: A legend parameter object. """ if name not in self.legend_parameters.keys(): raise ValueError( 'No legend parameter found by that name in this scene. Make sure cameras' ' and actors a added to the scene. Legends in the scene are' f' {tuple(self.legend_parameters.keys())}.' ) return self.legend_parameters[name]
[docs] def add_cameras(self, val: Union[Camera, List[Camera]]) -> None: """Add a honeybee-vtk Camera objects to a Scene. Args: val: Either a list of Camera objects or a single Camera object. """ if isinstance(val, list) and _validate_input(val, [Camera]): self._cameras += val elif isinstance(val, Camera): self._cameras.append(val) else: raise ValueError( 'Either a list of Camera objects or a Camera object is expected.' f' Instead got {val}.' )
[docs] def add_actors(self, val: Union[Actor, List[Actor]]) -> None: """add honeybee-vtk Actor objects to a Scene. Args: val: Either a list of Actors objects or a single Actor object. """ if isinstance(val, list) and _validate_input(val, [Actor]): self._actors += val elif isinstance(val, Actor): self._actors.append(val) else: raise ValueError( 'Either a list of Actor objects or an Actor object is expected.' f' Instead got {val}.' )
[docs] def add_text_actor(self, val: TextActor) -> None: """Add a TextActor object to the scene.""" assert isinstance(val, TextActor), 'TextActor object is expected.' self._text_actor = val
[docs] def update_scene(self) -> None: """Update the scene. This method will use the latest cameras, actors, and visible legend parameters to create assistant object. """ if self._cameras and self._actors: if self.legend_parameters: visible_legend_params = [ legend_param for legend_param in self.legend_parameters.values() if not legend_param.hide_legend] else: visible_legend_params = [] self._assistants = [ Assistant(background_color=self._background_color, camera=camera, actors=self._actors, legend_parameters=visible_legend_params, text_actor=self._text_actor) for camera in self._cameras] else: raise ValueError( 'Add cameras and actors to the scene first.' )
@try_headless def export_images( self, folder: str, image_type: ImageTypes = ImageTypes.png, *, image_scale: int = 1, image_width: int = 0, image_height: int = 0, image_name: str = '', color_range: vtk.vtkLookupTable = None, rgba: bool = False, show: bool = False, vtk_camera: vtk.vtkCamera = None, extract_camera: bool = False) -> List[str]: """Export all the cameras in the scene as images. Reference: This method is able to export an image in '.png', '.jpg', '.ps', '.tiff', '.bmp', and '.pnm' formats. Parameters vtk_camera and extract_camera are mutually exclusive and these parameters are only used by the to_grid_images method in the Model object. Args: folder: A valid path to where you'd like to write the images. image_type: An ImageType object. image_scale: An integer value as a scale factor. Defaults to 1. image_width: An integer value that sets the width of image in pixels. Defaults to 0, which will use default radinace view's horizontal angle. image_height: An integer value that sets the height of image in pixels. Defaults to 0, which will use default radinace view's vertical angle. image_name: A text string that sets the name of the image. Defaults to ''. color_range: A vtk lookup table object which can be obtained from the color_range mehtod of the DataFieldInfo object. Defaults to None. rgba: A boolean value to set the type of buffer. A True value sets an the background color to black. A False value uses the Scene object's background color. Defaults to False. show: A boolean value to decide if the the render window should pop up. Defaults to False. vtk_camera: A vtkCamera object. If specified, this vtkCamera will be used to export images. Defaults to None. extract_camera: A boolean value to if active camera from the renderer in the assistant shall be extracted or not. Defaults to False. Returns: A list of text strings representing the paths to the exported images. """ self.update_scene() if vtk_camera: self._assistants[0].vtk_camera = vtk_camera if extract_camera: return self._assistants[0]._create_window()[2].GetActiveCamera() return [assistant._export_image( folder=folder, image_type=image_type, image_scale=image_scale, image_width=image_width, image_height=image_height, image_name=image_name, color_range=color_range, rgba=rgba, show=show) for assistant in self._assistants]
[docs] def export_gltf(self, folder: str, name: str = 'Camera') -> str: """Export a scene to a glTF file. Args: folder: A valid path to where you'd like to write the gltf file. name: Name of the gltf file as a text string. Returns: A text string representing the path to the gltf file. """ self.update_scene() if self._assistants: return self._assistants[0]._export_gltf(folder=folder, name=name) else: raise ValueError( 'At least one camera needs to be setup to export an image.' )