# coding=utf-8
"""Window Construction with any number of dynamic states."""
from __future__ import division
import re
from honeybee._lockable import lockable
from honeybee.typing import valid_ep_string
from .window import WindowConstruction
from ..material.glazing import EnergyWindowMaterialSimpleGlazSys
from ..schedule.dictutil import dict_to_schedule
from ..schedule.ruleset import ScheduleRuleset
from ..schedule.fixedinterval import ScheduleFixedInterval
from ..writer import generate_idf_string
class WindowConstructionDynamic(object):
"""Window Construction with any number of dynamic states.
identifier: Text string for a unique Construction ID. Must be < 100 characters
and not contain any EnergyPlus special characters. This will be used to
identify the object across a model and in the exported IDF.
constructions: A list of WindowConstruction objects that define the various
states that the dynamic window can assume.
schedule: A ScheduleRuleset or ScheduleFixedInterval composed of integers
that correspond to the indices of the constructions that are active
at given times throughout the simulation.
* identifier
* display_name
* constructions
* schedule
* materials
* layers
* unique_materials
* frame
* r_value
* u_value
* u_factor
* r_factor
* is_symmetric
* has_frame
* has_shade
* is_dynamic
* inside_emissivity
* outside_emissivity
* solar_transmittance
* visible_transmittance
* shgc
* thickness
* glazing_count
* gap_count
* user_data
__slots__ = ('_identifier', '_display_name', '_constructions', '_schedule',
'_locked', '_user_data')
def __init__(self, identifier, constructions, schedule):
"""Initialize dynamic window construction."""
self._locked = False # unlocked by default
self.identifier = identifier
self._display_name = None
self.constructions = constructions
self.schedule = schedule
self._user_data = None
def identifier(self):
"""Get or set the text string for construction identifier."""
return self._identifier
def identifier(self, identifier):
self._identifier = valid_ep_string(identifier, 'construction identifier')
def display_name(self):
"""Get or set a string for the object name without any character restrictions.
If not set, this will be equal to the identifier.
if self._display_name is None:
return self._identifier
return self._display_name
def display_name(self, value):
if value is not None:
value = str(value)
except UnicodeEncodeError: # Python 2 machine lacking the character set
pass # keep it as unicode
self._display_name = value
def constructions(self):
"""Get or set a list of WindowConstructions that define the dynamic states."""
return self._constructions
def constructions(self, cons):
if not isinstance(cons, tuple):
cons = tuple(cons)
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('Expected list or tuple for WindowConstructionDynamic '
'constructions. Got {}'.format(type(cons)))
for construct in cons:
assert isinstance(construct, WindowConstruction), \
'Expected WindowConstruction for WindowConstructionDynamic. ' \
'Got {}.'.format(type(construct))
assert len(cons) > 1, 'There must be at least two constructions ' \
'for a WindowConstructionDynamic.'
self._constructions = cons
def schedule(self):
"""Get or set a control schedule for the constructions active at given time.
The values of the schedule should be integers and range from 0 to one
less then the number of constructions. Zero indicates that the first
construction is active, one indicates that the second on is active, etc.
The schedule type limits of this schedule should be "Discrete" and the unit
type should be "Mode," "Control," or some other fractional unit.
return self._schedule
def schedule(self, value):
assert isinstance(value, (ScheduleRuleset, ScheduleFixedInterval)), \
'Expected schedule for window construction shaded schedule. ' \
'Got {}.'.format(type(value))
if value.schedule_type_limit is not None:
assert value.schedule_type_limit.numeric_type == 'Discrete', 'Dynamic ' \
'window construction schedule should have a Discrete type limit. ' \
'Got a schedule of numeric_type [{}].'.format(
assert value.schedule_type_limit.unit == 'fraction', 'Dynamic window ' \
'construction schedule should have Mode or Control unit types. ' \
'Got a schedule of unit_type [{}].'.format(
value.lock() # lock editing in case schedule has multiple references
self._schedule = value
def materials(self):
"""Get a list of materials for the constituent constructions.
Materials will be listed from outside to inside and will move from the first
construction to the last.
return [m for con in self._constructions for m in con.materials]
def layers(self):
"""Get a list of material identifiers for the constituent constructions.
