# coding: utf-8
"""Honeybee Model."""
from __future__ import division
import os
import sys
import io
import re
import json
import math
import uuid
try: # check if we are in IronPython
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError: # wea are in cPython
import pickle
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Plane, Face3D, Mesh3D
from ladybug_geometry.interop.stl import STL
from ._base import _Base
from .units import conversion_factor_to_meters, UNITS, UNITS_TOLERANCES
from .checkdup import check_duplicate_identifiers, check_duplicate_identifiers_parent
from .properties import ModelProperties
from .room import Room
from .face import Face
from .shade import Shade
from .aperture import Aperture
from .door import Door
from .shademesh import ShadeMesh
from .typing import float_positive, invalid_dict_error, clean_string, \
from .config import folders
from .boundarycondition import Outdoors, Surface
from .facetype import AirBoundary, Wall, Floor, RoofCeiling, face_types
import honeybee.writer.model as writer
from honeybee.boundarycondition import boundary_conditions as bcs
ad_bc = bcs.adiabatic
except AttributeError: # honeybee_energy is not loaded and adiabatic does not exist
ad_bc = None
class Model(_Base):
"""A collection of Rooms, Faces, Shades, Apertures, and Doors representing a model.
identifier: Text string for a unique Model ID. Must be < 100 characters and
not contain any spaces or special characters.
rooms: A list of Room objects in the model.
orphaned_faces: A list of the Face objects in the model that lack
a parent Room. Note that orphaned Faces are translated to sun-blocking
shade objects in energy simulation.
orphaned_shades: A list of the Shade objects in the model that lack
a parent.
orphaned_apertures: A list of the Aperture objects in the model that lack
a parent Face. Note that orphaned Apertures are translated to sun-blocking
shade objects in energy simulation.
orphaned_doors: A list of the Door objects in the model that lack
a parent Face. Note that orphaned Doors are translated to sun-blocking
shade objects in energy simulation.
shade_meshes: A list of the ShadeMesh objects in the model.
units: Text for the units system in which the model geometry
exists. Default: 'Meters'. Choose from the following:
* Meters
* Millimeters
* Feet
* Inches
* Centimeters
tolerance: The maximum difference between x, y, and z values at which
vertices are considered equivalent. Zero indicates that no tolerance
checks should be performed. None indicates that the tolerance will be
set based on the units above, with the tolerance consistently being
between 1 cm and 1 mm (roughly the tolerance implicit in the OpenStudio
SDK and EnergyPlus). (Default: None).
angle_tolerance: The max angle difference in degrees that vertices are allowed
to differ from one another in order to consider them colinear. Zero indicates
that no angle tolerance checks should be performed. (Default: 1.0).
* identifier
* display_name
* units
* tolerance
* angle_tolerance
* rooms
* faces
* apertures
* doors
* shades
* shade_meshes
* indoor_shades
* outdoor_shades
* orphaned_faces
* orphaned_shades
* orphaned_apertures
* orphaned_doors
* stories
* volume
* floor_area
* exposed_area
* exterior_wall_area
* exterior_roof_area
* exterior_aperture_area
* exterior_wall_aperture_area
* exterior_skylight_aperture_area
* min
* max
* top_level_dict
* user_data
__slots__ = (
'_rooms', '_orphaned_faces', '_orphaned_apertures', '_orphaned_doors',
'_orphaned_shades', '_shade_meshes',
'_units', '_tolerance', '_angle_tolerance'
def __init__(self, identifier, rooms=None, orphaned_faces=None, orphaned_shades=None,
orphaned_apertures=None, orphaned_doors=None, shade_meshes=None,
units='Meters', tolerance=None, angle_tolerance=1.0):
"""A collection of Rooms, Faces, Apertures, and Doors for an entire model."""
_Base.__init__(self, identifier) # process the identifier
self.units = units
self.tolerance = tolerance
self.angle_tolerance = angle_tolerance
self._rooms = []
self._orphaned_faces = []
self._orphaned_apertures = []
self._orphaned_doors = []
self._orphaned_shades = []
self._shade_meshes = []
if rooms is not None:
for room in rooms:
if orphaned_faces is not None:
for face in orphaned_faces:
if orphaned_apertures is not None:
for aperture in orphaned_apertures:
if orphaned_doors is not None:
for door in orphaned_doors:
if orphaned_shades is not None:
for shade in orphaned_shades:
if shade_meshes is not None:
for shade_mesh in shade_meshes:
self._properties = ModelProperties(self)
def from_dict(cls, data):
"""Initialize a Model from a dictionary.
data: A dictionary representation of a Model object.
# check the type of dictionary
assert data['type'] == 'Model', 'Expected Model dictionary. ' \
'Got {}.'.format(data['type'])
# import the units and tolerance values
units = 'Meters' if 'units' not in data or data['units'] is None \
else data['units']
tol = cls.UNITS_TOLERANCES[units] if 'tolerance' not in data or \
data['tolerance'] is None else data['tolerance']
angle_tol = 1.0 if 'angle_tolerance' not in data or \
data['angle_tolerance'] is None else data['angle_tolerance']
# import all of the geometry
rooms = None # import rooms
if 'rooms' in data and data['rooms'] is not None:
rooms = []
for r in data['rooms']:
rooms.append(Room.from_dict(r, tol, angle_tol))
except Exception as e:
invalid_dict_error(r, e)
orphaned_faces = None # import orphaned faces
if 'orphaned_faces' in data and data['orphaned_faces'] is not None:
orphaned_faces = []
for f in data['orphaned_faces']:
except Exception as e:
invalid_dict_error(f, e)
orphaned_apertures = None # import orphaned apertures
if 'orphaned_apertures' in data and data['orphaned_apertures'] is not None:
orphaned_apertures = []
for a in data['orphaned_apertures']:
except Exception as e:
invalid_dict_error(a, e)
orphaned_doors = None # import orphaned doors
if 'orphaned_doors' in data and data['orphaned_doors'] is not None:
orphaned_doors = []
for d in data['orphaned_doors']:
except Exception as e:
invalid_dict_error(d, e)
orphaned_shades = None # import orphaned shades
if 'orphaned_shades' in data and data['orphaned_shades'] is not None:
orphaned_shades = []
for s in data['orphaned_shades']:
except Exception as e:
invalid_dict_error(s, e)
shade_meshes = None # import shade meshes
if 'shade_meshes' in data and data['shade_meshes'] is not None:
shade_meshes = []
for sm in data['shade_meshes']:
except Exception as e:
invalid_dict_error(sm, e)
# build the model object
model = Model(
data['identifier'], rooms, orphaned_faces, orphaned_shades,
orphaned_apertures, orphaned_doors, shade_meshes,
units, tol, angle_tol)
if 'display_name' in data and data['display_name'] is not None:
model.display_name = data['display_name']
if 'user_data' in data and data['user_data'] is not None:
model.user_data = data['user_data']
# assign extension properties to the model
return model
def from_file(cls, hb_file):
"""Initialize a Model from a HBJSON or HBpkl file, auto-sensing the type.
hb_file: Path to either a HBJSON or HBpkl file.
# sense the file type from the first character to avoid maxing memory with JSON
# this is needed since queenbee overwrites all file extensions
with io.open(hb_file, encoding='utf-8') as inf:
first_char = inf.read(1)
second_char = inf.read(1)
is_json = True if first_char == '{' or second_char == '{' else False
# load the file using either HBJSON pathway or HBpkl
if is_json:
return cls.from_hbjson(hb_file)
return cls.from_hbpkl(hb_file)
def from_hbjson(cls, hbjson_file):
"""Initialize a Model from a HBJSON file.
hbjson_file: Path to HBJSON file.
assert os.path.isfile(hbjson_file), 'Failed to find %s' % hbjson_file
with io.open(hbjson_file, encoding='utf-8') as inf:
second_char = inf.read(1)
with io.open(hbjson_file, encoding='utf-8') as inf:
if second_char == '{':
data = json.load(inf)
return cls.from_dict(data)
def from_hbpkl(cls, hbpkl_file):
"""Initialize a Model from a HBpkl file.
hbpkl_file: Path to HBpkl file.
assert os.path.isfile(hbpkl_file), 'Failed to find %s' % hbpkl_file
with open(hbpkl_file, 'rb') as inf:
data = pickle.load(inf)
return cls.from_dict(data)
def from_stl(cls, file_path, geometry_to_faces=False, units='Meters',
tolerance=None, angle_tolerance=1.0):
"""Create a Honeybee Model from an STL file.
file_path: Path to an STL file as a text string. The STL file can be
in either ASCII or binary format.
geometry_to_faces: A boolean to note whether the geometry in the STL
file should be imported as Faces (with Walls/Floors/RoofCeiling
set according to the normal). If False, all geometry will be
imported as ShadeMeshes instead of Faces. (Default: False).
units: Text for the units system in which the model geometry
exists. Default: 'Meters'. Choose from the following:
* Meters
* Millimeters
* Feet
* Inches
* Centimeters
tolerance: The maximum difference between x, y, and z values at which
vertices are considered equivalent. Zero indicates that no tolerance
checks should be performed. None indicates that the tolerance will be
set based on the units above, with the tolerance consistently being
between 1 cm and 1 mm (roughly the tolerance implicit in the OpenStudio
SDK and EnergyPlus). (Default: None).
angle_tolerance: The max angle difference in degrees that vertices
are allowed to differ from one another in order to consider them
colinear. Zero indicates that no angle tolerance checks should be
performed. (Default: 1.0).
stl_obj = STL.from_file(file_path)
all_id = clean_string(stl_obj.name)
all_geo = []
if geometry_to_faces:
for verts, normal in zip(stl_obj.face_vertices, stl_obj.face_normals):
all_geo.append(Face3D(verts, plane=Plane(normal, verts[0])))
hb_objs = [Face(all_id + '_' + str(uuid.uuid4())[:8], go) for go in all_geo]
return Model(all_id, orphaned_faces=hb_objs, units=units,
tolerance=tolerance, angle_tolerance=angle_tolerance)
mesh3d = Mesh3D.from_face_vertices(stl_obj.face_vertices)
hb_objs = [ShadeMesh(all_id, mesh3d)]
return Model(all_id, shade_meshes=hb_objs, units=units,
tolerance=tolerance, angle_tolerance=angle_tolerance)
def from_sync(cls, base_model, other_model, sync_instructions):
"""Initialize a Model from two models and instructions for syncing them.
The SyncInstructions dictionary schema is essentially a variant of the
ComparisonReport schema that can be obtained by calling
base_model.comparison_report(other_model). The main difference is
that the XXX_changed properties should be replaced with update_XXX properties
for whether the change from the other_model should be accepted into
the new model or rejected from it.
base_model: An base Honeybee Model that forms the base of
the new model to be created.
other_model: An other Honeybee Model that contains changes to
the base model to be merged into the base_model.
sync_instructions: A dictionary of SyncInstructions that states which
changes from the other_model should be accepted or rejected
when building a new Model from the base_model.
# make sure the unit systems of the two models align
if base_model.units != other_model.units:
other_model = other_model.duplicate()
# set up dictionaries of objects and lists of changes
exist_dict = base_model.top_level_dict
other_dict = other_model.top_level_dict
add_dict = {
'Room': [], 'Face': [], 'Aperture': [], 'Door': [],
'Shade': [], 'ShadeMesh': []
del_dict = {
'Room': [], 'Face': [], 'Aperture': [], 'Door': [],
'Shade': [], 'ShadeMesh': []
# loop through the changed objects and record changes
if 'changed_objects' in sync_instructions:
for change in sync_instructions['changed_objects']:
ex_obj = exist_dict[change['element_id']]
up_obj = other_dict[change['element_id']]
base_obj = up_obj if 'update_geometry' in change \
and change['update_geometry'] else ex_obj
change, ex_obj.properties, up_obj.properties)
# loop through deleted objects and record changes
if 'deleted_objects' in sync_instructions:
for change in sync_instructions['deleted_objects']:
# loop through added objects and record changes
if 'added_objects' in sync_instructions:
for change in sync_instructions['added_objects']:
up_obj = other_dict[change['element_id']]
# duplicate the base model and make changes to it
new_model = base_model.duplicate()
return new_model
def from_sync_files(
cls, base_model_file, other_model_file, sync_instructions_file):
"""Initialize a Model from two model files and instructions for syncing them.
base_model_file: An base Honeybee Model (as HBJSON or HBPkl)
that forms the base of the new model to be created.
other_model_file: An other Honeybee Model (as HBJSON or HBPkl)
that contains changes to the base model to be merged into
the base_model.
sync_instructions: A JSON of SyncInstructions that states which
changes from the other_model should be accepted or rejected
when building a new Model from the base_model. The SyncInstructions
schema is essentially a variant of the ComparisonReport schema
that can be obtained by calling base_model.comparison_report(
other_model). The main difference is that the XXX_changed
properties should be replaced with update_XXX properties for
whether the change from the other_model should be accepted into
the new model or rejected from it.
base_model = cls.from_file(base_model_file)
other_model = cls.from_file(other_model_file)
assert os.path.isfile(sync_instructions_file), \
'Failed to find %s' % sync_instructions_file
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
with open(sync_instructions_file) as inf:
sync_instructions = json.load(inf)
with open(sync_instructions_file, encoding='utf-8') as inf:
sync_instructions = json.load(inf)
return cls.from_sync(base_model, other_model, sync_instructions)
def from_objects(cls, identifier, objects, units='Meters',
tolerance=None, angle_tolerance=1.0):
"""Initialize a Model from a list of any type of honeybee-core geometry objects.
identifier: Text string for a unique Model ID. Must be < 100 characters and
not contain any spaces or special characters.
objects: A list of honeybee Rooms, Faces, Shades, ShadeMEshes,
Apertures and Doors.
