Source code for lbt_recipes.version
"""Methods to check whether an installed engine version is compatible with recipes."""
import os
import subprocess
from honeybee_radiance.config import folders as rad_folders
from honeybee_energy.config import folders as energy_folders
# These constants set the engine version compatibility across the entire
# LBT Grasshopper plugin
RADIANCE_DATE = (2021, 3, 28)
EP_VERSION = (23, 2, 0)
OS_VERSION = (3, 7, 0)
def check_radiance_date():
"""Check if the installed version of Radiance is at or above the acceptable date."""
rad_msg = 'Download and install the version of Radiance listed in the Ladybug ' \
'Tools compatibility matrix\n{}'.format(COMPATIBILITY_URL)
assert rad_folders.radiance_path is not None, \
'No Radiance installation was found on this machine.\n{}'.format(rad_msg)
rad_version = rad_folders.radiance_version_date
if rad_version is None:
rad_exe = os.path.join(rad_folders.radbin_path, 'rtrace.exe') \
if == 'nt' \
else os.path.join(rad_folders.radbin_path, 'rtrace')
cmds = [rad_exe, '-version']
use_shell = True if == 'nt' else False
process = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=use_shell)
_, stderr = process.communicate()
if stderr not in ('', b''):
msg = 'A Radiance installation was found at {}\n' \
'but the Radiance executables are not accessible.\n{}'.format(
rad_folders.radbin_path, stderr)
raise ValueError(msg)
return None # in case the issue was specifically with rtrace
assert rad_version >= RADIANCE_DATE, \
'The installed Radiance is from {}.\n Must be from from {} or later.\n{}'.format(
'/'.join(str(v) for v in rad_version),
'/'.join(str(v) for v in RADIANCE_DATE), rad_msg)
def check_openstudio_version():
"""Check if the installed version of OpenStudio is at or above the acceptable one."""
in_msg = 'Download and install the version of OpenStudio listed in the Ladybug ' \
'Tools compatibility matrix\n{}.'.format(COMPATIBILITY_URL)
assert energy_folders.openstudio_path is not None, \
'No OpenStudio installation was found on this machine.\n{}'.format(in_msg)
os_version = energy_folders.openstudio_version
if os_version is None:
cmds = [energy_folders.openstudio_exe, 'openstudio_version']
use_shell = True if == 'nt' else False
process = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=use_shell)
_, stderr = process.communicate()
msg = 'An OpenStudio installation was found at {}\n' \
'but the OpenStudio executable is not accessible.\n{}'.format(
energy_folders.openstudio_exe, stderr)
raise ValueError(msg)
assert os_version >= OS_VERSION, \
'The installed OpenStudio is {}.\nMust be version {} or greater.\n{}'.format(
'.'.join(str(v) for v in os_version),
'.'.join(str(v) for v in OS_VERSION), in_msg)
def check_energyplus_version():
"""Check if the installed version of EnergyPlus is at or above the acceptable one."""
in_msg = 'Get a compatible version of EnergyPlus by downloading and installing\n' \
'the version of OpenStudio listed in the Ladybug Tools compatibility ' \
assert energy_folders.energyplus_path is not None, \
'No EnergyPlus installation was found on this machine.\n{}'.format(in_msg)
ep_version = energy_folders.energyplus_version
if ep_version is None:
cmds = [energy_folders.energyplus_exe, '--version']
use_shell = True if == 'nt' else False
process = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=use_shell)
_, stderr = process.communicate()
msg = 'An EnergyPlus installation was found at {}\n' \
'but the EnergyPlus executable is not accessible.\n{}'.format(
energy_folders.energyplus_exe, stderr)
raise ValueError(msg)
assert ep_version is not None and ep_version >= EP_VERSION, \
'The installed EnergyPlus is {}.\nMust be version {} or greater.\n{}'.format(
'.'.join(str(v) for v in ep_version),
'.'.join(str(v) for v in EP_VERSION), in_msg)