Source code for

# coding=utf-8
"""Room2D Energy Properties."""
from honeybee.boundarycondition import Outdoors
from import RoomEnergyProperties
from honeybee_energy.programtype import ProgramType
from honeybee_energy.constructionset import ConstructionSet
from honeybee_energy.hvac import HVAC_TYPES_DICT
from honeybee_energy.hvac._base import _HVACSystem
from honeybee_energy.hvac.idealair import IdealAirSystem
from honeybee_energy.shw import SHWSystem
from honeybee_energy.ventcool.control import VentilationControl
from honeybee_energy.ventcool.opening import VentilationOpening
from honeybee_energy.load.process import Process

from honeybee_energy.lib.constructionsets import generic_construction_set
from honeybee_energy.lib.programtypes import plenum_program

[docs] class Room2DEnergyProperties(object): """Energy Properties for Dragonfly Room2D. Args: host: A dragonfly_core Room2D object that hosts these properties. program_type: A honeybee ProgramType object to specify all default schedules and loads for the Room2D. If None, the Room2D will have a Plenum program (with no loads or setpoints). Default: None. construction_set: A honeybee ConstructionSet object to specify all default constructions for the Faces of the Room2D. If None, the Room2D will use the honeybee default construction set, which is not representative of a particular building code or climate zone. Default: None. hvac: A honeybee HVAC object (such as an IdealAirSystem) that specifies how the Room2D is conditioned. If None, it will be assumed that the Room2D is not conditioned. Default: None. Properties: * host * program_type * construction_set * hvac * shw * window_vent_control * window_vent_opening * process_loads * total_process_load * is_conditioned * has_window_opening """ __slots__ = ('_host', '_program_type', '_construction_set', '_hvac', '_shw', '_window_vent_control', '_window_vent_opening', '_process_loads') def __init__( self, host, program_type=None, construction_set=None, hvac=None, shw=None): """Initialize Room2D energy properties.""" self._host = host self.program_type = program_type self.construction_set = construction_set self.hvac = hvac self.shw = shw self._window_vent_control = None # set to None by default self._window_vent_opening = None # set to None by default self._process_loads = [] @property def host(self): """Get the Room2D object hosting these properties.""" return self._host @property def program_type(self): """Get or set the ProgramType object for the Room2D. If not set, it will default to a plenum ProgramType (with no loads assigned). """ if self._program_type is not None: # set by the user return self._program_type else: return plenum_program @program_type.setter def program_type(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, ProgramType), 'Expected ProgramType for Room2D ' \ 'program_type. Got {}'.format(type(value)) value.lock() # lock in case program type has multiple references self._program_type = value @property def construction_set(self): """Get or set the Room2D ConstructionSet object. If not set, it will be set by the parent Story or will be the Honeybee default generic ConstructionSet. """ if self._construction_set is not None: # set by the user return self._construction_set elif self._host.has_parent: # set by parent story return else: return generic_construction_set @construction_set.setter def construction_set(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, ConstructionSet), \ 'Expected ConstructionSet. Got {}'.format(type(value)) value.lock() # lock in case construction set has multiple references self._construction_set = value @property def hvac(self): """Get or set the HVAC object for the Room2D. If None, it will be assumed that the Room2D is not conditioned. """ return self._hvac @hvac.setter def hvac(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, _HVACSystem), \ 'Expected HVACSystem for Room2D hvac. Got {}'.format(type(value)) value.lock() # lock in case hvac has multiple references self._hvac = value @property def shw(self): """Get or set the SHWSystem object for the Room2D. If None, all hot water loads will be met with a system that doesn't compute fuel or electricity usage. """ return self._shw @shw.setter def shw(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, SHWSystem), \ 'Expected SHWSystem for Room shw. Got {}'.format(type(value)) value.lock() # lock in case shw has multiple references self._shw = value @property def window_vent_control(self): """Get or set a VentilationControl object to dictate the opening of windows. If None or no window_vent_opening object is assigned to this Room2D, the windows will never open. """ return self._window_vent_control @window_vent_control.setter def window_vent_control(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, VentilationControl), 'Expected VentilationControl' \ ' object for Room2D window_vent_control. Got {}'.format(type(value)) value.lock() # lock because we don't duplicate the object self._window_vent_control = value @property def window_vent_opening(self): """Get or set a VentilationOpening object for