"""Functions for managing the setting of Rhino's IronPython path."""
import os
import io
import xml.etree.ElementTree
from ladybug.futil import nukedir, copy_file_tree
from ladybug.config import folders as lb_folders
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError("Failed to import ladybug.\n{}".format(e))
# core library packages, which get copied or cleaned out of the Rhino scripts folder
'ladybug_rhino', 'ladybug_geometry', 'ladybug_geometry_polyskel',
'ladybug', 'ladybug_display', 'ladybug_radiance', 'ladybug_comfort',
'honeybee', 'honeybee_standards', 'honeybee_display', 'honeybee_energy',
'honeybee_radiance', 'honeybee_radiance_folder',
'honeybee_radiance_command', 'honeybee_radiance_postprocess',
'dragonfly', 'dragonfly_energy', 'dragonfly_radiance', 'dragonfly_uwg',
'lbt_recipes', 'pollination_handlers'
# Rhino versions that the plugins are compatible with
RHINO_VERSIONS = ('6.0', '7.0', '8.0')
# UUID that McNeel uses to identify the IronPython plugin
IRONPYTHON_ID = '814d908a-e25c-493d-97e9-ee3861957f49'
def create_python_package_dir():
"""Get the default path where the ladybug_tools Python packages are installed.
This method works both on Windows and Mac. If the folder is not found, this
method will create the folder.
py_install = os.path.join(lb_folders.ladybug_tools_folder, 'python')
if os.name == 'nt':
py_path = os.path.join(py_install, 'Lib', 'site-packages')
py_ver = 'python3.7' \
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(py_install, 'lib', 'python3.7')) \
else 'python3.10'
py_path = os.path.join(py_install, 'lib', py_ver, 'site-packages')
if not os.path.isdir(py_path):
return os.makedirs(py_path)
return py_path
def iron_python_search_path(python_package_dir, settings_file=None,
"""Set Rhino to search for libraries in a given directory (on either OS).
This is used as part of the installation process to ensure that Grasshopper
looks for the core Python libraries in the ladybug_tools folder. The file
will not be edited if the python_package_dir is already in the settings file.
python_package_dir: The path to a directory that contains the Ladybug
Tools core libraries.
settings_file: An optional XML settings file to which the python_package_dir
will be added. If None, this method will search the current user's
folder for all copies of this file for the installed Rhino versions.
destination_file: Optional destination file to write out the edited settings
file. If it is None, the settings_file will be overwritten.
# make sure that the rhino scripts folder is clean to avoid namespace issues
# set the plugin to look for packages in ladybug_tools folder
new_settings = []
if os.name == 'nt': # we are on Windows
all_settings = [settings_file] if settings_file is not None else \
for sf in all_settings:
dest_settings = iron_python_search_path_windows(
python_package_dir, sf, destination_file)
else: # we are on Mac, Linux, or some other unix-based system
return new_settings
def find_installed_rhino_versions_windows():
"""Get a list of the compatible Rhino versions installed on this Windows machine."""
program_files = os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES')
installed_vers = []
for ver in RHINO_VERSIONS:
rhino_path = os.path.join(
program_files, 'Rhino {}'.format(ver[0]), 'System', 'Rhino.exe')
if os.path.isfile(rhino_path):
return installed_vers
def find_ironpython_settings_windows():
"""Get a list of all settings XML files for the supported RHINO_VERSIONS."""
installed_set_files = []
appdata_roaming = os.getenv('APPDATA')
for ver in find_installed_rhino_versions_windows():
# get the settings folder or create it if it doesn't exist
plugin_folder = os.path.join(
appdata_roaming, 'McNeel', 'Rhinoceros', ver, 'Plug-ins')
settings_path = os.path.join(
plugin_folder, 'IronPython ({})'.format(IRONPYTHON_ID), 'settings')
if not os.path.isdir(settings_path):
# append the default settings to the list of files to edit
sf = os.path.join(settings_path, 'settings-Scheme__Default.xml')
# get the search paths for any Rhino-inside instances if they exist
for set_file in os.listdir(settings_path):
if set_file.startswith('settings-Scheme') and \
set_file != 'settings-Scheme__Default.xml':
sf = os.path.join(settings_path, set_file)
return installed_set_files
def iron_python_search_path_windows(python_package_dir, settings_file,
"""Set Rhino to search for libraries in a given directory (on Windows).
This is used as part of the installation process to ensure that Grasshopper
looks for the core Python libraries in the ladybug_tools folder. The file
will not be edited if the python_package_dir is already in the settings file.
python_package_dir: The path to a directory that contains the Ladybug
Tools core libraries.
settings_file: An XML settings file to which the python_package_dir
will be added.
destination_file: Optional destination file to write out the edited settings
file. If it is None, the settings_file will be overwritten.
