ladybug_geometry_polyskel.cli package

Module contents

ladybug-geometry-polyskel commands.

ladybug_geometry_polyskel.cli.perimeter_core_subfaces(face3d_file, perimeter_offset, tolerance=1e-05, output_file=None)[source]

Compute perimeter and core Face3Ds using the straight skeleton of input Face3Ds.

  • face3d_file – Full path to a JSON file containing an array of Face3D objects for which core/perimeter Face3Ds will be computed.

  • perimeter_offset – Distance to offset perimeter sub-faces.

  • tolerance – The maximum difference between x, y, and z values at which vertices are considered equivalent.

  • output_file – Optional file to output the string of the visualization file contents. If None, the string will simply be returned from this method.