Source code for ladybug_vtk.from_geometry

"""Functions to translate ladybug geometry objects into VTK polydata objects."""

import vtk
import math
from typing import List, Union
from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d import Point2D, LineSegment2D, Polyline2D, \
    Polygon2D, Mesh2D
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Point3D, Polyline3D, Arc3D, LineSegment3D,\
    Mesh3D, Polyface3D, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere, Face3D, Plane, Vector3D
from .polydata import PolyData

[docs] def from_point2d(point: Point2D) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a Ladybug Point2D object. Args: point: A ladybug Point object. Returns: Polydata containing a single point. """ vtk_point = vtk.vtkPoints() vtk_vertice = vtk.vtkCellArray() vtk_point.InsertNextPoint(point.x, point.y, 0) vtk_vertice.InsertNextCell(1, [1]) polydata = PolyData() polydata.SetPoints(vtk_point) polydata.SetVerts(vtk_vertice) polydata.Modified() return polydata
def _polyline_from_points(points: List[Point2D]) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a list of Ladybug Point2D objects. Args: points: A list of Ladybug Point2D objects. Returns: Polydata containing a polyline created by joining the points. """ pts = vtk.vtkPoints() for point in points: pts.InsertNextPoint(point.x, point.y, 0) polyline = vtk.vtkPolyLine() polyline.GetPointIds().SetNumberOfIds(len(points)) for i in range(len(points)): polyline.GetPointIds().SetId(i, i) cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() cells.InsertNextCell(polyline) polydata = PolyData() polydata.SetPoints(pts) polydata.SetLines(cells) return polydata
[docs] def from_points2d(points: List[Point2D], join: bool = False) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a list of Ladybug Point2D objects. Args: points: A list of Ladybug Point2D objects. join: Boolean to indicate whether the points should be joined into a polyline. Returns: Polydata containing all points or a polyline. """ if join: return _polyline_from_points(points) vtk_points = vtk.vtkPoints() vtk_vertices = vtk.vtkCellArray() for point in points: vtk_points.InsertNextPoint(point.x, point.y, 0) vtk_vertices.InsertNextCell(len(points), list(range(len(points)))) polydata = PolyData() polydata.SetPoints(vtk_points) polydata.SetVerts(vtk_vertices) polydata.Modified() return polydata
[docs] def from_line2d(line: LineSegment2D) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a Ladybug LineSegment2D object. Args: line: A Ladybug LineSegment2D object. Returns: Polydata containing a line. """ return from_points2d(line.vertices, join=True)
[docs] def from_polyline2d(polyline: Polyline2D) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a Ladybug Polyline2D object. Args: polyline: A Ladybug Polyline2D object. Returns: Polydata containing a polyline. """ return from_points2d(polyline.vertices, join=True)
[docs] def from_polygon2d(polygon: Polygon2D) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a Ladybug Polygon2D object. Args: polygon: A Ladybug Polygon2D object. Returns: Polydata containing a polygon. """ verts = polygon.vertices + (polygon[0],) return from_points2d(verts, join=True)
[docs] def from_point3d(point: Point3D) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a Ladybug Point3D object. Args: point: A ladybug Point object. Returns: Polydata containing a single point. """ vtk_point = vtk.vtkPoints() vtk_vertice = vtk.vtkCellArray() vtk_point.InsertNextPoint(tuple(point)) vtk_vertice.InsertNextCell(1, [1]) polydata = PolyData() polydata.SetPoints(vtk_point) polydata.SetVerts(vtk_vertice) polydata.Modified() return polydata
def _polyline_from_points3d(points: List[Point3D]) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a list of Ladybug Point3D objects. Args: points: A list of Ladybug Point3D objects. Returns: Polydata containing a polyline created by joining the points. """ pts = vtk.vtkPoints() for pt in points: pts.InsertNextPoint(tuple(pt)) polyline = vtk.vtkPolyLine() polyline.GetPointIds().SetNumberOfIds(len(points)) for i in range(len(points)): polyline.GetPointIds().SetId(i, i) cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() cells.InsertNextCell(polyline) polydata = PolyData() polydata.SetPoints(pts) polydata.SetLines(cells) return polydata