Materials will be listed from outside to inside and will move from the first
construction to the last.
return [mat.identifier for mat in self.materials]
def unique_materials(self):
"""A list of only unique material objects in the construction.
This will include the materials across all dynamic states of the construction.
return list(set([m for con in self._constructions for m in con.materials]))
def frame(self):
"""Get a window frame for the frame material surrounding the construction."""
return self._constructions[0].frame
def r_value(self):
"""R-value of the first window construction [m2-K/W] (excluding air films)."""
return self._constructions[0].r_value
def u_value(self):
"""U-value of the first window construction [W/m2-K] (excluding air films)."""
return self._constructions[0].u_value
def r_factor(self):
"""First window construction R-factor [m2-K/W] (with standard air films).
Formulas for film coefficients come from EN673 / ISO10292.
return self._constructions[0].r_factor
def u_factor(self):
"""First window construction U-factor [W/m2-K] (with standard air films).
Formulas for film coefficients come from EN673 / ISO10292.
return self._constructions[0].u_factor
def solar_transmittance(self):
"""The solar transmittance of the first window construction at normal incidence.
return self._constructions[0].solar_transmittance
def visible_transmittance(self):
"""Visible transmittance of the first window construction at normal incidence.
return self._constructions[0].visible_transmittance
def shgc(self):
"""The solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of the first window construction."""
return self._constructions[0].shgc
def is_symmetric(self):
"""Get a boolean for whether all of the construction layers are symmetric.
Symmetric means that the materials in reversed order are equal to those
in the current order (eg. 'Glass', 'Air Gap', 'Glass'). This is particularly
helpful for interior constructions, which need to have matching materials
in reversed order between adjacent Faces.
for con in self._constructions:
mats = con.materials
half_mat = int(len(mats) / 2)
for i in range(half_mat):
if mats[i] != mats[-(i + 1)]:
return False
return True
def has_frame(self):
"""Get a boolean noting whether the construction has a frame assigned to it."""
return self._constructions[0].has_frame
def has_shade(self):
"""Get a boolean noting whether dynamic shade materials are in the construction.
# This is False for all construction types except WindowConstructionShade.
return False
def is_dynamic(self):
"""Get a boolean noting whether the construction is dynamic.
This will always be True for this class.
return True
def inside_emissivity(self):
""""The emissivity of the inside face of the first construction."""
mats = self._constructions[0].materials
if isinstance(mats[-1], EnergyWindowMaterialSimpleGlazSys):
return 0.84
return mats[-1].emissivity_back
except AttributeError:
return mats[-1].emissivity
def outside_emissivity(self):
""""The emissivity of the outside face of the first construction."""
mats = self._constructions[0].materials
if isinstance(mats[0], EnergyWindowMaterialSimpleGlazSys):
return 0.84
return mats[0].emissivity
def thickness(self):
"""Thickness of the first construction [m]."""
return self._constructions[0].thickness
def glazing_count(self):
"""The number of glazing materials contained within the first construction."""
return self._constructions[0].glazing_count
def gap_count(self):
"""The number of gas gaps contained within the first construction."""
return self._constructions[0].gap_count
def inside_material(self):
"""The the inside material layer of the first construction.
Useful for checking that an asymmetric construction is correctly assigned.
mats = self._constructions[0].materials
return mats[-1]
def outside_material(self):
"""The the outside material layer of the first construction.
Useful for checking that an asymmetric construction is correctly assigned.
mats = self._constructions[0].materials
return mats[0]
def user_data(self):
"""Get or set an optional dictionary for additional meta data for this object.
This will be None until it has been set. All keys and values of this
dictionary should be of a standard Python type to ensure correct
serialization of the object to/from JSON (eg. str, float, int, list, dict)
if self._user_data is not None:
return self._user_data
def user_data(self, value):
if value is not None:
assert isinstance(value, dict), 'Expected dictionary for honeybee_energy' \
'object user_data. Got {}.'.format(type(value))
self._user_data = value
def from_dict(cls, data):
"""Create a WindowConstructionDynamic from a dictionary.
