Source code for ladybug_rhino.preview

"""Classes to preview things in the Rhino Display Pipeline."""
from __future__ import division

from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d import Vector2D, Point2D, Ray2D, LineSegment2D, \
    Polyline2D, Arc2D, Polygon2D, Mesh2D
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Vector3D, Point3D, Ray3D, Plane, LineSegment3D, \
    Polyline3D, Arc3D, Face3D, Mesh3D, Polyface3D, Sphere, Cone, Cylinder

from ladybug.graphic import GraphicContainer
from ladybug_display.altnumber import Default
from ladybug_display.geometry3d import DisplayText3D
from ladybug_display.visualization import AnalysisGeometry

from .config import units_system, rhino_version
from .color import color_to_color, argb_color_to_color, black
from .fromgeometry import from_point2d, from_vector2d, from_ray2d, \
    from_arc2d, from_polygon2d, from_polyline2d, from_mesh2d, \
    from_point3d, from_vector3d, from_ray3d, from_plane, \
    from_arc3d, from_polyline3d, from_mesh3d, from_face3d, from_polyface3d, \
    from_sphere, from_cone, from_cylinder

    import System
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError("Failed to import Windows/.NET libraries\n{}".format(e))

    import Rhino.Geometry as rg
    import Rhino.Display as rd
    import Rhino.DocObjects as ro
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('Failed to import Rhino.\n{}'.format(e))

    import scriptcontext as sc
except ImportError:
    pass  # previewing 2D legends will not be available

[docs] class VisualizationSetConduit(rd.DisplayConduit): """Class to preview VisualizationSet in the Rhino Display pipeline. Args: visualization_set: A Ladybug Display VisualizationSet object to be translated into arguments for the Rhino display pipeline. render_3d_legend: A Boolean to note whether the VisualizationSet should be rendered with 3D legends for any AnalysisGeometries it includes. (Default: False). render_2d_legend: A Boolean to note whether the VisualizationSet should be rendered with 2D screen-oriented legends for any AnalysisGeometries it includes. (Default: False). """ def __init__(self, visualization_set, render_3d_legend=False, render_2d_legend=False): """Initialize VisualizationSetConduit.""" # set the primary properties self.vis_con = VisualizationSetConverter( visualization_set, render_3d_legend, render_2d_legend)
[docs] def CalculateBoundingBox(self, calculateBoundingBoxEventArgs): """Overwrite the method that passes the bounding box to the display.""" calculateBoundingBoxEventArgs.IncludeBoundingBox(self.vis_con.bbox)
[docs] def DrawForeground(self, drawEventArgs): """Overwrite the method that draws the objects in the display.""" # get the DisplayPipeline from the event arguments display = drawEventArgs.Display # for each object to be rendered, pass the drawing arguments for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_2d_text: display.Draw2dText(*draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_sprite: display.DrawSprite(*draw_args)
[docs] def PreDrawObjects(self, drawEventArgs): """Overwrite the method that draws the objects in the display.""" # get the DisplayPipeline from the event arguments display = drawEventArgs.Display # for each object to be rendered, pass the drawing arguments for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_mesh_false_colors: display.DrawMeshFalseColors(draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_mesh_shaded: display.DrawMeshFalseColors(draw_args[0]) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_brep_shaded: display.DrawBrepShaded(*draw_args)
