
Method to draw a RadiationDome as a VisualizationSet., legend_parameters=None, plot_irradiance=False, include_title=True, include_context=False)[source]

Translate radiation study into a VisualizationSet.

  • radiation_study – A Ladybug-Radiance RadiationStudy object.

  • legend_parameters – An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the radiation study. If None, default legend parameters will be used. (Default: None).

  • plot_irradiance – Boolean to note whether the results should be plotted with units of total Radiation (kWh/m2) [False] or with units of average Irradiance (W/m2) [True]. (Default: False).

  • include_title – Boolean to note whether the title should be included in the output visualization. (Default: True).

  • include_context – Boolean to note whether the context geometry should be included in the output visualization. (Default: False).


A VisualizationSet with the radiation study represented as an AnalysisGeometry. This includes these objects in the following order.

  • Radiation_Data – An AnalysisGeometry for the radiation data.

  • Title – A ContextGeometry with text for the title of the study.

    This layer will be excluded if include_title is False.

  • Context_Geometry – A ContextGeometry with the shading context used

    in the study. This layer will be excluded when include_context is False.