units: Text for the units system in which the model geometry
exists. Default: 'Meters'. Choose from the following:
* Meters
* Millimeters
* Feet
* Inches
* Centimeters
tolerance: The maximum difference between x, y, and z values at which
vertices are considered equivalent. Zero indicates that no tolerance
checks should be performed. None indicates that the tolerance will be
set based on the units above, with the tolerance consistently being
between 1 cm and 1 mm (roughly the tolerance implicit in the OpenStudio
SDK and EnergyPlus). (Default: None).
angle_tolerance: The max angle difference in degrees that vertices
are allowed to differ from one another in order to consider them
colinear. Zero indicates that no angle tolerance checks should be
performed. (Default: 1.0).
rooms = []
faces = []
shades = []
shade_meshes = []
apertures = []
doors = []
for obj in objects:
if isinstance(obj, Room):
elif isinstance(obj, Face):
elif isinstance(obj, Shade):
elif isinstance(obj, ShadeMesh):
elif isinstance(obj, Aperture):
elif isinstance(obj, Door):
raise TypeError('Expected Room, Face, Shade, Aperture or Door '
'for Model. Got {}'.format(type(obj)))
return cls(identifier, rooms, faces, shades, apertures, doors, shade_meshes,
units, tolerance, angle_tolerance)
def from_shoe_box(
cls, width, depth, height, orientation_angle=0, window_ratio=0,
adiabatic=True, units='Meters', tolerance=None, angle_tolerance=1.0):
"""Create a model with a single shoe box Room.
width: Number for the width of the box (in the X direction).
depth: Number for the depth of the box (in the Y direction).
height: Number for the height of the box (in the Z direction).
orientation_angle: A number between 0 and 360 for the clockwise
orientation of the box in degrees. (0=North, 90=East, 180=South,
270=West). (Default: 0).
window_ratio: A number between 0 and 1 (but not equal to 1) for the ratio
between aperture area and area of the face pointing towards the
orientation-angle. Using 0 will generate no windows. (Default: 0).
adiabatic: Boolean to note whether the faces that are not in the direction
of the orientation-angle are adiabatic or outdoors. (Default: True)
units: Text for the units system in which the model geometry
exists. (Default: 'Meters').
tolerance: The maximum difference between x, y, and z values at which
vertices are considered equivalent. Zero indicates that no tolerance
checks should be performed. None indicates that the tolerance will be
set based on the units above, with the tolerance consistently being
between 1 cm and 1 mm (roughly the tolerance implicit in the OpenStudio
SDK and EnergyPlus). (Default: None).
angle_tolerance: The max angle difference in degrees that vertices
are allowed to differ from one another in order to consider them
colinear. Zero indicates that no angle tolerance checks should be
performed. (Default: 1.0).
# create the box room and assign all of the attributes
unique_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] # unique identifier for the shoe box
tolerance = tolerance if tolerance is not None else UNITS_TOLERANCES[units]
room_id = 'Shoe_Box_Room_{}'.format(unique_id)
room = Room.from_box(room_id, width, depth, height, orientation_angle)
room.display_name = 'Shoe_Box_Room'
front_face = room[1]
front_face.apertures_by_ratio(window_ratio, tolerance)
if adiabatic and ad_bc:
room[0].boundary_condition = ad_bc # make the floor adiabatic
for face in room[2:]: # make all other face adiabatic
face.boundary_condition = ad_bc
# create the model object
model_id = 'Shoe_Box_Model_{}'.format(unique_id)
return cls(model_id, [room], units=units, tolerance=tolerance,
def from_rectangle_plan(
cls, width, length, floor_to_floor_height, perimeter_offset=0, story_count=1,
orientation_angle=0, outdoor_roof=True, ground_floor=True,
units='Meters', tolerance=None, angle_tolerance=1.0):
"""Create a model with a rectangular floor plan.
Note that the resulting Rooms in the model won't have any windows or solved
adjacencies. These can be added by using the Model.solve_adjacency method
and the various Face.apertures_by_XXX methods.
width: Number for the width of the plan (in the X direction).
length: Number for the length of the plan (in the Y direction).
floor_to_floor_height: Number for the height of each floor of the model
(in the Z direction).
perimeter_offset: An optional positive number that will be used to offset
the perimeter to create core/perimeter Rooms. If this value is 0,
no offset will occur and each floor will have one Room. (Default: 0).
story_count: An integer for the number of stories to generate. (Default: 1).
orientation_angle: A number between 0 and 360 for the counterclockwise
orientation that the width of the box faces. (0=North, 90=East,
180=South, 270=West). (Default: 0).
outdoor_roof: Boolean to note whether the roof faces of the top floor
should be outdoor or adiabatic. (Default: True).
ground_floor: Boolean to note whether the floor faces of the bottom
floor should be ground or adiabatic. (Default: True).
units: Text for the units system in which the model geometry
exists. (Default: 'Meters').
tolerance: The maximum difference between x, y, and z values at which
vertices are considered equivalent. Zero indicates that no tolerance
checks should be performed. None indicates that the tolerance will be
set based on the units above, with the tolerance consistently being
between 1 cm and 1 mm (roughly the tolerance implicit in the OpenStudio
SDK and EnergyPlus). (Default: None).
angle_tolerance: The max angle difference in degrees that vertices
are allowed to differ from one another in order to consider them
colinear. Zero indicates that no angle tolerance checks should be
performed. (Default: 1.0).
# create the honeybee rooms
tolerance = tolerance if tolerance is not None else UNITS_TOLERANCES[units]
unique_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] # unique identifier for the model
rooms = Room.rooms_from_rectangle_plan(
width, length, floor_to_floor_height, perimeter_offset, story_count,
orientation_angle, outdoor_roof, ground_floor, unique_id, tolerance)
# create the model object
model_id = 'Rectangle_Plan_Model_{}'.format(unique_id)
return cls(model_id, rooms, units=units, tolerance=tolerance,
def from_l_shaped_plan(
cls, width_1, length_1, width_2, length_2, floor_to_floor_height,
perimeter_offset=0, story_count=1, orientation_angle=0,
outdoor_roof=True, ground_floor=True,
units='Meters', tolerance=None, angle_tolerance=1.0):
"""Create a model with an L-shaped floor plan.
Note that the resulting Rooms in the model won't have any windows or solved
adjacencies. These can be added by using the Model.solve_adjacency method
and the various Face.apertures_by_XXX methods.
width_1: Number for the width of the lower part of the L segment.
length_1: Number for the length of the lower part of the L segment, not
counting the overlap between the upper and lower segments.
width_2: Number for the width of the upper (left) part of the L segment.
length_2: Number for the length of the upper (left) part of the L segment,
not counting the overlap between the upper and lower segments.
floor_to_floor_height: Number for the height of each floor of the model
(in the Z direction).
perimeter_offset: An optional positive number that will be used to offset
the perimeter to create core/perimeter Rooms. If this value is 0,
no offset will occur and each floor will have one Room. (Default: 0).
story_count: An integer for the number of stories to generate. (Default: 1).
orientation_angle: A number between 0 and 360 for the counterclockwise
orientation that the width of the box faces. (0=North, 90=East,
180=South, 270=West). (Default: 0).
outdoor_roof: Boolean to note whether the roof faces of the top floor
should be outdoor or adiabatic. (Default: True).
ground_floor: Boolean to note whether the floor faces of the bottom
floor should be ground or adiabatic. (Default: True).
units: Text for the units system in which the model geometry
exists. (Default: 'Meters').
tolerance: The maximum difference between x, y, and z values at which
vertices are considered equivalent. Zero indicates that no tolerance
checks should be performed. None indicates that the tolerance will be
set based on the units above, with the tolerance consistently being
between 1 cm and 1 mm (roughly the tolerance implicit in the OpenStudio
SDK and EnergyPlus). (Default: None).
angle_tolerance: The max angle difference in degrees that vertices
are allowed to differ from one another in order to consider them
colinear. Zero indicates that no angle tolerance checks should be
performed. (Default: 1.0).
# create the honeybee rooms
tolerance = tolerance if tolerance is not None else UNITS_TOLERANCES[units]
unique_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] # unique identifier for the model
rooms = Room.rooms_from_l_shaped_plan(
width_1, length_1, width_2, length_2, floor_to_floor_height,
perimeter_offset, story_count,
orientation_angle, outdoor_roof, ground_floor, unique_id, tolerance)
# create the model object
model_id = 'L_Shaped_Plan_Model_{}'.format(unique_id)
return cls(model_id, rooms, units=units, tolerance=tolerance,
def units(self):
"""Get or set Text for the units system in which the model geometry exists."""
return self._units
def units(self, value):
value = value.title()
assert value in UNITS, '{} is not supported as a units system. ' \
'Choose from the following: {}'.format(value, UNITS)
self._units = value
def tolerance(self):
"""Get or set a number for the max meaningful difference between x, y, z values.
This value should be in the Model's units. Zero indicates cases
where no tolerance checks should be performed.
return self._tolerance
def tolerance(self, value):
self._tolerance = float_positive(value, 'model tolerance') if value is not None \
else UNITS_TOLERANCES[self.units]
def angle_tolerance(self):
"""Get or set a number for the max meaningful angle difference in degrees.
Face3D normal vectors differing by this amount are not considered parallel
and Face3D segments that differ from 180 by this amount are not considered
colinear. Zero indicates cases where no angle_tolerance checks should be
return self._angle_tolerance
def angle_tolerance(self, value):
self._angle_tolerance = float_positive(value, 'model angle_tolerance')
def rooms(self):
"""Get a tuple of all Room objects in the model."""
return tuple(self._rooms)
def faces(self):
"""Get a list of all Face objects in the model."""
child_faces = [face for room in self._rooms for face in room._faces]
return child_faces + self._orphaned_faces
def apertures(self):
"""Get a list of all Aperture objects in the model."""
child_apertures = []
for room in self._rooms:
for face in room._faces:
for face in self._orphaned_faces:
return child_apertures + self._orphaned_apertures
def doors(self):
"""Get a list of all Door objects in the model."""
child_doors = []
for room in self._rooms:
for face in room._faces:
for face in self._orphaned_faces:
return child_doors + self._orphaned_doors
def shades(self):
"""Get a list of all Shade objects in the model."""
child_shades = []
for room in self._rooms:
for face in room.faces:
for ap in face._apertures:
for dr in face._doors:
for face in self._orphaned_faces:
for ap in face._apertures:
for dr in face._doors:
for ap in self._orphaned_apertures:
for dr in self._orphaned_doors:
return child_shades + self._orphaned_shades
def indoor_shades(self):
"""Get a list of all indoor Shade objects in the model."""
child_shades = []
for room in self._rooms:
for face in room.faces:
for ap in face._apertures:
for dr in face._doors:
for face in self._orphaned_faces:
for ap in face._apertures:
for dr in face._doors:
for ap in self._orphaned_apertures:
for dr in self._orphaned_doors:
return child_shades
def outdoor_shades(self):
"""Get a list of all outdoor Shade objects in the model.
This includes all of the orphaned_shades.
child_shades = []
for room in self._rooms:
for face in room.faces:
for ap in face._apertures:
for dr in face._doors:
for face in self._orphaned_faces:
for ap in face._apertures:
for dr in face._doors:
for ap in self._orphaned_apertures:
for dr in self._orphaned_doors:
return child_shades + self._orphaned_shades
def shade_meshes(self):
"""Get a tuple of all ShadeMesh objects in the model."""
return tuple(self._shade_meshes)
def grouped_shades(self):
"""Get a list of lists where each sub-list contains Shades and/or ShadeMeshes
with the same display_name.
Assigning a common display_name to Shades and ShadeMeshes is the officially
recommended way to group these objects for export to platforms that
support shade groups. In this case, it is customary to use the common
display_name as the name of the shade group.
Note that, if no display_names have been assigned to the Shades and
ShadeMeshes, the unique object identifier is used, meaning each sublist
returned here should have only one item in it.
all_shades = self.shades + self._shade_meshes
group_dict = {}
for shade in all_shades:
except KeyError:
group_dict[shade.display_name] = [shade]
return list(group_dict.values())
def orphaned_faces(self):
"""Get a tuple of all Face objects without parent Rooms in the model."""
return tuple(self._orphaned_faces)
def orphaned_apertures(self):
"""Get a tuple of all Aperture objects without parent Faces in the model."""
return tuple(self._orphaned_apertures)
def orphaned_doors(self):
"""Get a tuple of all Door objects without parent Faces in the model."""
return tuple(self._orphaned_doors)
def orphaned_shades(self):
"""Get a tuple of all Shade objects without parent Rooms in the model."""
return tuple(self._orphaned_shades)
def stories(self):
"""Get a list of text for each unique story identifier in the Model.
Note that this will be an empty list if the model has to rooms.
_stories = set()
for room in self._rooms:
if room.story is not None:
return list(_stories)
def volume(self):
"""Get the combined volume of all rooms in the Model.
Note that this property accounts for the room multipliers. Also note that,
if this model's rooms are not closed solids, the value of this property
will not be accurate.
return sum([room.volume * room.multiplier for room in self._rooms])
def floor_area(self):
"""Get the combined area of all room floor faces in the Model.
Note that this property accounts for the room multipliers.
return sum([room.floor_area * room.multiplier for room in self._rooms
if not room.exclude_floor_area])
def exposed_area(self):
"""Get the combined area of all room faces with outdoor boundary conditions.
Useful for estimating infiltration, often expressed as a flow per unit exposed
envelope area. Note that this property accounts for the room multipliers.
return sum([room.exposed_area * room.multiplier for room in self._rooms])
def exterior_wall_area(self):
"""Get the combined area of all exterior walls on the model's rooms.
This is NOT the area of the wall's punched_geometry and it includes BOTH
the area of opaque and transparent parts of the walls. Note that this
property accounts for the room multipliers.
return sum([room.exterior_wall_area * room.multiplier for room in self._rooms])
def exterior_roof_area(self):
"""Get the combined area of all exterior roofs on the model's rooms.
