"""Method to draw an MonthlyChart as a VisualizationSet."""
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Point3D, Plane, LineSegment3D, Polyline3D, \
from ladybug_display.geometry3d import DisplayLineSegment3D, DisplayPolyline3D, \
from ladybug_display.visualization import VisualizationSet, AnalysisGeometry, \
VisualizationData, ContextGeometry
def monthly_chart_to_vis_set(
monthly_chart, z=0, time_marks=False, global_title=None, y_axis_title=None):
"""Get a Ladybug MonthlyChart represented as a VisualizationSet.
monthly_chart: A Ladybug MonthlyChart object.
z: A number for the Z-coordinate to be used in translation. (Default: 0).
time_marks: Boolean to note whether the month labels should be replaced with
marks for the time of day in each month. This is useful for displaying
hourly data, particularly when the input data is only for a month
and not the whole year.
global_title: A text string to label the entire entire chart. It will be
displayed in the lower left of the output chart. If None, the
default is to display the metadata of the chart data.
y_axis_title: A text string to label the Y-axis of the chart. This can
also be a list of 2 Y-axis titles if there are two different types
of data plotted on the chart and there are two axes labels on either
side of the chart. The default will display the data type and
units of the plotted data.
A VisualizationSet with the monthly chart represented several ContextGeometries
(and an AnalysisGeometry). This includes these objects in the following order.
- X_Axis -- A ContextGeometry with lines and text for the X axis of
the monthly chart.
- Y_Axis -- A ContextGeometry with lines and text for the Y axis of
the monthly chart.
- Y_Axis2 -- A ContextGeometry with lines and text for the second Y axis
of the monthly chart.
- Title -- A ContextGeometry with text for the title of the monthly chart.
- Data_Outlines -- A ContextGeometry with a list of polylines that outline
the input data. These will represent the average or total at
each hour whenever the input data is hourly or monthly-per-hour data.
- Analysis_Data -- An AnalysisGeometry for the data on the monthly chart.
# establish the VisualizationSet object
data_header = monthly_chart.data_collections[0].header
data_type = data_header.data_type
set_id = 'Monthly_Chart_{}'.format(data_type.name.replace(' ', '_'))
vis_set = VisualizationSet(set_id, ())
# get values used throughout the translation
txt_hgt = monthly_chart.legend_parameters.text_height
font = monthly_chart.legend_parameters.font
x_dim = monthly_chart.x_dim
bp = Plane(o=Point3D(0, 0, z))
# add the X axis
border = Polyline3D.from_polyline2d(monthly_chart.chart_border, bp)
x_geo = [DisplayPolyline3D(border, line_width=2)]
for line in monthly_chart.month_lines:
line3d = LineSegment3D.from_line_segment2d(line, z)
if time_marks:
txt_h = x_dim / 20 if x_dim / 20 < txt_hgt * 0.75 else txt_hgt * 0.75
for txt, pt in zip(monthly_chart.time_labels, monthly_chart.time_label_points):
t_pln = Plane(o=Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, z))
txt_obj = DisplayText3D(txt, t_pln, txt_h, None, font, 'Center', 'Top')
for line in monthly_chart.time_ticks:
line3d = LineSegment3D.from_line_segment2d(line, z)
for txt, pt in zip(monthly_chart.month_labels, monthly_chart.month_label_points):
t_pln = Plane(o=Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, z))
txt_obj = DisplayText3D(txt, t_pln, txt_hgt, None, font, 'Center', 'Top')
x_axis = ContextGeometry('X_Axis', x_geo)
x_axis.display_name = 'X Axis'
# add the y axis
y_geo = []
for line in monthly_chart.y_axis_lines:
line3d = LineSegment3D.from_line_segment2d(line, z)
y_geo.append(DisplayLineSegment3D(line3d, line_type='Dashed'))
if y_axis_title is None or len(y_axis_title) == 0:
y1_txt = monthly_chart.y_axis_title_text1
y1_txt = y_axis_title if isinstance(y_axis_title, str) else y_axis_title[0]
y_pl = monthly_chart.y_axis_title_location1
if z != 0:
y_pl = Plane(n=y_pl.n, o=Point3D(y_pl.o.x, y_pl.o.y, z), x=y_pl.x)
y_title = DisplayText3D(y1_txt, y_pl, txt_hgt, None, font)
for txt, pt in zip(monthly_chart.y_axis_labels1, monthly_chart.y_axis_label_points1):
t_pln = Plane(o=Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, z))
txt_obj = DisplayText3D(txt, t_pln, txt_hgt, None, font, 'Right', 'Middle')
y_axis = ContextGeometry('Y_Axis', y_geo)
y_axis.display_name = y1_txt
# add the second y axis if it exists
if monthly_chart.y_axis_title_text2 is not None:
y2_geo = []
if y_axis_title is None or len(y_axis_title) <= 1:
y2_txt = monthly_chart.y_axis_title_text2
y2_txt = monthly_chart.y_axis_title_text2 \
if isinstance(y_axis_title, str) else y_axis_title[1]
y2_pl = monthly_chart.y_axis_title_location2
if z != 0:
y2_pl = Plane(n=y2_pl.n, o=Point3D(y2_pl.o.x, y2_pl.o.y, z), x=y2_pl.x)
y_title2 = DisplayText3D(y2_txt, y2_pl, txt_hgt, None, font)
y2_label_pts = monthly_chart.y_axis_label_points2
for txt, pt in zip(monthly_chart.y_axis_labels2, y2_label_pts):
t_pln = Plane(o=Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, z))
txt_obj = DisplayText3D(txt, t_pln, txt_hgt, None, font, 'Left', 'Middle')
y2_axis = ContextGeometry('Y_Axis2', y2_geo)
y2_axis.display_name = y2_txt
# add the title
title_txt = monthly_chart.title_text if global_title is None else global_title
ttl_pl = monthly_chart.lower_title_location
if z != 0:
ttl_pl = Plane(n=ttl_pl.n, o=Point3D(ttl_pl.o.x, ttl_pl.o.y, z), x=ttl_pl.x)
title = DisplayText3D(title_txt, ttl_pl, txt_hgt, None, font)
title_obj = ContextGeometry('Title', [title])
# add the analysis geometry
legend = monthly_chart.legend
if monthly_chart.time_interval == 'MonthlyPerHour':
data_p_lines, line_colors = monthly_chart.data_polylines_with_colors
data_lines = [Polyline3D.from_polyline2d(line, bp)
for line in data_p_lines]
data_colors = monthly_chart.colors
data_vals = [data_colors.index(col) for col in line_colors]
vis_data = VisualizationData(data_vals, legend.legend_parameters)
a_geo = AnalysisGeometry('Analysis_Data', data_lines, [vis_data])
d_meshes = monthly_chart.data_meshes
data_mesh = [Mesh3D.from_mesh2d(msh, bp) for msh in d_meshes]
vis_data = VisualizationData(legend.values, legend.legend_parameters)
a_geo = AnalysisGeometry('Analysis_Data', data_mesh, [vis_data])
if monthly_chart.time_interval == 'Monthly':
a_geo.display_mode = 'SurfaceWithEdges'
elif monthly_chart.time_interval == 'Daily':
a_geo.display_mode = 'Surface'
out_geo = []
for line in monthly_chart.data_polylines:
line3d = Polyline3D.from_polyline2d(line, bp)
data_outline = ContextGeometry('Data_Outlines', out_geo)
data_outline.display_name = 'Data Outlines'
return vis_set