# coding=utf-8
"""Object for plotting a Adaptive Comfort Chart."""
from __future__ import division
from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d import Point2D, Vector2D, LineSegment2D, \
Polyline2D, Polygon2D, Mesh2D
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Point3D, Vector3D
from ladybug.datacollection import DailyCollection, MonthlyCollection
from ladybug.graphic import GraphicContainer
from ladybug.datatype.time import Time
from ladybug.datatype.temperaturedelta import TemperatureDelta
from ladybug.datatype.temperature import Temperature, OperativeTemperature
from ..adaptive import neutral_temperature_ashrae55, neutral_temperature_en15251, \
neutral_temperature_conditioned_function, cooling_effect_ashrae55, \
cooling_effect_en15251, t_operative
from ..collection.base import BaseCollection
from ..collection.adaptive import Adaptive
class AdaptiveChart(object):
"""Adaptive comfort DataCollection object.
outdoor_temperature: Either one of the following inputs are acceptable:
* A Data Collection of prevailing outdoor temperature values in C.
Such a Data Collection must align with the operative_temperature
input and bear the PrevailingOutdoorTemperature data type in
its header.
* A single prevailing outdoor temperature value in C to be used
for all of the operative_temperature inputs below.
* A Data Collection of actual outdoor temperatures recorded over
the entire year. This Data Collection must be continuous and
must either be an Hourly Collection or Daily Collection. In the event
that the input comfort_parameter has a prevailing_temperature_method
of 'Monthly', Monthly collections are also acceptable here. Note
that, because an annual input is required, this input collection
does not have to align with the operative_temperature input.
operative_temperature: Data Collection of operative temperature (To)
values in degrees Celsius.
air_speed: A number for the air speed values in m/s. If None, a low air
speed of 0.1 m/s wil be used. (Default: None).
comfort_parameter: Optional AdaptiveParameter object to specify parameters
under which conditions are considered acceptable. If None, default will
assume ASHRAE-55 criteria.
legend_parameters: An optional LegendParameter object to change the display
of the AdaptiveChart. (Default: None).
base_point: A Point2D to be used as a starting point to generate the geometry
of the plot. (Default: (0, 0)).
x_dim: A number to set the X dimension of each degree of temperature on the
chart. (Default: 1).
y_dim: A number to set the Y dimension of each degree of temperature on
the chart. (Default: 1).
Note that most maximum humidity ratios are around 0.03. (Default: 1500).
min_prevailing: An integer for the minimum prevailing temperature on the
chart in degrees. This should be celsius if use_ip is False and fahrenheit
if use_ip is True. (Default: 10; suitable for celsius).
max_prevailing: An integer for the maximum prevailing temperature on the
chart in degrees. This should be celsius if use_ip is False and fahrenheit
if use_ip is True. (Default: 33; suitable for celsius).
min_operative: An integer for the minimum indoor operative temperature on the
chart in degrees. This should be celsius if use_ip is False and fahrenheit
if use_ip is True. (Default: 14; suitable for celsius).
max_operative: An integer for the maximum indoor operative temperature on the
chart in degrees. This should be celsius if use_ip is False and fahrenheit
if use_ip is True. (Default: 40; suitable for celsius).
use_ip: Boolean to note whether temperature values should be plotted in
Fahrenheit instead of Celsius. (Default: False).
