"""Method to draw an HourlyPlot as a VisualizationSet."""
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Plane
from ladybug_display.geometry3d import DisplayLineSegment3D, DisplayPolyline3D, \
from ladybug_display.visualization import VisualizationSet, AnalysisGeometry, \
VisualizationData, ContextGeometry
def hourly_plot_to_vis_set(
hourly_plot, z=0, custom_hours=(0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24),
"""Get a Ladybug HourlyPlot represented as a VisualizationSet.
hourly_plot: A Ladybug HourlyPlot object.
z: A number for the Z-coordinate to be used in translation. (Default: 0).
custom_hours: A tuple of integers from 0 to 24 to indicate which hours
of the day should appear in the Hour_Axis of the visualization.
The default is (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24).
include_title: Boolean to note whether the title should be included
in the output visualization. (Default: True).
A VisualizationSet with the hourly plot represented several ContextGeometries
(and an AnalysisGeometry). This includes these objects in the following order.
- Hour_Axis -- A ContextGeometry with lines and text for the hour-of-the-day
axis of the hourly plot.
- Month_Axis -- A ContextGeometry with lines and text for the month-of-the-year
axis of the hourly plot.
- Title -- A ContextGeometry with text for the title of the hourly plot.
This layer will be excluded if include_title is False.
- Analysis_Data -- An AnalysisGeometry for the data on the hourly plot.
# establish the VisualizationSet object
data_header = hourly_plot.data_collection.header
data_type, unit = data_header.data_type, data_header.unit
set_id = 'Hourly_Plot_{}'.format(data_type.name.replace(' ', '_'))
vis_set = VisualizationSet(set_id, ())
# get global variables used in other places
chart_border = DisplayPolyline3D(hourly_plot.chart_border3d, line_width=2)
txt_h = hourly_plot.legend_parameters.text_height
font = hourly_plot.legend_parameters.font
major_hr = hourly_plot.HOUR_LABELS
# add the hour axis
dis_hour, dis_hour_text = [], []
h_lines = hourly_plot.custom_hour_lines3d(custom_hours)
h_pts = hourly_plot.custom_hour_label_points3d(custom_hours)
h_text = hourly_plot.custom_hour_labels(custom_hours)
for hr, lin, pt, txt in zip(custom_hours, h_lines, h_pts, h_text):
if hr in major_hr:
lt, t_sz = 'Continuous', txt_h
lt, t_sz = 'Dotted', txt_h * 0.8
dis_hour.append(DisplayLineSegment3D(lin, line_width=1, line_type=lt))
d_txt = DisplayText3D(txt, Plane(o=pt), t_sz, None, font, 'Right', 'Middle')
hour_axis = ContextGeometry('Hour_Axis', [chart_border] + dis_hour + dis_hour_text)
hour_axis.display_name = 'Hour Axis'
# add the month axis
dis_month, dis_month_text = [], []
m_lines = hourly_plot.month_lines3d
m_pts = hourly_plot.month_label_points3d
m_text = hourly_plot.month_labels
for lin in m_lines:
dis_month.append(DisplayLineSegment3D(lin, line_width=1))
for pt, txt in zip(m_pts, m_text):
d_txt = DisplayText3D(txt, Plane(o=pt), t_sz, None, font, 'Center', 'Top')
month_axis = ContextGeometry(
'Month_Axis', [chart_border] + dis_month + dis_month_text)
month_axis.display_name = 'Month Axis'
if include_title:
tit_txt = DisplayText3D(
hourly_plot.title_text, hourly_plot.lower_title_location, txt_h,
None, font, 'Left', 'Bottom')
title = ContextGeometry('Title', [tit_txt])
title.display_name = 'Title'
# add the colored mesh
vis_data = VisualizationData(
hourly_plot.values, hourly_plot.legend_parameters, data_type, unit)
mesh_geo = AnalysisGeometry(
'Analysis_Data', [hourly_plot.colored_mesh3d], [vis_data])
mesh_geo.display_name = data_type.name
mesh_geo.display_mode = 'Surface'
return vis_set