This is NOT the area of the roof's punched_geometry and it includes BOTH
the area of opaque and transparent parts of the roofs. Note that this
property accounts for the room multipliers.
return sum([room.exterior_roof_area * room.multiplier for room in self._rooms])
def exterior_aperture_area(self):
"""Get the combined area of all exterior apertures on the model's rooms.
Note that this property accounts for the room multipliers.
return sum([room.exterior_aperture_area * room.multiplier
for room in self._rooms])
def exterior_wall_aperture_area(self):
"""Get the combined area of all apertures on exterior walls of the model's rooms.
Note that this property accounts for the room multipliers.
return sum([room.exterior_wall_aperture_area * room.multiplier
for room in self._rooms])
def exterior_skylight_aperture_area(self):
"""Get the combined area of all apertures on exterior roofs of the model's rooms.
Note that this property accounts for the room multipliers.
return sum([room.exterior_skylight_aperture_area * room.multiplier
for room in self._rooms])
def min(self):
"""Get a Point3D for the min bounding box vertex in the XY plane."""
return self._calculate_min(self._all_objects())
def max(self):
"""Get a Point3D for the max bounding box vertex in the XY plane."""
return self._calculate_max(self._all_objects())
def top_level_dict(self):
"""Get dictionary of top-level model objects with identifiers as the keys.
This is useful for matching these objects to others using identifiers.
base = {r.identifier: r for r in self._rooms}
for f in self._orphaned_faces:
base[f.identifier] = f
for a in self._orphaned_apertures:
base[a.identifier] = a
for d in self._orphaned_doors:
base[d.identifier] = d
for s in self._orphaned_shades:
base[s.identifier] = s
for sm in self._shade_meshes:
base[sm.identifier] = sm
return base
def has_zones(self):
"""Get a boolean for whether any Rooms in the model have zones assigned."""
return any(room._zone is not None for room in self._rooms)
def zone_dict(self):
"""Get dictionary of Rooms with zone identifiers as the keys.
This is useful for grouping rooms by their Zone for export.
zones = {}
for room in self.rooms:
except KeyError: # first room to be found in the zone
zones[room.zone] = [room]
return zones
def add_model(self, other_model):
"""Add another Model object to this model."""
assert isinstance(other_model, Model), \
'Expected Model. Got {}.'.format(type(other_model))
if self.units != other_model.units:
for room in other_model._rooms:
for face in other_model._orphaned_faces:
for shade in other_model._orphaned_shades:
for shade_mesh in other_model._shade_meshes:
for aperture in other_model._orphaned_apertures:
for door in other_model._orphaned_doors:
def add_room(self, obj):
"""Add a Room object to the model."""
assert isinstance(obj, Room), 'Expected Room. Got {}.'.format(type(obj))
def add_face(self, obj):
"""Add an orphaned Face object without a parent to the model."""
assert isinstance(obj, Face), 'Expected Face. Got {}.'.format(type(obj))
assert not obj.has_parent, 'Face "{}"" has a parent Room. Add the Room to '\
'the model instead of the Face.'.format(obj.display_name)
def add_aperture(self, obj):
"""Add an orphaned Aperture object to the model."""
assert isinstance(obj, Aperture), 'Expected Aperture. Got {}.'.format(type(obj))
assert not obj.has_parent, 'Aperture "{}"" has a parent Face. Add the Face to '\
'the model instead of the Aperture.'.format(obj.display_name)
def add_door(self, obj):
"""Add an orphaned Door object to the model."""
assert isinstance(obj, Door), 'Expected Door. Got {}.'.format(type(obj))
assert not obj.has_parent, 'Door "{}"" has a parent Face. Add the Face to '\
'the model instead of the Door.'.format(obj.display_name)
def add_shade(self, obj):
"""Add an orphaned Shade object to the model, typically representing context."""
assert isinstance(obj, Shade), 'Expected Shade. Got {}.'.format(type(obj))
assert not obj.has_parent, 'Shade "{}"" has a parent object. Add the object to '\
'the model instead of the Shade.'.format(obj.display_name)
def add_shade_mesh(self, obj):
"""Add a ShadeMesh object to the model."""
assert isinstance(obj, ShadeMesh), 'Expected ShadeMesh. Got {}.'.format(type(obj))
def remove_rooms(self, room_ids=None):
"""Remove Rooms from the model.
room_ids: An optional list of Room identifiers to only remove certain rooms
from the model. If None, all Rooms will be removed. (Default: None).
self._rooms = self._remove_by_ids(self.rooms, room_ids)
def remove_faces(self, face_ids=None):
"""Remove orphaned Faces from the model.
face_ids: An optional list of Face identifiers to only remove certain faces
from the model. If None, all Faces will be removed. (Default: None).
self._orphaned_faces = self._remove_by_ids(self._orphaned_faces, face_ids)
def remove_apertures(self, aperture_ids=None):
"""Remove orphaned Apertures from the model.
aperture_ids: An optional list of Aperture identifiers to only remove
certain apertures from the model. If None, all Apertures will
be removed. (Default: None).
self._orphaned_apertures = self._remove_by_ids(
self._orphaned_apertures, aperture_ids)
def remove_doors(self, door_ids=None):
"""Remove orphaned Doors from the model.
door_ids: An optional list of Door identifiers to only remove certain doors
from the model. If None, all Doors will be removed. (Default: None).
self._orphaned_doors = self._remove_by_ids(self._orphaned_doors, door_ids)
def remove_shades(self, shade_ids=None):
"""Remove orphaned Shades from the model.
shade_ids: An optional list of Shade identifiers to only remove
certain shades from the model. If None, all Shades will be
removed. (Default: None).
self._orphaned_shades = self._remove_by_ids(self._orphaned_shades, shade_ids)
def remove_shade_meshes(self, shade_mesh_ids=None):
"""Remove ShadeMeshes from the model.
shade_mesh_ids: An optional list of ShadeMesh identifiers to only remove
certain shades from the model. If None, all Shades will be
removed. (Default: None).
self._shade_meshes = self._remove_by_ids(self._shade_meshes, shade_mesh_ids)
def remove_assigned_apertures(self):
"""Remove all Apertures assigned to the model's Faces.
This includes nested apertures like those assigned to Faces with parent Rooms.
for room in self._rooms:
for face in room.faces:
for face in self._orphaned_faces:
def remove_assigned_doors(self):
"""Remove all Doors assigned to the model's Faces.
This includes nested doors like those assigned to Faces with parent Rooms.
for room in self._rooms:
for face in room.faces:
for face in self._orphaned_faces:
def remove_assigned_shades(self):
"""Remove all Shades assigned to the model's Rooms, Faces, Apertures and Doors.
This includes nested shades like those assigned to Apertures with parent
Faces that have parent Rooms.
for room in self._rooms:
for face in room.faces:
for ap in face.apertures:
for dr in face.doors:
for face in self._orphaned_faces:
for ap in face.apertures:
for dr in face.doors:
for aperture in self._orphaned_apertures:
for door in self._orphaned_doors:
def remove_all_apertures(self):
"""Remove all Apertures from the model.
This includes assigned apertures as well as orphaned apertures.
def remove_all_doors(self):
"""Remove all Doors from the model.
This includes assigned doors as well as orphaned doors.
def remove_all_shades(self):
"""Remove all Shades from the model.
This includes assigned shades as well as orphaned shades.
def add_rooms(self, objs):
"""Add a list of Room objects to the model."""
for obj in objs:
def add_faces(self, objs):
"""Add a list of orphaned Face objects to the model."""
for obj in objs:
def add_apertures(self, objs):
"""Add a list of orphaned Aperture objects to the model."""
for obj in objs:
def add_doors(self, objs):
"""Add a list of orphaned Door objects to the model."""
for obj in objs:
def add_shades(self, objs):
"""Add a list of orphaned Shade objects to the model."""
for obj in objs:
def add_shade_meshes(self, objs):
"""Add a list of ShadeMesh objects to the model."""
for obj in objs:
def rooms_by_identifier(self, identifiers):
"""Get a list of Room objects in the model given the Room identifiers."""
rooms, missing_ids = [], []
model_rooms = self._rooms
for obj_id in identifiers:
for room in model_rooms:
if room.identifier == obj_id:
if len(missing_ids) != 0:
all_objs = ' '.join(['"' + rid + '"' for rid in missing_ids])
raise ValueError(
'The following Rooms were not found in the model: {}'.format(all_objs)
return rooms
def faces_by_identifier(self, identifiers):
"""Get a list of Face objects in the model given the Face identifiers."""
faces, missing_ids = [], []
model_faces = self.faces
for obj_id in identifiers:
for face in model_faces:
if face.identifier == obj_id:
if len(missing_ids) != 0:
all_objs = ' '.join(['"' + rid + '"' for rid in missing_ids])
raise ValueError(
'The following Faces were not found in the model: {}'.format(all_objs)
return faces
def apertures_by_identifier(self, identifiers):
"""Get a list of Aperture objects in the model given the Aperture identifiers."""
apertures, missing_ids = [], []
model_apertures = self.apertures
for obj_id in identifiers:
for aperture in model_apertures:
if aperture.identifier == obj_id:
if len(missing_ids) != 0:
all_objs = ' '.join(['"' + rid + '"' for rid in missing_ids])
raise ValueError(
'The following Apertures were not found in the model:\n'
return apertures
def doors_by_identifier(self, identifiers):
"""Get a list of Door objects in the model given the Door identifiers."""
doors, missing_ids = [], []
model_doors = self.doors
for obj_id in identifiers:
for door in model_doors:
if door.identifier == obj_id:
if len(missing_ids) != 0:
all_objs = ' '.join(['"' + rid + '"' for rid in missing_ids])
raise ValueError(
'The following Doors were not found in the model: {}'.format(all_objs)
return doors
def shades_by_identifier(self, identifiers):
"""Get a list of Shade objects in the model given the Shade identifiers."""
shades, missing_ids = [], []
model_shades = self.shades
for obj_id in identifiers:
for face in model_shades:
if face.identifier == obj_id:
if len(missing_ids) != 0:
all_objs = ' '.join(['"' + rid + '"' for rid in missing_ids])
raise ValueError(
'The following Shades were not found in the model: {}'.format(all_objs)
return shades
def shade_meshes_by_identifier(self, identifiers):
"""Get a list of ShadeMesh objects in the model given the ShadeMesh identifiers.
shades, missing_ids = [], []
model_shades = self._shade_meshes
for obj_id in identifiers:
for sm in model_shades:
if sm.identifier == obj_id:
if len(missing_ids) != 0:
a_os = ' '.join(['"' + rid + '"' for rid in missing_ids])
raise ValueError(
'The following ShadeMeshes were not found in the model: {}'.format(a_os)
return shades
def add_prefix(self, prefix):
"""Change the identifier of this object and child objects by inserting a prefix.
This is particularly useful in workflows where you duplicate and edit
a starting object and then want to combine it with the original object
since all objects within a Model must have unique identifiers.
prefix: Text that will be inserted at the start of this object's
(and child objects') identifier and display_name. It is recommended
that this prefix be short to avoid maxing out the 100 allowable
characters for honeybee identifiers.
for room in self._rooms:
for face in self._orphaned_faces:
for aperture in self._orphaned_apertures:
for door in self._orphaned_doors:
for shade in self._orphaned_shades:
for shade_mesh in self._shade_meshes:
def reset_ids(self, repair_surface_bcs=True):
"""Reset the identifiers of all Model objects to be derived from display_names.
In the event that duplicate identifiers are found, an integer will be
automatically appended to the new ID to make it unique. This is similar
to the routines that automatically assign unique names to OpenStudio SDK objects.
repair_surface_bcs: A Boolean to note whether all Surface boundary
conditions across the model should be updated with the new
identifiers that were generated from the display names. (Default: True).
A dictionary that relates the old identifiers (keys) to the new
identifiers (values). This can be used to map between old and new
objects. This dictionary has the following keys that house
sub-dictionaries that map between old and new IDs.
- rooms: dict with old Room IDs as keys and new IDs as values.
- faces: dict with old Face IDs as keys and new IDs as values.
- apertures: dict with old Aperture IDs as keys and new IDs as values.
- doors: dict with old Door IDs as keys and new IDs as values.
# set up dictionaries to hold various pieces of information
room_map = self.reset_room_ids()
face_dict, ap_dict, dr_dict, shd_dict, sm_dict = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
face_map, ap_map, dr_map = {}, {}, {}
# loop through the objects and change their identifiers
for face in self.faces:
new_id = clean_and_number_string(
face.display_name, face_dict, 'Face identifier')
face_map[face.identifier] = new_id
face.identifier = new_id
for ap in self.apertures:
new_id = clean_and_number_string(
ap.display_name, ap_dict, 'Aperture identifier')
ap_map[ap.identifier] = new_id
ap.identifier = new_id
for dr in self.doors:
new_id = clean_and_number_string(
dr.display_name, dr_dict, 'Door identifier')
dr_map[dr.identifier] = new_id
dr.identifier = new_id
for shade in self.shades:
shade.identifier = clean_and_number_string(
shade.display_name, shd_dict, 'Shade identifier')
for shade_mesh in self.shade_meshes:
shade_mesh.identifier = clean_and_number_string(
shade_mesh.display_name, sm_dict, 'ShadeMesh identifier')
# reset all of the Surface boundary conditions if requested
if repair_surface_bcs:
for room in self.rooms:
for face in room.faces:
if isinstance(face.boundary_condition, Surface):
old_objs = face.boundary_condition.boundary_condition_objects
new_objs = (face_map[old_objs[0]], room_map[old_objs[1]])
except KeyError: # missing adjacency
try: # see if maybe the room reference is still there
new_objs = (old_objs[0], room_map[old_objs[1]])
except KeyError: # just let the invalid adjacency pass
new_bc = Surface(new_objs)
face.boundary_condition = new_bc
for ap in face.apertures:
old_objs = ap.boundary_condition.boundary_condition_objects
new_objs = (ap_map[old_objs[0]], face_map[old_objs[1]],
except KeyError: # missing adjacency
new_objs = (old_objs[0], old_objs[1],
new_bc = Surface(new_objs, True)
ap.boundary_condition = new_bc
for dr in face.doors:
old_objs = dr.boundary_condition.boundary_condition_objects
new_objs = (dr_map[old_objs[0]], face_map[old_objs[1]],
except KeyError: # missing adjacency
new_objs = (old_objs[0], old_objs[1],
new_bc = Surface(new_objs, True)
dr.boundary_condition = new_bc
# return a dictionary that maps between old and new IDs
return {
'rooms': room_map,
'faces': face_map,
'apertures': ap_map,
'doors': dr_map
def reset_room_ids(self):
"""Reset the identifiers of the Model Rooms to be derived from display_names.
