honeybee.colorobj module

Module for coloring geometry with attributes.

class honeybee.colorobj.ColorFace(faces, attr_name, legend_parameters=None)[source]

Bases: _ColorObject

Object for visualizing face and sub-face level attributes.

  • faces – An array of honeybee Faces, Apertures, Doors, Shades and/or ShadeMeshes which will be colored with their attributes.

  • attr_name – A text string of an attribute that the input faces should have. This can have ‘.’ that separate the nested attributes from one another. For example, ‘properties.energy.construction’.

  • legend_parameters – An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the ColorFace (Default: None).

  • faces

  • attr_name

  • legend_parameters

  • flat_faces

  • flat_geometry

  • attr_name_end

  • attributes

  • attributes_unique

  • attributes_original

  • floor_faces

  • graphic_container

  • min_point

  • max_point


Overwrite .NET ToString.

property attr_name

Get a text string of an attribute that the input objects should have.

property attr_name_end

Get text for the last attribute in the attr_name.

Useful when attr_name is nested.

property attributes

Get a tuple of text for the attributes assigned to the objects.

If the input attr_name is a valid attribute for the object but None is assigned, the output will be ‘None’. If the input attr_name is not valid for the input object, ‘N/A’ will be returned.

property attributes_original

Get a tuple of objects for the attributes assigned to the objects.

These will follow the original object typing of the attribute and won’t be strings like the attributes.

property attributes_unique

Get a tuple of text for the unique attributes assigned to the objects.

property faces

Get the honeybee Faces, Apertures, Doors and Shades assigned to this object.

property flat_faces

Get non-nested honeybee Faces, Apertures, Doors and Shades on this object.

The objects here align with the attributes and graphic_container colors.

property flat_geometry

Get non-nested array of faces on this object.

The geometries here align with the attributes and graphic_container colors.

property graphic_container

Get a ladybug GraphicContainer that relates to this object.

The GraphicContainer possesses almost all things needed to visualize the ColorRooms object including the legend, value_colors, etc.

property legend_parameters

Get or set the legend parameters.

property max_point

Get a Point3D for the maximum of the box around the objects.

property min_point

Get a Point3D for the minimum of the box around the objects.

class honeybee.colorobj.ColorRoom(rooms, attr_name, legend_parameters=None)[source]

Bases: _ColorObject

Object for visualizing room-level attributes.

  • rooms – An array of honeybee Rooms, which will be colored with the attribute.

  • attr_name – A text string of an attribute that the input rooms should have. This can have ‘.’ that separate the nested attributes from one another. For example, ‘properties.energy.program_type’.

  • legend_parameters – An optional LegendParameter object to change the display of the ColorRoom (Default: None).

  • rooms

  • attr_name

  • legend_parameters

  • attr_name_end

  • attributes

  • attributes_unique

  • attributes_original

  • floor_faces

  • graphic_container

  • min_point

  • max_point


Overwrite .NET ToString.

property attr_name

Get a text string of an attribute that the input objects should have.

property attr_name_end

Get text for the last attribute in the attr_name.

Useful when attr_name is nested.

property attributes

Get a tuple of text for the attributes assigned to the objects.

If the input attr_name is a valid attribute for the object but None is assigned, the output will be ‘None’. If the input attr_name is not valid for the input object, ‘N/A’ will be returned.

property attributes_original

Get a tuple of objects for the attributes assigned to the objects.

These will follow the original object typing of the attribute and won’t be strings like the attributes.

property attributes_unique

Get a tuple of text for the unique attributes assigned to the objects.

property floor_faces

Get a nested array with each sub-array having all floor Face3Ds of each room.

This is useful for producing visualizations since coloring floors or rooms instead of the entire room solid allows more of the model to be viewed at once.

property graphic_container

Get a ladybug GraphicContainer that relates to this object.

The GraphicContainer possesses almost all things needed to visualize the ColorRooms object including the legend, value_colors, etc.

property legend_parameters

Get or set the legend parameters.

property max_point

Get a Point3D for the maximum of the box around the objects.

property min_point

Get a Point3D for the minimum of the box around the objects.

property rooms

Get a tuple of honeybee Rooms assigned to this object.