[docs] def PostDrawObjects(self, drawEventArgs): """Overwrite the method that draws the objects in the display.""" # get the DisplayPipeline from the event arguments display = drawEventArgs.Display # for each object to be rendered, pass the drawing arguments for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_3d_text: display.Draw3dText(*draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_mesh_wires: display.DrawMeshWires(*draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_mesh_vertices: display.DrawMeshVertices(*draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_point: display.DrawPoint(*draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_arrow: display.DrawArrow(*draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_brep_wires: display.DrawBrepWires(*draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_line: display.DrawLine(*draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_patterned_line: display.DrawPatternedLine(*draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_patterned_polyline: display.DrawPatternedPolyline(*draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_curve: display.DrawCurve(*draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_circle: display.DrawCircle(*draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_arc: display.DrawArc(*draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_sphere: display.DrawSphere(*draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_cone: display.DrawCone(*draw_args) for draw_args in self.vis_con.draw_cylinder: display.DrawCylinder(*draw_args)
[docs] class VisualizationSetConverter(object): """Class to translate VisualizationSets to arguments for the Rhino display pipeline. Args: visualization_set: A Ladybug Display VisualizationSet object to be translated into arguments for the Rhino display pipeline. render_3d_legend: A Boolean to note whether the VisualizationSet should be rendered with 3D legends for any AnalysisGeometries it includes. (Default: False). render_2d_legend: A Boolean to note whether the VisualizationSet should be rendered with 2D screen-oriented legends for any AnalysisGeometries it includes. (Default: False). Properties: * vis_set * render_3d_legend * render_2d_legend * min_pt * max_pt * bbox * draw_sprite * draw_2d_text * draw_3d_text * draw_mesh_false_colors * draw_mesh_shaded * draw_mesh_wires * draw_mesh_vertices * draw_brep_shaded * draw_brep_wires * draw_point * draw_arrow * draw_line * draw_patterned_line * draw_patterned_polyline * draw_curve * draw_circle * draw_arc * draw_sphere * draw_cone * draw_cylinder """ TEXT_HORIZ = { 'Left': ro.TextHorizontalAlignment.Left, 'Center': ro.TextHorizontalAlignment.Center, 'Right': ro.TextHorizontalAlignment.Right } TEXT_VERT = { 'Top': ro.TextVerticalAlignment.Top, 'Middle': ro.TextVerticalAlignment.Middle, 'Bottom': ro.TextVerticalAlignment.Bottom } LINE_TYPE = { 'Dashed': int('0x1C7', base=16), 'Dotted': int('0x00001111', base=16), 'DashDot': int('0x1F11F1', base=16) } def __init__( self, visualization_set, render_3d_legend=False, render_2d_legend=False): """Initialize VisualizationSetConverter.""" # set the primary properties self.vis_set = visualization_set self.render_3d_legend = bool(render_3d_legend) self.render_2d_legend = bool(render_2d_legend) # get the active viewport width and height if 2D legends are requested if self.render_2d_legend: active_view = sc.doc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport v_size = active_view.Size self.view_width = v_size.Width self.view_height = v_size.Height else: # just use some defaults as it's probably not critical self.view_width, self.view_height = 800, 600 # ensure the visualization set is in Rhino model units units_sys = units_system() if self.vis_set.units is not None and units_sys is not None \ and self.vis_set.units != units_sys: self.vis_set.convert_to_units(units_sys) # set up the bounding box and min/max point self.min_pt = self.vis_set.min_point self.max_pt = self.vis_set.max_point if self.render_3d_legend: # leave extra room for legend center = Point3D( (self.min_pt.x + self.max_pt.x) / 2, (self.min_pt.y + self.max_pt.y) / 2, (self.min_pt.z + self.max_pt.z) / 2) self.bbox = rg.BoundingBox( from_point3d(self.min_pt.scale(2, center)), from_point3d(self.max_pt.scale(2, center))) else: self.bbox = rg.BoundingBox( from_point3d(self.min_pt), from_point3d(self.max_pt)) # translate all of the rhino objects to be rendered in the scene self.translate_objects() self.sort_shaded_objects()