[docs] def from_points3d(points: List[Point3D], join: bool = False) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a list of Ladybug Point3D objects. Args: points: A list of Ladybug Point3D objects. join: Boolean to indicate whether the points should be joined into a polyline. Returns: Polydata containing all points or a polyline. """ if join: return _polyline_from_points3d(points) vtk_points = vtk.vtkPoints() vtk_vertices = vtk.vtkCellArray() for point in points: vtk_points.InsertNextPoint(tuple(point)) vtk_vertices.InsertNextCell(len(points), list(range(len(points)))) polydata = PolyData() polydata.SetPoints(vtk_points) polydata.SetVerts(vtk_vertices) polydata.Modified() return polydata
[docs] def from_line3d(line: LineSegment3D) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a Ladybug LineSegment3D object. Args: line: A Ladybug LineSegment3D object. Returns: Polydata containing a line. """ return from_points3d(line.vertices, join=True)
[docs] def from_polyline3d(polyline: Polyline3D) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a Ladybug Polyline3D object. Args: polyline: A Ladybug Polyline3D object. Returns: Polydata containing a polyline. """ return from_points3d(polyline.vertices, join=True)
[docs] def from_arc3d(arc3d: Arc3D, resolution: int = 3) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a Ladybug Arc3D object. Args: arc3d: A Ladybug Arc3D object. resolution: The number of degrees per subdivision. The default is 3 that creates 120 segments for an full circle. Returns: Polydata containing an arc. """ arc = vtk.vtkArcSource() arc.UseNormalAndAngleOn() arc.SetCenter(arc3d.c.x, arc3d.c.y, arc3d.c.z) polar_vector = LineSegment3D.from_end_points(arc3d.c, arc3d.p1).v arc.SetPolarVector(round(polar_vector.x, 2), round( polar_vector.y, 2), round(polar_vector.z, 2)) normal = arc3d.plane.n arc.SetNormal(round(normal.x, 2), round(normal.y, 2), round(normal.z, 2)) arc.SetAngle(math.degrees(arc3d.angle)) vtk_resolution = max(int(math.degrees(arc3d.angle) / resolution), 2) arc.SetResolution(vtk_resolution) arc.Update() polydata = PolyData() polydata.ShallowCopy(arc.GetOutput()) # delete the array named 'Texture Coordinates' # that's generated automatically for some reason polydata.GetPointData().RemoveArray('Texture Coordinates') return polydata
[docs] def from_mesh3d(mesh: Mesh3D) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a Ladybug mesh. Args: mesh: A Ladybug Mesh3D object. Returns: Polydata containing face and points of a mesh. """ points = vtk.vtkPoints() polygon = vtk.vtkPolygon() cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() for ver in mesh.vertices: points.InsertNextPoint(*ver) for face in mesh.faces: polygon.GetPointIds().SetNumberOfIds(len(face)) for count, i in enumerate(face): polygon.GetPointIds().SetId(count, i) cells.InsertNextCell(polygon) polydata = PolyData() polydata.SetPoints(points) polydata.SetPolys(cells) return polydata
[docs] def from_mesh2d(mesh: Mesh2D) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a Ladybug mesh 2D. Args: mesh: A Ladybug Mesh2D object. Returns: Polydata containing face and points of a mesh. """ points = vtk.vtkPoints() polygon = vtk.vtkPolygon() cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() for ver in mesh.vertices: points.InsertNextPoint(ver[0], ver[1], 0) for face in mesh.faces: polygon.GetPointIds().SetNumberOfIds(len(face)) for count, i in enumerate(face): polygon.GetPointIds().SetId(count, i) cells.InsertNextCell(polygon) polydata = PolyData() polydata.SetPoints(points) polydata.SetPolys(cells) return polydata
[docs] def from_face3d(face: Face3D) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a Ladybug face. Args: face: A Ladybug Face3D object. Returns: Polydata containing face and points of a face. """ if face.has_holes or not face.is_convex: return from_mesh3d(face.triangulated_mesh3d) points = vtk.vtkPoints() polygon = vtk.vtkPolygon() cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() vertices_count = len(face.vertices) polygon.GetPointIds().SetNumberOfIds(vertices_count) for ver in face.vertices: points.InsertNextPoint(*ver) for count in range(vertices_count): polygon.GetPointIds().SetId(count, count) cells.InsertNextCell(polygon) polydata = PolyData() polydata.SetPoints(points) polydata.SetPolys(cells) return polydata