the operability of all windows. If None or no window_vent_control object is assigned to this Room2D, the windows will never open. """ return self._window_vent_opening @window_vent_opening.setter def window_vent_opening(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, VentilationOpening), 'Expected VentilationOpening' \ ' for Room2D window_vent_opening. Got {}'.format(type(value)) self._window_vent_opening = value @property def process_loads(self): """Get or set an array of Process objects for process loads within the Room2D.""" return tuple(self._process_loads) @process_loads.setter def process_loads(self, value): for val in value: assert isinstance(val, Process), 'Expected Process ' \ 'object for Room process_loads. Got {}'.format(type(val)) val.lock() # lock because we don't duplicate the object self._process_loads = list(value) @property def total_process_load(self): """Get a number for the total process load in W within the room.""" return sum([load.watts for load in self._process_loads]) @property def is_conditioned(self): """Boolean to note whether the Room is conditioned.""" return self._hvac is not None @property def has_window_opening(self): """Boolean to note whether the Room has operable windows with controls.""" return self._window_vent_opening is not None
[docs] def add_default_ideal_air(self): """Add a default IdealAirSystem to this Room2D. The identifier of this system will be derived from the room identifier and will align with the naming convention that EnergyPlus uses for templates Ideal Air systems. """ hvac_id = '{} Ideal Loads Air System'.format( self.hvac = IdealAirSystem(hvac_id)
[docs] def add_process_load(self, process_load): """Add a Process load to this Room2D. Args: process_load: A Process load to add to this Room. """ assert isinstance(process_load, Process), \ 'Expected Process load object. Got {}.'.format(type(process_load)) process_load.lock() # lock because we don't duplicate the object self._process_loads.append(process_load)
[docs] def remove_process_loads(self): """Remove all Process loads from the Room.""" self._process_loads = []
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data, host): """Create Room2DEnergyProperties from a dictionary. Note that the dictionary must be a non-abridged version for this classmethod to work. Args: data: A dictionary representation of Room2DEnergyProperties in the format below. host: A Room2D object that hosts these properties. .. code-block:: python { "type": 'Room2DEnergyProperties', "construction_set": {}, # A ConstructionSet dictionary "program_type": {}, # A ProgramType dictionary "hvac": {}, # A HVACSystem dictionary "shw": {}, # A SHWSystem dictionary "daylighting_control": {}, # A DaylightingControl dictionary "window_vent_control": {} # A VentilationControl dictionary "process_loads": [] # An array of Process dictionaries } """ assert data['type'] == 'Room2DEnergyProperties', \ 'Expected Room2DEnergyProperties. Got {}.'.format(data['type']) new_prop = cls(host) if 'construction_set' in data and data['construction_set'] is not None: new_prop.construction_set = \ ConstructionSet.from_dict(data['construction_set']) if 'program_type' in data and data['program_type'] is not None: new_prop.program_type = ProgramType.from_dict(data['program_type']) if 'hvac' in data and data['hvac'] is not None: hvac_class = HVAC_TYPES_DICT[data['hvac']['type']] new_prop.hvac = hvac_class.from_dict(data['hvac']) if 'shw' in data and data['shw'] is not None: new_prop.shw = SHWSystem.from_dict(data['shw']) cls._deserialize_window_vent(new_prop, data, {}) if 'process_loads' in data and data['process_loads'] is not None: new_prop.process_loads = \ [Process.from_dict(dat) for dat in data['process_loads']] return new_prop
[docs] def apply_properties_from_dict(self, abridged_data, construction_sets, program_types, hvacs, shws, schedules): """Apply properties from a Room2DEnergyPropertiesAbridged dictionary. Args: abridged_data: A Room2DEnergyPropertiesAbridged dictionary (typically coming from a Model). construction_sets: A dictionary of ConstructionSets with identifiers of the sets as keys, which will be used to re-assign construction_sets. program_types: A dictionary of ProgramTypes with identifiers of the types ask keys, which will be used to re-assign program_types. hvacs: A dictionary of HVACSystems with the identifiers of the systems as keys, which will be used to re-assign hvac to the Room. shws: A dictionary of SHWSystems with the identifiers of the systems as keys, which will be used to re-assign shw to the Room. schedules: A dictionary of Schedules with identifiers of the schedules as keys, which will be used to re-assign schedules. """ if 'construction_set' in abridged_data and \ abridged_data['construction_set'] is not None: self.construction_set = construction_sets[abridged_data['construction_set']] if 'program_type' in abridged_data and abridged_data['program_type'] is not None: self.program_type = program_types[abridged_data['program_type']] if 'hvac' in abridged_data and abridged_data['hvac'] is not None: self.hvac = hvacs[abridged_data['hvac']] if 'shw' in abridged_data and abridged_data['shw'] is not None: self.shw = shws[abridged_data['shw']] self._deserialize_window_vent(self, abridged_data, schedules) if 'process_loads' in abridged_data and \ abridged_data['process_loads'] is not None: for dat in abridged_data['process_loads']: if dat['type'] == 'Process': self._process_loads.append(Process.from_dict(dat)) else: self._process_loads.append( Process.from_dict_abridged(dat, schedules) )