* collection
* prevailing_outdoor_temperature
* operative_temperature
* air_speed
* comfort_parameter
* legend_parameters
* base_point
* x_dim
* y_dim
* min_prevailing
* max_prevailing
* min_operative
* max_operative
* use_ip
* chart_border
* prevailing_labels
* prevailing_label_points
* prevailing_lines
* operative_labels
* operative_label_points
* operative_lines
* neutral_temperature
* degrees_from_neutral
* neutral_polyline
* comfort_polygon
* is_comfortable
* thermal_condition
* percent_comfortable
* percent_uncomfortable
* percent_neutral
* percent_hot
* percent_cold
* title_text
* title_location
* x_axis_text
* x_axis_location
* y_axis_text
* y_axis_location
* data_points
* time_matrix
* hour_values
* colored_mesh
* legend
* container
__slots__ = (
'_collection', '_prevailing_outdoor_temperature', '_operative_temperature',
'_neutral_temperature', '_degrees_from_neutral',
'_base_point', '_x_dim', '_y_dim',
'_min_prevailing', '_max_prevailing', '_min_operative', '_max_operative',
'_use_ip', '_tp_category', '_to_category', '_prevail_range', '_op_range',
'_x_range', '_y_range', '_time_multiplier',
'_time_matrix', '_hour_values', '_remove_pattern', '_container',
'_chart_border', '_data_points', '_colored_mesh'
TEMP_TYPE = Temperature()
DT_TYPE = TemperatureDelta()
def __init__(
self, outdoor_temperature, operative_temperature, air_speed=None,
comfort_parameter=None, legend_parameters=None, base_point=Point2D(),
x_dim=1, y_dim=1, min_prevailing=10, max_prevailing=33,
min_operative=14, max_operative=40, use_ip=False
# check inputs that determine other inputs
assert air_speed is None or isinstance(air_speed, (float, int)), \
'Expected number or None for air_speed. Got {}.'.format(type(air_speed))
self._use_ip = bool(use_ip)
# build an adaptive comfort collection from the data
self._collection = Adaptive(outdoor_temperature, operative_temperature,
air_speed, comfort_parameter)
# ensue all temperatures are in the correct units
if self._use_ip: # convert everything to Fahrenheit
self._prevailing_outdoor_temperature = \
self._operative_temperature = \
self._neutral_temperature = \
self._degrees_from_neutral = \
self._prevailing_outdoor_temperature = \
self._operative_temperature = \
self._neutral_temperature = self._collection.neutral_temperature
self._degrees_from_neutral = self._collection.degrees_from_neutral
# extract the timestep from the data collections
if isinstance(self._operative_temperature, MonthlyCollection):
self._time_multiplier = 30 * 24
elif isinstance(self._operative_temperature, DailyCollection):
self._time_multiplier = 24
else: # it's an hourly or sub-hourly collection
self._time_multiplier = \
1 / self._operative_temperature.header.analysis_period.timestep
# assign the inputs as properties of the chart
assert isinstance(base_point, Point2D), 'Expected Point2D for ' \
'PsychrometricChart base point. Got {}.'.format(type(base_point))
self._base_point = base_point
self._x_dim = self._check_number(x_dim, 'x_dim')
self._y_dim = self._check_number(y_dim, 'y_dim')
assert max_prevailing - min_prevailing >= 10, 'Adaptive chart ' \
'max_prevailing and min_prevailing difference must be at least 10.'
assert max_operative - min_operative >= 10, 'Adaptive chart ' \
'max_operative and min_operative difference must be at least 10.'
self._max_prevailing = int(max_prevailing)
self._min_prevailing = int(min_prevailing)
self._max_operative = int(max_operative)
self._min_operative = int(min_operative)
if self._use_ip:
assert self._max_prevailing > 50, 'max_prevailing must be greater than ' \
'50F. Got {}.'.format(self._max_prevailing)
assert self._min_prevailing < 86, 'min_prevailing must be less than ' \
'86F. Got {}.'.format(self._min_prevailing)
assert self._max_prevailing > 10, 'max_prevailing must be greater than ' \
'10C. Got {}.'.format(self._max_prevailing)
assert self._min_prevailing < 30, 'min_prevailing must be less than ' \
'30C. Got {}.'.format(self._min_prevailing)
# create the graphic container
if self._use_ip: # categorize based on every 1.66 fahrenheit
self._tp_category, self._to_category = [], []
current_t, max_t = self._min_prevailing, self._max_prevailing + 1.75
while current_t < max_t:
current_t += (5 / 3)
current_t, max_t = self._min_operative, self._max_operative + 1.75
while current_t < max_t:
current_t += (5 / 3)
else: # categorize based on every degree celsius
self._tp_category = list(range(self._min_prevailing + 1,
self._max_prevailing + 1))
self._to_category = list(range(self._min_operative + 1,
self._max_operative + 1))
self._time_matrix, self._hour_values, self._remove_pattern = \
assert len(self._hour_values) > 0, \
'No data was found to lie on the adaptive chart.'
