# coding=utf-8
"""Object for plotting an UTCI comfort polygon on a Psychrometric Chart."""
from __future__ import division
from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d.pointvector import Point2D, Vector2D
from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d.ray import Ray2D
from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d.line import LineSegment2D
from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d.polyline import Polyline2D
from ladybug.psychchart import PsychrometricChart
from ladybug.psychrometrics import humid_ratio_from_db_rh
from ladybug._datacollectionbase import BaseCollection
from ladybug.datacollection import HourlyContinuousCollection, \
from ladybug.datatype.temperature import Temperature
from ladybug.datatype.temperaturedelta import TemperatureDelta
from ladybug.datatype.thermalcondition import ThermalComfort
from ladybug.datatype.generic import GenericType
from ..utci import calc_missing_utci_input
from ..parameter.utci import UTCIParameter
class PolygonUTCI(object):
"""Object to plot an UTCI comfort polygon on a Psychrometric Chart.
psychrometric_chart: A ladybug-core PsychrometricChart object on which the
UTCI comfort polygon will be plot.
rad_temperature: A list of numbers for the mean radiant temperature in Celsius.
If None, a polygon for operative temperature will be plot, assuming that
radiant temperature and air temperature are the same. (Default: None).
wind_speed: A list of numbers for the meteorological wind speed values in m/s
(measured 10 m above the ground). If None, this will default to a low
wind speed of 0.5 m/s, which is the lowest input speed that is
recommended for the UTCI model.
comfort_parameter: Optional UTCIParameter object to specify parameters under
which conditions are considered acceptable. If None, default will
assume comfort thresholds consistent with those used by meteorologists
to categorize outdoor conditions.
* psychrometric_chart
* rad_temperature
* wind_speed
* comfort_parameter
* polygon_count
* left_comfort_lines
* right_comfort_lines
* left_comfort_line
* right_comfort_line
* comfort_polygons
* merged_comfort_polygon
* comfort_values
* comfort_data
* merged_comfort_values
* merged_comfort_data
* is_comfort_too_hot
* is_comfort_too_cold
* very_strong_cold_polygon
* strong_cold_polygon
* moderate_cold_polygon
* moderate_heat_polygon
* strong_heat_polygon
* very_strong_heat_polygon
TEMP_TYPE = Temperature()
DELTA_TEMP_TYPE = TemperatureDelta()
'Polygon Inclusion', 'status', 0, 1, unit_descr={0: 'Outside', 1: 'Inside'})
def __init__(self, psychrometric_chart, rad_temperature=None, wind_speed=None,
"""Initialize a UTCI comfort polygon."""
# check the psychrometric_chart input
assert isinstance(psychrometric_chart, PsychrometricChart), 'PolygonUTCI ' \
'psychrometric_chart must be a ladybug PsychrometricChart. ' \
'Got {}.'.format(type(psychrometric_chart))
self._psychrometric_chart = psychrometric_chart
# determine the number of comfort polygons to be drawn
all_data = (rad_temperature, wind_speed)
param_lens = [len(arr) for arr in all_data if arr is not None]
self._polygon_count = max(param_lens) if len(param_lens) != 0 else 0
self._polygon_count = 1 if self._polygon_count == 0 else self._polygon_count
# check parameters with defaults
self._rad_temperature = self._check_input(
rad_temperature, 'rad_temperature', None)
self._wind_speed = self._check_input(wind_speed, 'wind_speed', 0.5, True)
# check comfort parameters
if comfort_parameter is None:
self._comfort_par = UTCIParameter()
assert isinstance(comfort_parameter, UTCIParameter), 'comfort_parameter '\
'must be a UTCIParameter object. Got {}'.format(type(comfort_parameter))
self._comfort_par = comfort_parameter
# create the left and right polylines
_left, _right = [], []
for p in range(self._polygon_count):
min_poly, max_poly = self.comfort_polylines(p)
self._left_comfort_lines, self._right_comfort_lines = tuple(_left), tuple(_right)
# set parameters to None, which will be computed on demand
self._left_comfort_line = None
self._right_comfort_line = None
self._comfort_polygons = None
self._merged_comfort_polygons = None
self._comfort_values = None
self._comfort_data = None
self._merged_comfort_values = None
self._merged_comfort_data = None
def psychrometric_chart(self):
"""The ladybug PsychrometricChart object on which the polygons are plot."""
return self._psychrometric_chart
def rad_temperature(self):
"""Tuple of mean radiant temperature (MRT) values in degrees C.