In the event that duplicate Room identifiers are found, an integer will
be automatically appended to the new Room ID to make it unique.
A dictionary that relates the old identifiers (keys) to the new
identifiers (values). This can be used to map between old and new
objects and update things like Surface boundary conditions.
room_dict, room_map = {}, {}
for room in self.rooms:
new_id = clean_and_number_string(
room.display_name, room_dict, 'Room identifier')
room_map[room.identifier] = new_id
room.identifier = new_id
return room_map
def solve_adjacency(
self, merge_coplanar=False, intersect=False, overwrite=False,
air_boundary=False, adiabatic=False,
tolerance=None, angle_tolerance=None):
"""Solve adjacency between Rooms of the Model.
merge_coplanar: Boolean to note whether coplanar Faces of the Rooms
should be merged before proceeding with the rest of the adjacency
solving. This is particularly helpful when used with the intersect
option since it will ensure the Room geometry is relatively
clean before the intersection and adjacency solving
occurs. (Default: False).
intersect: Boolean to note whether the Faces of the Rooms should be
intersected with one another before the adjacencies are
solved. (Default: False).
overwrite: Boolean to note whether existing Surface boundary
conditions should be overwritten. (Default: False).
air_boundary: Boolean to note whether the wall adjacencies should be
of the air boundary face type. (Default: False).
adiabatic: Boolean to note whether the adjacencies should be
surface or adiabatic. Note that this requires honeybee-energy
to be installed in order to have any meaning. (Default: False).
tolerance: The maximum difference between point values for them to be
considered equivalent. If None, the Model tolerance will be
used. (Default: None).
angle_tolerance: The max angle difference in degrees where Face normals
are no longer considered coplanar. If None, the Model
angle_tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
tol = tolerance if tolerance else self.tolerance
ang_tol = angle_tolerance if angle_tolerance else self.angle_tolerance
# merge coplanar faces if requested
if merge_coplanar:
for room in self.rooms:
room.merge_coplanar_faces(tol, ang_tol)
# intersect adjacencies if requested
if intersect:
Room.intersect_adjacency(self.rooms, tol, ang_tol)
# solve adjacency
if not overwrite: # only assign new adjacencies
adj_info = Room.solve_adjacency(self.rooms, tol)
else: # overwrite existing Surface BC
adj_faces = Room.find_adjacency(self.rooms, tol)
for face_pair in adj_faces:
adj_info = {'adjacent_faces': adj_faces}
# try to assign the air boundary face type
if air_boundary:
for face_pair in adj_info['adjacent_faces']:
if isinstance(face_pair[0].type, Wall):
face_pair[0].type = face_types.air_boundary
face_pair[1].type = face_types.air_boundary
# try to assign the adiabatic boundary condition
if adiabatic and ad_bc:
for face_pair in adj_info['adjacent_faces']:
face_pair[0].boundary_condition = ad_bc
face_pair[1].boundary_condition = ad_bc
def move(self, moving_vec):
"""Move this Model along a vector.
moving_vec: A ladybug_geometry Vector3D with the direction and distance
to move the Model.
for room in self._rooms:
for face in self._orphaned_faces:
for aperture in self._orphaned_apertures:
for door in self._orphaned_doors:
for shade in self._orphaned_shades:
for shade_mesh in self._shade_meshes:
def rotate(self, axis, angle, origin):
"""Rotate this Model by a certain angle around an axis and origin.
axis: A ladybug_geometry Vector3D axis representing the axis of rotation.
angle: An angle for rotation in degrees.
origin: A ladybug_geometry Point3D for the origin around which the
object will be rotated.
for room in self._rooms:
room.rotate(axis, angle, origin)
for face in self._orphaned_faces:
face.rotate(axis, angle, origin)
for aperture in self._orphaned_apertures:
aperture.rotate(axis, angle, origin)
for door in self._orphaned_doors:
door.rotate(axis, angle, origin)
for shade in self._orphaned_shades:
shade.rotate(axis, angle, origin)
for shade_mesh in self._shade_meshes:
shade_mesh.rotate(axis, angle, origin)
self.properties.rotate(axis, angle, origin)
def rotate_xy(self, angle, origin):
"""Rotate this Model counterclockwise in the world XY plane by a certain angle.
angle: An angle in degrees.
origin: A ladybug_geometry Point3D for the origin around which the
object will be rotated.
for room in self._rooms:
room.rotate_xy(angle, origin)
for face in self._orphaned_faces:
face.rotate_xy(angle, origin)
for aperture in self._orphaned_apertures:
aperture.rotate_xy(angle, origin)
for door in self._orphaned_doors:
door.rotate_xy(angle, origin)
for shade in self._orphaned_shades:
shade.rotate_xy(angle, origin)
for shade_mesh in self._shade_meshes:
shade_mesh.rotate_xy(angle, origin)
self.properties.rotate_xy(angle, origin)
def reflect(self, plane):
"""Reflect this Model across a plane with the input normal vector and origin.
plane: A ladybug_geometry Plane across which the object will
be reflected.
for room in self._rooms:
for face in self._orphaned_faces:
for aperture in self._orphaned_apertures:
for door in self._orphaned_doors:
for shade in self._orphaned_shades:
for shade_mesh in self._shade_meshes:
def scale(self, factor, origin=None):
"""Scale this Model by a factor from an origin point.
Note that using this method does NOT scale the model tolerance and, if
it is desired that this tolerance be scaled with the model geometry,
it must be scaled separately.
factor: A number representing how much the object should be scaled.
origin: A ladybug_geometry Point3D representing the origin from which
to scale. If None, it will be scaled from the World origin (0, 0, 0).
for room in self._rooms:
room.scale(factor, origin)
for face in self._orphaned_faces:
face.scale(factor, origin)
for aperture in self._orphaned_apertures:
aperture.scale(factor, origin)
for door in self._orphaned_doors:
door.scale(factor, origin)
for shade in self._orphaned_shades:
shade.scale(factor, origin)
for shade_mesh in self._shade_meshes:
shade_mesh.scale(factor, origin)
self.properties.scale(factor, origin)
def generate_exterior_face_grid(
self, dimension, offset=0.1, face_type='Wall', punched_geometry=False):
"""Get a gridded Mesh3D offset from the exterior Faces of this Model.
This will be None if the Model has no exterior Faces.
dimension: The dimension of the grid cells as a number.
offset: A number for how far to offset the grid from the base face.
Positive numbers indicate an offset towards the exterior. (Default
is 0.1, which will offset the grid to be 0.1 unit from the faces).
face_type: Text to specify the type of face that will be used to
generate grids. Note that only Faces with Outdoors boundary
conditions will be used, meaning that most Floors will typically
be excluded unless they represent the underside of a cantilever.
Choose from the following. (Default: Wall).
* Wall
* Roof
* Floor
* All
punched_geometry: Boolean to note whether the punched_geometry of the faces
should be used (True) with the areas of sub-faces removed from the grid
or the full geometry should be used (False). (Default:False).
# select the correct face type based on the input
face_t = face_type.title()
if face_t == 'Wall':
ft = Wall
elif face_t in ('Roof', 'Roofceiling'):
ft = RoofCeiling
elif face_t == 'All':
ft = (Wall, RoofCeiling, Floor)
elif face_t == 'Floor':
ft = Floor
raise ValueError('Unrecognized face_type "{}".'.format(face_type))
face_attr = 'punched_geometry' if punched_geometry else 'geometry'
# loop through the faces and generate grids
face_grids = []
for face in self.faces:
if isinstance(face.type, ft) and \
isinstance(face.boundary_condition, Outdoors):
f_geo = getattr(face, face_attr)
f_geo.mesh_grid(dimension, None, offset, False))
except AssertionError: # grid tolerance not fine enough
# join the grids together if there are several ones
if len(face_grids) == 1:
return face_grids[0]
elif len(face_grids) > 1:
return Mesh3D.join_meshes(face_grids)
return None
def generate_exterior_aperture_grid(
self, dimension, offset=0.1, aperture_type='All'):
"""Get a gridded Mesh3D offset from the exterior Apertures of this Model.
Will be None if the Model has no exterior Apertures.
dimension: The dimension of the grid cells as a number.
offset: A number for how far to offset the grid from the base aperture.
Positive numbers indicate an offset towards the exterior while
negative numbers indicate an offset towards the interior, essentially
modeling the value of sun on the building interior. (Default
is 0.1, which will offset the grid to be 0.1 unit from the aperture).
aperture_type: Text to specify the type of Aperture that will be used to
generate grids. Window indicates Apertures in Walls. Choose from
the following. (Default: All).
* Window
* Skylight
* All
# select the correct face type based on the input
ap_t = aperture_type.title()
if ap_t == 'Window':
ft = Wall
elif ap_t == 'Skylight':
ft = RoofCeiling
elif ap_t == 'All':
ft = (Wall, RoofCeiling, Floor)
raise ValueError('Unrecognized aperture_type "{}".'.format(aperture_type))
# loop through the faces and generate grids
ap_grids = []
for face in self.faces:
if isinstance(face.type, ft) and \
isinstance(face.boundary_condition, Outdoors):
for ap in face.apertures:
ap.geometry.mesh_grid(dimension, None, offset, False))
except AssertionError: # grid tolerance not fine enough
# join the grids together if there are several ones
if len(ap_grids) == 1:
return ap_grids[0]
elif len(ap_grids) > 1:
return Mesh3D.join_meshes(ap_grids)
return None
def simplify_apertures(self, resolve_adjacency=True, tolerance=None):
"""Convert all Apertures in this Model to be a simple window ratio.
This is useful for studies where faster simulation times are desired and
the window ratio is the critical factor driving the results (as opposed
to the detailed geometry of the window). Apertures assigned to concave
Faces will not be simplified given that the Face.apertures_by_ratio method
likely won't improve the cleanliness of the apertures for such cases.
resolve_adjacency: Boolean to note whether Room adjacencies should be
re-solved after the Apertures have been simplified. Setting this
to True should ensure that and interior Apertures that are
simplified retain their Surface boundary conditions. If False,
all interior Apertures that have been simplified will have an
Outdoors boundary condition. (Default: True).
tolerance: The maximum difference between point values for them to be
considered equivalent. If None, the Model tolerance will be
used. (Default: None).
tol = tolerance if tolerance else self.tolerance
for room in self._rooms:
if resolve_adjacency:
def rectangularize_apertures(
self, subdivision_distance=None, max_separation=None, merge_all=False,
resolve_adjacency=True, tolerance=None, angle_tolerance=None):
"""Convert all Apertures on this Room to be rectangular.
This is useful when exporting to simulation engines that only accept
rectangular window geometry. This method will always result ing Rooms where
all Apertures are rectangular. However, if the subdivision_distance is not
set, some Apertures may extend past the parent Face or may collide with
one another.
subdivision_distance: A number for the resolution at which the
non-rectangular Apertures will be subdivided into smaller
rectangular units. Specifying a number here ensures that the
resulting rectangular Apertures do not extend past the parent
Face or collide with one another. If None, all non-rectangular
Apertures will be rectangularized by taking the bounding rectangle
around the Aperture. (Default: None).
max_separation: A number for the maximum distance between non-rectangular
Apertures at which point the Apertures will be merged into a single
rectangular geometry. This is often helpful when there are several
triangular Apertures that together make a rectangle when they are
merged across their frames. In such cases, this max_separation
should be set to a value that is slightly larger than the window frame.
If None, no merging of Apertures will happen before they are
converted to rectangles. (Default: None).
merge_all: Boolean to note whether all apertures should be merged before
they are rectangularized. If False, only non-rectangular apertures
will be merged before rectangularization. Note that this argument
has no effect when the max_separation is None. (Default: False).
resolve_adjacency: Boolean to note whether Room adjacencies should be
re-solved after the Apertures have been rectangularized. Setting this
to True should ensure that and interior Apertures that are
rectangularized retain their Surface boundary conditions. If False,
all interior Apertures that have been rectangularized will have an
Outdoors boundary condition. (Default: True).
tolerance: The maximum difference between point values for them to be
considered equivalent. If None, the Model tolerance will be
used. (Default: None).
angle_tolerance: The max angle in degrees that the corners of the
rectangle can differ from a right angle before it is not
considered a rectangle. If None, the Model angle_tolerance will be
used. (Default: None).
tol = tolerance if tolerance else self.tolerance
a_tol = angle_tolerance if angle_tolerance else self.angle_tolerance
for room in self._rooms:
subdivision_distance, max_separation, merge_all, tol, a_tol)
if resolve_adjacency:
def wall_apertures_by_ratio(self, ratio, tolerance=None):
"""Add apertures to all exterior walls given a ratio of aperture to face area.
Note this method only affects the Models rooms (no orphaned faces) and it
removes any existing apertures and doors on the room's exterior walls.