max_x = base_point.x + (self._max_prevailing - self._min_prevailing + 1) \
* self._x_dim
max_y = base_point.y + (self._max_operative - self._min_operative + 1) \
* self._y_dim
max_pt = Point3D(max_x, max_y, 0)
min_pt = Point3D(base_point.x, base_point.y, 0)
self._container = GraphicContainer(
self._hour_values, min_pt, max_pt, legend_parameters, Time(), 'hr')
# create global attributes used by several of the geometry properties
self._prevail_range = list(range(self._min_prevailing, self._max_prevailing, 2)) \
+ [self._max_prevailing]
self._x_range = [self.tp_x_value(t) for t in self._prevail_range]
self._op_range = list(range(self._min_operative, self._max_operative, 2)) \
+ [self._max_operative]
self._y_range = [self.to_y_value(t) for t in self._op_range]
if use_ip: # ensure that _temp_range is always in celsius
self._prevail_range = self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit(self._prevail_range, 'C', 'F')
self._op_range = self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit(self._op_range, 'C', 'F')
# set null values for properties that are optional
self._chart_border = None
self._data_points = None
self._colored_mesh = None
def from_air_and_rad_temp(
cls, outdoor_temperature, air_temperature, rad_temperature=None, air_speed=None,
comfort_parameter=None, legend_parameters=None, base_point=Point2D(),
x_dim=1, y_dim=1, min_prevailing=10, max_prevailing=33,
min_operative=14, max_operative=40, use_ip=False
"""Initialize an AdaptiveChart from air and radiant temperature."""
if rad_temperature is None:
to = air_temperature
to = BaseCollection.compute_function_aligned(
t_operative, [air_temperature, rad_temperature],
OperativeTemperature(), 'C')
return cls(
outdoor_temperature, to, air_speed, comfort_parameter,
legend_parameters, base_point, x_dim, y_dim,
min_prevailing, max_prevailing, min_operative, max_operative, use_ip
def prevailing_outdoor_temperature(self):
"""Data Collection of prevailing outdoor temperature.
This will be in in degrees C if use_ip is False and degrees F if use_ip is True.
return self._prevailing_outdoor_temperature
def operative_temperature(self):
"""Data Collection of indoor operative temperature.
This will be in in degrees C if use_ip is False and degrees F if use_ip is True.
return self._operative_temperature
def air_speed(self):
"""Value for air speed in m/s."""
return self._collection.air_speed[0]
def comfort_parameter(self):
"""Adaptive comfort parameters that are assigned to this object."""
return self._collection.comfort_parameter
def legend_parameters(self):
"""The legend parameters customizing this adaptive chart."""
return self._container.legend_parameters
def base_point(self):
"""Point3D for the base point of this adaptive chart."""
return self._base_point
def x_dim(self):
"""The X dimension for each degree of prevailing temperature on the chart."""
return self._x_dim
def y_dim(self):
"""The Y dimension for each degree of operative temperature on the chart."""
return self._y_dim
def min_prevailing(self):
"""An integer for the minimum prevailing outdoor temperature on the chart.
Will be in celsius if use_ip is False and fahrenheit if use_ip is True.
return self._min_prevailing
def max_prevailing(self):
"""An integer for the maximum prevailing outdoor temperature on the chart.
Will be in celsius if use_ip is False and fahrenheit if use_ip is True.
return self._max_prevailing
def min_operative(self):
"""An integer for the minimum indoor operative temperature on the chart.
Will be in celsius if use_ip is False and fahrenheit if use_ip is True.
return self._min_operative
def max_operative(self):
"""An integer for the maximum indoor operative temperature on the chart.