None indicates that the radiant temperature is the same as the air temperature.
return self._rad_temperature
def wind_speed(self):
"""Tuple of meteorological wind speed values in m/s."""
return self._wind_speed
def comfort_parameter(self):
"""UTCI comfort parameters that are assigned to this object."""
return self._comfort_par
def polygon_count(self):
"""Integer for the number of comfort polygons contained on the object."""
return self._polygon_count
def left_comfort_lines(self):
"""Tuple of Polyline2D for the left of the comfort polygons."""
return self._left_comfort_lines
def right_comfort_lines(self):
"""Tuple of Polyline2D for the right of the comfort polygons."""
return self._right_comfort_lines
def left_comfort_line(self):
"""A single Polyline2D for the left of the merged comfort polygons."""
if self._left_comfort_line is None:
li = self._left_comfort_lines
self._left_comfort_line = li[0] if len(li) == 1 else self._min_polylines(li)
return self._left_comfort_line
def right_comfort_line(self):
"""A single Polyline2D for the right of the merged comfort polygons."""
if self._right_comfort_line is None:
li = self._right_comfort_lines
self._right_comfort_line = li[0] if len(li) == 1 else self._max_polylines(li)
return self._right_comfort_line
def comfort_polygons(self):
"""A tuple of tuples where each sub-tuple defines one comfort polygon.
Sub-tuple comfort polygons consist of four or five Polyline2D or LineSegment2D
that are ordered as follows (left, bottom, right, top).
if self._comfort_polygons is None:
self._comfort_polygons = []
ll, rl = self.left_comfort_lines, self.right_comfort_lines
for lt, rt in zip(ll, rl):
self._comfort_polygons.append(self._build_comfort_polygon(lt, rt))
return tuple(self._comfort_polygons)
def merged_comfort_polygon(self):
"""A tuple of Polyline2D or LineSegment2D that define the merged comfort polygon.
Comfort polygon consists of four or five Polyline2D or LineSegment2D that
are ordered as follows (left, bottom, right, top).
if self._merged_comfort_polygons is None:
lt, rt = self.left_comfort_line, self.right_comfort_line
self._merged_comfort_polygons = self._build_comfort_polygon(lt, rt)
return self._merged_comfort_polygons
def comfort_values(self):
"""A tuple of tuples with each sub-tuple representing one of comfort polygons.
Each sub-tuple contains 0/1 values for whether the point is inside the
comfort polygon or not.
if self._comfort_values is None:
self._comfort_values = []
for poly in self.comfort_polygons:
self._comfort_values.append(self._evaluate_comfort(poly[0], poly[2]))
return tuple(self._comfort_values)
def comfort_data(self):
"""A tuple of data collections or 0/1 values for each of the comfort polygons."""
if self._comfort_data is None:
self._comfort_data = []
for i, dat in enumerate(self.comfort_values):
if len(dat) == 1:
name = 'Comfort {}'.format(i + 1)
self._comfort_data.append(self.create_collection(dat, name))
return tuple(self._comfort_data)
def merged_comfort_values(self):
"""A tuple of 0/1 for whether each point is in the merged comfort polygon or not.
if self._merged_comfort_values is None:
poly = self.merged_comfort_polygon
self._merged_comfort_values = self._evaluate_comfort(poly[0], poly[2])
return self._merged_comfort_values
def merged_comfort_data(self):
"""A data collection or 0/1 for whether the data is in merged comfort polygon.
