honeybee_energy.config module

Honeybee_energy configurations.

Import this into every module where access configurations are needed.


from honeybee_energy.config import folders
folders.energyplus_path = "C:/EnergyPlusV9-0-1"
class honeybee_energy.config.Folders(config_file=None, mute=True)[source]

Bases: object

Honeybee_energy folders.

  • config_file – The path to the config.json file from which folders are loaded. If None, the config.json module included in this package will be used. Default: None.

  • mute – If False, the paths to the various folders will be printed as they are found. If True, no printing will occur upon initialization of this class. Default: True.

  • openstudio_path

  • openstudio_exe

  • openstudio_version

  • openstudio_version_str

  • openstudio_csharp_path

  • openstudio_lib_path

  • energyplus_path

  • energyplus_exe

  • energyplus_version

  • energyplus_version_str

  • energyplus_idd_path

  • lbt_measures_path

  • openstudio_results_measure_path

  • view_data_measure_path

  • inject_idf_measure_path

  • honeybee_openstudio_gem_path

  • honeybee_adapter_path

  • ironbug_path

  • ironbug_exe

  • ironbug_version

  • ironbug_version_str

  • standards_data_folder

  • construction_lib

  • constructionset_lib

  • schedule_lib

  • programtype_lib

  • defaults_file

  • standards_extension_folders

  • config_file

  • mute

property config_file

Get or set the path to the config.json file from which folders are loaded.

Setting this to None will result in using the config.json module included in this package.

property construction_lib

Get the path to the construction library in the standards_data_folder.

property constructionset_lib

Get the path to the constructionset library in the standards_data_folder.

property defaults_file

Get the path to the JSON file where honeybee’s defaults are loaded from.

property energyplus_exe

Get the path to the executable energyplus file.

property energyplus_idd_path
property energyplus_path

Get or set the path to EnergyPlus installation folder.

property energyplus_version

Get a tuple for the version of energyplus (eg. (9, 3, 0)).

This will be None if the version could not be sensed or if no EnergyPlus installation was found.

property energyplus_version_str

Get text for the full version of energyplus (eg. “9.3.0-baff08990c”).

This will be None if the version could not be sensed or if no EnergyPlus installation was found.

property honeybee_adapter_path

Get the path to the honeybee adapter.

This adapter file is used to report the EnergyPlus simulation progress when running simulations using the OpenStudio CLI.

property honeybee_openstudio_gem_path

Get or set the path to the honeybee_openstudio_gem.

This gem contains libraries and measures for translating between Honeybee JSON schema and OpenStudio Model schema (OSM). This folder must have the following sub-folders in order to be valid:

  • honeybee - Ruby library with modules for model translation to OpenStudio.

  • measures - folder with the actual measures that run the translation.

  • files - folder containing the adapter and other supporting files.

property inject_idf_measure_path

Get the path to the measure that injects IDF text.

property ironbug_exe

Get the path to the executable Ironbug console file.

property ironbug_path

Get or set the path to an Ironbug installation folder.

property ironbug_version

Get a tuple for the version of Ironbug (eg. (1, 4, 3, 0)).

This will be None if the version could not be sensed or if no Ironbug installation was found.

property ironbug_version_str

Get text for the full version of Ironbug (eg. “v1.4.3.0 (Jan 17, 2023)”).

This will be None if the version could not be sensed or if no Ironbug installation was found.

property lbt_measures_path

Get or set the path to the the measures that ship with with Ladybug Tools.

This folder must have the following sub-folders in order to be valid:

  • openstudio_results - Measure to display a clean energy use HTML report.

  • view_data - Measure to color geometry with simulation results.

property openstudio_csharp_path

Get the path to the OpenStudio CSharp folder if it exists.

property openstudio_exe

Get the path to the executable openstudio file.

property openstudio_lib_path

Get the path to the OpenStudio lib folder if it exists.

property openstudio_path

Get or set the path to OpenStudio installation folder.

This is the “bin” directory for OpenStudio installation (the one that contains the openstudio executable file).

property openstudio_results_measure_path

Get the path to the measure that displays a clean energy use HTML report.

property openstudio_version

Get a tuple for the version of openstudio (eg. (3, 0, 1)).

This will be None if the version could not be sensed or if no OpenStudio installation was found.

property openstudio_version_str

Get text for the full version of openstudio (eg. “3.0.1+09b7c8a554”).

This will be None if the version could not be sensed or if no OpenStudio installation was found.

property programtype_lib

Get the path to the programtype library in the standards_data_folder.

property schedule_lib

Get the path to the schedule library in the standards_data_folder.

property standards_data_folder

Get or set the path to the library of standards loaded to honeybee_energy.lib.

This folder must have the following sub-folders in order to be valid:

  • constructions - folder with IDF files for materials + constructions.

  • constructionsets - folder with JSON files of abridged ConstructionSets.

  • schedules - folder with IDF files for schedules.

  • programtypes - folder with JSON files of abridged ProgramTypes.

property standards_extension_folders

Get or set an array of paths to standards extensions loaded to the lib.

Each extension folder folder must have the following sub-folders:

  • constructions - folder with honeybee JSON files for materials + constructions.

    It should have the following 4 JSON files: opaque_material, opaque_construction, window_material, window_construction.

  • constructionsets - folder with honeybee JSON files of ConstructionSets.

  • schedules - folder with honeybee JSON files for schedules.

  • programtypes - folder with honeybee JSON files of ProgramTypes.

property view_data_measure_path

Get the path to the measure that colors geometry with simulation results.