"""Functions to calculate various metrics for 1D and 2D NumPy arrays."""
from typing import Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from .util import check_array_dim
def da_array2d(
array: np.ndarray, total_occ: int = None,
threshold: float = 300) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate daylight autonomy for a 2D NumPy array.
array: A 2D NumPy array.
total_occ: Integer indicating the number of occupied hours. If not
given any input the number of occupied hours will be found by the
array shape, i.e., it is assumed that the array is filtered by
occupied hours.
threshold: Threshold value for daylight autonomy. Default: 300.
A 1-dimensional NumPy array with the daylight autonomy for each row in
the input array.
check_array_dim(array, 2)
if total_occ is None:
# set total_occ to number of columns in array
total_occ = array.shape[1]
da = np.apply_along_axis(
da_array1d, 1, array, total_occ=total_occ, threshold=threshold)
return da
def da_array1d(
array: np.ndarray, total_occ: int = None,
threshold: float = 300) -> np.float64:
"""Calculate daylight autonomy for a 1D NumPy array.
array: A 1D NumPy array.
total_occ: Integer indicating the number of occupied hours. If not given any
input the number of occupied hours will be found by the array shape.
threshold: Threshold value for daylight autonomy. Default: 300.
A NumPy float of the daylight autonomy.
check_array_dim(array, 1)
if total_occ is None:
# set total_occ to number of columns in array
total_occ = array.size
return np.float64((array >= threshold).sum() / total_occ * 100)
def cda_array2d(
array: np.ndarray, total_occ: int = None,
threshold: float = 300) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate continuos daylight autonomy for a 2D NumPy array.
array: A 2D NumPy array.
total_occ: Integer indicating the number of occupied hours. If not given any
input the number of occupied hours will be found by the array shape.
threshold: Threshold value for continuos daylight autonomy. Default: 300.
A 1-dimensional NumPy array with the continuos daylight autonomy for
each row in the input array.
check_array_dim(array, 2)
if total_occ is None:
# set total_occ to number of columns in array
total_occ = array.shape[1]
cda = np.apply_along_axis(
cda_array1d, 1, array, total_occ=total_occ, threshold=threshold)
return cda
def cda_array1d(
array: np.ndarray, total_occ: int = None,
threshold: float = 300) -> np.float64:
"""Calculate continuos daylight autonomy for a 1D NumPy array.
array: A 1D NumPy array.
total_occ: Integer indicating the number of occupied hours. If not given any
input the number of occupied hours will be found by the array shape.
threshold: Threshold value for continuos daylight autonomy. Default: 300.
A NumPy float of the continuos daylight autonomy.
check_array_dim(array, 1)
if total_occ is None:
# set total_occ to number of columns in array
total_occ = array.size
return np.float64(
np.where(array >= threshold, 1, array / threshold).sum() / total_occ * 100)
def udi_array2d(
array: np.ndarray, total_occ: int = None, min_t: float = 100,
max_t: float = 3000) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate useful daylight illuminance for a 2D NumPy array.
array: A 2D NumPy array.
total_occ: Integer indicating the number of occupied hours. If not given any
input the number of occupied hours will be found by the array shape.
min_t: Minimum threshold for useful daylight illuminance. Default: 100.
max_t: Maximum threshold for useful daylight illuminance. Default: 3000.
A 1-dimensional NumPy array with the useful daylight illuminance for
each row in the input array.
check_array_dim(array, 2)
if total_occ is None:
# set total_occ to number of columns in array
total_occ = array.shape[1]
udi = np.apply_along_axis(
udi_array1d, 1, array, total_occ=total_occ, min_t=min_t, max_t=max_t)
return udi
def udi_array1d(
array: np.ndarray, total_occ: int = None, min_t: float = 100,
max_t: float = 3000) -> np.float64:
"""Calculate useful daylight illuminance for a 1D NumPy array.
array: A 1D NumPy array.
total_occ: Integer indicating the number of occupied hours. If not given any
input the number of occupied hours will be found by the array shape.
min_t: Minimum threshold for useful daylight illuminance. Default: 100.
max_t: Maximum threshold for useful daylight illuminance. Default: 3000.
A NumPy float of the useful daylight illuminance.
check_array_dim(array, 1)
if total_occ is None:
# set total_occ to number of columns in array
total_occ = array.size
return np.float64(((array >= min_t) & (array <= max_t)).sum() / total_occ * 100)
def udi_lower_array2d(
array: np.ndarray, total_occ: int = None, min_t: float = 100,
sun_down_occ_hours: int = 0) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate lower than useful daylight illuminance for a 2D NumPy array.
array: A 2D NumPy array.
total_occ: Integer indicating the number of occupied hours. If not given any
input the number of occupied hours will be found by the array shape.
min_t: Minimum threshold for useful daylight illuminance. Default: 100.
sun_down_occ_hours: Number of occupied hours where the sun is down.
A 1-dimensional NumPy array with the lower than useful daylight
illuminance for each row in the input array.
check_array_dim(array, 2)
if total_occ is None:
# set total_occ to number of columns in array
total_occ = array.shape[1]
udi = np.apply_along_axis(
udi_lower_array1d, 1, array, total_occ=total_occ, min_t=min_t,
return udi
def udi_lower_array1d(
array: np.ndarray, total_occ: int = None, min_t: float = 100,
sun_down_occ_hours: int = 0) -> np.float64:
"""Calculate lower than useful daylight illuminance for a 1D NumPy array.
array: A 1D NumPy array.
total_occ: Integer indicating the number of occupied hours. If not given any
input the number of occupied hours will be found by the array shape.
min_t: Minimum threshold for useful daylight illuminance. Default: 100.
sun_down_occ_hours: Number of occupied hours where the sun is down.