[docs] def translate_objects(self): """Translate all of the objects in the VisualizationSet into a Rhino equivalent. This is a necessary pre-step before frames of the visualization set can be rendered in the display pipeline. """ # initialize all of the lists to hold the drawing arguments self.draw_sprite = [] self.draw_2d_text = [] self.draw_3d_text = [] self.draw_mesh_false_colors = [] self.draw_mesh_shaded = [] self.draw_mesh_wires = [] self.draw_mesh_vertices = [] self.draw_brep_shaded = [] self.draw_brep_wires = [] self.draw_point = [] self.draw_arrow = [] self.draw_line = [] self.draw_patterned_line = [] self.draw_patterned_polyline = [] self.draw_curve = [] self.draw_circle = [] self.draw_arc = [] self.draw_sphere = [] self.draw_cone = [] self.draw_cylinder = [] # loop through visualization geometry objects and draw them default_leg_x3d, default_leg_x2d, default_leg_y2d = 0, 10, 50 for geo in self.vis_set.geometry: if geo.hidden: continue # translate it as AnalysisGeometry if specified if isinstance(geo, AnalysisGeometry): # generate the colors that correspond to the values data = geo.data_sets[geo.active_data] graphic = GraphicContainer( data.values, self.min_pt, self.max_pt, data.legend_parameters, data.data_type, data.unit) colors = graphic.value_colors # translate the analysis geometry using the matching method if geo.matching_method == 'faces': c_count = 0 for mesh in geo.geometry: mesh.colors = colors[c_count:c_count + len(mesh.faces)] c_count += len(mesh.faces) self.translate_analysis_mesh(mesh, geo.display_mode) elif geo.matching_method == 'vertices': c_count = 0 for mesh in geo.geometry: mesh.colors = colors[c_count:c_count + len(mesh.vertices)] c_count += len(mesh.vertices) self.translate_analysis_mesh(mesh, geo.display_mode) else: # one color per geometry object for geo_obj, col in zip(geo.geometry, colors): self.translate_analysis_geometry( geo_obj, col, geo.display_mode) # if the object is set to translate 3D legends, then display it if self.render_3d_legend: # ensure multiple legends are not on top of each other if graphic.legend_parameters.is_base_plane_default: l_par = graphic.legend_parameters m_vec = Vector3D(default_leg_x3d, 0, 0) l_par.base_plane = l_par.base_plane.move(m_vec) l_par.properties_3d._is_base_plane_default = True leg_width = l_par.segment_width + 6 * l_par.text_height \ if l_par.vertical else \ l_par.segment_width * (l_par.segment_count + 2) default_leg_x3d += leg_width self.translate_legend3d(graphic.legend) # if the object is set to translate 2D legends, then display it if self.render_2d_legend: # ensure multiple legends are not on top of each other l_par = graphic.legend_parameters if l_par.vertical and l_par.is_origin_x_default: l_par.origin_x = '{}px'.format(default_leg_x2d) l_par.properties_2d._is_origin_x_default = True sw = graphic.legend.parse_dim_2d( l_par.segment_width_2d, self.view_width) th = graphic.legend.parse_dim_2d( l_par.text_height_2d, self.view_height) leg_width = sw + 6 * th default_leg_x2d += leg_width elif not l_par.vertical and l_par.is_origin_y_default: l_par.origin_y = '{}px'.format(default_leg_y2d) l_par.properties_2d._is_origin_y_default = True sh = graphic.legend.parse_dim_2d( l_par.segment_height_2d, self.view_height) th = graphic.legend.parse_dim_2d( l_par.text_height_2d, self.view_height) leg_height = sh + 4 * th default_leg_y2d += leg_height self.translate_legend2d(graphic.legend) else: # it's a ContextGeometry object for display_obj in geo.geometry: if isinstance(display_obj, DisplayText3D): self.translate_display_text3d(display_obj) else: self.translate_context_geometry(display_obj)
[docs] def translate_display_text3d(self, text_obj): """Translate ladybug DisplayText3D into arguments for drawing in the scene. Args: text_obj: The ladybug DisplayText3D to be translated. """ self.draw_3d_text.append(( text_obj.text, color_to_color(text_obj.color), from_plane(text_obj.plane), text_obj.height, text_obj.font, False, False, self.TEXT_HORIZ[text_obj.horizontal_alignment], self.TEXT_VERT[text_obj.vertical_alignment]))