Will be in celsius if use_ip is False and fahrenheit if use_ip is True.
return self._max_operative
def use_ip(self):
"""Boolean for whether temperature should be in Fahrenheit or Celsius."""
return self._use_ip
def chart_border(self):
"""Get a Polygon2D for the border of the chart."""
if self._chart_border is None:
self._chart_border = self._compute_border()
return self._chart_border
def prevailing_labels(self):
"""Get a tuple of text for the prevailing temperature labels on the chart."""
if self.use_ip:
temp_range = tuple(range(self._min_prevailing, self._max_prevailing, 2)) \
+ (self._max_prevailing,)
return tuple(str(val) for val in temp_range)
return tuple(str(val) for val in self._prevail_range)
def prevailing_label_points(self):
"""Get a tuple of Point2Ds for the prevailing temperature labels on the chart."""
y_val = self._base_point.y - self.legend_parameters.text_height * 0.5
return tuple(Point2D(x_val, y_val) for x_val in self._x_range)
def prevailing_lines(self):
"""Get a tuple of LineSegment2Ds for the prevailing temperature lines."""
t_lines = [] # create the array of line segments
y_vec = Vector2D(0, self._y_range[-1] - self._y_range[0])
for x_val in self._x_range:
l_seg = LineSegment2D(Point2D(x_val, self._base_point.y), y_vec)
return t_lines
def operative_labels(self):
"""Get a tuple of text for the operative temperature labels on the chart."""
if self.use_ip:
temp_range = tuple(range(self._min_operative, self._max_operative, 2)) \
+ (self._max_operative,)
return tuple(str(val) for val in temp_range)
return tuple(str(val) for val in self._op_range)
def operative_label_points(self):
"""Get a tuple of Point2Ds for the operative temperature labels on the chart."""
x_val = self._base_point.x - self.legend_parameters.text_height * 2.5
return tuple(Point2D(x_val, y_val) for y_val in self._y_range)
def operative_lines(self):
"""Get a tuple of LineSegment2Ds for the operative temperature lines."""
t_lines = [] # create the array of line segments
x_vec = Vector2D(self._x_range[-1] - self._x_range[0], 0)
for y_val in self._y_range:
l_seg = LineSegment2D(Point2D(self._base_point.x, y_val), x_vec)
return t_lines
def neutral_polyline(self):
"""Get a LineSegment2D or Polyline2D noting the neutral temperature on the chart.
# get properties that are used to compute the neutral temperature
tp_c_min, tp_c_max = self._prevail_range[0], self._prevail_range[-1]
pl_pts = []
if self.comfort_parameter.conditioning != 0:
neutral_func = neutral_temperature_conditioned_function(
self.comfort_parameter.conditioning, self.comfort_parameter.standard
elif self.comfort_parameter.ashrae_or_en:
neutral_func = neutral_temperature_ashrae55
neutral_func =neutral_temperature_en15251
# get the beginning points
x_val1 = self._x_range[0]
if tp_c_min < 10:
n_temp = neutral_func(10)
y_val = self.to_y_value(n_temp) if not self.use_ip else \
self.to_y_value(self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit([n_temp], 'F', 'C')[0])
pl_pts.append(Point2D(x_val1, y_val))
x_val2 = self.tp_x_value(50) if self.use_ip else self.tp_x_value(10)
pl_pts.append(Point2D(x_val2, y_val))
n_temp = neutral_func(tp_c_min)
y_val = self.to_y_value(n_temp) if not self.use_ip else \
self.to_y_value(self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit([n_temp], 'F', 'C')[0])
pl_pts.append(Point2D(x_val1, y_val))
# get the ending points
x_val_end = self._x_range[-1]
if self.comfort_parameter.ashrae_or_en:
if tp_c_max > 33.5:
n_temp = neutral_func(33.5)
y_val = self.to_y_value(n_temp) if not self.use_ip else \
self.to_y_value(self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit([n_temp], 'F', 'C')[0])
x_vali = self.tp_x_value(92.3) if self.use_ip else self.tp_x_value(33.5)
pl_pts.append(Point2D(x_vali, y_val))
pl_pts.append(Point2D(x_val_end, y_val))
n_temp = neutral_func(tp_c_max)
y_val = self.to_y_value(n_temp) if not self.use_ip else \
self.to_y_value(self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit([n_temp], 'F', 'C')[0])
pl_pts.append(Point2D(x_val_end, y_val))
if tp_c_max > 30:
n_temp = neutral_func(30)
y_val = self.to_y_value(n_temp) if not self.use_ip else \
self.to_y_value(self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit([n_temp], 'F', 'C')[0])
x_vali = self.tp_x_value(86) if self.use_ip else self.tp_x_value(30)
pl_pts.append(Point2D(x_vali, y_val))
pl_pts.append(Point2D(x_val_end, y_val))
n_temp = neutral_func(tp_c_max)
y_val = self.to_y_value(n_temp) if not self.use_ip else \
self.to_y_value(self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit([n_temp], 'F', 'C')[0])
pl_pts.append(Point2D(x_val_end, y_val))
# return the neutral line
return Polyline2D(pl_pts) if len(pl_pts) > 2 else \
LineSegment2D.from_end_points(pl_pts[0], pl_pts[1])
def comfort_polygon(self):
"""Get a Polygon2D for the comfort range on the chart."""
