# coding=utf-8
"""Definitions for central parameters used in electric generator simulation."""
from __future__ import division
from honeybee._lockable import lockable
from honeybee.typing import float_in_range, float_positive
from ..properties.extension import ElectricLoadCenterProperties
from ..writer import generate_idf_string
class ElectricLoadCenter(object):
"""Parameters used to specify the properties of the model's electric loads center.
inverter_efficiency: A number between 0 and 1 for the load centers's
inverter nominal rated DC-to-AC conversion efficiency. An inverter
converts DC power, such as that output by photovoltaic panels, to
AC power, such as that distributed by the electrical grid and is available
from standard electrical outlets. Inverter efficiency is defined
as the inverter's rated AC power output divided by its rated DC power
output. (Default: 0.96).
inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio: A positive number (typically greater than 1) for
the ratio of the inverter's DC rated size to its AC rated size. Typically,
inverters are not sized to convert the full DC output under standard
test conditions (STC) as such conditions rarely occur in reality and
therefore unnecessarily add to the size/cost of the inverter. For a
system with a high DC to AC size ratio, during times when the
DC power output exceeds the inverter's rated DC input size, the inverter
limits the array's power output by increasing the DC operating voltage,
which moves the arrays operating point down its current-voltage (I-V)
curve. The default value of 1.1 is reasonable for most systems. A
typical range is 1.1 to 1.25, although some large-scale systems have
ratios of as high as 1.5. The optimal value depends on the system's
location, array orientation, and module cost. (Default: 1.1).
* inverter_efficiency
* inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio
__slots__ = ('_inverter_efficiency', '_inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio', '_locked', '_properties')
def __init__(self, inverter_efficiency=0.96, inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio=1.1):
"""Initialize ElectricLoadCenter."""
self.inverter_efficiency = inverter_efficiency
self.inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio = inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio
# TODO: Add properties for battery storage to this object
self._properties = ElectricLoadCenterProperties(self)
def inverter_efficiency(self):
"""Get or set a number for the nominal rated efficiency of the inverter."""
return self._inverter_efficiency
def inverter_efficiency(self, value):
self._inverter_efficiency = float_in_range(
value, 0.0, 1.0, 'inverter rated efficiency')
def inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio(self):
"""Get or set a number for the nominal rated efficiency of the inverter."""
return self._inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio
def inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio(self, value):
self._inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio = float_positive(
value, 'inverter DC to AC size ratio')
def properties(self):
"""Get the properties of the ElectricLoadCenter."""
return self._properties
def from_dict(cls, data):
"""Create a ElectricLoadCenter object from a dictionary.
data: A ElectricLoadCenter dictionary following the format below.
.. code-block:: python
"type": "ElectricLoadCenter"
"inverter_efficiency": 0.95, # rated inverter efficiency
"inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio": 1.2 # ratio between inverter DC and AC size
assert data['type'] == 'ElectricLoadCenter', 'Expected ' \
'ElectricLoadCenter dictionary. Got {}.'.format(data['type'])
eff = data['inverter_efficiency'] if 'inverter_efficiency' in data \
and data['inverter_efficiency'] is not None else 0.96
dc_to_ac = data['inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio'] \
if 'inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio' in data \
and data['inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio'] is not None else 1.1
new_obj = cls(eff, dc_to_ac)
if 'properties' in data and data['properties'] is not None:
return new_obj
def to_dict(self):
"""ElectricLoadCenter dictionary representation."""
base = {'type': 'ElectricLoadCenter'}
base['inverter_efficiency'] = self.inverter_efficiency
base['inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio'] = self.inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio
prop_dict = self.properties.to_dict()
if prop_dict is not None:
base['properties'] = prop_dict
return base
def to_idf(self, generator_objects):
"""IDF string representation of the electric loads center.
Note that this method only outputs the ElectricLoadCenter:Generators list,
the ElectricLoadCenter:Inverter object and the ElectricLoadCenter:Distribution
specification. However, to write the full set of generation objects into
an IDF, the individual generators must also be written.
generator_objects: A list of honeybee objects representing electrical
generators that are included in the system. For example, this can be
a list of Shade objects with PVProperties assigned to them.
A tuple with three elements
- generators: Text string representation of the ElectricLoadCenter:
Generators list.
- inverter: Text string representation of the ElectricLoadCenter:
Inverter list.
- distribution: Text string representation of the ElectricLoadCenter:
Distribution specification.
.. code-block:: shell
Backup Generators, !- Name
Cat Diesel, !- Generator 1 Name
Generator:InternalCombustionEngine, !- Generator 1 Object Type
50000, !- Generator 1 Rated Electric Power Output
ON PEAK GENERATOR SCHEDULE, !- Generator 1 Availability Schedule Name
, !- Generator 1 Rated Thermal to Electrical Power Ratio
Solar Turbine, !- Generator 2 Name
Generator:CombustionTurbine, !- Generator 2 Object Type
30000, !- Generator 2 Rated Electric Power Output
OFF PEAK GENERATOR SCHEDULE, !- Generator 2 Availability Schedule Name
, !- Generator 2 Rated Thermal to Electrical Power Ratio
Capstone C65, !- Generator 3 Name
Generator:Microturbine, !- Generator 3 Object Type
65000, !- Generator 3 Rated Electric Power Output
MID PEAK GENERATOR SCHEDULE, !- Generator 3 Availability Schedule Name
; !- Generator 3 Rated Thermal to Electrical Power Ratio
# create the ElectricLoadCenter:Generators list
generators_vals = ['Model Load Center Generators']
generators_comments = ['name']
for i, g_obj in enumerate(generator_objects):
g_id = '{}..{}'.format(
g_obj.properties.energy.pv_properties.identifier, g_obj.identifier)
generators_comments.append('generator {} name'.format(i + 1))
generators_comments.append('generator {} object type'.format(i + 1))
generators_vals.extend(('', '', ''))
('power output', 'availability', 'thermal to electric'))
generators = generate_idf_string(
'ElectricLoadCenter:Generators', generators_vals, generators_comments)
# create the ElectricLoadCenter:Inverter object
inverter_values = (
'Photovoltaic Inverter', self.inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio,
inverter_comments = (
'inverter name', 'DC to AC size ratio', 'inverter efficiency')
inverter = generate_idf_string(
'ElectricLoadCenter:Inverter:PVWatts', inverter_values, inverter_comments)
# create the ElectricLoadCenter:Distribution specification
values = ('Model Load Center Distribution', 'Model Load Center Generators',
'Baseload', '', '', '', 'DirectCurrentWithInverter',
'Photovoltaic Inverter')
comments = (
'distribution name', 'generator list name', 'generator operation type',
'purchased electric demand limit', 'track schedule', 'track meter',
'electrical buss type', 'inverter name')
distribution = generate_idf_string(
'ElectricLoadCenter:Distribution', values, comments)
return generators, inverter, distribution
def duplicate(self):
"""Get a copy of this object."""
return self.__copy__()
def __copy__(self):
new_obj = ElectricLoadCenter(
self.inverter_efficiency, self.inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio)
return new_obj
def __key(self):
"""A tuple based on the object properties, useful for hashing."""
return (self.inverter_efficiency, self.inverter_dc_to_ac_size_ratio)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__key())
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, ElectricLoadCenter) and \
self.__key() == other.__key()
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def ToString(self):
"""Overwrite .NET ToString."""
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
return 'ElectricLoadCenter: [inverter efficiency: {}]'.format(