# coding=utf-8
"""2D Polyline"""
from __future__ import division
import math
from ._2d import Base2DIn2D
from .pointvector import Point2D
from .line import LineSegment2D
from ..intersection2d import intersect_line2d, intersect_line2d_infinite
from .._polyline import _group_vertices
class Polyline2D(Base2DIn2D):
"""2D polyline object.
vertices: A list of Point2D objects representing the vertices of the polyline.
interpolated: Boolean to note whether the polyline should be interpolated
between the input vertices when it is translated to other interfaces.
Note that this property has no bearing on the geometric calculations
performed by this library and is only present in order to assist with
* vertices
* segments
* min
* max
* center
* p1
* p2
* length
* is_self_intersecting
* interpolated
__slots__ = ('_interpolated', '_segments', '_length', '_is_self_intersecting')
def __init__(self, vertices, interpolated=False):
"""Initialize Polyline2D."""
Base2DIn2D.__init__(self, vertices)
self._interpolated = interpolated
self._segments = None
self._length = None
self._is_self_intersecting = None
def from_dict(cls, data):
"""Create a Polyline2D from a dictionary.
data: A python dictionary in the following format.
.. code-block:: python
"type": "Polyline2D",
"vertices": [(0, 0), (10, 0), (0, 10)]
interp = data['interpolated'] if 'interpolated' in data else False
return cls(tuple(Point2D.from_array(pt) for pt in data['vertices']), interp)
def from_array(cls, point_array):
"""Create a Polyline2D from a nested array of vertex coordinates.
point_array: Nested array of point arrays.
return Polyline2D(Point2D(*point) for point in point_array)
def from_polygon(cls, polygon):
"""Create a closed Polyline2D from a Polygon2D.
polygon: A Polygon2D object to be converted to a Polyline2D.
return Polyline2D(polygon.vertices + (polygon.vertices[0],))
def segments(self):
"""Tuple of all line segments in the polyline."""
if self._segments is None:
self._segments = \
tuple(LineSegment2D.from_end_points(vert, self._vertices[i + 1])
for i, vert in enumerate(self._vertices[:-1]))
return self._segments
def length(self):
"""The length of the polyline."""
if self._length is None:
self._length = sum([seg.length for seg in self.segments])
return self._length
def p1(self):
"""Starting point of the Polyline2D."""
return self._vertices[0]
def p2(self):
"""End point of the Polyline2D."""
return self._vertices[-1]
def is_self_intersecting(self):
"""Boolean noting whether the polyline has self-intersecting segments."""
if self._is_self_intersecting is None:
self._is_self_intersecting = False
_segs = self.segments
for i, _s in enumerate(_segs[1: len(_segs) - 1]):
_skip = (i, i + 1, i + 2)
_other_segs = [x for j, x in enumerate(_segs) if j not in _skip]
for _oth_s in _other_segs:
if _s.intersect_line_ray(_oth_s) is not None: # intersection!
self._is_self_intersecting = True
if self._is_self_intersecting is True:
return self._is_self_intersecting
def interpolated(self):
"""Boolean noting whether the polyline should be interpolated upon translation.
Note that this property has no bearing on the geometric calculations
performed by this library and is only present in order to assist with
return self._interpolated
def is_closed(self, tolerance):
"""Test whether this polyline is closed to within the tolerance.
tolerance: The minimum difference between vertices below which vertices
are considered the same.
return self._vertices[0].is_equivalent(self._vertices[-1], tolerance)
def remove_colinear_vertices(self, tolerance):
"""Get a version of this polyline without colinear or duplicate vertices.
tolerance: The minimum distance that a vertex can be from a line
before it is considered colinear.
if len(self.vertices) == 3:
return self # Polyline2D cannot have fewer than 3 vertices
new_vertices = [self.vertices[0]] # first vertex is always ok
skip = 0 # track the number of vertices being skipped/removed
# loop through vertices and remove all cases of colinear verts
for i, _v in enumerate(self.vertices[1:-1]):
_a = self[i - skip].determinant(_v) + _v.determinant(self[i + 2]) + \
self[i + 2].determinant(self[i - skip])
if abs(_a) >= tolerance:
skip = 0
skip += 1
new_vertices.append(self[-1]) # last vertex is always ok
_new_poly = Polyline2D(new_vertices)
return _new_poly
def reverse(self):
"""Get a copy of this polyline where the vertices are reversed."""
