ladybug_comfort.collection.adaptive module

Object for calculating Adaptive comfort from DataCollections.

class ladybug_comfort.collection.adaptive.Adaptive(outdoor_temperature, operative_temperature, air_speed=None, comfort_parameter=None)[source]

Bases: ComfortCollection

Adaptive comfort DataCollection object.

  • outdoor_temperature

    Either one of the following inputs are acceptable:

    • A Data Collection of prevailing outdoor temperature values in C. Such a Data Collection must align with the operative_temperature input and bear the PrevailingOutdoorTemperature data type in its header.

    • A single prevailing outdoor temperature value in C to be used for all of the operative_temperature inputs below.

    • A Data Collection of actual outdoor temperatures recorded over the entire year. This Data Collection must be continuous and must either be an Hourly Collection or Daily Collection. In the event that the input comfort_parameter has a prevailing_temperature_method of ‘Monthly’, Monthly collections are also acceptable here. Note that, because an annual input is required, this input collection does not have to align with the operative_temperature input.

  • operative_temperature – Data Collection of operative temperature (To) values in degrees Celsius.

  • air_speed – Data Collection of air speed values in m/s or a single air_speed value to be used for the whole analysis. If None, this will default to 0.1 m/s.

  • comfort_parameter – Optional AdaptiveParameter object to specify parameters under which conditions are considered acceptable. If None, default will assume ASHRAE-55 criteria.

  • prevailing_outdoor_temperature

  • operative_temperature

  • air_speed

  • comfort_parameter

  • neutral_temperature

  • degrees_from_neutral

  • is_comfortable

  • thermal_condition

  • cooling_effect

  • percent_comfortable

  • percent_uncomfortable

  • percent_neutral

  • percent_hot

  • percent_cold


Overwrite .NET ToString.

classmethod from_air_and_rad_temp(outdoor_temperature, air_temperature, rad_temperature=None, air_speed=None, comfort_parameter=None)[source]

Initialize an Adaptive Comfort object from air and radiant temperature.

property air_speed

Data Collection of air speed in m/s.

property calc_length

The number of values in the Data Collections of this object.

property comfort_model

Return the name of the model to which the comfort datacollection belongs.

property comfort_parameter

Adaptive comfort parameters that are assigned to this object.

property cooling_effect

Data Collection of the cooling effect of the air speed in degrees Celsius.

This is the difference between the air temperature and the adjusted air temperature [C].

property degrees_from_neutral

Data Collection of the degrees from desired neutral temperature in C.

property is_comfortable

Data Collection of integers noting whether the input conditions are acceptable according to the assigned comfort_parameter.

Values are one of the following: * 0 = uncomfortable * 1 = comfortable

property neutral_temperature

Data Collection of the desired neutral temperature in degrees C.

property operative_temperature

Data Collection of operative temperature in degrees C.

property percent_cold

The percent of time that the thermal_condition is cold.

property percent_comfortable

The percent of time comfortable given by the assigned comfort_parameter.

property percent_hot

The percent of time that the thermal_condition is hot.

property percent_neutral

The percent of time that the thermal_condition is neutral.

property percent_uncomfortable

The percent of time uncomfortable given by the assigned comfort_parameter.

property prevailing_outdoor_temperature

Data Collection of prevailing outdoor temperature in degrees C.

property thermal_condition

Data Collection of integers noting the thermal status of a subject according to the assigned comfort_parameter.

Values are one of the following: * -1 = cold * 0 = netural * +1 = hot

class ladybug_comfort.collection.adaptive.PrevailingTemperature(outdoor_temperature, avg_month=True)[source]

Bases: object

Get prevailing temperature from annual DataCollections of outdoor temperature.

  • outdoor_temperature – A Data Collection of outdoor temperatures recorded over an entire year. This Data Collection must be continuous and must either be an Hourly Collection or Daily Collection. In the event that the input avg_month is True (for average monthly prevailing method), Monthly collections are also acceptable here.

  • avg_month – A boolean to note whether the prevailing outdoor temperature is computed from the average monthly temperature (True) or a weighted running mean of the last week (False). The default is True.

  • avg_month_or_running_mean

  • hourly_prevailing_temperature

  • daily_prevailing_temperature

  • monthly_prevailing_temperature

  • monthly_per_hour_prevailing_temperature


“Get a Prevailing Temperature Collection aligned with input collection.


HourlyContinuousCollection of prevailing temperature at timestep.

property avg_month

The input avg_month.

property daily_prevailing_temperature

DailyCollection of prevailing outdoor temperature in C.

property hourly_prevailing_temperature

HourlyContinuousCollection of prevailing outdoor temperature in C.

property monthly_per_hour_prevailing_temperature

MonthlyPerHourCollection of prevailing outdoor temperature in C.

property monthly_prevailing_temperature

MonthlyCollection of prevailing outdoor temperature in C.