[docs] def to_dict(self, abridged=False): """Return Room2D energy properties as a dictionary. Args: abridged: Boolean for whether the full dictionary of the Room2D should be written (False) or just the identifier of the the individual properties (True). Default: False. """ base = {'energy': {}} base['energy']['type'] = 'Room2DEnergyProperties' if not \ abridged else 'Room2DEnergyPropertiesAbridged' # write the ProgramType into the dictionary if self._program_type is not None: base['energy']['program_type'] = self._program_type.identifier if abridged \ else self._program_type.to_dict() # write the ConstructionSet into the dictionary if self._construction_set is not None: base['energy']['construction_set'] = \ self._construction_set.identifier if abridged else \ self._construction_set.to_dict() # write the hvac into the dictionary if self._hvac is not None: base['energy']['hvac'] = \ self._hvac.identifier if abridged else self._hvac.to_dict() # write the shw into the dictionary if self._shw is not None: base['energy']['shw'] = \ self._shw.identifier if abridged else self._shw.to_dict() # write the window_vent_control and window_vent_opening into the dictionary if self._window_vent_control is not None: base['energy']['window_vent_control'] = \ self.window_vent_control.to_dict(abridged) if self._window_vent_opening is not None: base['energy']['window_vent_opening'] = self.window_vent_opening.to_dict() # write the process_loads into the dictionary if len(self._process_loads) != 0: base['energy']['process_loads'] = \ [p.to_dict(abridged) for p in self._process_loads] return base
[docs] def to_honeybee(self, new_host): """Get a honeybee version of this object. Args: new_host: A honeybee-core Room object that will host these properties. """ constr_set = self.construction_set # includes story and building-assigned sets hb_constr = constr_set if constr_set is not generic_construction_set else None hb_prop = RoomEnergyProperties( new_host, self._program_type, hb_constr, self._hvac, self._shw) if self._window_vent_control is not None: hb_prop.window_vent_control = self.window_vent_control if self._window_vent_opening is not None: for face in new_host.faces: # set all apertures to be operable for ap in face.apertures: if isinstance(ap.boundary_condition, Outdoors): ap.is_operable = True hb_prop.assign_ventilation_opening(self.window_vent_opening) if len(self._process_loads) != 0: hb_prop.process_loads = self.process_loads return hb_prop
[docs] def from_honeybee(self, hb_properties): """Transfer energy attributes from a Honeybee Room to Dragonfly Room2D. Args: hb_properties: The RoomEnergyProperties of the honeybee Room that is being translated to a Dragonfly Room2D. """ self._program_type = hb_properties._program_type self._construction_set = hb_properties._construction_set self._hvac = hb_properties._hvac self._shw = hb_properties._shw self._process_loads = hb_properties._process_loads[:] # copy the list if hb_properties._window_vent_control is not None: self._window_vent_control = hb_properties._window_vent_control for face in for ap in face.apertures: if is not None: self._window_vent_opening = break if self._window_vent_opening is not None: break
[docs] def duplicate(self, new_host=None): """Get a copy of this object. Args: new_host: A new Room2D object that hosts these properties. If None, the properties will be duplicated with the same host. """ _host = new_host or self._host hb_prop = Room2DEnergyProperties( _host, self._program_type, self._construction_set, self._hvac, self._shw) hb_prop._window_vent_control = self._window_vent_control hb_prop._window_vent_opening = self._window_vent_opening hb_prop._process_loads = self._process_loads[:] # copy process load list return hb_prop
@staticmethod def _deserialize_window_vent(new_prop, data, schedules): """Re-serialize window ventilation objects from a dict and apply to new_prop. Args: new_prop: A Room2DEnergyProperties to apply the window ventilation to. data: A dictionary representation of Room2DEnergyProperties. """ if 'window_vent_control' in data and data['window_vent_control'] is not None: wvc = data['window_vent_control'] new_prop.window_vent_control = \ VentilationControl.from_dict_abridged(wvc, schedules) \ if wvc['type'] == 'VentilationControlAbridged' else \ VentilationControl.from_dict(wvc) if 'window_vent_opening' in data and data['window_vent_opening'] is not None: new_prop.window_vent_opening = \ VentilationOpening.from_dict(data['window_vent_opening'])
[docs] def ToString(self): return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self): return 'Room2D Energy Properties: {}'.format(