_new_poly = Polyline2D(tuple(pt for pt in reversed(self.vertices)))
return _new_poly
def move(self, moving_vec):
"""Get a polyline that has been moved along a vector.
moving_vec: A Vector2D with the direction and distance to move the polyline.
_new_poly = Polyline2D(tuple(pt.move(moving_vec) for pt in self.vertices))
return _new_poly
def rotate(self, angle, origin):
"""Get a polyline that is rotated counterclockwise by a certain angle.
angle: An angle for rotation in radians.
origin: A Point2D for the origin around which the point will be rotated.
_new_poly = Polyline2D(tuple(pt.rotate(angle, origin) for pt in self.vertices))
return _new_poly
def reflect(self, normal, origin):
"""Get a polyline reflected across a plane with the input normal and origin.
normal: A Vector2D representing the normal vector for the plane across
which the polyline will be reflected. THIS VECTOR MUST BE NORMALIZED.
origin: A Point2D representing the origin from which to reflect.
_new_poly = Polyline2D(tuple(pt.reflect(normal, origin) for pt in self.vertices))
return _new_poly
def scale(self, factor, origin=None):
"""Scale a polyline by a factor from an origin point.
factor: A number representing how much the polyline should be scaled.
origin: A Point2D representing the origin from which to scale.
If None, it will be scaled from the World origin (0, 0).
if origin is None:
_new_poly = Polyline2D(tuple(
Point2D(pt.x * factor, pt.y * factor) for pt in self.vertices))
_new_poly = Polyline2D(tuple(
pt.scale(factor, origin) for pt in self.vertices))
_new_poly._interpolated = self._interpolated
return _new_poly
def offset(self, distance, check_intersection=False):
"""Offset the polyline by a given distance.
Note that the resulting shape may be self-intersecting if the distance
is large enough and the is_self_intersecting property may be used to identify
these shapes.
distance: The distance that the polyline will be offset. Both positive
and negative values are accepted with positive values being offset
to the left of the polyline line and negative values being offset
to the right of the polyline (starting from the first polyline point
and continuing down the polyline).
check_intersection: A boolean to note whether the resulting operation
should be checked for self intersection and, if so, None will be
returned instead of the self-intersecting polyline.
# make sure the offset is not zero
if distance == 0:
return self
# loop through the vertices and get the new offset vectors
middle_verts = list(self._vertices[1:-1])
if len(middle_verts) != 1:
middle_verts = [pt for i, pt in enumerate(middle_verts)
if pt != middle_verts[i - 1]]
all_verts = [self._vertices[0]] + middle_verts + [self._vertices[-1]]
move_vec_st = self.segments[0].v.rotate(math.pi / 2).normalize() * distance
move_vecs = [move_vec_st]
for i, pt in enumerate(middle_verts):
v1 = all_verts[i] - pt
v2 = all_verts[i + 2] - pt
ang = v1.angle_counterclockwise(v2) / 2
if ang == 0:
ang = math.pi / 2
m_vec = v1.rotate(ang).normalize()
m_dist = -distance / math.sin(ang)
m_vec = m_vec * m_dist
move_vec_end = self.segments[-1].v.rotate(math.pi / 2).normalize() * distance
# move the vertices by the offset to create the new Polygon2D
new_pts = tuple(pt.move(m_vec) for pt, m_vec in zip(all_verts, move_vecs))
new_poly = Polyline2D(new_pts, self.interpolated)
# check for self intersection between the moving vectors if requested
if check_intersection:
poly_segs = new_poly.segments
_segs = [LineSegment2D(p, v) for p, v in zip(all_verts, move_vecs)]
_skip = (0, len(_segs) - 1)
_other_segs = [x for j, x in enumerate(poly_segs) if j not in _skip]
for _oth_s in _other_segs:
if _segs[0].intersect_line_ray(_oth_s) is not None: # intersection!
