"""Method to draw an PsychrometricChart as a VisualizationSet."""
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Vector3D, Point3D, Plane, LineSegment3D, \
Polyline3D, Mesh3D
from ladybug.datatype.time import Time
from ladybug.datacollection import BaseCollection
from ladybug.legend import LegendParameters
from ladybug_display.geometry3d import DisplayLineSegment3D, DisplayPolyline3D, \
from ladybug_display.visualization import VisualizationSet, AnalysisGeometry, \
VisualizationData, ContextGeometry
def psychrometric_chart_to_vis_set(
psych_chart, data=None, legend_parameters=None, z=0, plot_wet_bulb=False):
"""Get a Ladybug PsychrometricChart represented as a VisualizationSet.
psych_chart: A Ladybug PsychrometricChart object.
data: An optional list of data collection objects, which are aligned with
the psychrometric chart temperature and relative_humidity and will
generate additional colored AnalysisGeometries on the chart.
legend_parameters: An optional LegendParameter object or list of LegendParameter
objects to customize the display of the data on the psychrometric
chart. Note that this relates only to the data supplied as input
for this method and, to customize the display of the time/frequency
mesh, the PsychrometricChart's native legend_parameters should be
edited. If a list is used here, this should align with the input data
(one legend parameter per data collection).
z: A number for the Z-coordinate to be used in translation. (Default: 0).
plot_wet_bulb: Boolean to note whether the psychrometric chart should be
plotted with lines of constant enthalpy (False) or lines of constant
wet bulb temperature (True). (Default: False).
A VisualizationSet with the psychrometric chart represented several
ContextGeometries and an AnalysisGeometry. This includes these objects
in the following order.
- Title -- A ContextGeometry for the title and border around the
psychrometric chart.
- Temperature_Axis -- A ContextGeometry with lines and text for the
Temperature (X) axis of the psychrometric chart.
- Humidity_Axis -- A ContextGeometry with lines and text for the
Humidity (Y) axis of the psychrometric chart.
- Relative_Humidity_Lines -- A ContextGeometry with lines and text
for the relative humidity of the psychrometric chart.
- Enthalpy_Lines -- A ContextGeometry with lines and text for the
enthalpy of the psychrometric chart. This layer will not be
included if plot_wet_bulb is True.
- Wet_Bulb_Lines -- A ContextGeometry with lines and text for the wet bulb
temperature of the psychrometric chart. This layer will not be
included if plot_wet_bulb is False.
- Analysis_Data -- An AnalysisGeometry for the data on the psychrometric
chart. This will include multiple data sets if the data input
is provided.
# establish the VisualizationSet object
vis_set = VisualizationSet('Psychrometric_Chart', ())
vis_set.display_name = 'Psychrometric Chart'
# get values used throughout the translation
txt_hgt = psych_chart.legend_parameters.text_height
font = psych_chart.legend_parameters.font
bp = Plane(o=Point3D(0, 0, z))
# add the title and border
if isinstance(psych_chart.temperature, BaseCollection):
meta_i = psych_chart.temperature.header.metadata.items()
title_items = ['Time [hr]'] + ['{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in meta_i]
title_items = ['Psychrometric Chart']
ttl_pl = psych_chart.container.upper_title_location
if z != 0:
ttl_pl = Plane(n=ttl_pl.n, o=Point3D(ttl_pl.o.x, ttl_pl.o.y, z), x=ttl_pl.x)
ttl_txt = DisplayText3D(
'\n'.join(title_items), ttl_pl, txt_hgt * 1.5, None, font, 'Left', 'Top')
border_geo = Polyline3D.from_polyline2d(psych_chart.chart_border, bp)
sat_geo = Polyline3D.from_polyline2d(psych_chart.saturation_line, bp)
title_objs = [ttl_txt, DisplayPolyline3D(sat_geo, line_width=2),
DisplayPolyline3D(border_geo, line_width=2)]
title = ContextGeometry('Title', title_objs)
# add the temperature axis
tm_pl = _plane_from_point(psych_chart.x_axis_location, z)
temp_txt = DisplayText3D(
psych_chart.x_axis_text, tm_pl, txt_hgt * 1.5, None, font, 'Left', 'Top')
temp_geo = [temp_txt]
for tl in psych_chart.temperature_lines:
tl_geo = LineSegment3D.from_line_segment2d(tl, z)
tl_pts = psych_chart.temperature_label_points
for txt, pt in zip(psych_chart.temperature_labels, tl_pts):
t_pln = Plane(o=Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, z))
txt_obj = DisplayText3D(txt, t_pln, txt_hgt, None, font, 'Center', 'Top')
temp_axis = ContextGeometry('Temperature_Axis', temp_geo)
temp_axis.display_name = 'Temperature Axis'
# add the humidity axis
hr_pl = _plane_from_point(psych_chart.y_axis_location, z, Vector3D(0, 1))
