dragonfly_energy.config module

dragonfly_energy configurations.

Import this into every module where access configurations are needed.


from dragonfly_energy.config import folders
folders.mapper_path = "C:/Urbanopt_test/Honeybee.rb"
class dragonfly_energy.config.Folders(config_file=None, mute=True)[source]

Bases: object

Dragonfly_energy folders.

  • config_file – The path to the config.json file from which folders are loaded. If None, the config.json module included in this package will be used. Default: None.

  • mute – If False, the paths to the various folders will be printed as they are found. If True, no printing will occur upon initialization of this class. Default: True.

  • mapper_path

  • urbanopt_gemfile_path

  • urbanopt_cli_path

  • urbanopt_env_path

  • urbanopt_version

  • urbanopt_version_str

  • reopt_assumptions_path

  • docker_version

  • docker_version_str

  • config_file

  • mute


Check if the installed version of URBANopt is the acceptable one.


Run the URBANopt setup-env file to set this object’s urbanopt_env_path.

COMPATIBILITY_URL = 'https://github.com/ladybug-tools/lbt-grasshopper/wiki/1.4-Compatibility-Matrix'
property config_file

Get or set the path to the config.json file from which folders are loaded.

Setting this to None will result in using the config.json module included in this package.

property docker_version

Get a tuple for the version of Docker installed (eg. (24, 0, 7)).

This will be None if the version could not be sensed or if no Docker installation was found.

property docker_version_str

Get text for the full version of Docker (eg. “24.0.7”).

This will be None if the version could not be sensed or if no Docker installation was found.

property mapper_path

Get or set the path to the Ruby mapper used in URBANopt workflows.

This is the Ruby file that is used to map URBANopt geoJSON features to honeybee model JSONs.

property reopt_assumptions_path

Get or set the path to the JSON file that contains base REopt assumptions.

property urbanopt_cli_path

Get or set the path to the path where URBANopt is installed.

Setting this can be used to test newer versions of URBANopt.

property urbanopt_env_path

Get or set the path to the executable used to set the URBANopt environment.

property urbanopt_gemfile_path

Get or set the path to the Gemfile used in URBANopt workflows.

Setting this can be used to test newer versions of URBANopt with upgraded dependencies in the Gemfile.

property urbanopt_version

Get a tuple for the version of URBANopt (eg. (0, 7, 1)).

This will be None if the version could not be sensed or if no URBANopt installation was found.

property urbanopt_version_str

Get text for the full version of URBANopt (eg. “0.7.1”).

This will be None if the version could not be sensed or if no URBANopt installation was found.