
Git Commit Messages

In order to facilitate code versioning and deployment we use semantic-release. You can read all about it on their Github but essentially versioning is applied automatically based on commit messages. For this reason a specific commit style is required, we follow Angular Commit Message conventions. You could type this all manually OR you could install commitizen. The easiest way to do so is to simply run the command below:

npm install -g commitizen cz-conventional-changelog && echo '{ "path": "cz-conventional-changelog" }' > ~/.czrc

You should now be able to commit changes and easily follow the angular commit style by running:

git cz

JavaScript Styleguide

Readable code is achieved through linting. This is what ESlint is used for.

We follow the AirBnB linting style. The easiest way to follow this linting style is to setup Eslint on your code editor or run the following command and check for warnings/errors:

npm run lint

You can activate it in VScode by downloading the ESLint package. It should pick up linting issues and help you correct them as you code. And before you ask... Spaces > Tabs.