[docs] def translate_legend3d(self, legend): """Translate a ladybug Legend into arguments for drawing in the scene. Args: legend: A Ladybug Legend object to be converted to Rhino geometry. """ # translate the legend mesh rh_mesh = from_mesh3d(legend.segment_mesh) self.draw_mesh_false_colors.append(rh_mesh) self.draw_mesh_wires.append((rh_mesh, black())) # translate the legend text _height = legend.legend_parameters.text_height _font = legend.legend_parameters.font if legend.legend_parameters.continuous_legend is False: legend_text = [ DisplayText3D(txt, loc, _height, None, _font, 'Left', 'Bottom') for txt, loc in zip(legend.segment_text, legend.segment_text_location)] elif legend.legend_parameters.vertical is True: legend_text = [ DisplayText3D(txt, loc, _height, None, _font, 'Left', 'Middle') for txt, loc in zip(legend.segment_text, legend.segment_text_location)] else: legend_text = [ DisplayText3D(txt, loc, _height, None, _font, 'Center', 'Bottom') for txt, loc in zip(legend.segment_text, legend.segment_text_location)] legend_title = DisplayText3D( legend.title, legend.title_location, _height, None, _font) legend_text.insert(0, legend_title) for txt_obj in legend_text: self.translate_display_text3d(txt_obj)
[docs] def translate_legend2d(self, legend): """Translate a ladybug Legend into arguments for drawing in the scene. Args: legend: A Ladybug Legend object to be converted to 2D screen-oriented geometry. """ d_sprite, d_2d_text = self.convert_legend2d( legend, self.view_width, self.view_height) self.draw_sprite.append(d_sprite) self.draw_2d_text.extend(d_2d_text)
[docs] def translate_analysis_mesh(self, mesh, display_mode): """Translate an analysis mesh into arguments for drawing in the scene. Args: mesh: The Ladybug Mesh3D or Mesh2D object to be translated. display_mode: Text for the display mode in which to translate the mesh. """ if display_mode in ('Surface', 'SurfaceWithEdges'): rh_mesh = from_mesh3d(mesh) if isinstance(mesh, Mesh3D) \ else from_mesh2d(mesh) self.draw_mesh_false_colors.append(rh_mesh) if display_mode == 'SurfaceWithEdges': self.draw_mesh_wires.append((rh_mesh, black())) elif display_mode == 'Wireframe': rh_mesh = from_mesh3d(mesh) if isinstance(mesh, Mesh3D) \ else from_mesh2d(mesh) self.draw_mesh_wires.append((rh_mesh, black())) elif display_mode == 'Points': if isinstance(mesh, Mesh3D): points = [from_point3d(pt) for pt in mesh.face_centroids] \ if mesh.is_color_by_face else \ [from_point3d(pt) for pt in mesh.vertices] else: points = [from_point2d(pt) for pt in mesh.face_centroids] \ if mesh.is_color_by_face else \ [from_point2d(pt) for pt in mesh.vertices] colors = [color_to_color(col) for col in mesh.colors] for col, pt in zip(colors, points): self.draw_point.append((pt, rd.PointStyle.RoundSimple, 3, col))
[docs] def translate_analysis_geometry(self, geo_obj, color, display_mode): """Translate analysis geometry objects into arguments for drawing in the scene. Args: geo_obj: The Ladybug Geometry object to be translated. color: The Ladybug Color object with which the object will be translated. display_mode: Text for the display mode in which to translate the mesh. """ # translate the color col = color_to_color(color) if isinstance(geo_obj, (Point3D, Point2D)): # translate analysis point pt = from_point3d(geo_obj) if isinstance(geo_obj, Point3D) \ else from_point2d(geo_obj) self.draw_point.append((pt, rd.PointStyle.RoundSimple, 5, col)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, (LineSegment3D, LineSegment2D)): # translate analysis line segment if isinstance(geo_obj, LineSegment3D): pt1, pt2 = from_point3d(geo_obj.p1), from_point3d(geo_obj.p2) else: pt1, pt2 = from_point2d(geo_obj.p1), from_point2d(geo_obj.p2) self.draw_line.append((pt1, pt2, col, 