This method attempts to generate as few apertures as necessary to meet the ratio.
ratio: A number between 0 and 1 (but not perfectly equal to 1)
for the desired ratio between aperture area and face area.
tolerance: The maximum difference between point values for them to be
considered a part of a rectangle. This is used in the event that
this face is concave and an attempt to subdivide the face into a
rectangle is made. It does not affect the ability to produce apertures
for convex Faces. If None, the Model tolerance will be
used. (Default: None).
tol = tolerance if tolerance else self.tolerance
for room in self._rooms:
room.wall_apertures_by_ratio(ratio, tol)
def skylight_apertures_by_ratio(self, ratio, tolerance=None):
"""Add apertures to all exterior roofs given a ratio of aperture to face area.
Note this method only affects the Models rooms (no orphaned faces) and
removes any existing apertures and overhead doors on the Room's roofs.
This method attempts to generate as few apertures as necessary to meet the ratio.
ratio: A number between 0 and 1 (but not perfectly equal to 1)
for the desired ratio between aperture area and face area.
tolerance: The maximum difference between point values for them to be
considered a part of a rectangle. This is used in the event that
this face is concave and an attempt to subdivide the face into a
rectangle is made. It does not affect the ability to produce apertures
for convex Faces. If None, the Model tolerance will be
used. (Default: None).
tol = tolerance if tolerance else self.tolerance
for room in self._rooms:
room.skylight_apertures_by_ratio(ratio, tol)
def assign_stories_by_floor_height(self, min_difference=2.0, overwrite=False):
"""Assign story properties to the rooms of this Model using their floor heights.
Stories will be named with a standard convention ('Floor1', 'Floor2', etc.).
min_difference: An float value to denote the minimum difference
in floor heights that is considered meaningful. This can be used
to ensure rooms like those representing stair landings are grouped
with floors. Default: 2.0, which means that any difference in
floor heights less than 2.0 will be considered a part of the
same story. This assumption is suitable for models in meters.
overwrite: If True, all story properties of this model's rooms will
be overwritten by this method. If False, this method will only
assign stories to Rooms that do not already have a story identifier
already assigned to them. (Default: False).
A list of the unique story names that were assigned to the input rooms.
if overwrite:
for room in self._rooms:
room.story = None
return Room.stories_by_floor_height(self._rooms, min_difference)
def split_rooms_through_holes(self, tolerance=None, angle_tolerance=None):
"""Split any Faces with holes such that they no longer have holes.
This method is useful for destination engines that cannot support holes
either through dedicated hole loops that are separate from the boundary
loop or as a single collapsed list of vertices that winds inward to cut
out the holes.
tolerance: The maximum difference between point values for them to be
considered equivalent. If None, the Model tolerance will be
used. (Default: None).
angle_tolerance: The max angle in degrees that the corners of the
rectangle can differ from a right angle before it is not
considered a rectangle. If None, the Model angle_tolerance will be
used. (Default: None).
A list containing only the new Faces that were created as part of the
splitting process. These new Faces will have as many properties of the
original Face assigned to them as possible but they will not have a
Surface boundary condition if the original Face had one. Having just
the new Faces here can be used in operations like setting new Surface
boundary conditions.
tol = tolerance if tolerance else self.tolerance
a_tol = angle_tolerance if angle_tolerance else self.angle_tolerance
new_faces = []
for room in self._rooms:
new_faces.extend(room.split_through_holes(tol, a_tol))
return new_faces
def rooms_to_extrusions(self, tolerance=None, angle_tolerance=None):
"""Convert all Rooms in the model to extruded floor plates with flat roofs.
Rooms that already extrusions will be left as they are. For non-extrusion
rooms, all boundary conditions and windows applied to vertical walls will
be preserved and the resulting Room should have a volume that matches the
original Room. If adding back apertures to the room extrusion results in
these apertures going past the parent wall Face, the windows of the Face
will be reduced to a simple window ratio. Any Surface boundary conditions
will be converted to Adiabatic (if honeybee-energy is installed) or
Outdoors (if not).
This method is useful for exporting to platforms that cannot model Room
geometry beyond simple extrusions. The fact that the resulting room has
window areas and volumes that match the original detailed geometry
should help ensure the results in these platforms are close to what they
would be had the detailed geometry been modeled.
tolerance: The maximum difference between point values for them to be
considered equivalent. If None, the Model tolerance will be
used. (Default: None).
angle_tolerance: The max angle in degrees that the corners of the
rectangle can differ from a right angle before it is not
considered a rectangle. If None, the Model angle_tolerance will be
used. (Default: None).
tol = tolerance if tolerance else self.tolerance
a_tol = angle_tolerance if angle_tolerance else self.angle_tolerance
extrusion_rooms = []
for room in self._rooms:
extrusion_rooms.append(room.to_extrusion(tol, a_tol))
self._rooms = extrusion_rooms
def convert_to_units(self, units='Meters'):
"""Convert all of the geometry in this model to certain units.
This involves scaling the geometry, scaling the Model tolerance, and
changing the Model's units property.
units: Text for the units to which the Model geometry should be
converted. Default: Meters. Choose from the following:
* Meters
* Millimeters
* Feet
* Inches
* Centimeters
if self.units != units:
scale_fac1 = conversion_factor_to_meters(self.units)
scale_fac2 = conversion_factor_to_meters(units)
scale_fac = scale_fac1 / scale_fac2
self.tolerance = self.tolerance * scale_fac
self.units = units
def rooms_to_orphaned(self):
"""Convert all Rooms in this Model to orphaned geometry objects.
This is useful when the energy load balance of Rooms is not important
and they are only significant as context shading. Note that this method
will effectively discount any geometries with a Surface boundary condition
or with an AirBoundary face type.
for room in self._rooms:
for face in room._faces:
face._parent = None
if not isinstance(face.boundary_condition, Surface) and not \
isinstance(face.type, AirBoundary):
self._rooms = []
def remove_degenerate_geometry(self, tolerance=None):
"""Remove any degenerate geometry from the model.
Degenerate geometry refers to any objects that evaluate to less than 3 vertices
when duplicate and colinear vertices are removed at the tolerance.
tolerance: The minimum distance between a vertex and the boundary segments
at which point the vertex is considered distinct. If None, the
Model's tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
adj_dict = {} # dictionary to track adjacent geometries
for room in self.rooms:
r_adj = room.clean_envelope(adj_dict, tolerance=tolerance)
except AssertionError as e: # room removed; likely wrong units
error = 'Failed to remove degenerate geometry for Room {}.\n{}'.format(
room.full_id, e)
raise ValueError(error)
self._remove_degenerate_faces(self._orphaned_faces, tolerance)
self._remove_degenerate_faces(self._orphaned_apertures, tolerance)
self._remove_degenerate_faces(self._orphaned_doors, tolerance)
self._remove_degenerate_faces(self._orphaned_shades, tolerance)
sm_to_remove = []
for i, sm in enumerate(self._shade_meshes):
except AssertionError: # completely degenerate Shade Mesh
if len(sm_to_remove) != 0:
for ri in reversed(sm_to_remove):
def triangulate_non_planar_quads(self, tolerance=None):
"""Triangulate any non-planar orphaned geometry in the model.
This method will only planarize the orphaned Faces, Apertures, Doors and
Shades that are quadrilaterals, which usually has a minimal impact on results.
It does not impact the Rooms at all.
tolerance: The minimum distance from the geometry plane at which the
geometry is not considered planar. If None, the Model's tolerance
will be used. (Default: None).
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
self._orphaned_apertures = \
self._triangulate_quad_faces(self._orphaned_apertures, tolerance)
self._orphaned_doors = \
self._triangulate_quad_faces(self._orphaned_doors, tolerance)
self._orphaned_shades = \
self._triangulate_quad_faces(self._orphaned_shades, tolerance)
def comparison_report(self, other_model, ignore_deleted=False, ignore_added=False):
"""Get a dictionary outlining the differences between this model and another.
The resulting dictionary will only report top-level objects that are different
between this model and the other. If an object has not changed at all,
then it will not show up in the report.
Changes to geometry are reported separately from changes in metadata
(aka. properties) for each of the top level objects.
If the Model units or tolerance are different between the two models,
then the units and tolerance of this model will take precedence and
the other_model will be converted to these units and tolerance for
geometry comparison.
other_model: A new Model to which this current model will be compared.
ignore_deleted: A boolean to note whether objects that appear in this
current model but not in the other model should be reported. It is
useful to set this to True when the other model represents only a
subset of the current model. (Default: False).
ignore_added: A boolean to note whether objects that appear in the other
model but not in the current model should be reported. (Default: False).
A dictionary of differences between this model and the other model in
the format below.
# make sure the unit systems of the two models align
tol = self.tolerance
if self.units != other_model.units:
other_model = other_model.duplicate()
# set up lists and dictionaries of objects for comparison
compare_dict = {'type': 'ComparisonReport'}
self_dict = self.top_level_dict
other_dict = other_model.top_level_dict
# loop through the new objects and detect changes between them
changed, added_objs = [], []
for obj_id, new_obj in other_dict.items():
exist_obj = self_dict[obj_id]
change_dict = exist_obj._changed_dict(new_obj, tol)
if change_dict is not None:
except KeyError:
compare_dict['changed_objects'] = changed
# include the added objects in the comparison dictionary
if not ignore_added:
added = []
for new_obj in added_objs:
compare_dict['added_objects'] = added
# include the deleted objects in the comparison dictionary
if not ignore_deleted:
deleted = []
for obj_id, exist_obj in self_dict.items():
new_obj = other_dict[obj_id]
except KeyError:
compare_dict['deleted_objects'] = deleted
return compare_dict
def check_for_extension(self, extension_name='All',
raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that the Model is valid for a specific Honeybee extension.
This process will typically include both honeybee-core checks as well
as checks that apply only to the extension. However, any checks that
are not relevant for the specified extension will be ignored.
Note that the specified Honeybee extension must be installed in order
for this method to run successfully.
extension_name: Text for the name of the extension to be checked.
The value input here is case-insensitive such that "radiance"
and "Radiance" will both result in the model being checked for
validity with honeybee-radiance. This value can also be set to
"All" in order to run checks for all installed extensions. Some
common honeybee extension names that can be input here if they
are installed include:
* Radiance
* EnergyPlus
* OpenStudio
* DesignBuilder
* DOE2
Note that EnergyPlus, OpenStudio, and DesignBuilder are all set
to run the same checks with honeybee-energy.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if any errors are found. If False, this method will simply
return a text string with all errors that were found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A text string with all errors that were found or a list if detailed is True.
This string (or list) will be empty if no errors were found.
# set up defaults to ensure the method runs correctly
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
extension_name = extension_name.lower()
if extension_name == 'all':
return self.check_all(raise_exception, detailed)
energy_extensions = ('energyplus', 'openstudio', 'designbuilder')
if extension_name in energy_extensions:
extension_name = 'energy'
elif extension_name == 'iesve': # TODO: remove when honeybee-iesve is published
extension_name = 'ies'
# check the extension attributes
assert self.tolerance != 0, \
'Model must have a non-zero tolerance in order to perform geometry checks.'
assert self.angle_tolerance != 0, \
'Model must have a non-zero angle_tolerance to perform geometry checks.'
msgs = self._properties._check_for_extension(extension_name, detailed)
if detailed:
msgs = [m for m in msgs if isinstance(m, list)]
# output a final report of errors or raise an exception
full_msgs = [msg for msg in msgs if msg]
if detailed:
return [m for msg in full_msgs for m in msg]
full_msg = '\n'.join(full_msgs)
if raise_exception and len(full_msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_all(self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check all of the aspects of the Model for possible errors.
This includes basic properties like adjacency checks and all geometry checks.
Furthermore, all extension attributes will be checked assuming the extension
Model properties have a check_all function. Note that an exception will
always be raised if the model has a tolerance of zero as this means that
no geometry checks can be performed.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if any Model errors are found. If False, this method will simply
return a text string with all errors that were found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A text string with all errors that were found or a list if detailed is True.
This string (or list) will be empty if no errors were found.
# set up defaults to ensure the method runs correctly
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
msgs = []
# check that a tolerance has been specified in the model
assert self.tolerance != 0, \
'Model must have a non-zero tolerance in order to perform geometry checks.'
assert self.angle_tolerance != 0, \
'Model must have a non-zero angle_tolerance to perform geometry checks.'
tol = self.tolerance
ang_tol = self.angle_tolerance
# perform checks for duplicate identifiers, which might mess with other checks
msgs.append(self.check_all_duplicate_identifiers(False, detailed))
# perform several checks for the Honeybee schema geometry rules
msgs.append(self.check_planar(tol, False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_self_intersecting(tol, False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_degenerate_rooms(tol, False, detailed))
# perform geometry checks related to parent-child relationships
msgs.append(self.check_sub_faces_valid(tol, ang_tol, False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_sub_faces_overlapping(tol, False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_upside_down_faces(ang_tol, False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_rooms_solid(tol, ang_tol, False, detailed))
# perform checks related to adjacency relationships
msgs.append(self.check_room_volume_collisions(tol, False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_missing_adjacencies(False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_matching_adjacent_areas(tol, False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_all_air_boundaries_adjacent(False, detailed))
# check the extension attributes
ext_msgs = self._properties._check_all_extension_attr(detailed)
if detailed:
ext_msgs = [m for m in ext_msgs if isinstance(m, list)]
# output a final report of errors or raise an exception
full_msgs = [msg for msg in msgs if msg]
if detailed:
return [m for msg in full_msgs for m in msg]
full_msg = '\n'.join(full_msgs)
if raise_exception and len(full_msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_all_duplicate_identifiers(self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that there are no duplicate identifiers for any geometry objects.
This includes Rooms, Faces, Apertures, Doors, Shades, and ShadeMeshes.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if any Model errors are found. If False, this method will simply
return a text string with all errors that were found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A text string with all errors that were found or a list if detailed is True.
This string (or list) will be empty if no errors were found.
