# coding=utf-8
"""Parameters for specifying body characteristics for the PET model."""
from __future__ import division
import re
from ._base import ComfortParameter
class PETParameter(ComfortParameter):
"""Parameters specifying body characteristics for the PET model.
age: The age of the human subject in years. (Default: 36 years for middle age
of the average worldwide life expectancy).
sex: A value between 0 and 1 to indicate the sex of the human subject,
which influences the computation of basal metabolism. 0 indicates male.
1 indicates female and any number in between denotes a weighted average
between the two. (Default: 0.5).
height: The height of the human subject in meters. Average male height
is around 1.75m while average female height is 1.55m. (Default: 1.65m
for a worldwide average between male and female height).
body_mass: The body mass of the human subject in kilograms. (Default: 62 kg
for the worldwide average adult human body mass).
posture: A text string indicating the posture of the body. Letters must
be lowercase. Default is "standing". Choose from the following:
* standing
* seated
* crouching
humid_acclimated: A boolean to note whether the human subject is acclimated
to a humid/tropical climate (True) or is acclimated to a temperate
climate (False). When True, the categories developed by Lin and
Matzarakis (2008) will be used to assess comfort instead of the original
categories developed by Matzarakis and Mayer (1996).
* age
* sex
* height
* body_mass
* posture
* humid_acclimated
_model = 'Physiological Equivalent Temperature'
POSTURES = ('standing', 'seated', 'crouching')
__slots__ = ('_age', '_sex', '_height', '_body_mass', '_posture',
def __init__(self, age=None, sex=None, height=None, body_mass=None,
posture=None, humid_acclimated=False):
"""Initialize PET Body Parameters."""
if age is not None:
assert 0 <= age <= 120, 'Age must be between 0 and 120. Got {}'.format(age)
self._age = age
self._age = 36
if sex is not None:
assert 0 <= sex <= 1, 'Sex must be between 0 and 1. Got {}'.format(sex)
self._sex = sex
self._sex = 0.5
if height is not None:
assert 0.6 <= height <= 3, \
'Height must be between 0.6 and 3. Got {}'.format(height)
self._height = height
self._height = 1.65
if body_mass is not None:
assert 0 < body_mass <= 300, 'Body mass must be between'\
' 0 and 300. Got {}'.format(body_mass)
self._body_mass = body_mass
self._body_mass = 62
if posture is not None:
assert isinstance(posture, str), 'posture must be a string.'\
' Got {}'.format(type(posture))
assert posture.lower() in self.POSTURES, 'posture {} is not '\
'acceptable. Choose from {}'.format(posture, self.POSTURES)
self._posture = posture
self._posture = 'standing'
self._humid_acclimated = bool(humid_acclimated)
def from_dict(cls, data):
"""Create a PETParameter object from a dictionary.
data: A PETParameter dictionary in following the format below.
.. code-block:: python
'type': 'PETParameter',
'age': 36,
'sex': 1,
'height': 1.55,
'body_mass': 45,
'posture': 'standing',
'humid_acclimated': True
assert data['type'] == 'PETParameter', \
'Expected PETParameter dictionary. Got {}.'.format(data['type'])
age = data['age'] if 'age' in data else None
sex = data['sex'] if 'sex' in data else None
height = data['height'] if 'height' in data else None
body_mass = data['body_mass'] if 'body_mass' in data else None
posture = data['posture'] if 'posture' in data else None
h_acc = data['humid_acclimated'] if 'humid_acclimated' in data else False
return cls(age, sex, height, body_mass, posture, h_acc)
def from_string(cls, pet_parameter_string):
"""Create an PETParameter object from an PETParameter string."""
str_pattern = re.compile(r"\-\-(\S*\s\S*)")
matches = str_pattern.findall(pet_parameter_string)
par_dict = {item.split(' ')[0]: item.split(' ')[1] for item in matches}
age = float(par_dict['age']) if 'age' in par_dict else None
sex = float(par_dict['sex']) if 'sex' in par_dict else None
height = float(par_dict['height']) if 'height' in par_dict else None
body_mass = float(par_dict['body-mass']) if 'body-mass' in par_dict else None
posture = par_dict['posture'] if 'posture' in par_dict else None
h_acc = False if 'acclimated' not in par_dict \
or par_dict['acclimated'].lower() == 'temperate' else True
return cls(age, sex, height, body_mass, posture, h_acc)
def age(self):
"""The age of the human subject in years."""
return self._age
def sex(self):
"""A value between 0 and 1 to indicate the sex of the human subject.
This influences the computation of basal metabolism.
0 indicates male.
1 indicates female.
Any number in between denotes a weighted average between the two.
return self._sex
def height(self):
"""The height of the human subject in meters.
Average male height is around 1.75m while average female height is 1.55m.
return self._height
def body_mass(self):
"""The body mass of the human subject in kilograms."""
return self._body_mass
def posture(self):
"""A text string indicating the posture of the body."""
return self._posture
def humid_acclimated(self):
"""A boolean for whether subject is acclimated to a humid or temperate climate.
When True, the categories developed by Lin and Matzarakis (2008) for a
humid/subtropical climate will be used to assess comfort instead of the
original categories developed by Matzarakis and Mayer (1996).
return self._humid_acclimated
def to_dict(self):
"""PETParameter dictionary representation."""
return {
'type': 'PETParameter',
'age': self.age,
'sex': self.sex,
'height': self.height,
'body_mass': self.body_mass,
'posture': self.posture,
'humid_acclimated': self.humid_acclimated
def __copy__(self):
return PETParameter(
self.age, self.sex, self.height, self.body_mass, self.posture,
def __repr__(self):
"""PET body parameters representation."""
base = '--age {} --sex {} --height {} --body-mass {} --posture {}'.format(
self.age, self.sex, self.height, self.body_mass, self.posture)
if self.humid_acclimated:
base = '{} --acclimated humid'.format(base)
return base