3)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, (Polyline3D, Polyline2D)): # translate analysis polyline crv = from_polyline3d(geo_obj) if isinstance(geo_obj, Polyline3D) \ else from_polyline2d(geo_obj) self.draw_curve.append((crv, col, 3)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, (Face3D, Polyface3D)): # translate analysis Face3D and Polyface3D if display_mode in ('Surface', 'SurfaceWithEdges'): mat = rd.DisplayMaterial(col) rh_obj = from_face3d(geo_obj) if isinstance(geo_obj, Face3D) \ else from_polyface3d(geo_obj) self.draw_brep_shaded.append((rh_obj, mat)) if display_mode == 'SurfaceWithEdges': self.draw_brep_wires.append((rh_obj, black(), -1)) elif display_mode == 'Wireframe': rh_obj = from_face3d(geo_obj) if isinstance(geo_obj, Face3D) \ else from_polyface3d(geo_obj) self.draw_brep_wires.append((rh_obj, col, 1)) elif display_mode == 'Points': for pt in geo_obj.vertices: self.draw_point.append( (from_point3d(pt), rd.PointStyle.RoundSimple, 3, col)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, (Mesh3D, Mesh2D)): # translate analysis mesh rh_obj = from_mesh3d(geo_obj) if isinstance(geo_obj, Mesh3D) \ else from_mesh2d(geo_obj) if display_mode in ('Surface', 'SurfaceWithEdges'): mat = rd.DisplayMaterial(col) rh_obj.VertexColors.CreateMonotoneMesh(col) self.draw_mesh_shaded.append((rh_obj, mat)) if display_mode == 'SurfaceWithEdges': self.draw_mesh_wires.append((rh_obj, black(), 1)) elif display_mode == 'Wireframe': self.draw_mesh_wires.append((rh_obj, col, 3)) elif display_mode == 'Points': self.draw_mesh_vertices.append((rh_obj, col)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, (Ray2D, Ray3D)): # translate analysis rays rh_ray = from_ray3d(geo_obj) if isinstance(geo_obj, Ray3D) \ else from_ray2d(geo_obj) rh_obj = rg.Line(rh_ray.Position, rh_ray.Direction) self.draw_arrow.append((rh_obj, col)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, Sphere): # translate analysis sphere if display_mode in ('Surface', 'SurfaceWithEdges'): rh_obj, mat = from_sphere(geo_obj), rd.DisplayMaterial(col) self.draw_brep_shaded.append((rh_obj.ToBrep(), mat)) if display_mode == 'SurfaceWithEdges': self.draw_sphere.append((rh_obj, black())) elif display_mode == 'Wireframe': self.draw_sphere.append((from_sphere(geo_obj), col)) elif display_mode == 'Points': pt_arg = (from_point3d(, rd.PointStyle.RoundSimple, 3, col) self.draw_point.append(pt_arg) elif isinstance(geo_obj, (Vector2D, Vector3D)): # translate analysis vectors rh_vec = from_vector3d(geo_obj) if isinstance(geo_obj, Vector3D) \ else from_vector2d(geo_obj) rh_obj = rg.Line(rg.Point3d(0, 0, 0), rh_vec) self.draw_arrow.append((rh_obj, col)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, Polygon2D): # translate analysis polygon self.draw_curve.append((from_polygon2d(geo_obj), col, 3)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, (Arc3D, Arc2D)): # translate analysis arcs crv = from_arc3d(geo_obj) if isinstance(geo_obj, Arc3D) \ else from_arc2d(geo_obj) if geo_obj.is_circle: self.draw_circle.append((crv, col, 3)) else: self.draw_arc.append((crv, col, 3)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, Cone): # translate analysis cone if display_mode in ('Surface', 'SurfaceWithEdges'): rh_obj, mat = from_cone(geo_obj), rd.DisplayMaterial(col) self.draw_brep_shaded.append((rh_obj.ToBrep(True), mat)) if display_mode == 'SurfaceWithEdges': self.draw_cone.append((rh_obj, black())) elif display_mode == 'Wireframe': self.draw_cone.append((from_cone(geo_obj), col)) elif display_mode == 'Points': pt_arg = (from_point3d(geo_obj.vertex), rd.PointStyle.RoundSimple, 3, col) self.draw_point.append(pt_arg) elif isinstance(geo_obj, Cylinder): # translate analysis cylinder if display_mode in ('Surface', 'SurfaceWithEdges'): rh_obj, mat = from_cylinder(geo_obj), rd.DisplayMaterial(col) self.draw_brep_shaded.append((rh_obj.ToBrep(True, True), mat)) if display_mode == 'SurfaceWithEdges': self.draw_cylinder.append((rh_obj, black())) elif display_mode == 