hr_txt = DisplayText3D(
psych_chart.y_axis_text, hr_pl, txt_hgt * 1.5, None, font, 'Right', 'Top')
hr_geo = [hr_txt]
for hl in psych_chart.hr_lines:
hl_geo = LineSegment3D.from_line_segment2d(hl, z)
for txt, pt in zip(psych_chart.hr_labels, psych_chart.hr_label_points):
t_pln = Plane(o=Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, z))
txt_obj = DisplayText3D(txt, t_pln, txt_hgt, None, font, 'Left', 'Middle')
hr_axis = ContextGeometry('Humidity_Axis', hr_geo)
hr_axis.display_name = 'Humidity Axis'
# add the relative humidity lines
rh_geo = []
for rl in psych_chart.rh_lines:
rl_geo = Polyline3D.from_polyline2d(rl, bp)
for txt, pt in zip(psych_chart.rh_labels[:-1], psych_chart.rh_label_points[:-1]):
t_pln = Plane(o=Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, z))
txt_obj = DisplayText3D(txt, t_pln, txt_hgt * 0.8, None, font, 'Right', 'Middle')
rh_axis = ContextGeometry('Relative_Humidity_Lines', rh_geo)
rh_axis.display_name = 'Relative Humidity Lines'
# add enthalpy or wet bulb lines
if plot_wet_bulb:
wb_geo = []
for wl in psych_chart.wb_lines:
wl_geo = LineSegment3D.from_line_segment2d(wl, z)
wb_geo.append(DisplayLineSegment3D(wl_geo, line_type='Dotted'))
for txt, pt in zip(psych_chart.wb_labels, psych_chart.wb_label_points):
t_pln = Plane(o=Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, z))
txt_obj = DisplayText3D(txt, t_pln, txt_hgt, None, font, 'Right', 'Middle')
wb_axis = ContextGeometry('Wet_Bulb_Lines', wb_geo)
wb_axis.display_name = 'Wet Bulb Lines'
enth_geo = []
for wl in psych_chart.enthalpy_lines:
wl_geo = LineSegment3D.from_line_segment2d(wl, z)
enth_geo.append(DisplayLineSegment3D(wl_geo, line_type='Dotted'))
enth_pts = psych_chart.enthalpy_label_points
for txt, pt in zip(psych_chart.enthalpy_labels, enth_pts):
t_pln = Plane(o=Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, z))
txt_obj = DisplayText3D(txt, t_pln, txt_hgt, None, font, 'Right', 'Middle')
enth_axis = ContextGeometry('Enthalpy_Lines', enth_geo)
enth_axis.display_name = 'Enthalpy Lines'
# add the analysis geometry
# ensure 3D legend defaults are overridden to make the data readable
l_par = psych_chart.legend.legend_parameters.duplicate()
l_par.base_plane = l_par.base_plane
l_par.segment_height = l_par.segment_height
l_par.segment_width = l_par.segment_width
# gather all of the visualization data sets
vis_data = [VisualizationData(psych_chart.hour_values, l_par, Time(), 'hr')]
if data is not None and len(data) != 0:
if legend_parameters is None:
l_pars = [LegendParameters()] * len(data)
elif isinstance(legend_parameters, LegendParameters):
l_pars = [legend_parameters] * len(data)
else: # assume it's a list that aligns with the data
l_pars = legend_parameters
for dat, lp in zip(data, l_pars):
# process the legend parameters
lp = lp.duplicate()
if lp.is_base_plane_default:
lp.base_plane = l_par.base_plane
if lp.is_segment_height_default:
lp.segment_height = l_par.segment_height
if lp.is_segment_width_default:
lp.segment_width = l_par.segment_width
# check to be sure the data collection aligns
d_vals = dat.values
assert len(d_vals) == psych_chart._calc_length, \
'Number of data collection values ' \
'must match those of the psychrometric chart temperature and humidity.'
# create a matrix with a tally of the hours for all the data
base_mtx = [[[] for val in psych_chart._t_category]
for rh in psych_chart._rh_category]
for t, rh, v in zip(psych_chart._t_values, psych_chart._rh_values, d_vals):
if t < psych_chart._min_temperature or t > psych_chart._max_temperature:
continue # temperature value does not currently fit on the chart
for y, rh_cat in enumerate(psych_chart._rh_category):
if rh < rh_cat:
for x, t_cat in enumerate(psych_chart._t_category):
if t < t_cat:
# compute average values
avg_values = [sum(val_list) / len(val_list) for rh_l in base_mtx
for val_list in rh_l if len(val_list) != 0]
hd = dat.header
vd = VisualizationData(avg_values, lp, hd.data_type, hd.unit)
# create the analysis geometry
mesh_3d = Mesh3D.from_mesh2d(psych_chart.colored_mesh, bp)
mesh_geo = AnalysisGeometry(
'Analysis_Data', [mesh_3d], vis_data, active_data=len(vis_data) - 1)
mesh_geo.display_name = 'Analysis Data'
mesh_geo.display_mode = 'Surface'
return vis_set
def _plane_from_point(point_2d, z, align_vec=Vector3D(1, 0, 0)):
"""Get a Plane from a Point2D.
point_2d: A Point2D to serve as the origin of the plane.
z: The Z value for the plane origin.
align_vec: A Vector3D to serve as the X-Axis of the plane.
return Plane(o=Point3D(point_2d.x, point_2d.y, z), x=align_vec)