Note that the dictionary must be a non-abridged version for this
classmethod to work.
data: A python dictionary in the following format
.. code-block:: python
"type": 'WindowConstructionDynamic',
"identifier": 'Double Pane Electrochromic 0.4-0.12',
"display_name": 'Electrochromic Window',
"constructions": [], # a list of WindowConstruction dictionaries
"schedule": {} # a ScheduleRuleset or ScheduleFixedInterval dictionary
# check the type
assert data['type'] == 'WindowConstructionDynamic', \
'Expected WindowConstructionDynamic. Got {}.'.format(data['type'])
# re-serialize the inputs
constrs = [WindowConstruction.from_dict(c_dict)
for c_dict in data['constructions']]
schedule = dict_to_schedule(data['schedule'])
# create the object
new_obj = cls(data['identifier'], constrs, schedule)
if 'display_name' in data and data['display_name'] is not None:
new_obj.display_name = data['display_name']
if 'user_data' in data and data['user_data'] is not None:
new_obj.user_data = data['user_data']
return new_obj
def from_dict_abridged(cls, data, materials, schedules):
"""Create a WindowConstructionDynamic from an abridged dictionary.
data: An WindowConstructionDynamic dictionary with the format below.
materials: A dictionary with identifiers of materials as keys and
Python material objects as values.
schedules: A dictionary with schedule identifiers as keys and
honeybee schedule objects as values.
.. code-block:: python
"type": 'WindowConstructionDynamicAbridged',
"identifier": 'Double Pane Electrochromic 0.4-0.12',
"display_name": 'Electrochromic Window',
"constructions": [], # a list of WindowConstructionAbridged dictionaries
"schedule": 'DayNight_Schedule' # a schedule identifier
# check the type
assert data['type'] == 'WindowConstructionDynamicAbridged', \
'Expected WindowConstructionDynamicAbridged. Got {}.'.format(data['type'])
# re-serialize the inputs
constrs = [WindowConstruction.from_dict_abridged(c_dict, materials)
for c_dict in data['constructions']]
schedule = schedules[data['schedule']]
# create the object
new_obj = cls(data['identifier'], constrs, schedule)
if 'display_name' in data and data['display_name'] is not None:
new_obj.display_name = data['display_name']
if 'user_data' in data and data['user_data'] is not None:
new_obj.user_data = data['user_data']
return new_obj
def to_idf(self):
"""Get an IDF string representation of this construction object.
Note that writing this string is not enough to add everything needed for
the construction to the IDF. The construction's materials also have to
be added as well as the schedule. The to_program_idf method must also
be called in order to add the EMS program that controls the constructions.
Text string that includes the following EnergyPlus objects.
- Construction definitions for each state
- The EMS Construction Index Variable object for each state
- The EMS Sensor linked to the schedule
.. code-block:: shell
TCwindow_25, !- Name
Clear3PPG, !- Outside Layer
AIR 3MM, !- Layer 2
WO18RT25, !- Layer 3
AIR 8MM, !- Layer 4
SB60Clear3PPG; !- Layer 5
idf_strs = []
# add all of the construction definitions and EMS states
state_com = ('name', 'construction name')
for i, con in enumerate(self.constructions):
con_dup = con.duplicate()
con_dup.identifier = '{}State{}'.format(con.identifier, i)
state_id = 'State{}{}'.format(i, re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]', '', con.identifier))
vals = [state_id, con_dup.identifier]
state_str = generate_idf_string(
'EnergyManagementSystem:ConstructionIndexVariable', vals, state_com)
# add the EMS Sensor definition
sensor_com = ('name', 'variable key name', 'variable name')
sensor_id = 'Sensor{}'.format(re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]', '', self.identifier))
sen_vals = [sensor_id, self.schedule.identifier, 'Schedule Value']
sensor = generate_idf_string(
'EnergyManagementSystem:Sensor', sen_vals, sensor_com)
return '\n\n'.join(idf_strs)
def to_program_idf(self, aperture_identifiers):
"""Get an IDF string representation of the EMS program.
aperture_identifiers: A list of Aperture identifiers to
which this construction is assigned.
Text string that includes the following EnergyPlus objects.