[docs] def from_polyface3d(polyface: Polyface3D) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a Ladybug Polyface. Args: polyface: A Ladybug Polyface3D object. Returns: A Polydata representing the PolyFace3D. """ points = vtk.vtkPoints() polygon = vtk.vtkPolygon() cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() for ver in polyface.vertices: points.InsertNextPoint(*ver) # starting number to count for the new vertices that are being added for # triangulated meshes addition = len(polyface.vertices) for face, face_geo in zip(polyface.face_indices, polyface.faces): if face_geo.has_holes or not face_geo.is_convex: meshed_face = face_geo.triangulated_mesh3d for ver in meshed_face.vertices: points.InsertNextPoint(*ver) for face in meshed_face.faces: polygon.GetPointIds().SetNumberOfIds(len(face)) for count, i in enumerate(face): polygon.GetPointIds().SetId(count, i + addition) cells.InsertNextCell(polygon) addition += len(meshed_face.vertices) else: face = face[0] polygon.GetPointIds().SetNumberOfIds(len(face)) for count, i in enumerate(face): polygon.GetPointIds().SetId(count, i) cells.InsertNextCell(polygon) polydata = PolyData() polydata.SetPoints(points) polydata.SetPolys(cells) return polydata
[docs] def from_cone(cone: Cone, resolution: int = 2, cap: bool = True) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a Ladybug Cone. Args: cone: A Ladybug Cone object. resolution: The number of segments into which the cone will be divided. If set to 0, a line will be created. If set to 1, a single triangle will be created. If set to 2, two crossed triangles will be created. If set to greater than 2, a 3D cone with the number of sides equal to the resolution will be created. Defaults to 2. cap: Boolean to indicate whether the cone should capped or not. Default to True. Returns: Polydata containing a cone. """ cone_source = vtk.vtkConeSource() cone_source.SetResolution(resolution) cone_source.SetRadius(cone.radius) cone_source.SetHeight(cone.height) cone_source.SetDirection(tuple(cone.axis)) center = cone.vertex.move(cone.axis.reverse()) cone_source.SetCenter(tuple(center)) if not cap: cone_source.CappingOff() cone_source.Update() polydata = PolyData() polydata.ShallowCopy(cone_source.GetOutput()) return polydata
[docs] def from_sphere(sphere: Sphere, resolution: int = 50) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a Ladybug Sphere. Args: sphere: A Ladybug Sphere object. resolution: The number of segments into which the sphere will be divided. Defaults to 50. Returns: Polydata containing a sphere. """ sphere_source = vtk.vtkSphereSource() sphere_source.SetCenter(tuple( sphere_source.SetRadius(sphere.radius) sphere_source.SetPhiResolution(resolution) sphere_source.SetThetaResolution(resolution) sphere_source.Update() polydata = PolyData() polydata.ShallowCopy(sphere_source.GetOutput()) return polydata
[docs] def from_cylinder( cylinder: Cylinder, resolution: int = 50, cap: bool = True ) -> PolyData: """Create Polydata from a Ladybug Cylinder. Args: cylinder: A Ladybug Cylinder object. resolution: The number of segments into which the cylinder will be divided. Defaults to 50. cap: Boolean to indicate whether the cylinder should capped or not. Default to True. Returns: Polydata containing a cylinder. """ cylinder_source = vtk.vtkCylinderSource() cylinder_source.SetCenter(tuple( cylinder_source.SetRadius(cylinder.radius) cylinder_source.SetHeight(cylinder.height) cylinder_source.SetResolution(resolution) if not cap: cylinder_source.CappingOff() cylinder_source.Update() polydata = PolyData() polydata.ShallowCopy(cylinder_source.GetOutput()) return polydata
[docs] def from_text( text: str, *, plane: Union[Point3D, Point2D, Plane], height: float = 2, horizontal_alignment: int = 0, vertical_alignment: int = 2 ) -> PolyData: """Create a VTK text object from a text string and a ladybug Point3D. Args: text: A text string. plane: A ladybug Plane, Point3D or Point2D object to locate and orient the text in the VTK scene. height: A number for the height of the text in the scene. Defaults is set to 2. horizontal_alignment: An optional integer to specify the horizontal alignment of the text. Choose from: (0 = Left, 1 = Center, 2 = Right). vertical_alignment: An optional integer to specify the vertical alignment of the text. Choose from: (0 = Top, 1 = Middle, 2 = Bottom) Returns: A Polydata object containing the text. """ def _apply_transformation( source: vtk.vtkVectorText, plane: Plane, height: float, offset_multiline: bool = False ) -> vtk.vtkTransformPolyDataFilter: transform = vtk.vtkTransform() transform.PostMultiply() # VTK generates the texts initially on a plane at the origin original_plane = Plane( n=Vector3D(0, 0, 1), o=Point3D(0, 0, 0), x=Vector3D(1, 0, 0) ) rotated_plane = original_plane if plane.n != original_plane.n: # match the normal of the two plane angle_rad = original_plane.n.angle(plane.n) angle = math.degrees(angle_rad) if angle > 0.1: vector = original_plane.n.cross(plane.n) if vector == Vector3D(0, 0, 0): vector = Vector3D(1, 0, 0) transform.RotateWXYZ(angle, vector.x, vector.y, vector.z) rotated_plane = original_plane.rotate(vector, angle_rad, original_plane.o) # now match the x axis angle_rad = rotated_plane.x.angle(plane.x) angle = math.degrees(angle_rad) if angle > 0.1: vector = rotated_plane.n # this is an edge case that I couldn't really figure out why is happening # we should try to find a more generic solution. Use the simple_box.vsf # sample file for testing if rotated_plane.x.angle(Vector3D(0, 0, 1)) < 0.01 and \ plane.x.angle(Vector3D(0, -1, 0)) < 0.01 and \ vector.angle(Vector3D(-1, 0, 0)) < 0.01: vector = Vector3D(1, 0, 0) transform.RotateWXYZ(angle, vector.x, vector.y, vector.z) rotated_plane = rotated_plane.rotate(vector, angle_rad, original_plane.o) transform.Scale(height, height, height) # add a transformation to move the text to the new plane origin almost_horizontal = math.degrees(rotated_plane.x.angle(Vector3D(1, 0, 0))) < 5 if offset_multiline: if almost_horizontal and vertical_alignment == 0: # horizontal text with top adjustment. No need to move line_count = 0 else: line_count = len(text.split('\n')) - 1 move_vector = rotated_plane.y * (line_count * 1.5 * height) move_vector = move_vector.reverse() moved_point = plane.o.move(move_vector) transform.Translate(*moved_point) else: transform.Translate(*plane.o) transformFilter = vtk.vtkTransformPolyDataFilter() transformFilter.SetInputConnection(source.GetOutputPort()) transformFilter.SetTransform(transform) transformFilter.Update() tf = transformFilter.GetOutput() return tf if isinstance(plane, Point3D): plane = Plane(o=plane) elif isinstance(plane, Point2D): plane = Plane(o=Point3D(plane.x, plane.y, 0)) assert isinstance(plane, Plane), 'The plane for text must be from a Ladybug Plane.' source = vtk.vtkVectorText() source.SetText(text) # initial transform to project the text from origin to the target plane transform_filter = _apply_transformation(source, plane, height) # this vector is the initial difference between the left lower corner og the # generated text and the desired text insertion point. In theory, it should be 0 # but VTK doesn't generate the text at the exact 0, 0, 0 - the difference is usually # very small bounds = list(transform_filter.GetBounds()) left_lower_corner = Point3D(bounds[0], bounds[2], bounds[4]) offset_vector = plane.o - left_lower_corner # make adjustments for text justification if not (horizontal_alignment == 0 and vertical_alignment == 2): # find the size of the text bounds = list(transform_filter.GetBounds()) bottom_left = Point3D(bounds[0], bounds[2], bounds[4]) top_right = Point3D(bounds[1], bounds[3], bounds[5]) bottom_left_2d = plane.xyz_to_xy(bottom_left) top_right_2d = plane.xyz_to_xy(top_right) x_dist = top_right_2d.x - bottom_left_2d.x y_dist = top_right_2d.y - bottom_left_2d.y if horizontal_alignment == 0: # left alignment x_dist = 0 elif horizontal_alignment == 1: # center alignment x_dist = x_dist / 2 if vertical_alignment == 2: # bottom alignment y_dist = 0 elif vertical_alignment == 1: # center alignment y_dist = y_dist / 2 x_vector = plane.x * -1 * x_dist y_vector = plane.y * -1 * y_dist move_vector = x_vector + y_vector plane = plane.move(moving_vec=move_vector) plane = plane.move(offset_vector) transform_filter = _apply_transformation( source, plane, height, offset_multiline=True ) polydata = PolyData() polydata.ShallowCopy(transform_filter) return polydata
[docs] def to_circle(center: Point3D, radius: int = 100, sides: int = 100) -> PolyData: """Create a VTK circle from a ladybug Point3D and radius. Args: center: A ladybug Point3D object. radius: The radius of the circle. Defaults to 100 meters. sides: The number of sides of the circle. Defaults to 100. Returns: A Polydata object containing a circle. """ polygonSource = vtk.vtkRegularPolygonSource() polygonSource.GeneratePolygonOff() polygonSource.SetNumberOfSides(sides) polygonSource.SetRadius(radius) polygonSource.SetCenter(center.x, center.y, center.z) polygonSource.Update() polydata = PolyData() polydata.ShallowCopy(polygonSource.GetOutput()) return polydata