if self._merged_comfort_data is None:
if len(self.merged_comfort_values) == 1:
self._merged_comfort_data = self.merged_comfort_values[0]
self._merged_comfort_data = \
self.create_collection(self.merged_comfort_values, 'Comfort')
return self._merged_comfort_data
def is_comfort_too_hot(self):
"""Boolean to note whether comfort polygons are off the chart on the hot side."""
psy = self.psychrometric_chart
return self.merged_comfort_polygon[2][0].x >= psy.base_point.x + \
(psy._max_temperature - psy._min_temperature) * psy._x_dim
def is_comfort_too_cold(self):
"""Boolean to note whether comfort polygons are off the chart on the cold side.
psy = self.psychrometric_chart
return self.merged_comfort_polygon[0][0].x <= psy.base_point.x
def very_strong_cold_polygon(self):
"""A tuple of Polyline2D or LineSegment2D for the very strong cold polygon."""
left_line = self.stress_polyline(self._comfort_par.very_strong_cold_thresh)
right_line = self.stress_polyline(self._comfort_par.strong_cold_thresh)
return self._build_comfort_polygon(left_line, right_line)
def strong_cold_polygon(self):
"""A tuple of Polyline2D or LineSegment2D for the strong cold polygon."""
left_line = self.stress_polyline(self._comfort_par.strong_cold_thresh)
right_line = self.stress_polyline(self._comfort_par.moderate_cold_thresh)
return self._build_comfort_polygon(left_line, right_line)
def moderate_cold_polygon(self):
"""A tuple of Polyline2D or LineSegment2D for the moderate cold polygon."""
left_line = self.stress_polyline(self._comfort_par.moderate_cold_thresh)
right_line = self.left_comfort_line
return self._build_comfort_polygon(left_line, right_line)
def moderate_heat_polygon(self):
"""A tuple of Polyline2D or LineSegment2D for the moderate heat polygon."""
left_line = self.right_comfort_line
right_line = self.stress_polyline(self._comfort_par.moderate_heat_thresh)
return self._build_comfort_polygon(left_line, right_line)
def strong_heat_polygon(self):
"""A tuple of Polyline2D or LineSegment2D for the strong heat polygon."""
left_line = self.stress_polyline(self._comfort_par.moderate_heat_thresh)
right_line = self.stress_polyline(self._comfort_par.strong_heat_thresh)
return self._build_comfort_polygon(left_line, right_line)
def very_strong_heat_polygon(self):
"""A tuple of Polyline2D or LineSegment2D for the very strong heat polygon."""
left_line = self.stress_polyline(self._comfort_par.strong_heat_thresh)
right_line = self.stress_polyline(self._comfort_par.very_strong_heat_thresh)
return self._build_comfort_polygon(left_line, right_line)
def comfort_polylines(self, polygon_index):
"""Get the left and right Polyline2D that define a UTCI polygon comfort range.
polygon_index: Integer for the comfort polygon for which min and max
temperature will be computed.
The left and right Polyline2D that define the comfort range.
# get the air temperature and humidity rations
rel_humids = (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100)
pres = self.psychrometric_chart.average_pressure
air_temps = self.max_min_air_temperatures(polygon_index, rel_humids)
humid_ratios = []
for i, temp in enumerate(air_temps):
hr_min = humid_ratio_from_db_rh(temp[0], rel_humids[i], pres)
hr_max = humid_ratio_from_db_rh(temp[1], rel_humids[i], pres)
humid_ratios.append((hr_min, hr_max))
# create the points from the temperature and humidity ratios
psy, left_pts, right_pts = self.psychrometric_chart, [], []
for hr, ta in zip(humid_ratios, air_temps):
ta1, ta2 = ta if not psy.use_ip else self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit(ta, 'F', 'C')
left_pts.append(Point2D(psy.t_x_value(ta1), psy.hr_y_value(hr[0])))
right_pts.append(Point2D(psy.t_x_value(ta2), psy.hr_y_value(hr[1])))
return Polyline2D(left_pts, interpolated=True), \
Polyline2D(right_pts, interpolated=True)
def stress_polyline(self, stress_temperature):
"""Get a Polyline2D that defines a specific UTCI value,.
