honeybee_energy.result.eui module

Module to parse End Use Intensity (EUI) from EnergyPlus results.


Get a dictionary of End Use Intensity (EUI) results from EnergyPlus SQLs.


sql_results – The file path of the SQL result file that has been generated from an energy simulation. This can also be a list of SQL result files in which case EUI will be computed across all files. Lastly, it can be a directory or list of directories containing results, in which case, EUI will be calculated form all files ending in .sql.


A dictionary with several keys.

  • eui – A number for the total end use intensity. Specifically, this is the sum of all electricity, fuel, district heating/cooling, etc. divided by the gross floor area (including both conditioned and unconditioned spaces). Units are kWh/m2.

  • total_floor_area – A number for the gross floor area of the building in m2. This excludes Rooms with True exclude_floor_area property.

  • conditioned_floor_area – A number for the conditioned floor area of the building in m2. This excludes Rooms with True exclude_floor_area property.

  • total_energy – A number for the total energy use of the building in kWh.

  • end_uses – A dictionary with the end use intensity for each of the end uses of the building (eg. heating, cooling, lighting, etc.).