# start off with the neutral polyline and move it based on the offset
neutral_line = self.neutral_polyline
offset_t_up = self.comfort_parameter.neutral_offset
# lower threshold of EN-16798 is 1 degree cooler than upper threshold
offset_t_low = -self.comfort_parameter.neutral_offset \
if self.comfort_parameter.standard == 'ASHRAE-55' else \
-self.comfort_parameter.neutral_offset - 1
offset_t_up = offset_t_up if not self.use_ip else \
self.DT_TYPE.to_unit([offset_t_up], 'dF', 'dC')[0]
offset_t_low = offset_t_low if not self.use_ip else \
self.DT_TYPE.to_unit([offset_t_low], 'dF', 'dC')[0]
offset_dist_up = self.y_dim * offset_t_up
offset_dist_low = self.y_dim * offset_t_low
upper_line = neutral_line.move(Vector2D(0, offset_dist_up))
lower_line = neutral_line.move(Vector2D(0, offset_dist_low))
# trim the bottom of the polygon if there is a cold_prevail_temp_limit
if self.comfort_parameter.cold_prevail_temp_limit > 10:
limit_tc = self.comfort_parameter.cold_prevail_temp_limit
limit_t = limit_tc if not self.use_ip else \
self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit([limit_tc], 'F', 'C')[0]
limit_x = self.tp_x_value(limit_t)
int_lin = LineSegment2D.from_end_points(Point2D(limit_x, self._y_range[0]),
Point2D(limit_x, self._y_range[-1]))
i_pts = lower_line.intersect_line_ray(int_lin)
if i_pts is not None and (len(i_pts) == 1 or isinstance(i_pts, Point2D)):
int_pt = i_pts if isinstance(i_pts, Point2D) else i_pts[0]
new_low_pts, int_passed = [], False
for pt in lower_line.vertices:
if pt.x < int_pt.x:
new_low_pts.append(Point2D(pt.x, int_pt.y))
elif not int_passed:
int_passed = True
lower_line = Polyline2D(new_low_pts) if len(new_low_pts) > 2 else \
LineSegment2D.from_end_points(new_low_pts[0], new_low_pts[1])
# determine if there is a cooling effect
if self.comfort_parameter.discrete_or_continuous_air_speed is True:
cooling_func = cooling_effect_ashrae55
cooling_func = cooling_effect_en15251
ce = cooling_func(self.air_speed, self._prevail_range[-1])
if ce == 0: # we can build the polygon from upper/lower lines
return Polygon2D(lower_line.vertices + tuple(reversed(upper_line.vertices)))
# adjust the upper line to account for the cooling effect
ce_t = ce if not self.use_ip else self.DT_TYPE.to_unit([ce], 'dF', 'dC')[0]
ce_dist = self.y_dim * ce_t
ce_vec = Vector2D(0, ce_dist)
switch_tc = 12 if self.comfort_parameter.ashrae_or_en else 12.73
switch_t = switch_tc if not self.use_ip else \
self.TEMP_TYPE.to_unit([switch_tc], 'F', 'C')[0]
switch_x = self.tp_x_value(switch_t)
if upper_line.vertices[0].x >= switch_x:
new_up_pts = [pt.move(ce_vec) for pt in upper_line.vertices]
new_up_pts, switch_occurred = [], False
for i, pt in enumerate(upper_line.vertices):
if pt.x <= switch_x:
if switch_occurred:
int_line1 = LineSegment2D.from_end_points(
Point2D(switch_x, self._y_range[0]),
Point2D(switch_x, self._y_range[-1]))
int_line2 = LineSegment2D.from_end_points(
upper_line.vertices[i - 1], pt)
int_pt = int_line1.intersect_line_ray(int_line2)
switch_occurred = True
return Polygon2D(lower_line.vertices + tuple(reversed(new_up_pts)))
def neutral_temperature(self):
"""Data Collection of the desired neutral temperature in degrees C."""