# set up defaults to ensure the method runs correctly
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
msgs = []
# perform checks for duplicate identifiers
msgs.append(self.check_duplicate_room_identifiers(False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_duplicate_face_identifiers(False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_duplicate_sub_face_identifiers(False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_duplicate_shade_identifiers(False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_duplicate_shade_mesh_identifiers(False, detailed))
# output a final report of errors or raise an exception
full_msgs = [msg for msg in msgs if msg]
if detailed:
return [m for msg in full_msgs for m in msg]
full_msg = '\n'.join(full_msgs)
if raise_exception and len(full_msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_duplicate_room_identifiers(self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that there are no duplicate Room identifiers in the model.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if duplicate identifiers are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
return check_duplicate_identifiers(
self._rooms, raise_exception, 'Room', detailed, '000004', 'Core',
'Duplicate Room Identifier')
def check_duplicate_face_identifiers(self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that there are no duplicate Face identifiers in the model.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if duplicate identifiers are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
return check_duplicate_identifiers_parent(
self.faces, raise_exception, 'Face', detailed, '000003', 'Core',
'Duplicate Face Identifier')
def check_duplicate_sub_face_identifiers(self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that there are no duplicate sub-face identifiers in the model.
Note that both Apertures and Doors are checked for duplicates since the two
are counted together by EnergyPlus.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if duplicate identifiers are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
sub_faces = self.apertures + self.doors
return check_duplicate_identifiers_parent(
sub_faces, raise_exception, 'SubFace', detailed, '000002', 'Core',
'Duplicate Sub-Face Identifier')
def check_duplicate_shade_identifiers(self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that there are no duplicate Shade identifiers in the model.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if duplicate identifiers are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
return check_duplicate_identifiers_parent(
self.shades, raise_exception, 'Shade', detailed, '000001', 'Core',
'Duplicate Shade Identifier')
def check_duplicate_shade_mesh_identifiers(
self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that there are no duplicate ShadeMesh identifiers in the model.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if duplicate identifiers are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
return check_duplicate_identifiers(
self._shade_meshes, raise_exception, 'ShadeMesh', detailed, '000001', 'Core',
'Duplicate ShadeMesh Identifier')
def check_planar(self, tolerance=None, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that all of the Model's geometry components are planar.
This includes all of the Model's Faces, Apertures, Doors and Shades.
tolerance: The minimum distance between a given vertex and a the
object's plane at which the vertex is said to lie in the plane.
If None, the Model tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether an ValueError should be
raised if a vertex does not lie within the object's plane.
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
msgs = []
for face in self.faces:
msgs.append(face.check_planar(tolerance, False, detailed))
for shd in self.shades:
msgs.append(shd.check_planar(tolerance, False, detailed))
for ap in self.apertures:
msgs.append(ap.check_planar(tolerance, False, detailed))
for dr in self.doors:
msgs.append(dr.check_planar(tolerance, False, detailed))
full_msgs = [msg for msg in msgs if msg]
if detailed:
return [m for msg in full_msgs for m in msg]
full_msg = '\n'.join(full_msgs)
if raise_exception and len(full_msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_self_intersecting(self, tolerance=None, raise_exception=True,
"""Check that no edges of the Model's geometry components self-intersect.
This includes all of the Model's Faces, Apertures, Doors and Shades.
tolerance: The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two
vertices at which they can be considered equivalent. If None, the
Model tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
raise_exception: If True, a ValueError will be raised if an object
intersects with itself (like a bowtie). (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
msgs = []
for room in self.rooms:
msgs.append(room.check_self_intersecting(tolerance, False, detailed))
for face in self.orphaned_faces:
msgs.append(face.check_self_intersecting(tolerance, False, detailed))
for shd in self.orphaned_shades:
msgs.append(shd.check_self_intersecting(tolerance, False, detailed))
for ap in self.orphaned_apertures:
msgs.append(ap.check_self_intersecting(tolerance, False, detailed))
for dr in self.orphaned_doors:
msgs.append(dr.check_self_intersecting(tolerance, False, detailed))
full_msgs = [msg for msg in msgs if msg]
if detailed:
return [m for msg in full_msgs for m in msg]
full_msg = '\n'.join(full_msgs)
if raise_exception and len(full_msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_degenerate_rooms(
self, tolerance=None, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check whether there are degenerate Rooms (with zero volume) within the Model.
tolerance: The maximum difference between x, y, and z values
at which face vertices are considered equivalent. If None, the
Model tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if degenerate Rooms are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
msgs = []
for room in self._rooms:
msg = room.check_degenerate(tolerance, False, detailed)
if detailed:
elif msg != '':
if detailed:
return msgs
full_msg = '\n'.join(msgs)
if raise_exception and len(msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_sub_faces_valid(self, tolerance=None, angle_tolerance=None,
raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that model's sub-faces are co-planar with faces and in their boundary.
Note this does not check the planarity of the sub-faces themselves, whether
they self-intersect, or whether they have a non-zero area.
tolerance: The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two
vertices at which they can be considered equivalent. If None, the
Model tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
angle_tolerance: The max angle in degrees that the plane normals can
differ from one another in order for them to be considered coplanar.
If None, the Model angle_tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if an sub-face is not valid. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
angle_tolerance = self.angle_tolerance \
if angle_tolerance is None else angle_tolerance
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
msgs = []
for rm in self._rooms:
msg = rm.check_sub_faces_valid(tolerance, angle_tolerance, False, detailed)
if detailed:
elif msg != '':
for f in self._orphaned_faces:
msg = f.check_sub_faces_valid(tolerance, angle_tolerance, False, detailed)
if detailed:
elif msg != '':
if detailed:
return msgs
full_msg = '\n'.join(msgs)
if raise_exception and len(msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_sub_faces_overlapping(
self, tolerance=None, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that model's sub-faces do not overlap with one another.
tolerance: The minimum distance that two sub-faces must overlap in order
for them to be considered overlapping and invalid. If None, the
Model tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if a sub-faces overlap with one another.
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
msgs = []
for rm in self._rooms:
msg = rm.check_sub_faces_overlapping(tolerance, False, detailed)
if detailed:
elif msg != '':
for f in self._orphaned_faces:
msg = f.check_sub_faces_overlapping(tolerance, False, detailed)
if detailed:
elif msg != '':
if detailed:
return msgs
full_msg = '\n'.join(msgs)
if raise_exception and len(msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_upside_down_faces(
self, angle_tolerance=None, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that the Model's Faces have the correct direction for the face type.
This method will only report Floors that are pointing upwards or RoofCeilings
that are pointed downwards. These cases are likely modeling errors and are in
danger of having their vertices flipped by EnergyPlus, causing them to
not see the sun.
angle_tolerance: The max angle in degrees that the Face normal can
differ from up or down before it is considered a case of a downward
pointing RoofCeiling or upward pointing Floor. If None, it
will be the model angle tolerance. (Default: None).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether an ValueError should be
raised if the Face is an an upward pointing Floor or a downward
pointing RoofCeiling.
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
a_tol = self.angle_tolerance if angle_tolerance is None else angle_tolerance
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
msgs = []
for rm in self._rooms:
msg = rm.check_upside_down_faces(a_tol, False, detailed)
if detailed:
elif msg != '':
if detailed:
return msgs
full_msg = '\n'.join(msgs)
if raise_exception and len(msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_rooms_solid(self, tolerance=None, angle_tolerance=None,
raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check whether the Model's rooms are closed solid to within tolerances.
tolerance: tolerance: The maximum difference between x, y, and z values
at which face vertices are considered equivalent. If None, the Model
tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
angle_tolerance: The max angle difference in degrees that vertices are
allowed to differ from one another in order to consider them colinear.
If None, the Model angle_tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if the room geometry does not form a closed solid. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
angle_tolerance = self.angle_tolerance \
if angle_tolerance is None else angle_tolerance
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
msgs = []
for room in self._rooms:
msg = room.check_solid(tolerance, angle_tolerance, False, detailed)
if detailed:
elif msg != '':
if detailed:
return msgs
full_msg = '\n'.join(msgs)
if raise_exception and len(msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_room_volume_collisions(
self, tolerance=None, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check whether the Model's rooms collide with one another beyond the tolerance.
tolerance: tolerance: The maximum difference between x, y, and z values
at which face vertices are considered equivalent. If None, the Model
tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if the room geometry does not form a closed solid. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
# set default values
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
# group the rooms by their floor heights to enable collision checking
if len(self.rooms) == 0:
return [] if detailed else ''
room_groups, _ = Room.group_by_floor_height(self.rooms, tolerance)
# loop trough the groups and detect collisions
msgs = []
for rg in room_groups:
msg = Room.check_room_volume_collisions(rg, tolerance, detailed)
if detailed:
elif msg != '':
if detailed:
return msgs
full_msg = '\n'.join(msgs)
if raise_exception and len(msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_missing_adjacencies(self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that all Faces Apertures, and Doors have adjacent objects in the model.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if invalid adjacencies are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
# loop through all objects and get their adjacent object
room_ids = []
face_bc_ids, face_set = [], set()
ap_bc_ids, ap_set = [], set()
door_bc_ids, dr_set = [], set()
sr = []
for room in self._rooms:
for face in room._faces:
if isinstance(face.boundary_condition, Surface):
'Face', face, face_bc_ids, room_ids, face_set, detailed))
for ap in face.apertures:
assert isinstance(ap.boundary_condition, Surface), \
'Aperture "{}" must have Surface boundary condition ' \
'if the parent Face has a Surface BC.'.format(ap.full_id)
'Aperture', ap, ap_bc_ids, room_ids, ap_set, detailed))
for dr in face.doors:
assert isinstance(dr.boundary_condition, Surface), \
'Door "{}" must have Surface boundary condition ' \
'if the parent Face has a Surface BC.'.format(dr.full_id)
'Door', dr, door_bc_ids, room_ids, dr_set, detailed))
# check to see if the adjacent objects are in the model
mr = self._missing_adj_check(self.rooms_by_identifier, room_ids)
mf = self._missing_adj_check(self.faces_by_identifier, face_bc_ids)
ma = self._missing_adj_check(self.apertures_by_identifier, ap_bc_ids)
md = self._missing_adj_check(self.doors_by_identifier, door_bc_ids)
# if not, go back and find the original object with the missing BC object
msgs = []
if len(mr) != 0 or len(mf) != 0 or len(ma) != 0 or len(md) != 0:
for room in self._rooms:
for face in room._faces:
if isinstance(face.boundary_condition, Surface):
bc_obj, bc_room = self._adj_objects(face)
if bc_obj in mf:
msgs, face, bc_obj, 'Face', 'Face', detailed)
if bc_room in mr:
msgs, face, bc_room, 'Face', 'Room', detailed)
for ap in face.apertures:
bc_obj, bc_room = self._adj_objects(ap)
if bc_obj in ma:
msgs, ap, bc_obj, 'Aperture', 'Aperture', detailed)
if bc_room in mr:
msgs, ap, bc_room, 'Aperture', 'Room', detailed)
for dr in face.doors:
bc_obj, bc_room = self._adj_objects(dr)
if bc_obj in md:
msgs, dr, bc_obj, 'Door', 'Door', detailed)
if bc_room in mr:
msgs, dr, bc_room, 'Door', 'Room', detailed)
# return the final error messages
all_msgs = [m for m in sr + msgs if m]
if detailed:
return [m for msg in all_msgs for m in msg]
msg = '\n'.join(all_msgs)
if msg != '' and raise_exception:
raise ValueError(msg)
return msg
def check_matching_adjacent_areas(self, tolerance=None, raise_exception=True,
"""Check that all adjacent Faces have areas that match within the tolerance.
This is required for energy simulation in order to get matching heat flow
across adjacent Faces. Otherwise, conservation of energy is violated.
Note that, if there are missing adjacencies in the model, the message from
this method will simply note this fact without reporting on mis-matched areas.