'Wireframe': self.draw_cylinder.append((from_cylinder(geo_obj), col)) elif display_mode == 'Points': pt_arg = (from_point3d(, rd.PointStyle.RoundSimple, 3, col) self.draw_point.append(pt_arg) elif isinstance(geo_obj, Plane): # translate analysis planes pln = from_plane(geo_obj) r = 10 # default radius for a plane object in rhino model units # grid lines for j in range(-5, 6): i = j / 5 p0 = pln.PointAt(i * r, -r) p1 = pln.PointAt(i * r, r) self.draw_line.append((p0, p1, col, 1)) p0 = pln.PointAt(-r, i * r) p1 = pln.PointAt(r, i * r) self.draw_line.append((p0, p1, col, 1)) # axes self.draw_line.append((pln.Origin, pln.Origin + pln.XAxis * r, col, 3)) self.draw_line.append((pln.Origin, pln.Origin + pln.YAxis * r, col, 3))
[docs] def translate_context_geometry(self, dis_obj): """Translate a display geometry object into arguments for drawing in the scene. Args: dis_obj: The Ladybug Display geometry object to be translated. """ # first translate the color and get the geometry object col = color_to_color(dis_obj.color) geo_obj = dis_obj.geometry if isinstance(geo_obj, (Point3D, Point2D)): # translate display point pt = from_point3d(geo_obj) if isinstance(geo_obj, Point3D) \ else from_point2d(geo_obj) radius = 3 if isinstance(dis_obj.radius, Default) else int(dis_obj.radius) self.draw_point.append((pt, rd.PointStyle.RoundSimple, radius, col)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, (LineSegment3D, LineSegment2D)): # translate display line segment if isinstance(geo_obj, LineSegment3D): pt1, pt2 = from_point3d(geo_obj.p1), from_point3d(geo_obj.p2) else: pt1, pt2 = from_point2d(geo_obj.p1), from_point2d(geo_obj.p2) lw = 1 if isinstance(dis_obj.line_width, Default) \ else int(dis_obj.line_width) if dis_obj.line_type == 'Continuous': self.draw_line.append((pt1, pt2, col, lw)) else: self.draw_patterned_line.append( (pt1, pt2, col, self.LINE_TYPE[dis_obj.line_type], lw)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, (Polyline3D, Polyline2D)): # translate display polyline lw = 1 if isinstance(dis_obj.line_width, Default) \ else int(dis_obj.line_width) if dis_obj.line_type == 'Continuous': crv = from_polyline3d(geo_obj) if isinstance(geo_obj, Polyline3D) \ else from_polyline2d(geo_obj) self.draw_curve.append((crv, col, lw)) else: # ensure the line pattern is respected verts = [from_point3d(pt) for pt in geo_obj.vertices] \ if isinstance(geo_obj, Polyline3D) else \ [from_point2d(pt) for pt in geo_obj.vertices] self.draw_patterned_polyline.append( (verts, col, self.LINE_TYPE[dis_obj.line_type], lw, False)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, (Ray2D, Ray3D)): # translate display rays rh_ray = from_ray3d(geo_obj) if isinstance(geo_obj, Ray3D) \ else from_ray2d(geo_obj) rh_obj = rg.Line(rh_ray.Position, rh_ray.Direction) self.draw_arrow.append((rh_obj, col)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, (Face3D, Polyface3D)): # translate display Face3D and Polyface3D if dis_obj.display_mode in ('Surface', 'SurfaceWithEdges'): mat = rd.DisplayMaterial(col, 1 - (dis_obj.color.a / 255)) rh_obj = from_face3d(geo_obj) if isinstance(geo_obj, Face3D) \ else from_polyface3d(geo_obj) self.draw_brep_shaded.append((rh_obj, mat)) if dis_obj.display_mode == 'SurfaceWithEdges': self.draw_brep_wires.append((rh_obj, black(), -1)) elif dis_obj.display_mode == 'Wireframe': rh_obj = from_face3d(geo_obj) if isinstance(geo_obj, Face3D) \ else from_polyface3d(geo_obj) self.draw_brep_wires.append((rh_obj, col, 1)) elif dis_obj.display_mode == 'Points': for pt in geo_obj.vertices: self.draw_point.append( (from_point3d(pt), rd.PointStyle.RoundSimple, 3, col)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, (Mesh3D, Mesh2D)): # translate display mesh rh_obj = from_mesh3d(geo_obj) if isinstance(geo_obj, Mesh3D) \ else from_mesh2d(geo_obj) if dis_obj.display_mode in ('Surface', 'SurfaceWithEdges'): mat = rd.DisplayMaterial(col, 1 - (dis_obj.color.a / 255)) t_color = argb_color_to_color(dis_obj.color) rh_obj.VertexColors.CreateMonotoneMesh(t_color) self.draw_mesh_shaded.append((rh_obj, mat)) if dis_obj.display_mode == 'SurfaceWithEdges': self.draw_mesh_wires.append((rh_obj, black(), 1)) elif dis_obj.display_mode == 'Wireframe': self.draw_mesh_wires.append((rh_obj, col, 1)) elif dis_obj.display_mode == 'Points': self.draw_mesh_vertices.append((rh_obj, col)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, Sphere): # translate analysis sphere if dis_obj.display_mode in ('Surface', 'SurfaceWithEdges'): rh_obj = from_sphere(geo_obj) mat = rd.DisplayMaterial(col, 1 - (dis_obj.color.a / 255)) self.draw_brep_shaded.append((rh_obj.ToBrep(), mat)) if dis_obj.display_mode == 'SurfaceWithEdges': self.draw_sphere.append((rh_obj, black())) elif dis_obj.display_mode == 'Wireframe': self.draw_sphere.append((from_sphere(geo_obj), col)) elif dis_obj.display_mode == 'Points': pt_arg = (from_point3d(, rd.PointStyle.RoundSimple, 3, col) self.draw_point.append(pt_arg) elif isinstance(geo_obj, Polygon2D): # translate display polygon lw = 1 if isinstance(dis_obj.line_width, Default) \ else int(dis_obj.line_width) if dis_obj.line_type == 'Continuous': self.draw_curve.append((from_polygon2d(geo_obj), col, lw)) else: # ensure the line pattern is respected verts = [from_point2d(pt) for pt in geo_obj.vertices] self.draw_patterned_polyline.append( (verts, col, self.LINE_TYPE[dis_obj.line_type], lw, True)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, (Arc3D, Arc2D)): # translate display arc lw = 1 if isinstance(dis_obj.line_width, Default) \ else int(dis_obj.line_width) if dis_obj.line_type == 'Continuous': crv = from_arc3d(geo_obj) if isinstance(geo_obj, Arc3D) else \ from_arc2d(geo_obj) if geo_obj.is_circle: self.draw_circle.append((crv, col, lw)) else: self.draw_arc.append((crv, col, lw)) else: # ensure the line pattern is respected p_line = geo_obj.to_polyline( int(abs(geo_obj.a2 - geo_obj.a1) / 0.0523599)) if geo_obj.is_circle: arc_verts, closed = p_line.vertices[:-1], True else: arc_verts, closed = p_line.vertices, False verts = [from_point3d(pt) for pt in arc_verts] \ if isinstance(p_line, Polyline3D) else \ [from_point2d(pt) for pt in arc_verts] self.draw_patterned_polyline.append( (verts, col, self.LINE_TYPE[dis_obj.line_type], lw, closed)) elif isinstance(geo_obj, Cone): # translate analysis cone if dis_obj.display_mode in ('Surface', 'SurfaceWithEdges'): rh_obj = from_cone(geo_obj) mat = rd.DisplayMaterial(col, 1 - (dis_obj.color.a / 255)) self.draw_brep_shaded.append((rh_obj.ToBrep(True), mat)) if dis_obj.display_mode == 'SurfaceWithEdges': self.draw_cone.append((rh_obj, black())) elif dis_obj.display_mode == 'Wireframe': self.draw_cone.append((from_cone(geo_obj), col)) elif dis_obj.display_mode == 'Points': pt_arg = (from_point3d(geo_obj.vertex), rd.PointStyle.RoundSimple, 3, col) self.draw_point.append(pt_arg) elif isinstance(geo_obj, Cylinder): # translate analysis cylinder if dis_obj.display_mode in ('Surface', 'SurfaceWithEdges'): rh_obj = from_cylinder(geo_obj) mat = rd.DisplayMaterial(col, 1 - (dis_obj.color.a / 255)) self.draw_brep_shaded.append((rh_obj.ToBrep(True, True), mat)) if dis_obj.display_mode == 'SurfaceWithEdges': self.draw_cylinder.append((rh_obj, black())) elif dis_obj.display_mode == 'Wireframe': self.draw_cylinder.append((from_cylinder(geo_obj), col)) elif dis_obj.display_mode == 'Points': pt_arg = (from_point3d(, rd.PointStyle.RoundSimple, 3, col) self.draw_point.append(pt_arg) elif isinstance(geo_obj, Plane): # translate analysis planes pln = from_plane(geo_obj) r = 10 # default radius for a plane object in rhino model units # grid lines if dis_obj.show_grid: for j in range(-5, 6): i = j / 5 p0 = pln.PointAt(i * r, -r) p1 = pln.PointAt(i * r, r) self.draw_line.append((p0, p1, col, 1)) p0 = pln.PointAt(-r, i * r) p1 = pln.PointAt(r, i * r) self.draw_line.append((p0, p1, col, 1)) # axes if dis_obj.show_axes: self.draw_line.append((pln.Origin, pln.Origin + pln.XAxis * r, col, 3)) self.draw_line.append((pln.Origin, pln.Origin + pln.YAxis * r, col, 3))