return self._neutral_temperature
def degrees_from_neutral(self):
"""Data Collection of the degrees from desired neutral temperature in C."""
return self._degrees_from_neutral
def is_comfortable(self):
"""Data Collection of integers noting whether the input conditions are
acceptable according to the assigned comfort_parameter.
Values are one of the following:
* 0 = uncomfortable
* 1 = comfortable
return self._collection.is_comfortable
def thermal_condition(self):
"""Data Collection of integers noting the thermal status of a subject
according to the assigned comfort_parameter.
Values are one of the following:
* -1 = cold
* 0 = neutral
* +1 = hot
return self._collection.thermal_condition
def percent_comfortable(self):
"""The percent of time comfortable given by the assigned comfort_parameter."""
return self._collection.percent_comfortable
def percent_uncomfortable(self):
"""The percent of time uncomfortable given by the assigned comfort_parameter."""
return self._collection.percent_uncomfortable
def percent_neutral(self):
"""The percent of time that the thermal_condition is neutral."""
def percent_cold(self):
"""The percent of time that the thermal_condition is cold."""
def percent_hot(self):
"""The percent of time that the thermal_condition is hot."""
def title_text(self):
"""Get text for the title of the chart."""
title_items = ['Adaptive Chart', 'Time [hr]']
extra_data = self.operative_temperature.header.metadata.items()
if len(extra_data) == 0:
extra_data = self.prevailing_outdoor_temperature.header.metadata.items()
return '\n'.join(title_items + ['{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in extra_data])
def title_location(self):
"""Get a Point2D for the title of the chart."""
origin = self.container.lower_title_location.o.move(
Vector3D(0, -self.legend_parameters.text_height * 4))
return Point2D(origin.x, origin.y)
def x_axis_text(self):
"""Get text for the X-axis label of the chart."""
unit = 'C' if not self.use_ip else 'F'
return 'Prevailing Outdoor Temperature [{}]'.format(unit) \
if self.comfort_parameter.avg_month_or_running_mean else \
'Outdoor Running Mean Temperature [{}]'.format(unit)
def x_axis_location(self):
"""Get a Point2D for the X-axis label of the chart."""
y_val = self._base_point.y - self.legend_parameters.text_height * 2.5
x_val = (self._x_range[0] + self._x_range[-1]) / 2
return Point2D(x_val, y_val)
def y_axis_text(self):
"""Get text for the Y-axis label of the chart."""
unit = 'C' if not self.use_ip else 'F'
if 'type' in self.operative_temperature.header.metadata:
return '{} [{}]'.format(
self.operative_temperature.header.metadata['type'], unit)
return '{} [{}]'.format(self.operative_temperature.header.data_type, unit)
def y_axis_location(self):
"""Get a Point2D for the Y-axis label of the chart."""
x_val = self._base_point.x - self.legend_parameters.text_height * 5.5
y_val = (self._y_range[0] + self._y_range[-1]) / 2
return Point2D(x_val, y_val)
def data_points(self):
"""Get a tuple of Point2Ds for each of the temperature values."""
if self._data_points is None:
zip_o = zip(self.prevailing_outdoor_temperature, self.operative_temperature)
self._data_points = tuple(
Point2D(self.tp_x_value(tp), self.to_y_value(to))
for tp, to in zip_o
return self._data_points
def time_matrix(self):
"""Get a tuple of of tuples where each sub-tuple is a row of the mesh.
