"""Method to draw a RadiationDome as a VisualizationSet."""
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Vector3D, Point3D, Plane
from ladybug_display.geometry3d import DisplayPoint3D, DisplayText3D
from ladybug_display.visualization import VisualizationSet, AnalysisGeometry, \
VisualizationData, ContextGeometry
def radiation_dome_to_vis_set(radiation_dome, show_components=False, include_title=True):
"""Translate radiation dome geometry into a VisualizationSet.
radiation_dome: A Ladybug-Radiance RadiationDome object.
show_components: Boolean to indicate whether only one dome with total radiation
should be displayed (False) or three domes with the solar radiation
components (total, direct, and diffuse) should be shown. (Default: False).
include_title: Boolean to note whether the title should be included
in the output visualization. (Default: True).
A VisualizationSet with the radiation dome represented as ContextGeometries
and an AnalysisGeometry. This includes these objects in the following order.
- Compass -- A ContextGeometry for the Compass at the base of the dome.
- Max_Info -- A ContextGeometry with a Point and text for the maximum
radiation occurring on the dome.
- Title -- A ContextGeometry with text for the title of the dome.
This layer will be excluded if include_title is False.
- Radiation_Data -- An AnalysisGeometry for the radiation dome data.
# extract properties relevant for the Compass
cent_pt = radiation_dome.center_point
radius = radiation_dome.radius
proj = radiation_dome.projection
az = radiation_dome.azimuth_count
# create the dome visualization
if not show_components: # only create the total dome mesh
mesh, compass_obj, dome_graphic, title_txt = radiation_dome.draw()
compass, title = _translate_context(
compass_obj, dome_graphic, title_txt, cent_pt, proj, az)
mesh, title = [mesh], [title]
mesh_values = radiation_dome.total_values
else: # create domes for total, direct and diffuse
# loop through the 3 radiation types and produce a dome
mesh, compass, title, mesh_values = [], [], [], []
rad_types = ('total', 'direct', 'diffuse')
for dome_i in range(3):
c_pt = Point3D(cent_pt.x + radius * 3 * dome_i, cent_pt.y, cent_pt.z)
dome_mesh, dome_compass, dome_graphic, dome_title = \
radiation_dome.draw(rad_types[dome_i], c_pt)
compass_con, title_con = _translate_context(
dome_compass, dome_graphic, dome_title, cent_pt, proj, az)
getattr(radiation_dome, '{}_values'.format(rad_types[dome_i])))
# create the visualization set object
vis_set = VisualizationSet('RadiationDome', ())
vis_set.display_name = 'Radiation Dome'
# create all of the ContextGeometries
compass_geo = ContextGeometry('Compass', compass) \
if isinstance(compass, list) else compass
if include_title:
title_geo = ContextGeometry('Title', title)
m_pt = radiation_dome.max_point
txt_hgt = dome_graphic.legend_parameters.text_height * 0.5
max_pt = DisplayPoint3D(m_pt, radius=3)
m_pl = Plane(o=Point3D(m_pt.x, m_pt.y - txt_hgt * 1.5, m_pt.z + 0.01),
n=Vector3D(0, 0, 1))
max_info = DisplayText3D(
radiation_dome.max_info, m_pl, txt_hgt, None,
dome_graphic.legend_parameters.font, 'Center', 'Top')
max_geo = ContextGeometry('Max_Info', (max_pt, max_info))
max_geo.display_name = 'Max Info'
# create the AnalysisGeometry
vis_data = VisualizationData(
mesh_values, radiation_dome.legend_parameters,
dome_graphic.data_type, dome_graphic.unit)
mesh_geo = AnalysisGeometry(
'Radiation_Data', mesh, [vis_data])
mesh_geo.display_name = dome_graphic.data_type.name
mesh_geo.display_mode = 'Surface'
return vis_set
def _translate_context(compass, graphic, title_txt, cent_pt, projection, az_count):
"""Translate radiation dome geometry into Display geometry objects.
compass: A ladybug Compass object.
graphic: A GraphicContainer for the dome.
title_txt: Text for title of the dome.
cent_pt: The center point of the dome.
project: Text for the projection of the radiation dome.
az_count: The number of azimuth directions in the dome.
dome_compass: A ContextGeometry for the dome compass.
dome_title: DisplayText3D for the title for the dome.
dome_angles = list(range(0, 360, int(360 / az_count)))
start, stop, step, dome_angles = 0, 360, 360 / az_count, []
while start < stop:
start += step
dome_angles = [int(n) for n in dome_angles]
if len(dome_angles) > 36:
dome_angles = dome_angles[::2]
dome_compass = compass.to_vis_set(
cent_pt.z, dome_angles, projection, graphic.legend_parameters.font)[0]
dome_title = DisplayText3D(
title_txt, graphic.lower_title_location,
graphic.legend_parameters.text_height, None,
graphic.legend_parameters.font, 'Left', 'Top')
return dome_compass, dome_title