return None
for i, _s in enumerate(_segs[1: len(_segs)]):
_skip = (i, i + 1)
_other_segs = [x for j, x in enumerate(poly_segs) if j not in _skip]
for _oth_s in _other_segs:
if _s.intersect_line_ray(_oth_s) is not None: # intersection!
return None
return new_poly
def intersect_line_ray(self, line_ray):
"""Get the intersections between this polyline and a Ray2D or LineSegment2D.
line_ray: A LineSegment2D or Ray2D or to intersect.
A list with Point2D objects for the intersections.
List will be empty if no intersection exists.
intersections = []
for _s in self.segments:
inters = intersect_line2d(_s, line_ray)
if inters is not None:
return intersections
def intersect_line_infinite(self, ray):
"""Get the intersections between this polyline and a Ray2D extended infinitely.
ray: A Ray2D or to intersect. This will be extended in both
directions infinitely for the intersection.
A list with Point2D objects for the intersections.
List will be empty if no intersection exists.
intersections = []
for _s in self.segments:
inters = intersect_line2d_infinite(_s, ray)
if inters is not None:
return intersections
def to_dict(self):
"""Get Polyline2D as a dictionary."""
base = {'type': 'Polyline2D',
'vertices': [pt.to_array() for pt in self.vertices]}
if self.interpolated:
base['interpolated'] = self.interpolated
return base
def to_array(self):
"""Get a list of lists where each sub-list represents a Point2D vertex."""
return tuple(pt.to_array() for pt in self.vertices)
def to_polygon(self, tolerance):
"""Get a Polygon2D derived from this object.
If the polyline is closed to within the tolerance, the segments of this
polyline and the resulting polygon will match. Otherwise, an extra
LineSegment2D will be added to connect the start and end of the polyline.
tolerance: The minimum difference between vertices below which vertices
are considered the same.
from .polygon import Polygon2D # must be imported here to avoid circular import
if self.is_closed(tolerance):
return Polygon2D(self._vertices[:-1])
return Polygon2D(self._vertices)
def join_segments(segments, tolerance):
"""Get an array of Polyline2Ds from a list of LineSegment2Ds.
segments: An array of LineSegment2D objects.
tolerance: The minimum difference in X, Y, and Z values at which Point2Ds
are considered equivalent. Segments with points that match within the
tolerance will be joined.
An array of Polyline2D and LineSegment2D objects assembled from the
joined segments.
# group the vertices that make up polylines
if len(segments) <= 1:
return segments
grouped_verts = _group_vertices(segments, tolerance)
# create the Polyline2D and LineSegment2D objects
joined_lines = []
for v_list in grouped_verts:
if len(v_list) == 2:
joined_lines.append(LineSegment2D.from_end_points(v_list[0], v_list[1]))
return joined_lines
def _transfer_properties(self, new_polyline):
"""Transfer properties from this polyline to a new polyline."""
new_polyline._interpolated = self._interpolated
new_polyline._length = self._length
new_polyline._is_self_intersecting = self._is_self_intersecting
def __copy__(self):
return Polyline2D(self._vertices, self._interpolated)
def __key(self):
"""A tuple based on the object properties, useful for hashing."""
return tuple(hash(pt) for pt in self._vertices) + (self._interpolated,)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__key())
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, Polyline2D) and self.__key() == other.__key()
def __repr__(self):
return 'Polyline2D ({} vertices)'.format(len(self))