Local Development

To start contributing you will need to set up your local coding environment if this is not already the case.

Installing NodeJS

We all have to start our coding, Javascript or NodeJS journey somewhere so why not start with Spider-Core! For the sake of ensuring that specific versions of NodeJS may be used without making your life difficult in the future, we recommend installing NodeJS through nvm, which manages multiple NodeJS version on your machine for you.

  • NVM - OSX/Linux
  • NVM - Windows

Once nvm is installed, you may open a Windows command shell and start using NodeJS 11 by installing it using the following commands

nvm install 11
nvm use 11
nvm install 11
nvm use 11


nvm install latest

nvm will report to you the number of the release it has installed.

Or even set NodeJS 11 as your default:

nvm user default 11

Using NPM

Here is a great guide on what NPM is and how to use it. The low down is that NPM stands for Node Package Manager and... well... it manages nodejs packages.

Installing a code editor

There are many code editors out there and it is pointless to start listing them all. If you're not sure/don't care which to pick, we reccomend you use VSCode because most developers for this project use it and it'll make it easier to setup linting and such.

Cloning Spider-Core

In order to write code and propose changes you will need to Fork the project and clone your Fork to your computer. You will need to install git to do so. Once git is installed run the following command replacing YOURNAME with your github username:

git clone git@github.com:YOURNAME/spider-core.git

Installing Node Packages

Once the repository has been cloned you will need to install the Node packages so you can run tests and ensure the code is working. First cd into the project folder and then run npm install:

cd /path/to/spider-core
npm install

Writing Code

Right! You're good to go! Write some awesome code, don't forget to test it and check the Contributing docs to make sure you're Pull Request gets dealt with as smoothly as possible. Thanks again for the help!