# open the settings file and find the search paths
search_path_needed = True
settings_key_needed = False
existing_paths = None
if os.path.isfile(settings_file):
with io.open(settings_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
set_data = fp.read()
element = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(set_data)
settings = element.find('settings')
if settings is not None:
for entry in settings.iter('entry'):
if 'SearchPaths' in list(entry.attrib.values()):
existing_paths = entry.text
else: # there's no settings key within the XML file; we must add it
search_path_needed = False
settings_key_needed = True
contents = [
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>',
'<settings id="2.0">',
with open(settings_file, 'w') as fp:
# add the search paths if it was not found
if destination_file is None:
destination_file = settings_file
if search_path_needed:
if 'ladybug_tools' in python_package_dir and existing_paths is not None:
existing_paths = filter_existing_paths(existing_paths)
new_paths = '{};{}'.format(existing_paths, python_package_dir) \
if existing_paths is not None and existing_paths != '' \
else python_package_dir
line_to_add = ' <entry key="SearchPaths">{}</entry>\n'.format(new_paths)
with io.open(settings_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
contents = fp.readlines()
line_to_del = None
for i, line in enumerate(contents):
if '<entry key="SearchPaths">' in line:
line_to_del = i
elif '</settings>' in line:
contents.insert(i, line_to_add)
if line_to_del is not None:
del contents[line_to_del]
with io.open(destination_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
elif settings_key_needed:
lines_to_add = ' <settings>\n <entry key="SearchPaths">{}</entry>\n' \
' </settings>\n'.format(python_package_dir)
with io.open(settings_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
contents = fp.readlines()
for i, line in enumerate(contents):
if '</settings>' in line:
contents.insert(i, lines_to_add)
with io.open(destination_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
return destination_file
def filter_existing_paths(existing_paths):
"""Filter out any duplicate/unwanted search paths."""
paths_list = existing_paths.split(';')
filt_paths = [p for p in paths_list
if 'ladybug_tools' not in p and 'pollination' not in p]
return ';'.join(filt_paths)
def find_installed_rhino_scripts():
"""Get the path to the current user's Rhino scripts folder if it exists."""
installed_scripts = []
if os.name == 'nt': # we are on Windows
appdata_roaming = os.getenv('APPDATA')
for ver in find_installed_rhino_versions_windows():
scripts_folder = os.path.join(appdata_roaming, 'McNeel',
'Rhinoceros', ver, 'scripts')
if os.path.isdir(scripts_folder):
else: # we are on Mac
home_folder = os.getenv('HOME') or os.path.expanduser('~')
for ver in RHINO_VERSIONS:
scripts_folder = os.path.join(home_folder, 'Library', 'Application Support',
'McNeel', 'Rhinoceros', ver, 'scripts')
if not os.path.isdir(scripts_folder):
return installed_scripts
def copy_packages_to_rhino_scripts(python_package_dir, directory=None):
"""Copy Ladybug tools packages into a directory.
python_package_dir: The path to a directory that contains the Ladybug
Tools core libraries.
directory: The directory into which the packages will be copied. If None,
the function will search for all installed copies of the current user's
Rhino scripts folder.
folders = find_installed_rhino_scripts() if directory is None else [directory]
for fold in folders:
for pkg in PACKAGES:
lib_folder = os.path.join(python_package_dir, pkg)
dest_folder = os.path.join(fold, pkg)
if os.path.isdir(lib_folder):
copy_file_tree(lib_folder, dest_folder, True)
print('Python packages copied to: {}'.format(dest_folder))
def clean_rhino_scripts(directory=None):
"""Remove installed Ladybug Tools packages from the old library directory.
This function is usually run in order to avoid potential namespace conflicts.
directory: The directory to be cleaned. If None, the function will
search for all installed copies of the current user's
Rhino scripts folder.
folders = find_installed_rhino_scripts() if directory is None else [directory]
for fold in folders:
for pkg in PACKAGES:
lib_folder = os.path.join(fold, pkg)
if os.path.isdir(lib_folder):
nukedir(lib_folder, True)
print('Python packages removed from: {}'.format(lib_folder))
def script_editor_search_path(python_package_dir=None):
"""Set the Rhino 8+ ScriptEditor to search for libraries (on either OS).
python_package_dir: The path to a directory that contains the Ladybug
Tools core libraries. If None, it will be set to the current
python_package_path of the ladybug.config module
# check the python package directory and forego setting the path for Revit
python_dir = python_package_dir if python_package_dir is not None \
else lb_folders.python_package_path
if 'revit' in python_dir.lower(): # don't set Rhino paths to use Revit libraries
return []
# add the pth files to set the ScriptEditor search paths
installed_pth_files = []
for ver in find_installed_rhino_versions_windows():
if float(ver) >= 8: # we can add the path to the Script Editor
# determine where the .pth files will be written (PROGRAMDATA or rhinocode)
pth_files = []
prog_folder = os.getenv('PROGRAMDATA')
data_folder = os.path.join(
prog_folder, 'McNeel', 'Rhinoceros', ver, 'scripts')
data_files = (os.path.join(data_folder, 'python-2_lbt.pth'),
os.path.join(data_folder, 'python-3_lbt.pth'))
user_folder = os.getenv('USERPROFILE') if os.name == 'nt' \
else os.path.expanduser('~')
rh_code_folder = os.path.join(user_folder, '.rhinocode')
rh_code_files = (os.path.join(rh_code_folder, 'python-2.pth'),
os.path.join(rh_code_folder, 'python-3.pth'))
if os.path.isfile(rh_code_files[0]):
pth_files.extend(rh_code_files) # existing file to be corrected
elif prog_folder is None or not os.access(prog_folder, os.W_OK):
pth_files.extend(rh_code_files) # unable to use data folder
if prog_folder is not None and os.access(prog_folder, os.W_OK):
pth_files.extend(data_files) # the best place to have the .pth files
# append the LBT folder to the Rhino Script Editor search paths
for pth_f in pth_files:
pth_folder = os.path.dirname(pth_f)
if not os.path.isdir(pth_folder):
file_contents = []
if os.path.isfile(pth_f):
with open(pth_f, 'r') as pth_file:
for line in pth_file:
if 'pollination_revit' in line:
if python_dir.replace('\\', '/') not in \
line.replace('\\', '/'):
file_contents.insert(0, '{}\n'.format(python_dir))
with open(pth_f, 'w') as pth_file:
return installed_pth_files