tolerance: tolerance: The maximum difference between x, y, and z values
at which face vertices are considered equivalent. If None, the Model
tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if invalid adjacencies are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
# first gather all interior faces in the model and their adjacent object
base_faces, adj_ids = [], []
for room in self._rooms:
for face in room._faces:
if isinstance(face.boundary_condition, Surface):
# get the adjacent faces
adj_faces = self.faces_by_identifier(adj_ids)
except ValueError as e: # the model has missing adjacencies
if detailed: # the user will get a more detailed error in honeybee-core
return []
msg = 'Matching adjacent areas could not be verified because ' \
'of missing adjacencies in the model. \n{}'.format(e)
if raise_exception:
raise ValueError(msg)
return msg
# loop through the adjacent face pairs and report if areas are not matched
full_msgs, reported_items = [], set()
for base_f, adj_f in zip(base_faces, adj_faces):
if (base_f.identifier, adj_f.identifier) in reported_items:
two_tol = 2 * tolerance
tol_area = math.sqrt(base_f.area) * two_tol
tol_area = 2 * two_tol if tol_area < 2 * two_tol else tol_area
if abs(base_f.area - adj_f.area) > tol_area:
f_msg = 'Face "{}" with area {} is adjacent to Face "{}" with area {}.' \
' This difference is greater than what is permitted by {} ' \
'tolerance ({}).'.format(
base_f.full_id, base_f.area, adj_f.full_id, adj_f.area,
tolerance, tol_area
f_msg = self._validation_message_child(
f_msg, base_f, detailed, '000205',
error_type='Mismatched Area Adjacency')
if detailed:
parents = []
rel_obj = adj_f
while getattr(rel_obj, '_parent', None) is not None:
rel_obj = getattr(rel_obj, '_parent')
par_dict = {
'parent_type': rel_obj.__class__.__name__,
'id': rel_obj.identifier,
'name': rel_obj.display_name
reported_items.add((adj_f.identifier, base_f.identifier))
else: # check to ensure the shapes are the same when vertices are removed
base_f_geo = base_f.geometry.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance)
adj_f_geo = adj_f.geometry.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance)
except AssertionError: # degenerate Faces to ignore
if len(base_f_geo) != len(adj_f_geo):
f_msg = 'Face "{}" is a shape with {} distinct vertices and is ' \
'adjacent to Face "{}", which has {} distinct vertices' \
' within the model tolerance of {}.'.format(
base_f.full_id, len(base_f_geo),
adj_f.full_id, len(adj_f_geo), tolerance
f_msg = self._validation_message_child(
f_msg, base_f, detailed, '000205',
error_type='Mismatched Area Adjacency')
if detailed:
parents = []
rel_obj = adj_f
while getattr(rel_obj, '_parent', None) is not None:
rel_obj = getattr(rel_obj, '_parent')
par_dict = {
'parent_type': rel_obj.__class__.__name__,
'id': rel_obj.identifier,
'name': rel_obj.display_name
reported_items.add((adj_f.identifier, base_f.identifier))
# ensure that adjacent sub-faces have matching areas
if base_f.has_sub_faces:
base_subs, adj_subs, sub_ids = [], [], []
for sf in base_f.sub_faces:
if isinstance(sf.boundary_condition, Surface):
missing_sfs = False
for obj_id in sub_ids:
for adj_sf in adj_f.sub_faces:
if adj_sf.identifier == obj_id:
else: # missing sub-face adjacencies will get reported elsewhere
missing_sfs = True
if not missing_sfs:
for base_sf, adj_sf in zip(base_subs, adj_subs):
two_tol = 2 * tolerance
tol_area = math.sqrt(base_sf.area) * two_tol
tol_area = 2 * two_tol if tol_area < 2 * two_tol else tol_area
if abs(base_sf.area - adj_sf.area) > tol_area:
f_msg = 'SubFace "{}" with area {} is adjacent to ' \
'SubFace "{}" with area {}. This difference is greater ' \
'than what is permitted at {} tolerance ({}).'.format(
base_sf.full_id, base_sf.area,
adj_sf.full_id, adj_sf.area, tolerance, tol_area
f_msg = self._validation_message_child(
f_msg, base_sf, detailed, '000205',
error_type='Mismatched Area Adjacency')
if detailed:
parents = []
rel_obj = adj_sf
while getattr(rel_obj, '_parent', None) is not None:
rel_obj = getattr(rel_obj, '_parent')
par_dict = {
'parent_type': rel_obj.__class__.__name__,
'id': rel_obj.identifier,
'name': rel_obj.display_name
reported_items.add((adj_f.identifier, base_f.identifier))
# return all of the validation error messages that were gathered
full_msg = full_msgs if detailed else '\n'.join(full_msgs)
if raise_exception and len(full_msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_all_air_boundaries_adjacent(self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that all Faces with the AirBoundary type are adjacent to other Faces.
This is a requirement for energy simulation.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if an AirBoundary without an adjacency is found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
msgs = []
for face in self.faces:
if isinstance(face.type, AirBoundary) and not \
isinstance(face.boundary_condition, Surface):
msg = 'Face "{}" is an AirBoundary but is not adjacent ' \
'to another Face.'.format(face.full_id)
msg = self._validation_message_child(
msg, face, detailed, '000206', error_type='Non-Adjacent AirBoundary')
if detailed:
return msgs
full_msg = '\n'.join(msgs)
if raise_exception and len(msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def triangulated_apertures(self):
"""Get triangulated versions of the model Apertures that have more than 4 sides.
This is necessary for energy simulation since EnergyPlus cannot accept
sub-faces with more than 4 sides. Note that this method does not alter the
Apertures within the Model object but just returns a list of modified
Apertures that all have 3 or 4 sides.
A tuple with two elements
- triangulated_apertures: A list of lists where each list is a set of
triangle Apertures meant to replace an Aperture with more than
4 sides in the model.
- parents_to_edit: An list of lists that parallels the triangulated
apertures in that each item represents an Aperture that has been
triangulated in the model. However, each of these lists holds between
1 and 3 values for the identifiers of the original aperture and parents
of the aperture. This information is intended to help edit parent
faces that have had their child faces triangulated. The 3 values
are as follows:
* 0 = The identifier of the original Aperture that was triangulated.
* 1 = The identifier of the parent Face of the original Aperture
(if it exists).
* 2 = The identifier of the parent Room of the parent Face of the
original Aperture (if it exists).
triangulated_apertures = []
parents_to_edit = []
all_apertures = self.apertures
adj_check = [] # confirms when interior apertures are triangulated by adjacency
for ap in all_apertures:
if len(ap.geometry) <= 4:
elif ap.identifier not in adj_check:
# generate the new triangulated apertures
ap_mesh3d = ap.triangulated_mesh3d
new_verts = [[ap_mesh3d[v] for v in face] for face in ap_mesh3d.faces]
new_ap_geo = [Face3D(verts, ap.geometry.plane) for verts in new_verts]
new_ap_geo = self._remove_sliver_geometries(new_ap_geo)
new_aps, parent_edit_info = self._replace_aperture(ap, new_ap_geo)
if parent_edit_info is not None:
# coordinate new apertures with any adjacent apertures
if isinstance(ap.boundary_condition, Surface):
bc_obj_identifier = ap.boundary_condition.boundary_condition_object
for other_ap in all_apertures:
if other_ap.identifier == bc_obj_identifier:
adj_ap = other_ap
new_adj_ap_geo = [face.flip() for face in new_ap_geo]
new_adj_aps, edit_in = self._replace_aperture(adj_ap, new_adj_ap_geo)
for new_ap, new_adj_ap in zip(new_aps, new_adj_aps):
if edit_in is not None:
return triangulated_apertures, parents_to_edit
def triangulated_doors(self):
"""Get triangulated versions of the model Doors that have more than 4 sides.
This is necessary for energy simulation since EnergyPlus cannot accept
sub-faces with more than 4 sides. Note that this method does not alter the
Doors within the Model object but just returns a list of Doors that
all have 3 or 4 sides.
A tuple with two elements
- triangulated_doors: A list of lists where each list is a set of triangle
Doors meant to replace a Door with more than 4 sides in the model.
- parents_to_edit: An list of lists that parallels the triangulated_doors
in that each item represents a Door that has been triangulated
in the model. However, each of these lists holds between 1 and 3 values
for the identifiers of the original door and parents of the door.
This information is intended to help edit parent faces that have had
their child faces triangulated. The 3 values are as follows:
* 0 = The identifier of the original Door that was triangulated.
* 1 = The identifier of the parent Face of the original Door
(if it exists).
* 2 = The identifier of the parent Room of the parent Face of the
original Door (if it exists).
triangulated_doors = []
parents_to_edit = []
all_doors = self.doors
adj_check = [] # confirms when interior doors are triangulated by adjacency
for dr in all_doors:
if len(dr.geometry) <= 4:
elif dr.identifier not in adj_check:
# generate the new triangulated doors
dr_mesh3d = dr.triangulated_mesh3d
new_verts = [[dr_mesh3d[v] for v in face] for face in dr_mesh3d.faces]
new_dr_geo = [Face3D(verts, dr.geometry.plane) for verts in new_verts]
new_dr_geo = self._remove_sliver_geometries(new_dr_geo)
new_drs, parent_edit_info = self._replace_door(dr, new_dr_geo)
if parent_edit_info is not None:
# coordinate new doors with any adjacent doors
if isinstance(dr.boundary_condition, Surface):
bc_obj_identifier = dr.boundary_condition.boundary_condition_object
for other_dr in all_doors:
if other_dr.identifier == bc_obj_identifier:
adj_dr = other_dr
new_adj_dr_geo = [face.flip() for face in new_dr_geo]
new_adj_drs, edit_in = self._replace_door(adj_dr, new_adj_dr_geo)
for new_dr, new_adj_dr in zip(new_drs, new_adj_drs):
if edit_in is not None:
return triangulated_doors, parents_to_edit
def _remove_sliver_geometries(self, face3ds):
"""Remove sliver geometries from a list of Face3Ds."""
clean_face3ds = []
for face in face3ds:
if face.area >= self.tolerance:
except ValueError:
pass # degenerate triangle; remove it
return clean_face3ds
def _remove_degenerate_faces(self, hb_objs, tolerance):
"""Remove degenerate Faces, Apertures, Doors, or Shades from a list."""
i_to_remove = []
for i, face in enumerate(hb_objs):
except ValueError: # degenerate face found!
for i in reversed(i_to_remove):
def _triangulate_quad_faces(self, hb_objs, tolerance):
"""Triangulate quad geometries."""
clean_objects = []
for i, geo_obj in enumerate(hb_objs):
geo = geo_obj.geometry
if len(geo.vertices) == 4 and not geo.check_planar(tolerance, False):
verts = geo.vertices
obj_1 = geo_obj.duplicate()
obj_1.identifier = '{}..0'.format(geo_obj.identifier)
obj_1._geometry = Face3D((verts[0], verts[1], verts[2]))
obj_2 = geo_obj.duplicate()
obj_2.identifier = '{}..1'.format(geo_obj.identifier)
obj_2._geometry = Face3D((verts[2], verts[3], verts[0]))
return clean_objects
def _replace_aperture(self, original_ap, new_ap_geo):
"""Get new Apertures generated from new_ap_geo and the properties of original_ap.
Note that this method does not re-link the new apertures to new adjacent
apertures in the model. This must be done with the returned apertures.
original_ap: The original Aperture object from which properties
are borrowed.
new_ap_geo: A list of ladybug_geometry Face3D objects that will be used
to generate the new Aperture objects.
A tuple with two elements
- new_aps: A list of the new Aperture objects.
- parent_edit_info: An array of up to 3 values meant to help edit
parents that have had their child faces triangulated. The 3 values
are as follows:
* 0 = The identifier of the original Aperture that was triangulated.
* 1 = The identifier of the parent Face of the original Aperture
(if it exists).
* 2 = The identifier of the parent Room of the parent Face of the
original Aperture (if it exists).
# make the new Apertures and add them to the model
new_aps = []
for i, ap_face in enumerate(new_ap_geo):
new_ap = Aperture('{}..{}'.format(original_ap.identifier, i),
ap_face, None, original_ap.is_operable)
new_ap._properties = original_ap._properties # transfer extension properties
if original_ap.has_parent:
new_ap._parent = original_ap.parent
# transfer over any child shades to the first triangulated object
if len(original_ap._indoor_shades) != 0:
new_shds = [shd.duplicate() for shd in original_ap._indoor_shades]
if len(original_ap._outdoor_shades) != 0:
new_shds = [shd.duplicate() for shd in original_ap._outdoor_shades]
# create the parent edit info
parent_edit_info = [original_ap.identifier]
if original_ap.has_parent:
if original_ap.parent.has_parent:
return new_aps, parent_edit_info
def _replace_door(self, original_dr, new_dr_geo):
"""Get new Doors generated from new_dr_geo and the properties of original_dr.
Note that this method does not re-link the new doors to new adjacent
doors in the model. This must be done with the returned doors.
original_dr: The original Door object from which properties
are borrowed.
new_dr_geo: A list of ladybug_geometry Face3D objects that will be used
to generate the new Door objects.
A tuple with four elements
- new_drs: A list of the new Door objects.
- parent_edit_info: An array of up to 3 values meant to help edit
parents that have had their child faces triangulated. The 3 values
are as follows:
* 0 = The identifier of the original Door that was triangulated.
* 1 = The identifier of the parent Face of the original Door
(if it exists).
* 2 = The identifier of the parent Room of the parent Face of the
original Door (if it exists).
# make the new doors and add them to the model
new_drs = []
for i, dr_face in enumerate(new_dr_geo):
new_dr = Door('{}..{}'.format(original_dr.identifier, i), dr_face)
new_dr._properties = original_dr._properties # transfer extension properties
if original_dr.has_parent:
new_dr._parent = original_dr.parent
# transfer over any child shades to the first triangulated object
if len(original_dr._indoor_shades) != 0:
new_shds = [shd.duplicate() for shd in original_dr._indoor_shades]
if len(original_dr._outdoor_shades) != 0:
new_shds = [shd.duplicate() for shd in original_dr._outdoor_shades]
# create the parent edit info
parent_edit_info = [original_dr.identifier]
if original_dr.has_parent:
if original_dr.parent.has_parent:
return new_drs, parent_edit_info
def to(self):
"""Model writer object.
Use this method to access Writer class to write the model in other formats.
.. code-block:: python
model.to.idf(model) -> idf string.
model.to.radiance(model) -> Radiance string.
return writer
def to_dict(self, included_prop=None, triangulate_sub_faces=False,
"""Return Model as a dictionary.
included_prop: List of properties to filter keys that must be included in
output dictionary. For example ['energy'] will include 'energy' key if
available in properties to_dict. By default all the keys will be
included. To exclude all the keys from extensions use an empty list.
triangulate_sub_faces: Boolean to note whether sub-faces (including
Apertures and Doors) should be triangulated if they have more than
4 sides (True) or whether they should be left as they are (False).
This triangulation is necessary when exporting directly to EnergyPlus
since it cannot accept sub-faces with more than 4 vertices. Note that
setting this to True will only triangulate sub-faces with parent Faces
that also have parent Rooms since orphaned Apertures and Faces are
not relevant for energy simulation. (Default: False).
include_plane: Boolean to note wether the planes of the Face3Ds should be
included in the output. This can preserve the orientation of the
X/Y axes of the planes but is not required and can be removed to
keep the dictionary smaller. (Default: True).
