Source code for ladybug_display.context

# coding=utf-8
"""Class for representing geometry objects that each have custom properties.

Such properties can include color, line_width, line_type, and display_mode.
from __future__ import division

from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d import Vector2D, Point2D, Ray2D, LineSegment2D, \
    Polyline2D, Arc2D, Polygon2D, Mesh2D
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Vector3D, Point3D, Ray3D, Plane, LineSegment3D, \
    Polyline3D, Arc3D, Face3D, Mesh3D, Polyface3D, Sphere, Cone, Cylinder
from ladybug_geometry.bounding import bounding_box

from .geometry2d import DisplayVector2D, DisplayPoint2D, \
    DisplayRay2D, DisplayLineSegment2D, DisplayPolyline2D, DisplayArc2D, \
    DisplayPolygon2D, DisplayMesh2D
from .geometry3d import DisplayVector3D, DisplayPoint3D, \
    DisplayRay3D, DisplayPlane, DisplayLineSegment3D, DisplayPolyline3D, DisplayArc3D, \
    DisplayFace3D, DisplayMesh3D, DisplayPolyface3D, DisplaySphere, DisplayCone, \
    DisplayCylinder, DisplayText3D
from .geometry2d._base import _DisplayBase2D
from .geometry3d._base import _DisplayBase3D
from .dictutil import dict_to_object

from ._base import _VisualizationBase
from .analysis import GEOMETRY_UNION
    DisplayVector2D, DisplayPoint2D, DisplayRay2D, DisplayLineSegment2D,
    DisplayPolyline2D, DisplayArc2D, DisplayPolygon2D, DisplayMesh2D,
    DisplayVector3D, DisplayPoint3D, DisplayRay3D, DisplayPlane, DisplayLineSegment3D,
    DisplayPolyline3D, DisplayArc3D, DisplayFace3D, DisplayMesh3D,
    DisplayPolyface3D, DisplaySphere, DisplayCone, DisplayCylinder, DisplayText3D

