Source code for ladybug_display.geometry3d.sphere
"""A sphere that can be displayed in 3D space."""
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d.sphere import Sphere
from ladybug.color import Color
from ._base import _SingleColorModeBase3D
class DisplaySphere(_SingleColorModeBase3D):
"""A sphere in 3D space with display properties.
geometry: A ladybug-geometry Sphere.
color: A ladybug Color object. If None, a default black color will be
used. (Default: None).
display_mode: Text to indicate the display mode (surface, wireframe, etc.).
Choose from the following. (Default: Surface).
* Surface
* SurfaceWithEdges
* Wireframe
* Points
* geometry
* color
* display_mode
* center
* radius
* min
* max
* diameter
* circumference
* area
* volume
* user_data
__slots__ = ()
def __init__(self, geometry, color=None, display_mode='Surface'):
"""Initialize base with shade object."""
assert isinstance(geometry, Sphere), '\
Expected ladybug_geometry Sphere. Got {}'.format(type(geometry))
_SingleColorModeBase3D.__init__(self, geometry, color, display_mode)
def from_dict(cls, data):
"""Initialize a DisplaySphere from a dictionary.
data: A dictionary representation of an DisplaySphere object.
assert data['type'] == 'DisplaySphere', \
'Expected DisplaySphere dictionary. Got {}.'.format(data['type'])
color = Color.from_dict(data['color']) if 'color' in data and data['color'] \
is not None else None
d_mode = data['display_mode'] if 'display_mode' in data and \
data['display_mode'] is not None else 'Surface'
geo = cls(Sphere.from_dict(data['geometry']), color, d_mode)
if 'user_data' in data and data['user_data'] is not None:
geo.user_data = data['user_data']
return geo
def center(self):
"""Get a Point3D for the center of the sphere."""
def radius(self):
"""Get a number for the radius of the sphere."""
return self._geometry.radius
def min(self):
"""Get a Point3D for the minimum of the bounding box around the object."""
return self._geometry.min
def max(self):
"""Get a Point3D for the maximum of the bounding box around the object."""
return self._geometry.max
def diameter(self):
"""Get the diameter of the sphere."""
return self._geometry.diameter
def circumference(self):
"""Get the circumference of the sphere."""
return self._geometry.circumference
def area(self):
"""Get the surface area of the sphere."""
return self._geometry.area
def volume(self):
"""Get the volume of the sphere."""
return self._geometry.volume
def to_dict(self):
"""Return DisplaySphere as a dictionary."""
base = {'type': 'DisplaySphere'}
base['geometry'] = self._geometry.to_dict()
base['color'] = self.color.to_dict()
base['display_mode'] = self.display_mode
if self.user_data is not None:
base['user_data'] = self.user_data
return base
def __copy__(self):
new_g = DisplaySphere(self.geometry, self.color, self.display_mode)
new_g._user_data = None if self.user_data is None else self.user_data.copy()
return new_g
def __repr__(self):
return 'DisplaySphere: {}'.format(self.geometry)