Each value in the resulting matrix corresponds to the number of prevailing/
operative temperature points in a given cell of the mesh.
return tuple(tuple(row) for row in self._time_matrix)
def hour_values(self):
"""Get a tuple for the number of hours associated with each colored_mesh face."""
return self._hour_values
def colored_mesh(self):
"""Get a colored mesh for the number of hours for each part of the chart."""
if self._colored_mesh is None:
self._colored_mesh = self._generate_mesh()
return self._colored_mesh
def legend(self):
"""The legend assigned to this graphic."""
return self._container._legend
def container(self):
"""Get the GraphicContainer for the colored mesh."""
return self._container
def data_mesh(self, data_collection, legend_parameters=None):
"""Get a colored mesh for a data_collection aligned with the chart's data.
data_collection: A data collection that is aligned with the prevailing
and operative temperature values of the chart.
legend_parameters: Optional legend parameters to customize the legend
and look of the resulting mesh.
A tuple with two values.
- mesh: A colored Mesh2D similar to the chart's colored_mesh property
but where each face is colored with the average value of the input
- container: A GraphicContainer object for the mesh, which possesses
a legend that corresponds to the mesh.
# check to be sure the data collection aligns
data_vals = data_collection.values
_tp_values = self.prevailing_outdoor_temperature.values
_to_values = self.operative_temperature.values
assert len(data_vals) == len(self.operative_temperature.values), \
'Number of data collection values ' \
'must match those of the prevailing and operative temperature.'
# create a matrix with a tally of the hours for all the data
base_mtx = [[[] for val in self._tp_category] for rh in self._to_category]
for tp, to, val in zip(_tp_values, _to_values, data_vals):
if tp < self._min_prevailing or tp > self._max_prevailing:
continue # temperature value does not currently fit on the chart
if to < self._min_operative or to > self._max_operative:
continue # temperature value does not currently fit on the chart
for y, to_cat in enumerate(self._to_category):
if to < to_cat:
for x, tp_cat in enumerate(self._tp_category):
if tp < tp_cat:
# compute average values
avg_values = [sum(val_list) / len(val_list) for tp_l in base_mtx
for val_list in tp_l if len(val_list) != 0]
# create the colored mesh and graphic container
base_contain = self.container
container = GraphicContainer(
avg_values, base_contain.min_point, base_contain.max_point,
legend_parameters, data_collection.header.data_type,
mesh = self.colored_mesh.duplicate() # start with hour mesh as a base
mesh.colors = container.value_colors
return mesh, container
def plot_point(self, prevailing, operative):
"""Get a Point2D for a given prevailing and operative temperature on the chart.
prevailing: A prevailing temperature value, which should be in Celsius
if use_ip is False and Fahrenheit is use_ip is True.
operative: An operative temperature value, which should be in Celsius
if use_ip is False and Fahrenheit is use_ip is True.
return Point2D(self.tp_x_value(prevailing), self.to_y_value(operative))
def to_y_value(self, temperature):
"""Get the Y-coordinate for a certain operative temperature on the chart.
temperature: A temperature value, which should be in Celsius if use_ip
is False and Fahrenheit is use_ip is True.
return self.base_point.y + self._y_dim * (temperature - self._min_operative)
def tp_x_value(self, temperature):
"""Get the X-coordinate for a certain prevailing temperature on the chart.
temperature: A temperature value, which should be in Celsius if use_ip
is False and Fahrenheit is use_ip is True.
return self._base_point.x + self._x_dim * (temperature - self._min_prevailing)
def _compute_hour_values(self):
"""Compute the matrix of binned time values based on the chart inputs.
A tuple with three values.