[docs] class ContextGeometry(_VisualizationBase): """An object representing context geometry to display. Args: identifier: Text string for a unique object ID. Must be less than 100 characters and not contain spaces or special characters. geometry: A list of ladybug-geometry or ladybug-display objects that gives context to analysis geometry or other aspects of the visualization. Typically, these will display in wireframe around the geometry, though the properties of display geometry can be used to customize the visualization. hidden: A boolean to note whether the geometry is hidden by default and must be un-hidden to be visible in the 3D scene. (Default: False). Properties: * identifier * display_name * geometry * hidden * min_point * max_point * user_data """ __slots__ = ('_geometry', '_min_point', '_max_point', '_hidden') WIREFRAME_MAP = { Vector2D: (DisplayVector2D, None), Point2D: (DisplayPoint2D, None), Ray2D: (DisplayRay2D, None), LineSegment2D: (DisplayLineSegment2D, None), Polyline2D: (DisplayPolyline2D, None), Arc2D: (DisplayArc2D, None), Polygon2D: (DisplayPolygon2D, None, 'Wireframe'), Mesh2D: (DisplayMesh2D, None, 'Wireframe'), Vector3D: (DisplayVector3D, None), Point3D: (DisplayPoint3D, None), Ray3D: (DisplayRay3D, None), Plane: (DisplayPlane, None), LineSegment3D: (DisplayLineSegment3D, None), Polyline3D: (DisplayPolyline3D, None), Arc3D: (DisplayArc3D, None), Face3D: (DisplayFace3D, None, 'Wireframe'), Mesh3D: (DisplayMesh3D, None, 'Wireframe'), Polyface3D: (DisplayPolyface3D, None, 'Wireframe'), Sphere: (DisplaySphere, None, 'Wireframe'), Cone: (DisplayCone, None, 'Wireframe'), Cylinder: (DisplayCylinder, None, 'Wireframe') } def __init__(self, identifier, geometry, hidden=False): """Initialize ContextGeometry.""" _VisualizationBase.__init__(self, identifier) # process the identifier self.geometry = geometry self.hidden = hidden self._min_point = None self._max_point = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): """Create an ContextGeometry from a dictionary. Args: data: A python dictionary in the following format .. code-block:: python { "type": "ContextGeometry", "identifier": "", # unique object identifier "geometry": [], # list of ladybug-display geometry objects "hidden": True # boolean for whether the layer is hidden by default } """ # check the type key assert data['type'] == 'ContextGeometry', \ 'Expected ContextGeometry, Got {}.'.format(data['type']) # re-serialize the object geos = tuple(dict_to_object(geo) for geo in data['geometry']) hidden = False if 'hidden' not in data else data['hidden'] new_obj = cls(data['identifier'], geos, hidden) if 'display_name' in data and data['display_name'] is not None: new_obj.display_name = data['display_name'] if 'user_data' in data and data['user_data'] is not None: new_obj.user_data = data['user_data'] return new_obj
@property def geometry(self): """Get or set a tuple of ladybug_display geometry objects for context. When setting this property, it is also acceptable to include raw ladybug_geometry objects in the list and they will automatically be converted into a wireframe representation as a ladybug-display object. """ return self._geometry @geometry.setter def geometry(self, value): assert isinstance(value, (list, tuple)), 'Expected list or tuple for' \ ' ContextGeometry geometry. Got {}.'.format(type(value)) processed_value = [] for geo in value: if isinstance(geo, DISPLAY_UNION): processed_value.append(geo) elif isinstance(geo, GEOMETRY_UNION): processed_value.append(self.geometry_to_wireframe(geo)) else: raise ValueError( 'Expected ladybug-geometry or ladybug-display object for ' 'ContextGeometry. Got {}.'.format(type(geo))) self._geometry = tuple(processed_value) @property def hidden(self): """Get or set a boolean for whether the geometry is hidden by default.""" return self._hidden @hidden.setter def hidden(self, value): self._hidden = bool(value) @property def min_point(self): """A Point3D for the minimum bounding box vertex around all of the geometry.""" if self._min_point is None: self._calculate_min_max() return self._min_point @property def max_point(self): """A Point3D for the maximum bounding box vertex around all of the geometry.""" if self._max_point is None: self._calculate_min_max() return self._max_point
[docs] def move(self, moving_vec): """Move this ContextGeometry along a vector. Args: moving_vec: A ladybug_geometry Vector3D with the direction and distance to move the ContextGeometry. """ moving_vec_2d = Vector2D(moving_vec.x, moving_vec.y) for geo in self._geometry: if isinstance(geo, _DisplayBase3D): geo.move(moving_vec) elif isinstance(geo, _DisplayBase2D): geo.move(moving_vec_2d)
[docs] def rotate_xy(self, angle, origin): """Rotate this ContextGeometry counterclockwise in the world XY plane. Args: angle: An angle in degrees. origin: A ladybug_geometry Point3D for the origin around which the object will be rotated. """ origin_2d = Point2D(origin.x, origin.y) for geo in self._geometry: if isinstance(geo, _DisplayBase3D): geo.rotate_xy(angle, origin) elif isinstance(geo, _DisplayBase2D): geo.rotate(angle, origin_2d)
[docs] def scale(self, factor, origin=None): """Scale this ContextGeometry by a factor from an origin point. Args: factor: A number representing how much the object should be scaled. origin: A ladybug_geometry Point3D representing the origin from which to scale. If None, it will be scaled from the World origin (0, 0, 0). """ origin_2d = Point2D(origin.x, origin.y) if origin is not None else None for geo in self._geometry: if isinstance(geo, _DisplayBase3D): geo.scale(factor, origin) elif isinstance(geo, _DisplayBase2D): geo.scale(factor, origin_2d)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Get ContextGeometry as a dictionary.""" base = { 'type': 'ContextGeometry', 'identifier': self.identifier, 'geometry': [geo.to_dict() for geo in self.geometry], 'hidden': self.hidden } if self._display_name is not None: base['display_name'] = self.display_name if self.user_data is not None: base['user_data'] = self.user_data return base
[docs] @staticmethod def geometry_to_wireframe(geometry): """Convert a raw ladybug-geometry object into a wireframe ladybug-display object. Args: geometry: A raw ladybug-geometry object to be converted to a wireframe ladybug-display object. """ conv_info = ContextGeometry.WIREFRAME_MAP[geometry.__class__] new_class, wire_args = conv_info[0], list(conv_info[1:]) wire_args.insert(0, geometry) return new_class(*wire_args)
def _calculate_min_max(self): """Calculate maximum and minimum Point3D for this object.""" lb_geos = [d_geo.geometry for d_geo in self.geometry] self._min_point, self._max_point = bounding_box(lb_geos) def __copy__(self): new_geo_objs = tuple(geo.duplicate() for geo in self.geometry) new_obj = ContextGeometry(self.identifier, new_geo_objs, self.hidden) new_obj._display_name = self._display_name new_obj._user_data = None if self.user_data is None else self.user_data.copy() return new_obj def __len__(self): """Return number of geometries on the object.""" return len(self.geometry) def __getitem__(self, key): """Return one of the geometries.""" return self.geometry[key] def __iter__(self): """Iterate through the geometries.""" return iter(self.geometry)
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite .NET ToString.""" return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self): """ContextGeometry representation.""" return 'Context Geometry: {}'.format(self.display_name)