Used to construct stress polygons.
stress_temperature: Number in degrees Celsius for the UTCI value of the
given stress threshold line to be computed.
A Polyline2D that define the comfort range.
# determine which comfort polygon conditions to use
if len(self.left_comfort_lines) == 1:
polygon_index = 0
elif stress_temperature < self._comfort_par.cold_thresh:
polygon_index = self._min_index(self.left_comfort_lines)
elif stress_temperature > self._comfort_par.heat_thresh:
polygon_index = self._max_index(self.right_comfort_lines)
polygon_index = 0
# get the air temperature and humidity rations
rel_humids = (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100)
pres = self.psychrometric_chart.average_pressure
utci_dict = self._utci_dict(polygon_index)
air_temps = []
for rh in rel_humids:
utci_dict['rh'] = rh
t_dict = calc_missing_utci_input(stress_temperature, utci_dict)
humid_ratios = []
for i, temp in enumerate(air_temps):
hr_val = humid_ratio_from_db_rh(temp, rel_humids[i], pres)
# create the points from the temperature and humidity ratios
psy, stress_pts = self.psychrometric_chart, []
for hr, ta in zip(humid_ratios, air_temps):
if psy.use_ip:
ta = self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit([ta], 'F', 'C')[0]
stress_pts.append(Point2D(psy.t_x_value(ta), psy.hr_y_value(hr)))
return Polyline2D(stress_pts, interpolated=True)
def max_min_air_temperatures(self, polygon_index, rel_humid):
"""Get the max and min air temperature for a comfort polygon at a relative humid.
polygon_index: Integer for the comfort polygon for which min and max
temperature will be computed.
rel_humid: A list of relative humidity values for which air temperature
will be computed.
A list of tuples where each tuple contains two air temperature values in
Celsius. The first air temperature is the minimum temperature that meets
the PPD threshold. The second is the maximum that meets the PPD
# get the UTCI thresholds and UTCI dict
utci_min = self._comfort_par.cold_thresh
utci_max = self._comfort_par.heat_thresh
utci_dict = self._utci_dict(polygon_index)
# compute the min and max air temperatures of relative humidity
air_temperatures = []
for rh in rel_humid:
utci_dict['rh'] = rh
min_dict = calc_missing_utci_input(utci_min, utci_dict)
max_dict = calc_missing_utci_input(utci_max, utci_dict)
air_temperatures.append((min_dict['ta'], max_dict['ta']))
return air_temperatures
def evaluate_inside(self, left, right, polygon_name=None):
"""Get a data collection for polygon inclusion from left and right polylines.
This will be a single 0 or 1 if there is only one value plotted on the chart.
left: A Polyline2D for the left of the polygon.
right: A Polyline2D for the right of the polygon.
polygon_name: An optional name to be used to create to the data
collection metadata.
value_list = []
vec = Vector2D(1, 0)
for pt in self._psychrometric_chart.data_points:
ray = Ray2D(pt, vec)
if len(right.intersect_line_ray(ray)) != 0:
if len(left.intersect_line_ray(ray)) == 0:
psy = self.psychrometric_chart
base = psy.temperature if isinstance(psy.temperature, BaseCollection) \
else psy.relative_humidity
if isinstance(base, (float, int)):
return value_list[0]
coll = base.get_aligned_collection(
value_list, self.POLYGON_INCLUSION_TYPE, 'status')
if polygon_name:
coll.header.metadata = {'polygon': polygon_name}
return coll
def create_collection(self, value_list, polygon_name=None):
"""Create a data collection of comfort data values from a list of values.
value_list: A list of data that align with the number of points in the
underlying psychrometric chart
polygon_name: An optional name to be used to create to the data
collection metadata.
psy = self.psychrometric_chart
base = psy.temperature if isinstance(psy.temperature, BaseCollection) \
else psy.relative_humidity
coll = base.get_aligned_collection(value_list, ThermalComfort(), 'condition')
if polygon_name:
coll.header.metadata = {'polygon': polygon_name}
return coll
def _build_comfort_polygon(self, left, right):
"""Build a comfort polygon from left and right polylines."""