# write all of the geometry objects and their properties
base = {'type': 'Model'}
base['identifier'] = self.identifier
base['display_name'] = self.display_name
base['units'] = self.units
base['properties'] = self.properties.to_dict(included_prop)
if self._rooms != []:
base['rooms'] = [r.to_dict(True, included_prop, include_plane)
for r in self._rooms]
if self._orphaned_faces != []:
base['orphaned_faces'] = [f.to_dict(True, included_prop, include_plane)
for f in self._orphaned_faces]
if self._orphaned_apertures != []:
base['orphaned_apertures'] = [ap.to_dict(True, included_prop, include_plane)
for ap in self._orphaned_apertures]
if self._orphaned_doors != []:
base['orphaned_doors'] = [dr.to_dict(True, included_prop, include_plane)
for dr in self._orphaned_doors]
if self._orphaned_shades != []:
base['orphaned_shades'] = [shd.to_dict(True, included_prop, include_plane)
for shd in self._orphaned_shades]
if self._shade_meshes != []:
base['shade_meshes'] = [sm.to_dict(True, included_prop)
for sm in self._shade_meshes]
if self.tolerance != 0:
base['tolerance'] = self.tolerance
if self.angle_tolerance != 0:
base['angle_tolerance'] = self.angle_tolerance
# triangulate sub-faces if this was requested
if triangulate_sub_faces:
apertures, parents_to_edit = self.triangulated_apertures()
for tri_aps, edit_infos in zip(apertures, parents_to_edit):
if len(edit_infos) == 3:
for room in base['rooms']:
if room['identifier'] == edit_infos[2]:
for face in room['faces']:
if face['identifier'] == edit_infos[1]:
for i, ap in enumerate(face['apertures']):
if ap['identifier'] == edit_infos[0]:
del face['apertures'][i]
[a.to_dict(True, included_prop) for a in tri_aps])
doors, parents_to_edit = self.triangulated_doors()
for tri_drs, edit_infos in zip(doors, parents_to_edit):
if len(edit_infos) == 3:
for room in base['rooms']:
if room['identifier'] == edit_infos[2]:
for face in room['faces']:
if face['identifier'] == edit_infos[1]:
for i, ap in enumerate(face['doors']):
if ap['identifier'] == edit_infos[0]:
del face['doors'][i]
[dr.to_dict(True, included_prop) for dr in tri_drs])
# write in the optional keys if they are not None
if self.user_data is not None:
base['user_data'] = self.user_data
if folders.honeybee_schema_version is not None:
base['version'] = folders.honeybee_schema_version_str
return base
def to_hbjson(self, name=None, folder=None, indent=None,
included_prop=None, triangulate_sub_faces=False):
"""Write Honeybee model to HBJSON.
name: A text string for the name of the HBJSON file. If None, the model
identifier wil be used. (Default: None).
folder: A text string for the directory where the HBJSON will be written.
If unspecified, the default simulation folder will be used. This
is usually at "C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\simulation."
indent: A positive integer to set the indentation used in the resulting
HBJSON file. (Default: None).
included_prop: List of properties to filter keys that must be included in
output dictionary. For example ['energy'] will include 'energy' key if
available in properties to_dict. By default all the keys will be
included. To exclude all the keys from extensions use an empty list.
triangulate_sub_faces: Boolean to note whether sub-faces (including
Apertures and Doors) should be triangulated if they have more than
4 sides (True) or whether they should be left as they are (False).
This triangulation is necessary when exporting directly to EnergyPlus
since it cannot accept sub-faces with more than 4 vertices. Note that
setting this to True will only triangulate sub-faces with parent Faces
that also have parent Rooms since orphaned Apertures and Faces are
not relevant for energy simulation. (Default: False).
# create dictionary from the Honeybee Model
hb_dict = self.to_dict(included_prop=included_prop,
# set up a name and folder for the HBJSON
if name is None:
name = self.identifier
file_name = name if name.lower().endswith('.hbjson') or \
name.lower().endswith('.json') else '{}.hbjson'.format(name)
folder = folder if folder is not None else folders.default_simulation_folder
hb_file = os.path.join(folder, file_name)
# write HBJSON
with open(hb_file, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(hb_dict, fp, indent=indent)
return hb_file
def to_hbpkl(self, name=None, folder=None, included_prop=None,
"""Write Honeybee model to compressed pickle file (HBpkl).
name: A text string for the name of the pickle file. If None, the model
identifier wil be used. (Default: None).
folder: A text string for the directory where the pickle file will be
written. If unspecified, the default simulation folder will be used.
This is usually at "C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\simulation."
included_prop: List of properties to filter keys that must be included in
output dictionary. For example ['energy'] will include 'energy' key if
available in properties to_dict. By default all the keys will be
included. To exclude all the keys from extensions use an empty list.
triangulate_sub_faces: Boolean to note whether sub-faces (including
Apertures and Doors) should be triangulated if they have more than
4 sides (True) or whether they should be left as they are (False).
This triangulation is necessary when exporting directly to EnergyPlus
since it cannot accept sub-faces with more than 4 vertices. Note that
setting this to True will only triangulate sub-faces with parent Faces
that also have parent Rooms since orphaned Apertures and Faces are
not relevant for energy simulation. (Default: False).
# create dictionary from the Honeybee Model
hb_dict = self.to_dict(included_prop=included_prop,
# set up a name and folder for the HBpkl
if name is None:
name = self.identifier
file_name = name if name.lower().endswith('.hbpkl') or \
name.lower().endswith('.pkl') else '{}.hbpkl'.format(name)
folder = folder if folder is not None else folders.default_simulation_folder
hb_file = os.path.join(folder, file_name)
# write the Model dictionary into a file
with open(hb_file, 'wb') as fp:
pickle.dump(hb_dict, fp)
return hb_file
def to_stl(self, name=None, folder=None):
"""Write Honeybee model to an ASCII STL file.
Note that all geometry is triangulated when it is converted to STL.
name: A text string for the name of the STL file. If None, the model
identifier wil be used. (Default: None).
folder: A text string for the directory where the STL will be written.
If unspecified, the default simulation folder will be used. This
is usually at "C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\simulation."
# set up a name and folder for the STL
if name is None:
name = self.identifier
file_name = name if name.lower().endswith('.stl') else '{}.stl'.format(name)
folder = folder if folder is not None else folders.default_simulation_folder
# collect all of the Face3Ds across the model as triangles and normals
all_geo = []
for face in self.faces:
for ap in self.apertures:
for dr in self.doors:
for shd in self.doors:
# convert the Face3Ds into a format for export to STL
_face_vertices, _face_normals = [], []
for face_3d in all_geo:
# add the geometry of a Face3D to the lists for STL export
if len(face_3d) == 3:
tri_mesh = face_3d.triangulated_mesh3d
for m_fac in tri_mesh.face_vertices:
# convert any shade meshes into STL vertices
for sm in self._shade_meshes:
for fvs, fns in zip(sm.geometry.face_vertices, sm.geometry.face_normals):
# write the geometry into an STL file
stl_obj = STL(_face_vertices, _face_normals, self.identifier)
return stl_obj.to_file(folder, file_name)
def _all_objects(self):
"""Get a single list of all the Honeybee objects in a Model."""
return self._rooms + self._orphaned_faces + self._orphaned_shades + \
self._orphaned_apertures + self._orphaned_doors + self._shade_meshes
def validate(model, check_function='check_for_extension', check_args=None,
"""Get a string of a validation report given a specific check_function.
model: A Honeybee Model object for which validation will be performed.
This can also be the file path to a HBJSON or a JSON string
representation of a Honeybee Model. These latter two options may
be useful if the type of validation issue with the Model is
one that prevents serialization.
check_function: Text for the name of a check function on this Model
that will be used to generate the validation report. For example,
check_all or check_rooms_solid. (Default: check_for_extension),
check_args: An optional list of arguments to be passed to the
check_function. If None, all default values for the arguments
will be used. (Default: None).
json_output: Boolean to note whether the output validation report
should be formatted as a JSON object instead of plain text.
# first get the function to call on this class
check_func = getattr(Model, check_function, None)
assert check_func is not None, \
'Honeybee Model class has no method {}'.format(check_function)
# process the input model if it's not already serialized
report = ''
if isinstance(model, str):
if model.startswith('{'):
model = Model.from_dict(json.loads(model))
elif os.path.isfile(model):
model = Model.from_file(model)
report = 'Input Model for validation is not a Model object, ' \
'file path to a Model or a Model HBJSON string.'
except Exception as e:
report = str(e)
elif not isinstance(model, Model):
report = 'Input Model for validation is not a Model object, ' \
'file path to a Model or a Model HBJSON string.'
# process the arguments and options
args = [model] if check_args is None else [model] + list(check_args)
kwargs = {'raise_exception': False}
# create the report
if not json_output: # create a plain text report
# add the versions of things into the validation message
c_ver = folders.honeybee_core_version_str
s_ver = folders.honeybee_schema_version_str
ver_msg = 'Validating Model using honeybee-core=={} and ' \
'honeybee-schema=={}'.format(c_ver, s_ver)
# run the check function
if isinstance(args[0], Model):
kwargs['detailed'] = False
report = check_func(*args, **kwargs)
# format the results of the check
if report == '':
full_msg = ver_msg + '\nCongratulations! Your Model is valid!'
full_msg = ver_msg + \
'\nYour Model is invalid for the following reasons:\n' + report
return full_msg
# add the versions of things into the validation message
out_dict = {
'type': 'ValidationReport',
'app_name': 'Honeybee',
'app_version': folders.honeybee_core_version_str,
'schema_version': folders.honeybee_schema_version_str,
'fatal_error': report
if report == '':
kwargs['detailed'] = True
errors = check_func(*args, **kwargs)
out_dict['errors'] = errors
out_dict['valid'] = True if len(out_dict['errors']) == 0 else False
out_dict['errors'] = []
out_dict['valid'] = False
return json.dumps(out_dict, indent=4)
def conversion_factor_to_meters(units):
"""Get the conversion factor to meters based on input units.
units: Text for the units. Choose from the following:
* Meters
* Millimeters
* Feet
* Inches
* Centimeters
A number for the conversion factor, which should be multiplied by
all distance units taken from Rhino geometry in order to convert
them to meters.
return conversion_factor_to_meters(units)
def _self_adj_check(self, obj_type, hb_obj, bc_ids, room_ids, bc_set, detailed):
"""Check that an adjacent object is referencing itself or its own room.
A check will also be performed to ensure the adjacent object doesn't already
have an adjacent pair in the model.
bc_objs = hb_obj.boundary_condition.boundary_condition_objects
bc_obj, bc_room = bc_objs[0], bc_objs[-1]
msgs = []
# first ensure that the object is not referencing itself
if hb_obj.identifier == bc_obj:
parent_msg = 'with parent "{}" '.format(hb_obj._top_parent().full_id) \
if hb_obj.has_parent else ''
msg = '{} "{}" {}cannot reference itself in its Surface boundary ' \
'condition.'.format(obj_type, hb_obj.full_id, parent_msg)
msg = self._validation_message_child(
msg, hb_obj, detailed, '000201',
error_type='Self-Referential Adjacency')
# then ensure that the object is not referencing its own room
if hb_obj.has_parent and hb_obj.parent.has_parent:
if hb_obj.parent.parent.identifier == bc_room:
msg = '{} "{}" and its adjacent object "{}" cannot be a part of the ' \
'same Room "{}".'.format(obj_type, hb_obj.full_id, bc_obj, bc_room)
msg = self._validation_message_child(
msg, hb_obj, detailed, '000202',
error_type='Intra-Room Adjacency')
# lastly make sure the adjacent object doesn't already have an adjacency
if bc_obj in bc_set:
parent_msg1 = 'with parent "{}" '.format(hb_obj._top_parent().full_id) \
if hb_obj.has_parent else ''
parent_msg2 = ' with parent "{}" '.format(bc_room) if len(bc_objs) > 1 else ''
msg = '{} "{}" {}is adjacent to object "{}"{}, which has another adjacent ' \
'object in the Model.'.format(
obj_type, hb_obj.full_id, parent_msg1, bc_obj, parent_msg2)
msg = self._validation_message_child(
msg, hb_obj, detailed, '000203',
error_type='Object with Multiple Adjacencies')
return msgs if detailed else ''.join(msgs)
def _missing_adj_msg(self, messages, hb_obj, bc_obj,
obj_type='Face', bc_obj_type='Face', detailed=False):
parent_msg = 'with parent "{}" '.format(hb_obj._top_parent().full_id) \
if hb_obj.has_parent else ''
msg = '{} "{}" {}has an adjacent {} that is missing from the model: ' \
'{}'.format(obj_type, hb_obj.full_id, parent_msg, bc_obj_type, bc_obj)
msg = self._validation_message_child(
msg, hb_obj, detailed, '000204', error_type='Missing Adjacency')
if detailed:
def _missing_adj_check(id_checking_function, bc_ids):
"""Check whether adjacencies are missing from a model."""
return []
except ValueError as e:
id_pattern = re.compile('\"([^"]*)\"')
return [obj_id for obj_id in id_pattern.findall(str(e))]
def _adj_objects(hb_obj):
"""Check that an adjacent object is referencing itself."""
bc_objs = hb_obj.boundary_condition.boundary_condition_objects
return bc_objs[0], bc_objs[-1]
def _remove_by_ids(objs, obj_ids):
"""Remove items from a list using a list of object IDs."""
if obj_ids == []:
return objs
new_objs = []
if obj_ids is not None:
obj_id_set = set(obj_ids)
for obj in objs:
if obj.identifier not in obj_id_set:
return new_objs
def __add__(self, other):
new_model = self.duplicate()
return new_model
def __iadd__(self, other):
return self
def __copy__(self):
new_model = Model(
[room.duplicate() for room in self._rooms],
[face.duplicate() for face in self._orphaned_faces],
[shade.duplicate() for shade in self._orphaned_shades],
[aperture.duplicate() for aperture in self._orphaned_apertures],
[door.duplicate() for door in self._orphaned_doors],
[shade_mesh.duplicate() for shade_mesh in self._shade_meshes],
self.units, self.tolerance, self.angle_tolerance)
new_model._display_name = self._display_name
new_model._user_data = None if self.user_data is None else self.user_data.copy()
return new_model
def __repr__(self):
return 'Model: %s' % self.display_name