[docs] def sort_shaded_objects(self): """Sort shaded objects according to their transparency. This ensures that the resulting display has visible objects behind any transparent objects. """ if len(self.draw_brep_shaded) != 0: trans = (args[1].Transparency for args in self.draw_brep_shaded) self.draw_brep_shaded = \ [a for _, a in sorted(zip(trans, self.draw_brep_shaded))] if len(self.draw_mesh_shaded) != 0: trans = (args[1].Transparency for args in self.draw_mesh_shaded) self.draw_mesh_shaded = \ [a for _, a in sorted(zip(trans, self.draw_mesh_shaded))]
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_legend2d(legend, vw=None, vh=None): """Convert a ladybug Legend into arguments for drawing in 2D on the screen. Args: legend: A Ladybug Legend object to be converted to 2D screen-oriented geometry. vw: An integer for the view width in pixels. If None, it will be obtained from the active viewport. (Default: None). vh: An integer for the view height in pixels. If None, it will be obtained from the active viewport. (Default: None). Returns: A tuple with two values needed to render the legend in the 2D scene: - legend_mesh -- A colored mesh for the legend. - legend_title -- A text object for the legend title. """ # figure out the dimensions of the active viewport if vw is None or vh is None: active_view = sc.doc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport v_size = active_view.Size vw = v_size.Width if vw is None else vw vh = v_size.Height if vh is None else vh # translate the color matrix to a bitmap l_par = legend.legend_parameters color_mtx = legend.color_map_2d(vw, vh) color_mtx = [[color_to_color(c) for c in row] for row in color_mtx] if (8, 14) <= rhino_version < (8, 15, 25007): color_mtx = list(reversed(color_mtx)) net_bm = System.Drawing.Bitmap(len(color_mtx[0]), len(color_mtx)) for y, row in enumerate(color_mtx): for x, col in enumerate(row): net_bm.SetPixel(x, y, col) rh_bm = rd.DisplayBitmap(net_bm) or_x, or_y, sh, sw, th = legend._pixel_dims_2d(vw, vh) s_count = l_par.segment_count s_count = s_count - 1 if l_par.continuous_legend else s_count leg_width = sw if l_par.vertical else sw * s_count leg_height = sh if not l_par.vertical else sh * s_count cent_pt = rg.Point2d(or_x + (leg_width / 2), or_y + (leg_height / 2)) draw_sprite = (rh_bm, cent_pt, leg_width, leg_height) # translate the legend text _height = legend.parse_dim_2d(l_par.text_height_2d, vh) _font = l_par.font txt_pts = legend.segment_text_location_2d(vw, vh) cent_txt = False if l_par.vertical else True draw_2d_text = [ (txt, black(), rg.Point2d(loc.x, loc.y), cent_txt, _height, _font) for txt, loc in zip(legend.segment_text, txt_pts)] t_pt = legend.title_location_2d(vw, vh) legend_title = (legend.title, black(), rg.Point2d(t_pt.x, t_pt.y), False, _height, _font) draw_2d_text.insert(0, legend_title) return draw_sprite, draw_2d_text
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite .NET ToString method.""" return 'VisualizationSet Converter'
[docs] class RhinoPointConduit(rd.DisplayConduit): """An optimized class to preview Rhino Point3d in the Rhino Display pipeline. Args: points: A list of Rhino Point3d to be displayed in the pipeline. """ def __init__(self, points): """Initialize RhinoPointConduit.""" self.draw_point_args = [] col = black() for pt in points: self.draw_point_args.append((pt, rd.PointStyle.RoundSimple, 5, col)) self.bbox = rg.BoundingBox(points)
[docs] def CalculateBoundingBox(self, calculateBoundingBoxEventArgs): """Overwrite the method that passes the bounding box to the display.""" calculateBoundingBoxEventArgs.IncludeBoundingBox(self.bbox)
[docs] def PostDrawObjects(self, drawEventArgs): """Overwrite the method that draws the objects in the display.""" # get the DisplayPipeline from the event arguments display = drawEventArgs.Display # for each object to be rendered, pass the drawing arguments for draw_args in self.draw_point_args: display.DrawPoint(*draw_args)