# create the saturation line
psy = self.psychrometric_chart
x_mid = (left[-1].x + right[-1].x) / 2
t_mid, t_mid_c = self._x_to_t(x_mid)
hr_mid = humid_ratio_from_db_rh(t_mid_c, 100, psy.average_pressure)
mx, my = psy.t_x_value(t_mid), psy.hr_y_value(hr_mid)
sat_line = Polyline2D((left[-1], Point2D(mx, my), right[-1]),
# create the comfort polygon
comf_polygon = [left.reverse()]
comf_polygon.append(LineSegment2D.from_end_points(left[0], right[0]))
return tuple(comf_polygon)
def _evaluate_comfort(self, left, right):
"""Get a tuple of 0s and 1s for comfort from left and right polylines."""
comfort_vals = []
vec = Vector2D(1, 0)
for pt in self._psychrometric_chart.data_points:
ray = Ray2D(pt, vec)
if len(right.intersect_line_ray(ray)) != 0:
if len(left.intersect_line_ray(ray)) == 0:
return tuple(comfort_vals)
def _utci_dict(self, polygon_index):
"""Get a UTCI dictionary for on set of inputs."""
return {
'ta': None,
'tr': self._rad_temperature[polygon_index],
'vel': self._wind_speed[polygon_index]
def _x_to_t(self, x_value):
"""Convert an X value on the psychrometric chart to a temperature."""
psy = self.psychrometric_chart
t_val = ((x_value - psy.base_point.x) / psy.x_dim) + psy.min_temperature
t_val_c = t_val if not psy.use_ip else \
self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit([t_val], 'C', 'F')[0]
return t_val, t_val_c
def _y_to_hr(self, y_value):
"""Convert an Y value on the psychrometric chart to a humidity ratio."""
psy = self.psychrometric_chart
return (y_value - psy.base_point.y) / psy._y_dim
def _check_input(self, input_param, input_name, default=None, check_positive=False):
"""Check a given input value."""
if input_param is not None and len(input_param) != 0:
assert isinstance(input_param, (list, tuple)), \
'Input {} must be a list or a tuple.'.format(input_name)
new_input_param = []
for val in input_param:
if val is not None:
val = float(val)
if check_positive:
assert val >= 0, 'Input {} must be greater or equal ' \
'to 0.'.format(input_name)
input_param = tuple(new_input_param)
if len(input_param) != self._polygon_count:
return input_param + \
(input_param[-1],) * (self._polygon_count - len(input_param))
return input_param
return (default,) * self._polygon_count
def _min_polylines(polylines):
"""Construct a minimum polyline form a list of polylines."""
vert_list = list(polylines[0].vertices)
for poly in polylines[1:]:
for i, vert in enumerate(poly.vertices):
if vert.x < vert_list[i].x:
vert_list[i] = vert
return Polyline2D(vert_list, interpolated=True)
def _max_polylines(polylines):
"""Construct a maximum polyline form a list of polylines."""
vert_list = list(polylines[0].vertices)
for poly in polylines[1:]:
for i, vert in enumerate(poly.vertices):
if vert.x > vert_list[i].x:
vert_list[i] = vert
return Polyline2D(vert_list, interpolated=True)
def _min_index(polylines):
"""Get the index of the left-most polygon."""
x_vals = [p[0].x for p in polylines]
return x_vals.index(min(x_vals))
def _max_index(polylines):
"""Get the index of the left-most polygon."""
x_vals = [p[0].x for p in polylines]
return x_vals.index(max(x_vals))
def ToString(self):
"""Overwrite .NET ToString."""
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
"""PolygonPMV representation."""
return "Polygon PMV: ({} Polygons)".format(self._polygon_count)