- base_mtx: A full matrix with counts of values for each degree
temperature and 5% RH of the chart.
- mesh_values: A list of numbers for the values of the mesh.
- remove_pattern: A list of booleans for which faces of the full mesh
should be removed.
# create a matrix with a tally of the hours for all the data
base_mtx = [[0 for tp in self._tp_category] for to in self._to_category]
zip_obj = zip(self.prevailing_outdoor_temperature, self.operative_temperature)
for tp, to in zip_obj:
if tp < self._min_prevailing or tp > self._max_prevailing:
continue # temperature value does not currently fit on the chart
if to < self._min_operative or to > self._max_operative:
continue # temperature value does not currently fit on the chart
for y, to_cat in enumerate(self._to_category):
if to < to_cat:
for x, tp_cat in enumerate(self._tp_category):
if tp < tp_cat:
base_mtx[y][x] += 1
# flatten the matrix and create a pattern to remove faces
flat_values = [tc * self._time_multiplier for to_l in base_mtx for tc in to_l]
remove_pattern = [val != 0 for val in flat_values]
mesh_values = tuple(val for val in flat_values if val != 0)
return base_mtx, mesh_values, remove_pattern
def _generate_mesh(self):
"""Get the colored mesh from this object's hour values."""
# global properties used in the generation of the mesh
t_per_row = [self._min_prevailing] + self._tp_category
x_per_row = [self.tp_x_value(t) for t in t_per_row]
# loop through RH rows and create mesh vertices and faces
vertices = [Point2D(x, self._base_point.y) for x in x_per_row]
faces, vert_count, row_len = [], 0, len(t_per_row)
for to in self._to_category:
vert_count += row_len
y1 = self.to_y_value(to)
vertices.append(Point2D(x_per_row[0], y1))
for i, t in enumerate(x_per_row[1:]):
vertices.append(Point2D(x_per_row[i + 1], y1))
v1 = vert_count - row_len + i
v2 = v1 + 1
v3 = vert_count + i + 1
v4 = v3 - 1
faces.append((v1, v2, v3, v4))
# create the Mesh2D, remove unused faces, and assign the colors
mesh = Mesh2D(vertices, faces)
mesh = mesh.remove_faces_only(self._remove_pattern)
mesh.colors = self._container.value_colors
return mesh
def _compute_border(self):
"""Compute a Polygon2D for the outer border of the chart."""
# get properties used to establish the border of the chart
bpt = self.base_point
x_max = bpt.x + (self.max_prevailing - self.min_prevailing) * self._x_dim
y_max = bpt.y + (self.max_operative - self.min_operative) * self._y_dim
# get the points and build the polyline
return Polygon2D(
(bpt, Point2D(x_max, bpt.y), Point2D(x_max, y_max), Point2D(bpt.x, y_max))
def _process_legend_default(self, l_par):
"""Override the dimensions of the legend to ensure it fits the chart."""
min_pt, max_pt = self.container.min_point, self.container.max_point
if l_par.vertical and l_par.is_segment_height_default:
l_par.properties_3d.segment_height = (max_pt.y - min_pt.y) / 20
l_par.properties_3d._is_segment_height_default = True
elif l_par.vertical and l_par.is_segment_height_default:
l_par.properties_3d.segment_width = (max_pt.x - min_pt.x) / 20
l_par.properties_3d._is_segment_width_default = True
def _check_number(value, value_name):
"""Check a given value for a dimension input."""
value = float(value)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise TypeError('Expected number for Psychrometric Chart {}. '
'Got {}.'.format(value_name, type(value)))
assert value > 0, 'Psychrometric Chart {} must be greater than 0. ' \
'Got {}.'.format(value_name, value)
return value
def __len__(self):
"""Return length of values on the object."""
return len(self.operative_temperature._values)
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Return a tuple of temperature and humidity."""
return self.prevailing_outdoor_temperature._values[key], \
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate through the values."""
return zip(
def ToString(self):
"""Overwrite .NET ToString."""
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
"""Adaptive Chart representation."""
return 'Adaptive Chart: {} values'.format(len(self))