A NumPy float of the lower than useful daylight illuminance.
check_array_dim(array, 1)
if total_occ is None:
# set total_occ to number of columns in array
total_occ = array.size
if min_t == 0:
return np.float64(0)
return np.float64(((array < min_t).sum() + sun_down_occ_hours) / total_occ * 100)
def udi_upper_array2d(
array: np.ndarray, total_occ: int = None,
max_t: float = 3000) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate higher than useful daylight illuminance for a 2D NumPy array.
array: A 2D NumPy array.
total_occ: Integer indicating the number of occupied hours. If not given any
input the number of occupied hours will be found by the array shape.
max_t: Maximum threshold for useful daylight illuminance. Default: 3000.
A 1-dimensional NumPy array with the higher than useful daylight
illuminance for each row in the input array.
check_array_dim(array, 2)
if total_occ is None:
# set total_occ to number of columns in array
total_occ = array.shape[1]
udi = np.apply_along_axis(
udi_upper_array1d, 1, array, total_occ=total_occ, max_t=max_t)
return udi
def udi_upper_array1d(
array: np.ndarray, total_occ: int = None,
max_t: float = 3000) -> np.float64:
"""Calculate higher than useful daylight illuminance for a 1D NumPy array.
array: A 1D NumPy array.
total_occ: Integer indicating the number of occupied hours. If not given any
input the number of occupied hours will be found by the array shape.
max_t: Maximum threshold for higher than useful daylight illuminance.
Default: 3000.
A NumPy float of the higher than useful daylight illuminance.
check_array_dim(array, 1)
if total_occ is None:
# set total_occ to number of columns in array
total_occ = array.size
return np.float64((array > max_t).sum() / total_occ * 100)
def sda_array2d(
array: np.ndarray, target_time: float = 50, threshold: float = 300,
total_occ: int = None) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate spatial daylight autonomy for a 2D NumPy array.
array: A 2D NumPy array.
target_time: A minimum threshold of occupied time (eg. 50% of the
time), above which a given sensor passes and contributes to the
spatial daylight autonomy. Defaults to 50.
threshold: Threshold value for daylight autonomy. Default: 300.
total_occ: Integer indicating the number of occupied hours. If not
given any input the number of occupied hours will be found by the
array shape, i.e., it is assumed that the array is filtered by
occupied hours.
A NumPy float of the sDA as a percentage (decimal)
da = da_array2d(array, total_occ=total_occ, threshold=threshold)
sda = (da >= target_time).mean()
return sda
def ase_array2d(
array: np.ndarray, occ_hours: int = 250,
direct_threshold: float = 1000) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Calculate annual sunlight exposure for a 2D NumPy array.
array: A 2D NumPy array.
occ_hours: The number of occupied hours that cannot receive more than
the direct_threshold. Defaults to 250.
direct_threshold: The threshold that determines if a sensor is overlit.
Defaults to 1000.
A Tuple with two values.
- ase: NumPy float of the ASE as a percentage (decimal).
- h_above: 1D NumPy array of the number of hours above the direct
check_array_dim(array, 2)
h_above = (array > direct_threshold).sum(axis=1)
ase = (h_above >= occ_hours).sum() / array.shape[0] * 100
return ase, h_above
def average_values_array2d(
array: np.ndarray, full_length: int = 8760) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate average values for a 2D NumPy array.
array: A 2D NumPy array.
full_length: Integer to use as divisor.
A 1-dimensional NumPy array with the average value for each row in the
input array.
check_array_dim(array, 2)
avg_values = array.sum(axis=1) / full_length
return avg_values
def average_values_array1d(
array: np.ndarray, full_length: int = 8760) -> np.float64:
"""Calculate average value for a 1D NumPy array.
array: A 1D NumPy array.
full_length: Integer to use as divisor.
A NumPy float of the average value.
check_array_dim(array, 1)
return array.sum() / full_length
def cumulative_values_array2d(
array: np.ndarray, timestep: int = 1, t_step_multiplier: float = 1
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate cumulative values for a 2D NumPy array.
array: A 2D NumPy array.
timestep: Integer for the timestep of the analysis.
t_step_multiplier: A value that will be multiplied with the timestep.
A 1-dimensional NumPy array with the cumulative value for each row in
the input array.
check_array_dim(array, 2)
cumulative_values = array.sum(axis=1) / (timestep * t_step_multiplier)
return cumulative_values
def cumulative_values_array1d(
array: np.ndarray, timestep: int = 1, t_step_multiplier: float = 1
) -> np.float64:
"""Calculate daylight autonomy for a 1D NumPy array.
array: A 1D NumPy array.
timestep: Integer for the timestep of the analysis.
t_step_multiplier: A value that will be multiplied with the timestep.
A NumPy float of the cumulative value.
check_array_dim(array, 1)
return array.sum() / (timestep * t_step_multiplier)
def peak_values_array2d(
array: np.ndarray, coincident: bool = False
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Union[int, None]]:
"""Calculate peak values for a 2D NumPy array.
array: A 2D NumPy array.
coincident: Boolean to indicate whether output values represent the
peak value for each sensor throughout the entire analysis (False)
or they represent the highest overall value across each sensor grid
at a particular timestep (True).
A 1-dimensional NumPy array with the peak value for each row in the
input array, and the index of the maximum value representing the
timestep in the array with the largest value.
check_array_dim(array, 2)
max_i = None
if coincident:
array_summed = array.sum(axis=0)
if np.any(array_summed):
max_i = np.argmax(array_summed)
peak_values = array[:, max_i]
peak_values = np.zeros(array.shape[0])
if np.any(array):
peak_values = np.amax(array, axis=1)
peak_values = np.zeros(array.shape[0])
return peak_values, max_i