- The EMS Actuators linked to the apertures
- The EMS Program definition
idf_strs = []
# add all of the actuators linked to the apertures
act_com = ('name', 'component name', 'component type', 'component control')
actuator_ids = []
for i, ap_id in enumerate(aperture_identifiers):
act_id = 'Actuator{}{}'.format(i, re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]', '', ap_id))
act_vals = [act_id, ap_id, 'Surface', 'Construction State']
actuator = generate_idf_string(
'EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator', act_vals, act_com)
# add each construction state to the program
pid = 'StateChange{}'.format(re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]', '', self.identifier))
ems_program = [pid]
sensor_id = 'Sensor{}'.format(re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]', '', self.identifier))
max_state_count = len(self.constructions) - 1
for i, con in enumerate(self.constructions):
# determine which conditional operator to use
cond_op = 'IF' if i == 0 else 'ELSEIF'
# add the conditional statement
state_count = i + 1
if i == max_state_count:
cond_stmt = 'ELSE'
cond_stmt = '{} ({} < {})'.format(cond_op, sensor_id, state_count)
# loop through the actuators and set the appropriate window state
state_id = 'State{}{}'.format(i, re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]', '', con.identifier))
for act_name in actuator_ids:
ems_program.append('SET {} = {}'.format(act_name, state_id))
ems_prog_str = generate_idf_string('EnergyManagementSystem:Program', ems_program)
return '\n\n'.join(idf_strs)
def idf_program_manager(constructions):
"""Get an IDF string representation of the EMS program calling manager.
constructions: A list of WindowConstructionDynamic objects to be written
into a program manager.
man_com = ['name', 'calling point']
man_vals = ['Dynamic_Window_Constructions', 'BeginTimestepBeforePredictor']
for i, con in enumerate(constructions):
pid = 'StateChange{}'.format(re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]', '', con.identifier))
man_com.append('program name{}'.format(i))
manager = generate_idf_string(
'EnergyManagementSystem:ProgramCallingManager', man_vals, man_com)
return manager
def to_radiance_solar(self):
"""Honeybee Radiance material for the first construction."""
# TODO: add methods that can represent the dynamic window behavior
return self._constructions[0].to_radiance_solar()
def to_radiance_visible(self):
"""Honeybee Radiance material for the first construction."""
# TODO: add methods that can represent the dynamic window behavior
return self._constructions[0].to_radiance_visible()
def to_dict(self, abridged=False):
"""Window construction dictionary representation.
abridged: Boolean to note whether the full dictionary describing the
object should be returned (False) or just an abridged version (True),
which only specifies the identifiers of material layers and
schedules. (Default: False).
base = {'type': 'WindowConstructionDynamic'} if not \
abridged else {'type': 'WindowConstructionDynamicAbridged'}
base['identifier'] = self.identifier
base['constructions'] = [con.to_dict(abridged) for con in self.constructions]
base['schedule'] = self.schedule.identifier if abridged \
else self.schedule.to_dict()
if self._display_name is not None:
base['display_name'] = self.display_name
if self._user_data is not None:
base['user_data'] = self.user_data
return base
def lock(self):
"""The lock() method will also lock the constructions."""
self._locked = True
for mat in self.constructions:
def unlock(self):
"""The unlock() method will also unlock the constructions."""
self._locked = False
for mat in self.constructions:
def duplicate(self):
"""Get a copy of this construction."""
return self.__copy__()
def __copy__(self):
new_con = WindowConstructionDynamic(
self.identifier, self.constructions, self.schedule)
new_con._display_name = self._display_name
new_con.user_data = None if self._user_data is None else self._user_data.copy()
return new_con
def __len__(self):
return len(self._constructions)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._constructions[key]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._constructions)
def __key(self):
"""A tuple based on the object properties, useful for hashing."""
return (self._identifier, hash(self.schedule)) + \
tuple(hash(con) for con in self.constructions)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__key())
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, WindowConstructionDynamic) and \
self.__key() == other.__key()
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def ToString(self):
"""Overwrite .NET ToString."""
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
return 'WindowConstructionDynamic: [{} states]'.format(len(self.constructions))